Wot best tier 9 2020. They are all the same.
Wot best tier 9 2020 ” The player-run World of Tanks Blitz Community for iOS, Android, Mac, Windows, and Nintendo Switch. TDs: most lines are at their best at tier 9, for tier X the 268v4 or T110E3 are good assault TD's, strv is nice for sniping and/or bullying low caliber tanks. The Best SPGs at Every Tier in World of Tanks in 2025 Reading 13 min Published by July 31, 2024 Confronting the enemy in a face-to-face tank battle is an honorable and sometimes heroic task, and its outcome depends on a combination of The player-run World of Tanks Blitz Community for iOS, Android, Mac, Windows, and Nintendo Switch. Much better than T-54 in today's meta. Some of my favourite 9-10 setups: HSTV-L hull + Export turret + 75mm XM274 (one of my favourite setups in the game, same with the next one) Type 74 hull + BMD-4 turret + 145mm XL1K (insanely fun) Type 74 hull + BMD-4 turret + 125mm 2A46M Speedsta II + 75mm XM274 -Type 96A hull + Type 96 turret + 120mm L/44 Let’s start with the heavies. So many are so good. 4 km/h). Apex Legends is a heart-pounding battle royale experience featuring a diverse cast of 26 unique characters, each with extraordinary abilities. 4 second TTK. Hey, I want a better hull for my 9-10 setup. 5 since there aren’t any crazy wn8 “farming” tanks at 9 or 10. Usually almost a tier 10 yourself so you don't struggle in any MM. VK needs to reload 9 times, 9 x 3. For me it is much better than tier X - mostly because you find yourself quite alot in tier 8 - tier 9 battles and that thing is simply unstoppable. World of Tanks has revealed how the T26E4 Super Pershing tank is so effective despite its apparent lack of speed and mobility. Posted on 1 October 2021 1 October 2021 by demostene. Even if it isn't as good, it's 95% the same and therefore still high up the list. . Share Sort by: Best. I get Tier 10 matches when I’m playing in a Tier 8 on a regular basis and I do fine because I don’t go looking for stand up fights. AFAIK the T8 Premium with the highest credit bonus is the Type 59. Sort by best. First shot is already loaded so the M6 needs to reload 5 times, 5 x 5. 35; Penetration--121 mm; Top Speed--24 km/h; Thickest Armor--75 mm; View Range-- 340 m; Conclusion. French arty is fast and has good RoF but rather low alpha. Can do the other set of missions so just in general it's safer to farm with them. I think, the E-50 is tier for tier better then the E-50M and if you want you can have the same pen in tier 9 as the tier 10 counterpart. Only the newly-added isu-152k has a chance. Performs far better than the tier 10 tier-for-tier. The 777 and AE compete with each other, the AE prefers hulldown while the 777 prefers sidescraping. And the leo is actually the second best after patton/type. Chieftain - 121% damage in tier and 115% compared to other T-10 heavies. This sub is for the free Depends what you want, and for what tier. Statistically (winrate) at tier eight the French one is the best. Not really. And it has 330 pen HEAT as premium same as a tier 9 & 10 Russian medium. However it's not till Tier 9 when you get a "real" gun. You can also do a lot of personal mission using American arty. If you are bringing arty, it will be usually 1 or 2 CGC for maps with decent arty cover, M53/55 (tier 9) for when the arty will be expected to aggressively relocate, or occasionally GWE100 on open flat maps like prokhorovka. t54 mod1 is another It's the competitive tank because it's the best tier 8 light tank. Guns are punchy. Those are your most reliable credit maker sources that you can get for free 100% without wasting bonds. The super high pen guns/gold spammers will still make it a little difficult bottom tier, but what tier 8 doesn't struggle at all at bottom tier?! The kampfpanzer 50t is pretty great at tier 9. the 703 II is still great and still among the best tier 8 premium heavies after those two. 160% damage compared to other tier 4 mediums. 90 mm D. We cannot have a light tank list without the new armored vehicle taking the spotlight. The Panhard soars through the sky. Let's meet these tanks now! What are the best tank destroyers for Every Tier? Tier II. They pay for their power by being gimped with bad mobility, low camo, glacially slow reloads, terrible gun handling or poor gun elevation/depression/firing arc. E-50M is completely not meta but it's also hilarious to ram tier 10 heavies for 500-800hp. Lorraine . For tank destroyers, I’d recommend the Obj. Ri. World of Tanks . Sides are epic too! Last month they gave away the T34-85 which in my opinion is one of the best medium tanks tier for tier. New Tier 9 is a weird ass tier so this list can somewhat consider to be alright, but what with the T30 The Panther M10 is without doubt the more flexible of the two. The dpm on the tier 8 is also kinda bad, but the clip potential is solid. AMX for good spotting and cleaning up late game. The tank has minimal weaknesses. It arguably has the best armor in the game, is a very newbie-friendly tank to play, and has an amazing pen as well. reReddit: Top posts of June 2020 The player-run World of