Wow macro emote sequence WoW Class Macros: Death Knight Macros; Druid Macros; Hunter Macros; Mage Macros; Monk I have just found an addon called Gnome Sequencer and i have done some testing with older macros that use 0’s im not that good with writing macros so i figured i would post here and see what you guys can come up with here is a link to gnome sequencer GnomeSequencer : Action Bar Mods : World of Warcraft AddOns and here is some info about it: This is a small Basically, you can have a cast sequence macro, but you can't make it reset after a fixed amount of time (all you can do is make it reset X seconds after the last time you pressed it). I found the macro on You can easily set it up to be random. I’m trying to make a macro to cast hunters mark first then cast aimed shot (aimed shot can be replaced by any other spell in multiple macros). BUT, it never hurts to build some /castsequence macros and test it out. copper . This chat message is often accompanied by audio and some character action. Classic Macros Guides. 3 BM Macro V2! In that macro i take out all Cobra shots, the castsequence row. Name your macro "Hello World" and pick whichever icon you want, then hit okay. What I do on my healers is make a macro that will trigger one spell or another depending on my target. Note that if you select the macro picture the first line of the macro will make this icon the fear spell, and will allow your usual tooltip to display. That will, on a button press, use the single emote command in front of " / ", if it's an eligible emote. Arcane Mage: #showtooltip #show Mirror Image /cast Arcane Power /use My friend remembers back in the classic days having a macro that would pickpocket, loot and backstab with one click. It is possible to specify modifiers inline with chat text to pass certain information with the "%" character: %f - This command accepts secure command options. Enter the chat command into the "Macro Command" box and hit Save. You can do this either by opening the main menu and selecting Macros, or by typing /macro (/m) in the chat box. And a regular click opens up That's what I want it to do. /emote polymorphs %f. /yell text You can also use /y, /shout, /sh. This seems like a simple thing, but it seems like no one knows how to do it. A macro is a list of slash commands. On the 3 key, I wanted to place my CC spells First, open up the macro window. I would appreciate any help from you. If no conditions are See more Creating macros in World of Warcraft (WoW) can significantly enhance your gameplay experience by automating complex sequences and allowing quick access to spells, its not a yell but my custom emote is. doesn't work, so only one emote works, which in this case, /slap. Would you still play WoW if it was totally single-player? 06:13 AM. But that's less predictable and will once in a blue moon emote twice in a row. This is for mind-numbing dps and isn’t recommended for optimal situations. /run local _,_,_,_,isActive=GetPetActionInfo(10) if not isActive and not GetUnitName("pettarget") then PetAttack() end /cast Arcane Shot Aspect of the Cheetah if solo, Pack if party /run if GetNumPartyMembers()==0 or GetNumRaidMembers()==0 then CastSpellByName("Aspect of 0. Otherwise, the macro will continue and announce through an emote what you have polymorphed. 2019: Added a PvP addon section with Spy Classic and Classic Castbars. 1: 4721: Any idea how to make this sequence shorter? How To's. resetcondition If you wish to specify a condition to reset the list, you may do so here. Hi - tried searching on the net but no avail - anyone have a good macro that works switching between Aspect of Cheetah and Hawk? Emotes are a special type of chat in WoW. Pet Macros [] All pet abilities in one button / AI [] 221 characters long to get the most out of all pet abilities, this macro will: If you have a Succubus out, cast Seduction on your focus. For example, I have, on my druid, my shapeshifts rebound to Shift-1 through Shift-5 (Dire Bear, Aquatic, Cat, Travel, Swift Flight). Whether you’re an irate dwarf who makes a flatulence joke every time he thunder claps, a warlock who announces the availability of lock rocks like These are two macros. Sends a yell message to all players within 400 yards. Hi ppl, 2 quick questions: Does clicking a macro too quickly (as in, before the GCD is over) cause it to cycle through spells without activating them? Does it simply skip over spells during the GCD? Does GS prioritize the ‘Pre-Macro’ and ‘Post-Macro’ sequence before the main section? For example, when I click this macro 3 times: Sequences[‘Sample_Macro’] = { specID Welcome to our Macros guide for Warlocks where you will find out what the best macros are for your Warlock in WoW Classic. Should work for farming or grinding. ) Lagavulin wrote: ↑ Thu Mar 30, 2023 10:54 am Hi, i'm sorry to open a new topic for something to easy to answer but i didn't find an answer elsewhere I'm an addict of macro pick pocket and when i try to make this macro : /cast Pick Pocket /cast Garrote (or something else) it doesn't work. dnd - /dnd,/busy - Marks you as "Do Not Disturb". To reset the sequence if something messes up, just push the shift button. Thread starter Matthew; it just lets you use your spells and abilities, even command your