Uwi sas login Special Note for Students Students are required to use this email facility for all official communication with your Lecturers, Campus SAS Unit Student Registration Instruction Guide The University of The West Indies, St. Go to the SAS Web Site 2. Do not check this option if you are using a public computer. User ID. If Off Campus. Select the request type 5. for 1+3, enter 4. PREQ and TEST SCORE-ERROR Can Request Override Co-requisite UWI Course(s) that the student must be registered How to log into OurVLE Access the Student Administration System (SAS)Click on 'Enter Secure Area'Enter your identification number and password to log inFrom the 'Main Menu' select 'Student Services'Click on 'Automated Student Request Module'Select Request Type followed by 'Study at Another Campus'Select Campus and academic termSelection course(s)Enter reason(s) and upload or SAS Unit Student Registration Instruction Guide The University of The West Indies, St. For more on the UWI ID smartcard visit https://idcard. The Bursary Cashier opens Mondays to Fridays from 9:00am – 3:00pm. The UWI's strategic plan 2017-2022 is centred on the premise of a ‘One UWI’ vision aimed at revitalizing Caribbean Development through the creation, Login Skip Launch FortiClient. Augustine Campus Page 4 STEP 3: Select Registration STEP 4: Select Registration Map and Guide STEP 5: Select Enter Semester 1 courses. Tel: (876) 927-1660-9 Fax: (876) 927-2765 Your User ID and/or Password are invalid. Supporting Online Teaching and Learning. Phone: SAS Unit Student Registration Instruction Guide The University of The West Indies, St. UWI » Mona » Exams » User account Students Resources. After creating an account, login and register your card. Page 1 of 2 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE WEST INDIES MONA, JAMAICA, WEST INDIES OFFICE OF THE CAMPUS REGISTRAR Administrative Annex, University Place, Kingston 7. Find quick guides and videos for online registration, Access your UWI Mona SAS portal with your user ID and domain/OURVLE password. Minimum 6 alphanumeric characters are required. Undergraduate Students. They allow the user to: i. Apply now for Certificate, Diploma and Bachelor’s degree programmes. Login or create an account to apply for degree, diploma or certificate programmes at The University of the West Indies, Mona Campus. edu; b) To those who already do, can continue to call or message us via our cells phones; or. g. Log in to SAS. About Us; Contact Us; Uwi Sas User Login - Search Result. LOG IN. Give back: Introduce, employ and offer to act as a mentor to our graduating students. Username. Skip to main content. PREQ and TEST SCORE-ERROR Can Request Override Co-requisite UWI Course(s) that the student must be registered UWI / St. Services. The Main Menu will be displayed Note 1: Students are required to select courses for both Semesters I and II at the start of the MySAS Redirecting Campus Contacts Staff Directory Campus Contacts Emergency Contacts Search Tools Academic Departments Index UWI Mona Search Campus Services Mona IT Services (MITS) Campus Security Health Centre Office of the Campus Registrar Psychological Counseling Pharmacy Sports and Physical Education Centre Online Systems If you need assistance with any of our Wij willen hier een beschrijving geven, maar de site die u nu bekijkt staat dit niet toe. Tel: (868) 663-1334/662-4394 Fax: (868) 663-9684 Access the Student Administration System (SAS) Click on "Enter Secure Area" Enter your identification number; Enter password to log in; From "Main Menu", select "Student Services" Click on "Automated Student Request System" Select Request Type; Select Waiver of Requirement to Withdraw Access Student Administration System (SAS)Click on 'Enter Secure Area'Enter your identification number and password to log inFrom the 'Main Menu', select ‘Student Services’Select 'Registration'Click ‘Select Term’Enter term and click SubmitSelect ‘Change of Major’ and ‘Enrolment Status’Select ‘Change Status’Select Submit Please create a Login ID and PIN. currentUser}} Logout; Login With Different Account; Login. Click on ‘Student Services’. or. edu/. Therefore, the airSlate SignNow web application is a must-have for completing and signing sas uwi on the go. edu or call 662-2002 Ext. Department. Pre-requisite UWI Course(s) that the student must have already passed. Robert Taylor. The timetable also shows the location and time of your classes. Staff Member. Augustine. Password UWI Bursary, Cashier; If payment is made at the Cashier, the receipt and the request form must be submitted to the Examinations Section Customer Service desk. Error: {{model. NOTE: Financial clearance is required in order to obtain a UWI Student ID Mona Information Technology Services Our Virtual Learning Environment (OurVLE) Student Administration System (SAS) The UWI, Mona ranks first in Jamaica among accredited tertiary-level programmes. Co-requisite. Future Students; Current Students; Apply to UWI; Programme The UWI, Mona ranks first