Tanks Blitz Community for iOS, Android, Mac, Windows, and Nintendo Switch. New World of Tanks has released its monthly rundown for December on YouTube, with an extensive list of Christmas holiday features and events. The cupola on top is squishy but tiny, the lower plate is worth 240mm so it has even a fair chance of stopping tier 10 standard shells and it should block the majority of tier 8 guns. Or, should I just go for a Most of the tanks here are not really worth it since facing tier 8 and 9 tanks really put your patience to the test with them. Not all tanks in World of Tanks are created equal. Top 5 WoT Tanks selected for Boosting your win rate For tier 9 tanks I really enjoy my Skoda t50, e75, conqueror, Waffenträger Auf Pz. Lowish ammo count. produced by Netmarble. Top posts of August 31, 2020. But you’ll need to be a good player to make that thing work. Controversial. That doesn't mean you should go a tier 8 if you're only playing tier 4 tech tree tanks, but still. Unless you can penetrate 152mm of commander hatch armor. Run by players not WG. Regardless, E50 or AMX 30 will be the next tier 9 med I go for. Super Pershing is shit and idc what anyone says. Also a decent tech tree that's just not meta. There are many fun tanks at these tiers. . We are using cookies to give you the best experience on our website. Mobility does suffer. This gun is the main reason why the enemy tanks will In this video you will see the top 5 best tanks of the 9th tier in World of Tanks0:00 Hey0:16 51:48 44:03 37:20 2 9:14 1If you hear a speech mistake, please ex-PRO FAME Player reviews all the Tier 9 tanks with arguments and places them in a tier list according to how good they are in randoms in World of Tanks. reReddit: Top posts of July 3, 2020. Top. Finally, the most consistent line for armor is the Badger line. The grind is also good, there's no stinker on the line. Lights: Manti for pure spotting. The 268 is basically the most basic and standard tank destroyer experience, so that will Speaking from experience I'd say tier 9 is the best tier to do pretty much ANYTHING in, and also from my playstle and statistics, mediums. Hi, I’m wondering if grinding British Arty line still have sense. In lower tiers, the list is too long to mention. ADMIN MOD Is e50 a good tier 9 medium? Question Im currently on panther 2 and that tank really sucks. I think it's OP. Related World of Tanks MMO Vehicular combat Of course if you want to inflict pain and misery and earn bonds while you're doing it, then the Obj 261 is the best arty at tier X to play. AMA I like it, it prints credit on tier X which is very nice. 1 (September 2020). View range 380 m. Damage inflicted at 2400 units/minute, when combined: To be fair it's hard to argue the BEST tier X medium. Its best played as a heavium, best to go fight with the meds rather than get yourself stuck into a head on heavy Brawl. So it's up to you what you buy but the best tier 8 meds are as goes: chimera, type 59, progetto 46, Lorraine, and ravioli. Despite this I think the Panther M10 is a better go-to tank. Best possible way to play World of Tanks reReddit: Top posts of October 30, 2020. 01 is a touch better (used to be a medium) the M6 is a joke, kv-2 can overmatch its rear armour, kv-2 is a bit of a glass cannon, however the 152 is the jewel, the KV-1S, T-150 and the KV-85 are all rounders, with a 122mm available for the its the typical t8 10. Lastly the Type 61 which has (I believe) the best DPM of tier 9 mediums if you can play it well. reReddit: Top posts of 2020 As xignaceh and ColorOfTheNight have said, dont waste blueprints on lower tier tanks. Tier 9 also might not be the best place to learn to click, whereas tier 6 is probably the sweet spot for arty beginners. It is basically what the K-91 should be but 2 tiers lower vickers leads ALL tier 9 tanks in damage per game Are we even playing the same game? The vickers is among the lowest dpm for single shot MTs/LTs, only beating the e50, cent 7 that has HESH so it really has higher dpm and the T92E1 that has bullshit alpha. reReddit: Top posts of November 2020. The best Tier IX World of Tanks vehicles by global win percentage, excluding premium and reward tanks. As the Princess of Hyrule, it is my duty to spread wisdom across the land. Patton tank, the best tier 7 in the game. ) For premium tanks you want to play the highest available tier which is tier 8. Side note, wn8 is almost misleading for the best players >4K because they’ve stopped caring about wn8 and only care about combined assisted + damage for leaderboards and MOE Wouldn't recommend for a new player but super rewarding for an experienced player. Tier 5-6 is the sweetspot for non premium tanks. Turret armor 15/10/10 mm. 7cm Pak (t) l43 of utmost performance. Tier 4-8 also has lots and lots of popular paper tanks (Hellcat, Type 64, Ikv65, French lights, Nashorn, Dicker Max, Rhm, T67, SU-130PM, M44, FV304 from the side), so it's got lots of good targets for that 410 dmg HE round. Gaming - December 25th 2024, 15:45 GMT+1 The 2024 Holiday Ops marked Wargaming’s first attempt at including Tier 9 tanks in loot boxes, but it felt like a failure. As long as you don't go for the WZ120 or most light tanks that aren't French wheeled lights you should be good 5 - At best, average tanks that end in one of the best sniping mediums in the game. My words weave courage in men and the power to conquer anything in their path. The end game for World of Tanks is getting to tier 10! It is that final tank in every line that you worked hard for a long time to be able to play and feel accomplished. 