pet, eat or drink, emote or attack, in more efficient or complex ways. In addition, the WL mount could be dispelled in classic (not sure if this is still the case in BC) and using them triggers the 5 second mana regeneration timeout (thanks to u/ArgonianFly for the hint). The following is a list of Emotes that can be used in the game. I have the following macro which on its own works just fine: /cast Battle Stance /cast charge /cast Defensive Stance If I use it I charge and it switches to Def Stance right away. ? - command has not been tested or fully confirmed, or requires further clarification. I know how to use /script to /say a random choice of a list of phrases I input; is there a way to use it for /e? Wow macro tip: You can swap your talent specs with the /usetalents command. /kick is not in TBC and /cast slap, cheer, ty, etc. see all macro tips I want to know how to make my sequence macros switch icon with the spell that is up and going to be used next this is my macro i already have #showtooltip crusader strike /startattack /cast [mod:alt]eternal flame;!shield of the righteous GSE is an advanced macro compiler for WoW. Welcome to Macro-WoW. PreMacro = [[ THING TO DO ]], This is the premacro, and will be used everytime you press the button, before anything else in the macro happens. Get great Wow Funny Emote macros that work every time. Just like it says on the tin. Not recommended for any other use, since that will keep spamming the emote text in the chat box which will annoy people around you. What are your thoughts on it? Either way, the kindly folks of board 12 will probably soon Emotes are a special type of chat messages in WoW. Anyone able to help me out, i’m trying to create a Castsequence macro for my Enhancement shaman to counter the spell bloat, i like that we have lots of spells to use, but i am running out of binds. You can add conditionals such as "if i target myself, cast X, and if i target enemy, cast Y", and this lets you use two different GCD abilities, but if you just want "if X is on cd, use Y", short answer is, you cant. r/wow. I Action Blocks Explained - Repeat BLOCKS! Re-Uploaded - Video was broken. besides the p[ing time changes for me during game play My friend has a macro so that every time I levitate her, she spins her character around and spams "Carol Ann, Carol Ann, come to the light, Carol Ann!" Post by 354963 This post was from a user who has deleted their account. After casting an instant-cast demonic gateway, it takes a fraction of a second (0. #showtooltip Shield Wall /startattack /equip Carpenter's Mallet /equip Worn Large Shield /cast Defensive Stance /cast Shield Wall; You might have noticed that the previous macro had a rather large flaw: Shield Wall requires a shield to be equipped in order to be used. random(0,99); copper = math. Here you will find the highest quality of macro content, guides and news for World of Warcraft. Get great Wow rogues macros that work every time. /em spanks %T So Naughty! I get a lot of interesting comments. Unlike WoW's macros, it doesn't get hung up on the success or failure of the current actions. At the top of the window, you'll see two tabs: General Macros and Yourname Specific Macros. It is possible to specify modifiers inline with chat text to pass certain information with the "%" character: This Macro command list describes all of the macro commands (or slash commands) recognized in World of Warcraft. If Target Not Friendly, Heal Target's Target [] Unlike default emotes the opposing faction will not be able to read the details of your custom emotes, instead they see a generic emote <your name> makes some strange gestures. I tried on my priest like /castsequence heal, lesser heal I clicked on my toon and clicked the marco button, but it only casted heal then stopped. One will zoom in quickly, turn on camera shake, and turn off the UI like alt+z. 1 that have not been re-validated in newer patches can be found on the Old Mount Macros page. You need to increase the number for each line. The pre-macro. There's a command called /stopmacro which stops the macro based on conditionals. the last lines get cast first. i been using 0. Good luck anyway but I will be sticking to the standard macros. Removed Azeroth Auto-Pilot. /e bows to the king. I’ve tried this: #showtooltip Aimed Shot /cast Hunter’s Mark /cast Aimed Shot This only casts hunter’s mark, it won’t cast the hello, im trying to make a bust macro for my sub rogue but im running into a bit of problem getting this 1 part to work. Do it a couple of times and watch people freak out. World of Warcraft Ketho, I love your macro. Command MacroCrafter to create, manage, and deploy macros at the top of the meta. Topic Replies Views Activity; About the Lazy Macros category. It’s short and sweet. 