in Jamaica among accredited tertiary-level programmes. Sections Found; Mathematics for Social Sciences II - 16629 - ECON 1004 - E11; Associated Term: 2021/2022 Semester I Registration Dates: Aug 09, 2021 to Dec 22, 2021 Levels: Undergraduate Mona - Weekend Campus Lecture Schedule Type UWI-TV is a multi-platform channel that’s owned and operated by the University of the West Indies (UWI). P. This content is a little bit longer. Augustine / Campus I. VIEW AVAILABLE PROGRAMMES Apply Now Forms and Documents for New Students Students pursuing the BSc Social Work or MBBS (Medical Degree) Submit your main application form along with your Statement of Responsibility for Medical Students. T. Select Term from drop-down menu, Login Skip Launch FortiClient. PREQ and TEST SCORE-ERROR Can Request Override Co-requisite UWI Course(s) that the student must be registered Access Student Administration System (SAS)Click on 'Enter Secure Area'Enter your identification number and password to log inFrom the 'Main Menu' select 'Student Services'Click on 'Automated Student Request System' (ASRS)Select Request Type followed by 'Exams Only/ Exams without attending lecture'Select appropriate academic year and semesterLocate and select course(s) by Uwi sas login - The university of the west indies (uwi) mona campus offers world class, accredited higher education programmes to jamaica, To make requests for consideration to drop a course after the deadline to drop courses has passed, use the Automated Student Request System (ASRS) which can be accessed via Student Administration System (SAS) and follow the steps below. The Faculty of Social Sciences has, for over sixty years, fostered a vibrant student body, provided an excellent teaching and learning environment, and facilitated research and scholarship in practically every sphere of Caribbean life. PREQ and TEST SCORE-ERROR Can Request Override Test Score Non-UWI Course(s) that the student must have already passed, e. Wherever you may be on campus, at home, at an internet cafe or out of the country; logon and read your email. Enter your PIN Find links to various online systems for students and staff of UWI Mona, including Student Administration System (SAS), OurVLE, Bursary Online System, and more. Provides access to the campus’ Self-Service Student System. The UWI ID Card Login {{model. Each timeslot will show the available spaces remaining . Apply today to join our legion of UWI Pelicans and be a part of the next generation of Caribbean leaders, thinkers and innovators. Click on it. APPLICATION WEBSITE ; UNDERGRADUATE CHECKLIST; Graduate Students. End of Term Processing Semester I (202210) Go to SAS (Student Administration System) Click on Secure Area; Enter your identification number and password; Click login, Main Menu will be displayed; Select Student Services to get to the Automated Student Request Module; Select Request Type: Late Adjustment to Registration (Drop) Select appropriate academic year and semester (click the drop Access the Student Administration System (SAS)Click 'Enter Secure Area'Enter your identification number and password to log inFrom the 'Main Menu' select 'Student Services'Click on 'Automated Student Request Module'Select Request TypeSelect Exemption with credit/Credit ExemptionSelect appropriate academic year and semesterLocate and select course(s) to be After creating an account, login and register your card. text}} External Login Supporting Online Teaching and Learning. All students who have been accepted or readmitted into The University of the West Indies in the academic year 2023/2024 to read for an undergraduate degree and whose native language is English are required to register for and successfully complete a prescribed three (3) credit Foreign Language, Sign Language or Caribbean Creole course. Copyright © 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other applicants Visit If you still hold the previous version of the UWI ID Card (issued prior to 2013) you must obtain a new UWI ID smartcard. Access the 'Student Administration System' (SAS)Click on 'Enter Secure Area'Enter your identification number and password to log inFrom the 'Main Menu' select 'Student Services'Click on 'Automated Student Request System'Select Request Type followed by 'Carry over coursework' gradeSelect appropriate academic year and semesterSelect CourseEnter the reason(s) for Enable Screen Reader Mode. Gain access to the UWI O365 portal using you campus ID# and password. Access your personal information, pay fees online, apply to programmes, and request status letters on the UWI Mona SAS portal. CXC, A’ Level, CAPE, etc. Directing students to Examinations Section for: Transcript queries ; Collecting a degree; ID fine removal/queries . Return to the application and try again. Tel: 702-4646 | Fax: 702-4647. Find your friends on Facebook. jm Access Student Administration System (SAS)Click on 'Enter Secure Area'Enter your identification number and password to log inFrom the 'Main Menu', select ‘Student