22 compared to 13. Hetzer will see the following tiers: Tier 4 battle: 3s and 4s Tier 5 battle: 4s and 5s Tier 6 battle: 4s, 5s, and 6s Since they gave tier 3 preferential matchmaking, tier 4 sees tier 3 tanks less. Make sure you play 3 battles a day and be top 3 and you can earn awesome things like booster packs, consumables, equipment, blueprints and premium tanks. [Top 5] Best Tier 9 Tanks In World of Tanks Blitz What is Up Tankers! Welcome to another episode of the best tanks for its tier special edition, in which we will talk about the best tanks for tier 9 We talk about the best because you know what IMHO it's the best tier 7 MT and comparing it to it's peers highlights how for the most part tier 7 MTs are weak to average with the exception of this thing. That thing has tier 8 armor practically. There are so many good heavy tanks, meds and TDs it's impossible to agree on one best tank. Kunze panzer . And it only gets better when you get the M Don't think it's the best tier 9 med but I think it's in the top few. Old. It used to be that they would also see tier 3s in tier 5 battles: If you want to F2P this game and do T9-10, you are bound to keep at least a couple T6-8 tanks, preferably premiums, to counteract the top dollar expenses for running top tier tanks. usa and germany arty is quite good tier for tier from tier 5 onwards, big gun and decent damage per shot. Stationary camo 22. In Tier 8, premium tanks is ten times better than any tech tree tank. Well in tier 8-9 mm you play vs a lot of mediums. The pen of 288 is best in class at tier 8 and is almost the best in tier 9 as well, only being beaten out by the tier 9 Swedish tank destroyer. Gaming. Sort by: Best. 01, better dispersion at 0. Medium- One of the best lines to play through, consistently competitive tanks that have great mobility and great guns. T-2020 is a joke, one of the worst ‘new’ premiums. My favorite tier 8 lately has been the 50tp prototype. 270mm gold pen isn't common for medium or heavy tanks at tier 8 so the Turtle is very comfy fighting hull down and melting all resistant. ELC EVEN 90 FL Tier VIII LT. The LT-432 is much more of a pocket medium, but starts to overlap with better tanks like the bourrasque/progetto if you're looking for the best. sta1 and sta2(good gun), all three being for their ridge work ability and just good rounded stats overall. Reply reply Wargaming recognised subreddit for World of Tanks Modern Armor on Playstation and I don't know why, since the tier 9 is so much better tier for tier. 31, better Aim Time at 1. 10. Global Release Date March 3, 2020. I don't really mind, as only Tier 9, so Tier 10s can deal with it. Best low-mid tier would be the Chinese - The 59-16 is just a better MT-25 with the 57mm - being smaller with better camo, the WZ-131 is a great combination of small size, good pen and good alpha, and the WZ-132 is a better 131. Don’t try to brawl Tier 8. Weight 6,425 kg. 1-8. Related World of Tanks MMO Vehicular combat game Gaming Action game Tier 9 is a wonderful land of balance and fun. VI - Stay clear from tanks like the M4A3E8 and the likes; Tanks like the Pawlack, Ji-Ro and Staghound are a must-avoid in most cases and basically any other tank you see underperforming. The gun: Quite possibly the best and most reliable gun on a tier 8 tank, this gun would be decent on almost any tier 10 tank. Thanks in advance Share Add a Comment. A great pick, which consists of view range and mobility combined Together; Armor is also decent to start off with. Members Online. The Best Tier X Vehicles in World of Tanks By global win rate. so considering this the view range doesn't really matter that much since Tier 10 tanks can go quiet easily over 445m. I'd also vote for T-44-100 as the best "all-rounder" in the non-tree category. Update. reReddit: Top posts of 2020 TOPICS. It is armed with 4. Top Posts Reddit . Progetto is amazing for sure, but T-44-100 has better DPM, armor and power-to-weight ratio. If you are for some reason just looking for the best tier 8 tech tree the Pantera is a good tank The player-run World of Tanks Blitz Community for iOS, Android, Mac, Windows, and Nintendo Switch. World of Tanks – new tier 9 premium tank – Cobra. In 8-9, I don't see a point to play any. Caernarvon Action X - Held by many as one of the, if not the, best premium heavy tanks at tier 8. 01. 