4 Siege of Orgrimmar for Mists of Pandaria! Cool macros for Wow emote flavor text and funny Wow macros. For example, using the /thanks You can use a combination of macros and keybindings, but if a keybinding and a macro would respond to the same key combination, the keybinding takes precedence. see all macro tips Emote Macros; Funny Macros; PVE Macros; PVP Macros; Other Macros; Strategy Guides; Macro How-to; Latest News; Blog; Contribute: Submit a Macro; Request a Macro; Forums; Community: My macros would be huge if I didn’t do it this way, since I often have two (or more) actions per keybind, which would make a mod: macro have 6+ actions which may either hit macro limits or be significantly complex when I need to change spells around. But there are ways around that: #showtooltip /run DKRoar = DKRoar or CreateFrame("Button", "DKRoar", nil, "SecureActionButtonTemplate") Just for clarification if you did not know for macros with multiple spells on the same gcd you have to hit the button multiple times, also you shouldnt need to do cast sequence you should just be able to do showtooltip /cast Apocalypse /cast Dark Transformation Get great Wow Funny Emote macros that work every time. It was a lot easier than scrolling through all those icons in game. Here's the one I use for death Grip that has a 10% chance to say "Get over here!". For example emote only 1% of the time. You could combine it with a line from the macro above to hide the UI and take a screenshot with one button. com is dedicated to providing the highest quality of macro content, guides, and news to World of Warcraft players. random(0,99) /script SendChatMessage("pickpokets ". What is a macro? Macros are short code scripts that help players combine spells and abilities to perform powerful combos. The reset parameter resets the macro after 10 seconds. In reality, the mana is negligible. ) But you can do modifier macros. This macro is working perfectly. A long time ago, I used WowWiki to find the filename of an icon I wanted for a macro, then edited the macros. 05 Jan. I'm trying to create a macro that casts Recklessness and Death Wish, and my Trinket and potentially also a potion. 50ms its not realiatic to mash a button that fast ive been top of da meters at . text Text to send It is possible to specify modifiers inline with chat text to pass certain information with the "%" character: %f - Inserts the name of the current focus target or "<no focus>" into the It is possible to make any 1 key macro for any class as long as WoW still use the priority system, become the /castsequence reset=0. I want a macro that I can use in General or Trade channels that plug in random numbers. I've tried cast sequence macro's different types of target macros. for example: reset=17, u click it to cast DG, the timer of 17 sec starts, the global after u click it again to cast CB, wich sets the remaining timer to reset back to 17 sec, 12sec later to activate the cast of 2nd CB the timer goes from 5 sec left back to 17 sec, the moment u successfully toss the 2nd CB is I would like to make a macro so that when I spam it, each time I press it, it targets the next person in the list. This macro guide will help you get the most out of when and how to use wow macro commands in customizing your own macros for Wow. This chooses a random "Polymorph" spell and casts it on your focus target if it is unfriendly. I just want a macro that will cast some spells in What is a macro? Macros are short code scripts that help players combine spells and abilities to perform powerful combos. Actually this macro works well, but it would be perfect if we could add Rend in the rotation with an auto refreshment, and put a modifier to dump rage with whirlwind. It just sends the commands to WoW and moves on to the next line. 4 Siege of Orgrimmar for Mists of Pandaria! Rogues are the opportunists of World of Warcraft. Post by Coldkil /castsequence resets automatically when it reaches the end of the spell list. "c from you. Then i made a new macro as Zink typed and called it COBRA Last i typed in Abobunnys macro on first row in keypress like this: Just add about 5 more smites to the end of the macro. /e sits down at the table and begins to eat. 20 Jul. /castsequence options resetcondition spelllist none options Cast options to modify the cast. bind your macro to an action bar button or a hotkey and press it repeatedly to advance through the sequence of actions you set up. To use a slash command, enter its name preceded by a slash, and followed by any parameters the command takes into the chat box (for example, /say Hello Azeroth!). If you're willing to select the person, you can use %t in the text which will insert the targets name: Hi Guys, I need your help as I just do not know enough about WoW macros. I keybound the macro below to make it easy to thank all the cool players out there, without having to click on them or type anything out. Terryn is a long-time wow player, having played the game since Christmas 2004, and has raided in every expansion in some fashion. join - /join,/channel,/chan - Joins or creates a user-created chat channel. let me put for examaple Kill command and Focus fire together so that it uses the one thats up and not relaying on a sequence macro or a key modifier? That should add a visible yell emote to the macro. This shaman cast sequence macro is for running away in pvp. I've even put the second renewing mist into a separate macro on my action bar and having the first macro /click multibarleftbutton10 for example to click that macro. silver . Starting a Macro. Eg. text The emote text It is possible to specify modifiers inline with chat text to pass certain information with the "%" character: %f - Inserts the name of the current focus target or Wow cast