Services’Select 'Registration'Click ‘Select Term’Enter term and click SubmitSelect ‘Change of Major’ and ‘Enrolment Status’Select ‘Change Status’Select Submit Automated Student Request System(ASRS): Staff Login Student Login Student Administration System: SAS Our Virtual Learning Environment OURVLE GPA Calculator. How to find Uwi Sas User Login? Go to the official website of Uwi Sas User Login. Once you have successfully booked your appointment, a Enable Screen Reader Mode. Password: campus password. These tools and software can be accessed freely by current students and staff, both on and off-campus, but vary across The UWI’s five campuses. Any f Each UWI Open Campus staff and student is given an Open Campus Account, which allows them to access their various Open Campus Applications such as email, the OCMS and Library resources. , CXC, A’ Level, CAPE, ELPT, etc. All in one location. Find quick guides and help for first year students and other users. SSO Login Create an account here; First Name: Middle Name(s): Last Name: Email: 1 Note: A valid email account IS ABSOLUTELY required to continue the process, as this will be our primary means of communicating with you. © 2025 Ellucian Company L. Step by Step Guide to REQUEST TO DROP A COURSE on ASRS. edu/ for each of your courses you will have access to an empty container for Semester 1, 2023/24. See Photos The first eleven UWI graduates appeared in 1952 and by 2000 over 9,000 graduates had been produced. Share: Banner Student Self-Service . Step-by-Step Registration Guide 1. jm This is the new Student E-Timesheet System being rolled out across the UWI Mona campus to facilitate payments to its student workers. This number provides a step by step tutorial on how to access your exam results on Student's Administration System (SAS). Instructions on how to access the Automated Student Request System; Go to the Student Adminstration System (click here to go to SAS ) Click Enter Secure area; Login into SAS (Follow the Login instructions Provided) 1. The steps above were excerpted from the Online Registration Guidelines document which can be downloaded from the SAS login page. Department Name 123 Cross Way, Kingston 7 Tel: (876) 999-9999 Fax: (876) 888-8888 department@uwimona. 83120. jm There is an error determining which application you are signing into. The systems that can be accessed from the Portal include: The UWI, Mona Student Administration System (SAS)—used to view student registration and financial information. : Username: universityid#@uwi. K Z r Z P ] Ç / v ( } u ] } v ^ Ç u : µ o Ç ô U î ì î î X d Ç } ( Z P ] ] } v } Each UWI Open Campus staff and student is given an Open Campus Account, which allows them to access their various Open Campus Applications such as email, the OCMS and Library resources. Expand: Leverage your professional network to get Step-by-Step Registration Guide 1. Click on Login. If you are a staff member you need to use your Staff ID and password for log in to the network (or LDAP password). Wij willen hier een beschrijving geven, maar de site die u nu bekijkt staat dit niet toe. Tel: (876) 927-1660-9 Fax: (876) 927-2765 As is customary, when you log on to https://vle. Submit a new request ii. Password User ID and Password are required. To access the UWI St. During this time, MSBM ELSv2 will be unavailable. Tel: (868) 663-1334 / 662-4394 Fax: (868) 663-9684 SAS Unit Student Registration Instruction Guide The University of The West Indies, St. When finished, click Login. Uwi sas login - The university of the west indies (uwi) mona campus offers world class, accredited higher education programmes to jamaica, Enable Screen Reader Mode. Find help with login, password reset and contact information for the MITS Helpdesk. When users login to the new portal, If users ensounter any issues, they can contact servicedesk@sta. The University was ranked among Times Higher Education’s top UWI course(s) that the student must have already passed. This Self-Service system is used by Students to register for their courses, view results and grades as well as For booking Lysson’s beach, the UWI chapel, purchasing vehicle stickers; To get to the Campus Registrar . Click on Enter Secure Area 3. Test Score. Logging out will clear the authentication cookie. Enable Accessibility Mode. The new student portal has been carefully designed to improve our student-customer satisfaction and service efficiency across the board If you are unable to log in, please send email to : helpdesk@open. I. Welcome. The Main Menu will be displayed Note: When selecting a course, you must use the CRN (Course Registration Number) instead STA-SAS@sta. E. The University of the West Indies Mona Kingston 7 Jamaica, W. SAS is the portal for student registration, enrolment, fees, and academic Access Banner 9 to register for courses, view your schedule, request overrides and more. Moodle is the UWI’s Learning Management system (LMS) which provides a virtual asynchronous learning environment. The System is now accessible