919. Amy R. The problem is that when stock, it is absolute shit: you have shit depression, a pitiful 220 alpha, a soft turret and basically no engine power. Tier 9 has the best MM and is the most balanced imo. Members Online • shooting_star_2020. It is basically a step backwards from the panther 2. The whiney babes cried a cried about frontlines allowing tier 9. Your best bet for making money on T8 Prems are tanks that have high pen but low shell costs, like the Cent. Depending on which you prefer, these are imho the best: Tier VIII - Light: SU-130PM, Heavy: Jagdtiger 8. Valheim; Wargaming recognised subreddit for World of Tanks Modern Armor on Playstation and Xbox. Feels like I play tier 7 once every 20 games in my tier 9 tanks. I shouldn't have shot low tier enemy tanks. Tier 9 has ridiculous pen Tier 4 tanks do see tier 3 tanks, but only in tier 3-4 battles. At tier nine the French one is also the best (though statwise I think most people agree the American is the best). Top posts of October 2020. r/ShardItKeepIt was founded on the principle of whether a weapon should be kept or sharded. do not have chance of getting through. Best. We’ve opted not to include any of the game’s paid, premium tanks – not everyone will want to spend their hard-earned money Let's see what everyone likes at the best tier in the game! Share Add a Comment. For me personally my best credit maker is my Lorraine 40t. Can do a lot more damage when bottom tier than any lower tier can. The following are typically recommended as the best non-premium tier 5 tanks: KV-1, T-34, T-67, M4 Sherman, & Stug 3G. 8cm Tier IX - Light: Waffenträger auf Panzer IV, Heavy: T30 Tier X - Light: Grille, Heavy: Ho. The Emil 1 and 2 r both pretty slow tanks. 10 more for top 10 in 10 battles tier 9-10. Internet Culture (Viral) Amazing; Animals & Pets; After the release of the premium tank Great Britain with the new mechanics of double-barreled guns, it was only a matter of time before a full-fledged sub-branch would be tested. Cobra bypassed the Supertest in Public Test 1. 53 second TTK. 5/1 or the Spaghettio. Lower plate of Caern can be spanked. Reddit The best tanks based on view range are the Rhm Pzw and the Sheridan. Personally, I would The Soviet heavy tank This is the perfect tank to start the adventure with World of Tanks. 84. That's because the armour and model is a carbon Copy of the Sgt Slaughter (T54E2) so you've got the same armour as a tier 8 prem heavy. 6 T-150 8 - The armor makes this very forgiving for new players to play. World of Tanks Best American Tank For Every Tier; World of Tanks Best Autoloaders for Every Tier [Top 10] World of Tanks Best Tier 10 Vehicles; 0. 0 and considering the T26E5 or the AMX M4 49. 36. Just finished the Skoda T50 Best tanks for 2022 in World of Tanks [lwptoc hideItems=”1″] Here are the Best Tanks list for 2022 in the game World of Tanks: Tier 1 – Leichttraktor. Set in the Tbh ST 1 is the best armored soviet tier 9 HT, really nice gun, -8 of gun dep, turret that can easily eat tier 10 gold rounds (If you can hide that troll 250-260 effective cupola of course), godly sidearmor and really effective frontal armor (only bad sides I can think of are the mobility, which fixable with turbo and rather meh dpm I don’t really consider someone with borderline stats to be super uni unless their average tier is >8. Secondly, the Tortoise is a very powerful TD. It also boasts an excellent shot accuracy and good penetration as well. 10 points per day for being top 10 on your team in base XP in 10 battles in tier 2-8. I also created a survey with my favourites so farso please take a vote :) Export, HSTV turret, M68 It’s small enough to to hide behind most things, it has enough armor to block most shots hitting you in the front, and it has a fast reaload with high pen apfsds and high pen heat Wargaming recognised subreddit for World of Tanks Modern Armor on Playstation and Xbox. Its aiming time is decent, however, the penetration is only somewhat fixed by premium ammunition. On a side note, for the 2nd campaign you'll also need a soviet arty (tier 7 from the collectors shop is good enough, so you don't even need to grind any) and a french arty (I'd suggest the tier 7 as it is the most comfartable Dive into a world where legends clash and survival is paramount. Char 4 . the only current tier 9 Swedish medium tank gun is 10. One of the best tier 6 heavies when fully upgraded and using the 105. If you spec out both tanks with purple hardening + purple rammer + food + BiA + reload directive then the M6 kills the VK in 6 shots on average and the VK needs 10 shots to kill the M6. Reply reply More replies More replies. If you want to print money tier 6 is the best for non premium vehicles, tier 8 is the best for premium vehicles. Quite a few 9-10 tier tanks do above 700 dmg, previous heavy hitters like jagdtiger became pathetic giant hitboxes. SHARES. AMX 30 (tier 9), being a fast medium with good dpm, poor accuracy, and a decent-ish turret. 28 = 26. Show 50 results. 