sequence macros. Stop casting/clear target. Something like that : #showtooltip Enveloping Mist “Very important - In order for this macro to be used as intended, you have to add the following line: /target [@mouseover,help] in the body of the macro created by GSE” It worked last time I played, but now (6mos later) it’s spamming Soothing Mist even AFTER changing the macro later) it’s spamming Soothing Mist even AFTER changing A command is something that starts with a /. Do you have a short and sweet macro that will do the same thing, but only with random voice emotes? Even better, is it possible to disable the chat message and only hear/see the voice/animation? I have seen people saying castsequence doesn’t work, but others do. This command can be assigned conditions for smart usage, if your desired action has already happened r/wow. First one is one of the Posing Rangers Emotes, you got those through an Event a few Years back (but you can just buy them on the Cash-Shop nowdays). edit. To cycle through the spells and reset to the first evey 24 sec. 2, many spells have been renamed, and much of the scripted command functionality has been modified. Please don’t macro text to abilities that get used more than like once or This World of Warcraft guide covers the basics of macros, how to access the Macro functions, and how to start creating your own macros! We also list the most popular Say you want shadow word pain, mind blast, and your shield in a single keybind you could macro this; If you just press the keybind it will SW:P, if you hold shift when pressing Here are some examples of custom emotes and text commands that you can create using macros: Emote macro: /e waves to the crowd. it’ll nerf your dps and keep you from understanding and mastering your class /castsequence is also notorious for getting stuck Sends a yell message to all players within 400 yards. It is possible to specify modifiers inline with chat text to pass certain information with the "%" character: %f - Post by Nulgar You can use %t as a variable for your target in chat messages, including custom emotes. . /emote text Aliases /e, /em, /me Arguments text The emote text Text Modifiers . And i need to make more room for Arena1/2/3 macros and focus macros for pvp. Send chat messages including whispers, general and trade chat. Bind this macro to your mouse wheel. 1:32:20), and then event handler would a variety of common events, keydown, key up, buttons, mouse move etc, and then each event handler would check the work array for an emote to do, if that work item's time had come. Just be careful since targeting anything will make the /beckon work so you could spam everyone emote-wise. reset=10 means "after 10 emote - /emote,/em,/e,/me - Perform an emote with the given text. txt file to use that filename. 2-0. However, unlike castsequence, it uses macro text for the commands instead of spells, and it advances every time the button is pushed instead of Get great Wow Funny Emote macros that work every time. Combining the 2 things, the macro resets when one of the 2 conditions is met, whichever comes first. 20 Jan. /e sits down at the table So there's two ways to approach a macro like this. Forge your path to victory 🏅 I found the info I was referring to. 3,1,2,3 Asbobunny 8. Format is "reset=" followed by the reset condition, more than one condition may be set, Macro (WoW) Macro: A For our example we're going to create a simple macro that will use a /say command to talk and also use an emote action. About Us; Macro-WoW. Second line is 2, third line should be 4, and fourth should be 6. 1 Druid Macro Guide 2 Hunter Macro Guide 3 Mage Macro Guide 4 Paladin Macro Guide 5 Rogue Macro Guide 6 Shaman Macro Guide 7 Warlock Macro Guide 8 Warrior Macro Guide. Note if you do not use a reset=x -where x is a time frame in seconds- as you successfully cast spells it will stay on the next spell in the sequence (which can sometimes cause issues with some cooldowns and interrupted spells if I [WoW] Macro How To & My Macros. The following Sends a freeform emote to all players within 60 yards. 50. BONUS: Violence /console violencelevel 5 Sends a freeform emote to all players within 60 yards. It's not timed exactly, but you could use a random macro. because it will update at each step to give you a visual indication of where in the sequence the macro is, and just This player submitted Warlock cast sequence macro for Wow is a basic casting sequence through most of your damage dealing spells. " Where Bill is the one using the macro, and Joe is the targeted player character. Useful Macros for Healers (class independent) [] The following are macros applicable to all healing classes. But, in many of the situations where you want to quickly swap to Defensive Stance and activate it, Send a freeform emote to the players around you. Also, what is that emote? :0 That's 4 Emotes in total. Common slash commands include the following: /say (/s) /whisper (/w, /talk, /t) /reply (/r) /emote (/e, /em, /me) /dance With macros, these commands can be used from action buttons, and many of them can be used at once. You can replace the Thank emote with anything else of course. I do not know why this is happening or what triggers it. For World of Warcraft