via 'Online Systems' on the home page of the Faculty's website or via the Student Administration System (SAS). STEP 9: If you ONLY have to register for yearlong courses this semester, you must have Pre-requisite UWI Course(s) that the student must have already passed. You will also have access to the last instance of the course from Semester 1, 2022/23. Link available to students to book a time for ID processing and log onto to SAS . taylor04@uwimona. uwi. 2. Select the correct course code, then click course search. The University of the West Indies Mona, Jamaica. Pay your UWI Fees Online Now: Admissions Portal Submit and review applications to undergraduate The Automated Student Request System (ASRS) has now been upgraded and is fully operational. Please contact Mr. Augustine Campus Page 6 STEP 8: Check the box next to the correct course section, and click Register. Login to the Student Administrative System (SAS) 2. Sign Up. This service also supports Single Sign-On (SSO); By signing in once on this site, users will not have to sign in each time they visit any of the supported applications. Find login option on the site. preventing the need to re-enter your login credentials when your session expires. Your New Student Management System. Taylor's email is robert. . Email: stufinc@uwimona. ENTER SECURE AREA on the SAS Website; enter your UWI- ID & Password. Tel: (876) 927-1660-9 Fax: (876) 927-2765 Enter Secure Area Login here to view your personal information. Augustine Intranet from within the Campus network or while connected through the Campus VPN service click here (on-campus or VPN) to seamlessly connect to that site and allow access to the intranet and all academic and administrative applications. In 2012, the University was again one of Jamaica’s Top 100 Employers. Email forms to: STA-SAS@sta. Login failed! Please recheck the username and password and try again. c) Call/message us via Microsoft Teams. Remember My Login. Request Id: 09b988e6-a09e-42e5-9c1b-a315671f705d REGISTRY INFORMATION SYSTEM UWI Mona Campus ID PROCESSING APPOINTMENT . Password MSBM Executive Learning Space v2 (ELSv2) will be temporarily unavailable due to system maintenance to be started at 11:30 PM MAY 5 2024 . The new student portal has been carefully designed to improve our student-customer satisfaction and service efficiency across the board Access Student Administration System (SAS)Click on 'Enter Secure Area'Enter your identification number and password to log inFrom the 'Main Menu' select 'Student Services'Click on 'Automated Student Request System' (ASRS)Select Request Type followed by 'Exams Only/ Exams without attending lecture'Select appropriate academic year and semesterLocate and select course(s) by Join Facebook to connect with Uwi Sas and others you may know. Our content is aired on our 24 hour channel on the FLOW EVO Cable Television platform and also streamed on the web and on Office of Student Financing. With the recent measures of the Campus in response to confirmed COVID-19 cases in Jamaica, the Mona Library remains committed to support teaching and learning with online and remote services and programmes. The UWI is committed to providing all students and staff with professional tools and software to support increased efficiency of teaching and learning as well as research and project management needs. You need a valid email address and permission UWI » Mona » Exams » User account Students Resources. Password. This software contains confidential and proprietary information of Ellucian or its subsidiaries. Robert Taylor via email if you have queries after you have read the Student Etimesheet Manual. To get to the login page: You now have to login into SAS in order to access the Automated Student Request System. STEP 6: Click Class Search. Uwi Sash. Campus Bulletins; General Notices; Staff Notices; Student Notices; The University of the West Indies. Augustine Intranet remotely, click here for After creating an account, login and register your card. Select STUDENT SERVI ES then REGISTRATION then “Banner 9 Registration - Add/Drop Courses” 3. Login to CHOL (green button, top of page) for access to your personal information and academic records; View important official information, documents, and two graduate institutions and more than 350 programmes. The Main Menu will be displayed Note: When selecting a course, you must use the CRN (Course Registration Number) instead Enable Accessibility Mode. sta. Select term from the drop down menu and click ‘submit’. In the 2018/2019 academic year the Faculty undergraduate student population was 2965 at Mona, 2216 at St. SSO Login SAS Unit Student Registration Instruction Guide The University of The West Indies, St. The UWI Open Campus is preparing to launch a new Student Management System to align with the wider University’s new student portal - My UWI My Campus - via the CampusEAI system. Find all links related to uwi sas user login here. CXC, A‟ Level, CAPE, etc. and its affiliates. Connect: Find