5cm strvkan L/51, the upgraded UDES 16 one, but that one has 390 alpha which is much more adequate for a lower RoF tier 9 WZ-111 model 5A: Position: 3: Tank name: WZ-111 model 5A: Global win percentage: 52,1%: Firepower and Gun Handling - WZ's Main armament, the 130 mm 59-130TA gun combines high DPM (2625 - among the highest of any heavy tank) with good alpha damage (490), decent penetration (AP 250mm, HEAT 340mm, HE 65mm) and workable 7° of gun depression (better I got every tier 10 arty so I think I can share you some of my views on grinding them. Tier 6, I would say Jumbo Sherman (E2) and KV-2 are the best. The t8 and t10 are considered to be one of or the best in there tier. Panzerjäger I is German Tier II Tank Destroyer. Na, 220 pen is kinda enough and if you realy struggle you can always switch to a nice prem round. T6 Medium American tier 4. Alike Somua S35, it is a medium tank, but its all characteristic points a heavy tank, more or less a turtle too. What tank is it? I didn't even know this tank was in the game. In addition, its good mobility and gun make it a beast in the 5th tier. If you are able to hide front hull, most tier 8 will be unable to pen you even with gold. Best possible way to play World of Tanks Top posts of May 9, 2020. you can keep the tier 6 M44(best tier 6 arty), tier 9 m53/m55 (best tier 9 arty). In Tier 9, Special tanks like KPZ 50t, or Concept 1B outperform the tech tree tanks as well. And with 500 rolls for 7. Again, super-blind like most sub-Tier 9 RU HTs. Noobs just gonna noob and play it like a KV-3 Best possible way to play World of Tanks 2020. Nazarii Verbitskiy. In this video you will see the top 5 best tanks of the 9th tier in World of Tanks0:00 Hey0:16 51:48 44:03 37:20 2 9:14 1If you hear a speech mistake, please A lot of fun to play. The BC12t is the best of the tier 8 tech tree lights, down to the autoloader. 4 Dispersion, below average soft stats), however, all things WoT Best Tier 9 Light Tank: Panhard EBR 90. I have like 20 premiums that I got from tank rewards. Best SPG accuracy in the game (all tiers). World of Tanks tweeted out on 22 November 2021 that “What the US tier VIII medium tank T26E4 Super Pershing lacks in speed and mobility, it makes up with toughness. The best tier for tier (in my opinion): 5: completely dominated by LeFH 6: M44 or AMX 13 F3 7: M12 or GwPanther 8: M40/M43 <- I used M12 and now this for the arty missions, they are decent enough. the french line is bad after tier 7 because the low per shot damage is too low to matter against tier 8+ tanks, and they never get better. TD - the SU-100M1 is one of the most op tanks at tier 7, it has tier 9 levels of frontal armor and good speed with decent dpm, the only downsides are sluggish traverse speed and poor accuracy. the e50 is sorta mediocre, but the panther is literally the best tier 7 german med. p is horrible, the vk. Learn more about the mechanics of guns with a choice of firing mode. Hello guys, I'm playing Wot again after a break of 6 years andlike to hear your opinion about your favourite Tier X Heavy. The 430U is on par with a lot of heavy tanks in armor with a fantastic gun and the E 50M is a brawling/sniping monster. A very good choice and is highly regarded. Q&A. Valheim; Genshin Impact; Minecraft; There are a lot of tanks at tier 10 that just aren't fun to play most of the time. Main advantage of p43 ter: T20-like gun handling, extremely good for a 90mm at this tier, extremely good for any MT at this tier. I know that late tier tanks like VIII and above are very very strong but when I’m playing in 2020 I can see only German arty (90% of all arty I would say) and that’s pretty weird Swedish medium tech tree is fun, especially the tier 6 is one of the best tier 6 tanks I’ve used :p , the line has meh armor tho (until you get the good turrets at tier 9 and 10), also only needs 3 crew members from tier 8-10 so you could assemble an all female crew easily You dont make money at tier 9 and 10. If you don't like SPGs, then The tier 9 is also amazing (T95). the germans? nope, the vk30. So it comes on sale but it's up to wg how often, looks quite random. The strengths of this armament are: The ability to accelerate to a marginal 65 km/h in 23 seconds. On the 7th line of the rating of light tanks is the American representative of the light tank class T49, which has Tier IX on the internal gradation of WoT and is sold in the regular store for 3. reReddit: Top posts of 2020   Tier 6 and 7 have their apecific playstyle because their guns are not very accurate. The player-run World of Tanks Blitz Community for iOS, Android, Mac, Windows, and Nintendo Switch. Ranking all Holiday Ops loot boxes in World of Tanks. The Strv 103b is a sniper with the best gun handling and accuracy in the game and the 3rd best dpm (right behind the Tortoise). The UFP is also very strong. Lights: Luchs -great mobility, camo, view range, great fun with the 3cm automatic gun M5A1 (chinese one) great mobility, camo, view range, accurate gun, BT-7 exceptional mobility and camo • It has the speed of 30 which is not much compared to other medium tanks. Still get tier 10 games where you can get more xp. But tier 8 and 9 are godly sniping tanks. Related World of Tanks MMO Vehicular combat game Gaming Action game forward back. to see if tank earns extra credits click research button in game, premium will say it earns extra credits, for your question, best money making premium is the tank you can play the best with, better your results the more money you will get currently prob. The armored vehicles overall have the best speeds in the game making them a whole lot of fun to drive The Best Replays World of Tanks channel is a community of players in the popular World of Tanks game. 7 seconds you just brutalize them. Otherwise, premium accounts and premium T8s are the only way to maintain a good score in Top tier tanks and have money left to even drive those tanks a second time. strong autoloader at tier 9 and I've been averaging almost 3k with it. Top posts of June 2, 2020. T-10 279 - 129% damage in tier and 123% compared to T-10 heavies. 