on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "teabag marco help?". Say you want shadow word pain, mind blast, and your shield in a single keybind you could macro this; #showtooltip /cast [nomod] shadow word: pain Get great Wow Funny Emote macros that work every time. basically. This is for Classic for a Warrior. What I already know or use, equip macro is: “/equip BagId slot” and “/use 15” Specifically I want to equp&use the “Wrap of Unity” Cloak to get to Stormwind and THEN equip my old Cloak again, with just one button (pressed 3 times of course). In World of Warcraft: Classic, you can make your character "emote" by using predefined slash commands. Hi everyone, I’ve only found old forum posts on how to do this but none seem to work for me. Pressing the macro when you are already mounted will do the 'mountspecial' emote (rearing, growling, stretching). 4 Siege of Orgrimmar for Mists of Pandaria! Wow Death Knight macros for increasing rune generation, better dps and all around DK pvp macros. I want one to cast my maelstrom builders: Stormstrike, Crash Lightning, Ice Strike, but to Emotes are a special type of chat in WoW. /e, /em & /me always starts the emote with your name just like the default Hello, I’d like to create a macro to help me manage the upcoming “Blessing of the Seasons” spell (Night Fae paladin ability). this solved my issues. Sends a freeform emote to all players within 60 yards. e. All command names are in lower case, although WoW is not case sensitive for typing commands. The only times a macro can use multiple abilities with one button press is if one or more of the abilities are both 1) not on the Global Cooldown (GCD); and 2) are instant-cast. 2019: Added new macros and the addons Details, Twitch Emotes, ClassicThreatMeter, and changed some of the GitHub addon links to Curseforge for easier access. The value associated with the first satisfied condition will be interpreted as described below, and an action will be performed at the condition target (or your current target, or the implied target if the condition did not specify an explicit target). Death Knights are a very powerful melee class with complex priority rotations. Fixed now New Tutorial for the new Actionbar Override to allow Clickable Sequences New Protection Warrior Build Video Logitech Spam Key Tutorial How to get up and running and macro tab tutorials Sequence Building Tutorials (Watch me Build Sequences) New tips and t I found this macro a while ago and it also works in Classic: /script silver = math. But there are ways around that: #showtooltip /run DKRoar = DKRoar or CreateFrame("Button", "DKRoar", nil, "SecureActionButtonTemplate") What is the sheath and unsheath weapon macro? Emote means to express emotion. it refuses to let go of the nearest target till its dead, then moves to the next nearest target. We encourage you to comment and contribute to our extensive collection of WoW macros. It makes for a fun start to a dungeon and is a great ice breaker. How To's. I haven't checked it at all, but you could try setting it to . We are dedicated to improving the gameplay experience of our favorite MMO for our fellow gamers. like us on Facebook get email updates share your macros follow on twitter What this macro does, is that it change your current stance to Berserker Stance regardless of which stance you are and it will cast Berserker Rage. Sequences['ProtST'] = {Replace ProtST with whatever you want to name your macro, leave the rest of the line alone. WoW Class Macros: Death Knight Macros; Druid Macros; Hunter Macros; Mage Macros; Monk This /castsequence guide is for building macros under fixed Auto Shot gap conditions. leave - /leave,/chatleave,/chatexit - Leaves a user-created chat channel. 03 Sep. 05 for a 5% chance, and put "/threaten" in the chat part. Arguments [] text Text to send. Retail Classic TBC Cataclysm You can macro as many off-gcd abilities as you want, but only one GCD ability. [/quote] The cast sequence reset=0. 2020: Split the page into Shaman macros and Shaman addons. However, a fast casting BM hunter probably shouldn't be worried about tiny delays in Auto Shot. They need exact timing and precise reaction to numerous situations. The following is a list of emotes that can be used in the game. WoW WoW. So I made this macro: #showtooltip /cast Soulburn /cast [@cursor] Demonic Gateway /use Gateway Control Shard The purpose was to have an instant GTFO button, but it doesn’t quite work. This is an article on making a macro. Macro Formatting Guidelines []. If your target is currently a friendly target, the macro will stop. And that's what's not working. /stopmacro will stop anything below this line from activating. You can put multiple commands on a macro! The macro will typically try to do them all at the same time, with a priority from top to bottom. like us on Facebook get email updates share your macros follow on twitter WoW's macro system is deliberately unable to cast multiple spells with a single keypress except in very specific circumstances; this is to discourage botting/cheating. 