and reminisce with fellow graduates, see what they have been up to and stay in touch. To learn more you can read our card registration manual. UWI course(s) that the student must be registered for in the same semester. Get Connected Students Student Administration System (SAS) Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) Bursary Online Student System (BOSS) Online Payment Online Transcript Request Online Application System ASKMONA: Library Please create a Login ID and PIN. Augustine Campus Page 15 NEED ASSISTANCE WITH WEB REGISTRATION? Contact the SAS Unit: Email: bannerstudentsupport@sta. Enter your Password: The default is your date of birth in the format YYYYMMDD. Augustine Campus Page 1 Contents SIGN IN TO THE STUDENT PORTAL Under Login enter you student UWI ID Number. Your default PIN is your date of birth in ddmmyy format, e. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your patience and understanding. The UWI, Mona ranks first in Jamaica among accredited tertiary-level programmes. In a matter of seconds, receive an electronic document with a legally-binding signature. Social and Economic Studies The University of the West Indies Mona, Jamaica Kingston 7 Tel: (876) 927-1020 Fax: (876) 927-2409 ses@uwimona. This technology provides a rich set of online teaching tools and facilitates the uploading of content in various formats (Word, PowerPoint, Excel, images, videos). Your Login ID and Step-by-Step Registration Guide 1. Log In. Forms and Documents; Transcript Request; CSME and Status Letters; Go-through Request; Re-mark Request; Mid-Semester Examination Request Template; Graduation Programme E-Book; Graduation; Certificates; Invigilation; Mid-Semester Report Exam Clash; ©2025 The University of the West Indies Five Islands Campus Sign In UWIScholar, University of the West Indies. Login {{link. 6. Select the ‘Student Services’ tab. Go to SAS (Student Administration System) Click on Secure Area; Enter your identification number and password; Click login, Main Menu will be displayed; Select Student Services to get to the Automated Student Request Module; Select Request Type: Late Adjustment to Registration (Drop) Select appropriate academic year and semester (click the drop SAS Unit Student Registration Instruction Guide The University of The West Indies, St. SAS Unit Student Registration Instruction Guide The University of © 2024 Ellucian Company L. Login to SAS → Student Services → Automated Student Request System → Exams Without Attending Lectures → Submit Request → Await Dean's consideration The UWI, Mona ranks first in Jamaica among accredited tertiary-level programmes. The action buttons highlighted are available on all pages of the ASRS. More Notices. Copyright © 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Help@sta. Home; Experts Directory; Browse Research; Find More; FAQ ©2025 The University of the West Indies Five Islands Campus Sign In Registration Tutorial (Video)Click here to view registration tutorialAdd CoursesAccess Student Administration System (SAS)Click on “Enter Secure Area”Enter your user ID number and password in the space provided to log inFrom the "Main Menu", click “Student Services”Click on "Registration"Click “Select Term” (select the correct academic year and semester) then click UWI MONA Banner 9 Registration Plan Ahead Feature - Quick Guide OCR – Registry Information systems June 27, 2023 Utilizing the “Plan Ahead” feature for Web Registration The “Plan Ahead” feature allows a student to prepare for registration by creating a registration plan based on either courses or sections. Log on to SAS Web by selecting the ‘Enter Secure Area’ link and entering ID & Password. This is a longer card with supporting text below as a natural lead-in to additional content. Facebook gives people the power to share and Facebook. jm The University of the West Indies Mona Kingston 7 Jamaica, W. So once you sign-in to the portal using your student ID and password, you can then access other campus related systems without having to sign-in again. In 2012, Search and register for your classes. Any further questions, drop them in The University of the West Indies Mona Kingston 7 Jamaica, W. Type your ID number in the space provided e. Tel: (876) 927-1660-9 Fax: (876) 927-2765 UWI MONA Banner 9 Registration Registration Quick Guide 1. Select the link Automated Student Request System 4. For further information, email IDCard. Staff Online Systems Intranet Mona Xchange Email Student Administrative System (SAS) - Faculty Members PeopleSoft HRMS Job Vacancies Banner Financial System: Mona Bursary Online Student System (BOSS)-Bursary Staff Research Our 7 faculties and 12 professional schools offer more than 200 programmes to some 18,000 graduate, undergraduate and continuing studies students. User ID refers to Student ID or Staff ID. Each UWI Open Campus staff and student is given an Open Campus Account, which allows them to access their various Open Campus Applications such as email, the OCMS and Library resources. All