274. Published: Jun 11, 2024. Lots of people also use gold ammo, so they should right through your mantlet. Hull armor 15/10/10 mm. Then you get indien which is good sniper, but not very mobile, so you cant relocate fast and effective. Open comment sort options. how was it bad? it The best heavy is the 703 II, the best TD is the Skorp and the two best lights are the EBR 75 FL10 and LT-432. New. M4A1 and PzVI H are classic Tier 5s. New comments cannot be posted. There's 3000 points for the free premium. 12 %. Best Tier 10 Tanks in WoT Blitz: Best tier 8 premium overall (most enjoyable and actually good). K-91 . 4. — Compared to other twin-barrel tanks, here a double-barrel shot is made Sure, Jagdtiger is worthy! I really enjoyed that tank. I suppose there's something inside me that finds it so satisfying to slap someone for near 1k damage in a heavy. Here you can watch the best replays from around the world and publish your battle. reReddit: Top posts of July 30, 2020. That said, there are some tanks that may behave better than average. 82 compared to 2. At tier ten the British one is the best. Tech tree tanks is for Tier 10. Light TDs need to be mobile and have a turret which makes them the perfect assassins. M4A1 has more depression & better VR, Pz IV H has more DPM/better gun handling and is faster. Yes, a year ago. Tier 8 has ridiculous camo. Image. 6. You get 100 per day just for playing a battle in anything that's not tier 1. These are the best tanks in tier 9. The best Tier X World of Tanks Vehicles by global win percentages, excluding premium and reward tanks. With the E8, look for opportunities where you can use the speed and mobility to get around the back end of the Tier 8 tanks and farm damage. At lower levels of play, you often see superheavies as an anchor for defensive strategies. Dpm--1639 Hp; Dispersion--0. IV, Leopard pta. reReddit: Top posts of May 2020. they are more fun to play however, since you can actually reposition and stuff. Save them for upper tier tanks that you find you dont want to grind, or want to speed up the grind. Lock me up please Top posts of November 9, 2020. it’s the sole reason why I stopped grinding the line in 2020 ProLordx • When i played is3 2016-2017 it was one of the best tanks on tier 8. Yeah, the only metric the Firefly has an advantage in for gun handling is dispersion when moving or traversing the turret, and ammo capacity. And then Leo pta and Leo 1 are amazing tanks excelling at sniping from the shadows like ninjas. They become ridge warriors at t8 and never look back. Leopard 1 is still the best sniper, the line is also an easy grind once you reach tier 8. However, rear turrets, awkward gameplay, and terrible gun depression makes this a hard pass for new players. First rule of tank club is we don't talk about artillery. 130mm of armor angled at 57 degrees will bounce some shots from tanks of the The player-run World of Tanks Blitz Community for iOS, Android, Mac, Windows, and Nintendo Switch. Tanks like the skorpion g, su 130 pm, etc. Hell I’d say worse than WZ-111 which is famous for being powercrept. We are not an The tier 9 and 10 are not as strong tier for tier as the tier 7 and 8 in the line. The M5 Stuart light tank offers good HP for its tier and a great top speed compared to other light tanks (64. Good mobility. KV-1 is not bad with the 122 either. From those above best for this job are: Tier 8 - KV-5, E75 TS,703, 53TP, FCM, Panther 2 Tier 9 - AMX M4 51, AMX 50 120, E50, Foch, K-91 PT, OB263 Tier 10 - ob260, IS-7, 277, E50M,268v4, Foch B, Foch 155,113, AMX 50B In 2021 it was availabnle 3 times + in advent calendarm and again only once in 2020. The 128mm gets 276mm standard pen, fully rotating turret, 3K DPM, and it's fucking cool to see the breach The tier 9 tanks are an assortment of some of the best tanks in the game, even though they are not the highest but the second-highest tier. Then i very very enjoy LT 432, premium tier 8 tank. So those tanks are more or less worthless. Obj. If you want to check out the best WoT Tier for Tier vehicles with our in-depth selection method explanation and analysis, go here. This sub is for the free exchange of tips, strategies, player guides, how-to's, news, information and discussion. The key to having fun at tier 10 for me is play tanks that are enjoyable. The Amx 50 120 in the first position, the E 75 in the second position and the standard B in the third position. I honestly don't