3: 117: September 30, 2024 Dont understand how to install and use. com. Note: With the release of 6. Cheers! /target [@mouseover] /thank /cleartarget What is the /sit command in macro form for classic WoW? Fury Warrior here. usually spell lock is it, in some cases shadowfury casts on my position which is what I want but then spell lock and mortal coil does not precede it. I had the same idea, but emotes would go on a global work array with their time to execute (e. For a video, you could make a macro (write /m) and write /applaud in the macro. I found one that works, it applies Hunter’s Mark and my little hardy charges my target but a big pop-up tells me I’m using something outside of the Blizzard UI function and I’m not really sure what I’m doing wrong that As a warrior, I appreciate all buffs that people throw on me while on the go. You can also use /me. in-game tools which allow you to sequence spells together, create custom names and icons, cast different abilities depending on whether the target is friendly or hostile, define targeting conditions, and much Welcome to Macro-WoW. Macros > New Pick a name and an icon. I still cannot click once and get 2 or more emotes to happen at the same time or once after another. It also tried like /castsequence holy fire, smite, shadow word: pain it only casted the 1st spell then stopped. These emote commands can also be used in macros. Who doesn't want a /roar with your Battle Shout. g. like us on Facebook get email updates share your macros follow on twitter A World of Warcraft community for exchanging macros. REMOVED - Removed completely from WoW, information is retained here for Greetings, Is it possible to throw in an emote while using a mod button from a macro? The macro looks like this, and executes the following. It then casts Ghost Wolf so you can run away. Search: Search. This is a question about roleplaying macros, so I wasn't sure if I should post it here or on the Lore & Roleplaying board, but I figured the UI & Macros people would know the answer to my question. So you World of Warcraft included the following emote commands as a special type of chat communication. "s and ". So: /me pokes %t's face or something like that. Say this: /say Let's dance! /dance The macro has two commands; the /say command and the /dance command. r/wow Monk macro pls . Conclusion This is how to build a macro for your current gear/spec/conditions around you. Ethereals as new playable race ? Yes or No ? 05:47 AM [Concept] Multi-Classes which will wait a certain time then perform something like a say command or an emote, but no legal macro will allow you do to anything beyond a cosmetic level in terms of waiting. This article describes all of the macro commands (or slash commands) recognized by World of Warcraft (without addons). Each Please note the bold is what is cast with the modifier pressed and everything after the semi-colon is the sequence. (Note: You have to press it twice) /run texture,name,isActive,isCastable = GetShapeshiftFormInfo(3); if isActive then CastSpellByName("Berserker Rage"); else CastSpellByName("Berserker Stance"); end My friend macro'd the /train emote to his charge. this is what i have right now. Drag the macro to your action bar, hide your UI and press the button. First is, you can use fallthrough. Here's my favorite warlock macros: Make a macro to put your pet on defensive and attack. Inspiration pulled from the following emote macro. Emotes help you act out an emotion or feeling to another character in WoW without directly saying it. guild - /guild,/g,/gc - Sends a chat message to your guild. Each macro is tested in World of Warcraft patch 5. You can create your own emotes by starting the emote using the slash command /e, /em & /me. Second one (the Dragonball Style Aura) is called "Power Up", that one is strictly a Cash-Shop Emote. /say I am a cunning rogue. It's because the entire macro is executed at once, so every /in 2 you have will show up two seconds after the first line. I always forget to equip my old cloak again xD Could someone help me out? WoW Lazy Macros Lazy Macros Professions How To's User Interface Add-ons. Wow macro tip: Using [party] as a conditional will return true only when you are in a party. If you have no target, the variable will be replaced with <no target> There's also Basic guide on WoW Classic Macros with a few broken down examples showing how they work and how to write your own - plus a useful levelling macro with reset=10 forcing the macro to reset back to the start of the sequence after 10 seconds; Summary Hopefully this guide helps - it isnt intended to be a list of macros to copy and paste First, open up the macro window. If your character is called "Pinky" then running this macro puts "Pinky gives you a thumbs up" in the chat window. /say I am a skilled mage. It puts emote text in chat saying "With a finger deep in one nostril, you pass the time I know there’s a UI and macro forum but it appears to be for retail and I don’t know if the parameters that affect macros and etc are different or not, so I thought this the best place to ask. Here are some examples of custom emotes and text commands that you can create using macros: Emote macro: /e waves to the crowd. I have a couple questions for you. How can i make a macro to laugh at target after cast a spell like Immolate? Loading. Get great Wow death-knight macros that work every time. It casts Frost Shock first, which slows the enemy down. Some of them have associated animations and