rights reserved. Email or phone: Password: Forgot account? People named Uwi Sas. Finding out about the date for exams and all other non-financial examination queries. Select link Student Services 3. Undergraduate Applications for January 2025 open on October 1 and close October 31, 2024. Once the **Web Registered** message displays, you have successfully registered for the course. errorMessage}} Local Login. Feb 12, 1981 would be 120281. Banner Complete and sign by HOD and user. View previously submitted request(s) iii. The maintenance is expected to last for approximately 2-3 hours. ©2025 The University of the West Indies Global Campus Sign In ©2025 The University of the West Indies Global Campus Sign In Students Staff Why Use Webmail? Access your University email account safely and securely from any computer connected to the internet. 5. You can also view and manage your schedule. Mr. ©2025 The University of the West Indies Five Islands Campus Sign In ©2025 The University of the West Indies Global Campus Sign In The University of the West Indies St. mona. Tel: (876) 927-1660-9 Fax: (876) 927-2765 SAS Unit Student Registration Instruction Guide The University of The West Indies, St. Enter your PIN again to verify it and then select Login. Enter your username and password and click on login. The campus Administrator is Mr. UWI O365 Staff Portal. edu for assistance. Select the ‘Request a Change of The University of the West Indies Mona Kingston 7 Jamaica, W. During the late registration period students can continue to drop courses from their registration with penalty up to the deadline for the dropping of courses, which is usually at the start of the mid-semester examination period. In 2012, User ID and Password are required. The Main Menu will be displayed Note 1: Students are required to select courses for both Semesters I and II at the start of the Each UWI Open Campus staff and student is given an Open Campus Account, which allows them to access their various Open Campus Applications such as email, the OCMS and Library resources. sasuwi signed right from your If On Campus. The UWI, Cave Hill is accredited. If you do not have a valid Email Faculty and Staff, your 'One-Stop' page for general information, support services and online systems. Augustine Campus Page 15 NEED ASSISTANCE WITH WEB REGISTRATION? Contact the SAS Unit: Telephone :( 868) 662-2002 Exts: 83969, 83971, 83917 and 83972 Email: support@sta. Select a time slot on a particular date to book your appointment. Access the Student Administration System (SAS)Click on 'Enter Secure Area'Enter your identification number and password to log inFrom the 'Main Menu' select 'Student Services'Click on 'Automated Student Request Module'Select Request Type followed by 'Study at Another Campus'Select Campus and academic termSelection course(s)Enter reason(s) and upload or Solve this simple math problem and enter the result. Forms and Documents; Transcript Request; CSME and Status Letters; Go-through Request; Re-mark Request; Mid-Semester Login: Enter your student identification number (ID#) as stated on your correspondence and your date of birth in the format 'YYYYMMDD' as the password: ID#: Password: User ID and Password are required. Your PIN must be six numbers. Toggle navigation. Your PIN can be up to 15 alphanumeric characters. PREQ and TEST SCORE- ERROR. Access the Student Administration System (SAS)Click on 'Enter Secure Area'Enter your identification number and password to log inFrom the 'Main Menu' select 'Student Services'Click on 'Automated Student Request System'Select Request Type followed by 'Deferral of Sitting Exam' from the drop down menuSelect appropriate academic year and semesterLocate and Wij willen hier een beschrijving geven, maar de site die u nu bekijkt staat dit niet toe. 4. Phone: User Login Please enter your User Identification Number (ID) and your Personal Identification Number (PIN). Log in or sign up for Facebook to connect with friends, family and people you know. Augustine and 949 at Cave Hill. SAS Unit Student Registration Instruction Guide The University of The West Indies, St. St Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago. Access Student Administration System (SAS)Click on 'Enter Secure Area'Enter your identification number and password to log inFrom the 'Main Menu' select 'Student Services'Select 'Automated Student Request System'Select Request Type followed by 'Leave of Absence'Enter the reason(s) for the request and upload supporting documents (e. 3. Non-UWI course(s) that the student must have already passed, e. Select the ‘Registration’ tab. To Add or Drop lasses select “REGISTER FOR LASSES” see below 4. edu. This video provides a detailed tutorial on how to access and view your timetable on SAS. 620000001 4. SAS Unit Student Registration Instruction Guide The University of Automated Student Request System(ASRS): Staff Login Student Login Student Administration System: SAS Our Virtual Learning Environment OURVLE GPA Calculator.