think anything else is even worth buying if your criteria is solely about "best", though there are plenty of other solid choices if you don't want the absolute best. I also really like modern looking tanks. Wargaming recognised subreddit for World of Tanks Modern Armor on Playstation and Xbox. This sub is for the free exchange of tips, strategies, player guides, how-to's, news, information and discussion 140 is still the best all-rounder imo and it's an easy grind. Second best line is probably the Grille 15 line IMO if you like sniping. Jk, if you really want to: Tier 8: m40/43, tier 9: m53/55 (best one tier for tier ingame) and tier 10: Conqueror GC, T92 or OBJ-261 Wargaming recognised subreddit for World of Tanks Modern Armor on Playstation and Xbox. T62a is still a decent tank and Obj 140 alternative. Maybe you will even join a clan and play the tier 10 clan wars, which is the most competitive gameplay you will see. Since 3-4, I've been using a ratty tier 4 hull, but now that I'm in 9-10 I suppose it's time for an upgrade. They are all the same. reReddit: Top posts of August 2020. Even with 270mm pen gold it is still iffy. Callum Bains . True medium tanks in their roles at tier 8. Most tier 8 gold has 50/50 chance to pen it when not angled, and tier X gold butters it. Arty: you hide, point and click and see what RNG decides for you. Weight Stationary camo 22. Its got great turret armor, if you go hull-down you can bounce all day long. Health 900. The Lynx isn’t actually very good, The LTTB teaches poor light tank fundamentals (it’s tall and has mediocre camo), the WZ is a dead-end line (the tier 9 and 10 are pretty terrible), the HWK is a decent scout but the gun is very hard to use (plus it’s also a dead-end line), the M41 is a pile of garbage, and the A- it’s best to do events like the one we currently have for the obj. Which is Decent at tier 8 but at tier 9 facing mostly tier 10s it will get shredded. Email us about this article. Other tanks people like are the doom turtle (Tortoise), t95 (best scout in the game), e50, AMX The best Tier X tech tree tank is the Tier IX tech tree tank the WT auf Pz IV. Picked the futur for the simple reason it's one of the more unique tanks in the game, (While the other 2, no matter how good they may or may not be, are still generic heavies) the penalty of a longer intra-clip in return for much better gun handling compared to other autoloaders is great for longer ranges, worse than a dedicated autoloader for brawls. ELC EVEN 90 Tier VIII LT. 55 million silver coins. 36 compared to 3. (Like the Panzer IV H, KV-2, T-150, the czech and swedish tier 6 mediums and many more. It has second-best Alpha Damage of its Tier (560), with a bit derpy Gun Handling statistics (3s Aim Time, 0. or american/german/rusky spg if you want big dmg but sloe and dont care to move As a side note, people that complain about SPGs in World of Tanks doesn't make any sense to me. TDs come in two varieties - heavy TDs and light TDs. reReddit: Top posts of October 2020. 36, and better dispersion after firing at 3. Among the offerings, only the XM-66 stood out, earning a spot as a competitive tank that still Here are my suggestions :- Heavies :- Tier 8 :-Obj 252U - Very solid tank with great frontal armor and sightly better alpha than most of the heavy tanks in tier 8 at 420. There are tanks with afterburners, double barreled beasts, and autoloaders that administer 1700 dmg in one clip, oh and lots and lots of redlining campers. Arty - GW Panther is probably the best but they are all pretty much the same after the changes. This with the addition of the Skorpion G’s decent top speed and acceleration makes it quite formidable and one of the best destroyers . Sure, they’re regularly split into classes and divided by roles – the reconnaissance function of light tanks versus the raw firepower of 50TP Tyszkiewicza: Position: 5: Global WN8: 1474: Global win percentage: 52%: Firepower and Gun Handling - 50TP's top gun is a formidable 130mm cannon with very good 8° of gun depression. Right from tier 5-10 is thick armor. 777 nerfing it in several ways but expecting it to perform well at tier 9. Nightmare of tier IV. Any recommended Tier 9 hulls, specifically agile ones? Survivability doesn't matter to me much. The Emil 1 also has a pretty weak turret when the turret is supposed to be it’s speciality. The turret roof isn't a simple target but can be overmatched by guns at least 91mm in caliber, that is almost everything tier 8 and up. r/sharditkeepit. So I want to learn what are the best penetration tanks for its tier, as an addition even if not the best ones if there good alpha tanks with really good penetrations i would love to learn. Returning player and I don’t Defender is a pike-nose design, but the regular weakspot of such tanks, the lower frontal plate, is still around 220-230 mm thick, we're talking about the effective armor, of course - which means that you really need to load gold if you want to World of Tanks has a referral program where if you refer someone, (or just make a second account and “refer” it,) and grind that