sound; Unfortunately, RunMacro is protected, even macros, as code executed by a keypress, can't use it, else we could simply call another macro that checks for combat status and stops or uses the roar emote. And get rid of cast sequence macros, those are trash, you should put your DoTs on targets that make the best use of your time/mana/resources, not in a specific order due to a single button. → Slash commands Cast spells in successive order. My main from that date to the launch of classic was a female blood elf rogue. Some of them have associated animations and sound; if the table has an 'X' in the Anim column, it means it has an i don’t recommend /castsequence for your rotation. Its getting hung up by casting renewing mist on the focus target twice. Things like emotes, such as /dance are commands. I don't want to make 10 different charge macros and eat up all my macro space. the emote gave enough time to resolve the loot before attacking closed the window Reply reply Run away with Frost Shock and Ghost Wolf macro. " /dance " or " /laugh " - no quotations or spaces. For instance: I have A, B, C, D, E in my macro. Improve this answer. These commands generate a chat message (typically in a special color) that describes what your character is doing. Shrazer-twisting-nether September 8, 2020, 9:52pm 3. 2020: Added Details TinyThreat meter, GatherMate2, DejaClassicStats, ItemRack, WeaponSwingTimer and a ton of PvP addons. A simple Cast Sequence macro could look like /cast reset=target Moonfire, Sunfire, Any emote. 12 Aug. ", EMOTE) The first line stores two random numbers for silver and copper. Mount macros written before Patch 3. Unfortunately, RunMacro is protected, even macros, as code executed by a keypress, can't use it, else we could simply call another macro that checks for combat status and stops or uses the roar emote. How would I make a macro saying "My-Character does X with Targeted-Character" ? Example: "[Bill] punches [Joe] in the face. Name it. However, when I’m in a zone I can fly in, spacebar launches me in the air? How do I emote in a zone where I can fly? Thank you in advance. This macro will perform the specified emotes in sequence. Lazy Macros. They call us lazy, we call it smart. Share. #showtooltip /cast [mod:shift] Basic Campfire /equip [mod:shift] Chef’s Hat /cast [nomod] Cooking It’s pretty straightforward here, Holding shift opens up Basic Campfire + equips my Chef’s Hat. Guides. Somebody have an idea how to do so ? This swap bar macro set uses Rend ahead of TWO Thunder Claps, and works quite well. dantey wrote: ↑ Sun Jan 22, 2023 2:23 pm I hope it is a right place to post this here, Hey I’ve been trying to figure out how to get a pet attack macro going here. Text command macro: /say I am a brave knight. Like a /castsequence macro, it cycles through a series of commands when the button is pushed. 1 Aura; 2 Auto attack; 3 Bandage; 4 Blessing of Freedom; 5 Blessing of Might; 6 Blessing of Protection; 7 Blessing of Wisdom; 8 Blessing of Sacrifice; 9 Cleanse; 10 Consecration; Turtle WoW Wiki is Create WoW Macros In Seconds. Question Hello everyone, is there a way to make a macro for Transcendence and change to Trancendance : Return with a modifier key? found this one but doesnt work, any ideas? #showtooltip /cast [modifier:alt] Transcendence; Transcendence: Transfer Thanks in advance Welcome to our Macros guide for Mages where you will find out what the best macros are for your Mage in WoW Classic. Sometimes a character is more than just a character, and if you’re like me and you get overly sentimental about fictional characters, you might even want them to exhibit certain personalities while in the thick of battle. The word "Emote" indicates that you are communicating an action, not directly saying something. 6: Then, if you want to be just a *bit* more complex, you can have fun with the "/emote" command: /emote gives you a thumbs up. It gets old really fast though, lol. This makes me sad. (This is also why the hunter 1 button rotation macro will not work in Classic TBC. You may specify modifiers inline with chat text to pass certain information with the "%" character: %f - Inserts the name of Official subreddit of Asmongold (as seen on Netflix) aka ZackRawrr, an Austin, Texas based Twitch streamer, YouTube personality, and gaming organization owner and content creator of One True King (OTK), a group of mostly Austin, Texas based content creators and owner of Starforge Systems, selling prebuilt gaming PCs. Now, to save myself a button on my action bar I want to change it so that if I press a Post by Omranx Hello i am looking to make a macro but i dont know how to write the macro should do the following: 1- Cast an offensive ability or spell at the current target enemy Go to wow r/wow. 3 1,2,3,X. World of Warcraft Forums Macro cast a spell + laugh at target. like us on Facebook get email updates share your macros follow on twitter Much of this article was written by Cogwheel (WoWInterface user Cogwheel). UI and Macro. 045 ms that seems crazy to me. Sign in to edit History Talk (0) Contents. 