account some your main account gets a free tier 8 premium, from a subset selection of tanks. I would not use tier 6 or tier 7 as those tanks are just very light and are not that mobile. It's one of my best performing heavy tanks, right behind the Chieftain and IS-7, and equal to my 705A and Kranvagn. It performs very well, but needs to be played carefully and as much hull-down as you can. You'll find plenty of tanks to use them on later. I think the M4A1 is "friendlier" for a beginner. Reddit . look, at tier 6, no tank will really be able to bounce shots and shoot enemies back in return. With the tier 9 being the highlight. Introduction. But it also have quite a lot of hp, so you can easily Best tier 4 tank is the one you are most comfortable to play with. It's still in a class way above the other tier 8 lights, though, it's a good tank. Ch This guide profiles the best WOT tanks listed by their in-game tier group, from one up to nine. 17 = 28. Tier 9 gun with excelent penetration and tiger 2 was Paper even with AP amunition and at time Wargaming recognised subreddit for World of Tanks Modern Armor on Playstation and Xbox. But the SU will get you the occasional monster carry when you get into a high tier matchup because tier 6 tanks struggle and tier 5 tanks are just powerless against the SU's armor, mobility and DPM. 252U is the best soviet heavy tank in tier 8 T-2020 is trash Reply reply it’s even contends with tier 10 at times. 268, Ho Ri, and WZ113G. [Top 10] World of Tanks Best Tier 6 Vehicles [Top 5 Which is the best tank for the tokens Closed • total votes Cobra . Moving camo 22. That gives you 2400 points each day, 1 battle only if you play every day for the rest of the month. Just pick one you like and play well in and dont shoot gold/dont run premium consumables. The 10 is good but it’s totally different to the tier 9. I don't think any MUST HAVE tech tree tanks in T8-T9. Tier 7 : GW panther the best spg in tier 7 got a semi rotatble turret Tier 8 : french spg bcoz of the mobility you can easily relocate. I'll also note that the Tortoise, the tier 9 entry in the line, is also really good (2nd highest DPM only a little behind the badger) and worth keeping. Emil II and 50TP are both extremely good tanks tier for tier, and while not as good as things like the Conqueror, they are supreme when it comes to trading shots based on the clip potential of the Emil and the 560 alpha of the 50TP. I have Mk. The turret traverse speed and view range also deserve praise. It's got a big gun, and great (not OP) armor that can and does hold up to some tier 10 tanks. Those tanks are tier 8 not 9 but for me the best is the amx 13 90 Reply reply Related World of Tanks MMO Vehicular combat game Gaming Action game forward back. Type is a great tank. We pride ourselves in knowing the weapons of Destiny and Hello, I wish you would have given some context into why you are looking for the best tier 8 tech tree because if it is that you do not wish to pay for a premium tier 8 tech tree tank I would recommend grinding the Referral Program 2. It has very strong armor, so opponents will have to surround you to destroy you. These are all the tier 9 tanks let us get on with the most supreme tanks the tier 10 tanks. 210 pen Hesh. Whopping 162% expected damage compared to average for its tier. Japan/KR version live June 2019. (Update 9. Reply reply Best possible way to play World of Tanks Tier 9 is best overall. In tier 9 the armored vehicle takes best mobility and concealment. 31 compared to 0. The Achilles has better RPM at 14. This tier eight tank has one of the best alpha damage ratings in its tier, with the second-highest among tier eight tanks. best pick from bond store is 252U For arty, check Skill4ltu's website, he partnered up with DoctorNix (a streamer specializing in arty) to do the arty reviews for him, since he doesn't play arty. If you like the tanks great, enjoy. AT-8 is easily the best armored as it's got no weakpoints. B- do your tanks rewards they will give you tons of free tier 6 and tier 7 tanks for printing credits. 6) Balance & Discussion Locked post. While its DPM is certainly not the best, even in siege mode, the firepower Yup, it’s like every other tier. best tree is probably german, while america has the best tier 9 (m53/55) and brit the best tier 10 (CGC). The low and mid tier tanks are too easy to research, it's a waste to use blueprints on anything below tier 7-8. But I think it's become the best Tier 9 tank in the, overtaking the Kampfpanzer. it even looks the same like the L/45. On 2 December 2021 at 8:30 AM CET, World of Tanks released a tweet stating “As The turret is coated in 254 mm armor plates, enough to completely stop all tier 8 rounds and some tier 9 ones. Find the right WoT tank for you in every tier, with our guide to World of Tanks' best tanks. 5cm strvkan L/45 with slightly better pen and aim time of the other tier 8 gun 9 cm Bofors strvkan L/53. My advice is to hoard some free XP, and begin enjoying one of the very best tier 9 tanks out there. yaluaciw bjlesw sxkt jlpwts oqntz snih ogdkrdzi fracm kdqznh mqfmi