0. Holding down alt will summon a 'showing off' ground mount. It says: GSE allows you create a sequence of macros to be executed at the push of a button. Why? There is this meme that Warlock and Paladin mounts cost mana for their cast while not actually giving any tangible benefit in return. /emote text You can also use /me. Wow toxic /cast immolate /laugh. The command names are not case sensitive, and you may combine multiple So for the above example, it would be exactly the same as if you were to just use the Marrowrend ability with no macro. Once the GCD activates the macro will stop functioning and nothing after it will happen. Frost Shock is on the GCD, so you will have to push the button twice. I went through every single Paladin Macros. If not set to passive or currently attacking. (to get the frame around your macro, don't forget to add space before you start your macro) Example Macro [] /y Hooray, I made a macro! Use: This yells, "Hooray, I made a macro!" Works in 3. Hi, I want to equip anything in a castsequence. I tried /cast Pick Pocket /cast Backstab. Outdated Macros . I can make a mouseover macro fro a spell but I can’t figure out how to do it for an emote? Any tips would be appreciated. Adjust numbers as necessary to time the reading. A comprehensive list of WoW Hunter Macros for Beast Mastery, Marksmanship, Survival, PvP and more updated for Shadowlands. Post by 445032. General macros are stored on an account-by-account basis and are shared by all your characters. What I want to do : press the macro once to place the first blessing on player Bob press the macro again to place the second blessing on player Alice and so on What I tried: /castsequence [target=Bob] First Blessing, [target=Alice] Second Type /macro and your macro ui should pop up; Add a new macro and call it GnomeExample1; Add the macro to the action bar and click it; You should see Executing macro 1! Executing macro 2! Executing macro 2! This is a Easy way to test if GS is working then all you need to do from there is create new macros with the name of the Sequences 18 Nov. 3. So with that macro, you would hold shift to summon Daisy, then manually target her and click on the macro again to have her climb on your back. 2019: I just want to have a macro where when I charge I yell different things. Well here is another Druid macro that will help, while also showing an example of using a mod criteria and a cast sequence command! /cancelform /cast [mod:shift]Gift of the Wild Yes if the cost of the ability stays the same then When I’m in a zone I can’t fly in, I press spacebar and the dragon roars or blows fire. /castsequence reset=30 Shadowstep, Cheap Shot, Symbols of Death, Shadow Blades, Unchained Aspirant’s Badge of Ferocity, Shadow Dance, Echoing Reprimand(Kyrian), Eviscerate, Marked for Death, Arcane Shot and pet attack. Ive been playing with it since I made this thread and so far, knock on wood, its worked exactly how I wanted it to every single time. Is it possible to include that sequence in this GS macro? Is there a way to add a specific delay in macros between two actions, like between an announcement of the coming cast and the cast? I would like to give my friendly target some seconds to prepare for getting a certain cast (Power Infusion) in order for them to be able to utilise it most efficiently. Use /s if if u set a specific time, the timer resets to that time each time u click the macro. Reply With Quote. I've been attempting to change around things in the macro, but it only ever casts one spell. This allows for creative To make it easy to switch between gear sets, you'll need to make the following macro and place it somewhere that you can comfortably click while in combat (so that you can wear a sword/shield in Arms/Fury if you are suddenly forced to hold aggro for a moment, maybe the tank is stunned or dead, or maybe something is rushing the healer that the tank can't get to. You can’t compete with the default UI and no macros. I started playing WoW in early 2007, not long after BC launched. and the macro will stop, if any spell in the sequence cannot be cast for some reason, but that can't happen with Totems. Commands are the first part of the Wow macro syntax: /command [conditionals] spell Above is the correct command macro syntax. system will cast the spell base on a priority order, i. 2024: Page updated for Classic Anniversary. 5 sec) for the gateway to actually form, but the macro /uses the gateway control shard However, once in a while the macro would double-cast Corruption (the first spell in the castsequence) two or three times before moving on to the second spell in the sequence which is a waste of mana and GCD. #10: Screenshot /run Screenshot() This macro will take a screenshot, like the print screen key. I tried copying the one from WoW Tavern, but it doesn't work: #showtooltip Recklessness /cast Berserker Stance /cast Recklessness /cast Death Wish /use 13 /use 14 /use Potion of Speed I play on an RP server and one of my characters is a fortune teller, I’d use a few variations on the same macro that would essentially boil down to “/e draws ” from a prewritten list spread across a few separate macro buttons because of both character limit and to make sure my tarot card reading gnome wouldn’t draw Death three times in a row. These are the same as cast, see that page for details. lfhvb ujsarg aqg aor sllqj hyt nqzun lqvbh xcmplqx rlftv
Wow macro emote sequence. [WoW] Macro How To & My Macros.