Unemployment wants me to pay back reddit. UI isn’t a one-size-fits-all program.
Unemployment wants me to pay back reddit Please help. Beyond that, it sounds like your friend needs to work on expanding her job prospects if Now that CARES act has expired and the economy is set to reopen, states are enforcing work search requirements again. They told me “a question has been readied regarding your eligibility for unemployment insurance benefits beginning 04/11/21” it also said I voluntarily quit when I didn’t. With traditional unemployment insurance benefits and with Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation, if someone has been overpaid, states have the discretion to waive repayment, as long as It's getting too close to the day I can't afford to pay back $8000 of the $7000 they paid me. UI isn’t a one-size-fits-all program. !sticky - will sticky the post in the bottom slot. I only worked 3 full days (over a span of 2 weeks) before the owner of the company told me that business was too slow and she didn't need me to come in anymore and wants me to be on standby check in week by week with her to see if she needs me to come in. She was not laid off, nor did she have to quit due to the pandemic. By the info you presented, she did not qualify. Which I'm not worried about, I just want my back pay from being on the Pandemic Fund. I applied for unemployment on the first of April. Sometimes people will follow an unemployment claim and they'll back date their claim. Everyone is working. 5% A healthy economy needs to have 3-5% unemployment, normal turnover of employees. She really doesn’t want me to work and live on my own. You keep collecting unemployment until you go back to work. They gave me $6k even though I never applied for unemployment benefits, they reopened my old account from when I was laid off years ago and started paying me during the covid bump for 2 months. Even if you haven't been paid yet. I like to raise suspicion on anyone who would dare to exercise an insurance policy in this day & age. If the $50k reduction is a significant percentage reduction then it is more clearly "constructive dismissal". Unemployment is back to short term help, and you must jump through hoops again (prove you're looking for work). PUA (Pandemic Unemployment Assistance) of PA offers unemployment for people like us. My online has also been updated but before I even reached out to him. Unfortunately, I started working more than part time hours so there are only a few weeks that I can claim to pay back the overpayment. Later that day my boss called me and told me my position was being eliminated. I called to follow up that I did it correctly and was told that because I received such a high amount that I would probably need to pay back the 42 weeks of unemployment that I received in the past. Thank you in advance! I hope you and your loved ones are doing well and They also haven't told me no. I can prove that my What is the name of your state?unemployment wants me to pay back ----- I had a Menu. Uhhh. The rep told me that I would be paid for 7 weeks that had went by before my approval. Here's the deal. Can he suspend him forever? No. One of the main things with unemployment is that you have to be “able and available” to work. A place for your unemployment insurance questions. I had to pay it all back, but it’s a good This goes back to October and still haven’t gotten that week’s pay nor do I expect to at this point. So, it is possible that that is approved for a completely separate reason at a completely separate time other than the one that you just got. !remove - Removes comment or post. !restore Can be used to unlock comments or restore removed posts. Taxes collected are deposited into a trust fund used to pay Unemployment Insurance benefits. One of their 'covered' policies is "Quit job as a direct result of COVID-19. Obviously she had to have the surgery; that wasn’t a choice. Disclaimer: Please note the information provided by our members is not (and should not) be interpreted as legal advice. NJ. I’m willing to pay the overpayments back but I am scared to go to jail. We don't need more people moving here. 00 every week. I have contact with other employees, and these employees are the ones who have (very brief) contact with clients at their car, but they are also bringing in something from the clients to the office, which could potentially have virus Massachusetts wants me to pay back unemployment benefits. My first thought was I wanted to die. So back in august I took a roadtrip whilst on unemployment, while in Oregon WOOFing on a farm I applied to work at UPS when I got back. Right bow they want to pay entry level pay for people with 5-10 years experience . Just keep it in mind. i actually just received mail for my appeal hearing in two days. If you’re wrongly paid unemployment benefits — whether it’s your fault or not — you have to pay the money back. You should get in touch with the unemployment office in your town in Illinois for an accurate answer. claimant because they think the claimant is trying to get them to pay for their unemployment, You will have to pay back the money or they will garnish your wages and take your tax returns to pay for it. I guess because I said no and for whatever reason unemployment is taking from them now the part time job wants proof I’m looking for work. All the appeal will do is delay you paying it back but eventually you’ll have to pay it back and if you don’t they’ll come for your taxes refund. Today I receive separate letters, two telling me I don’t qualify for the assistance with the decision made for the period of 3/22/20-9/4/21 and then two letters telling me I made claims fraudulently and owe ~8000 dollars back to them. After 8 weeks they let me go entirely but gave me a severance. It's ridiculous that we are all scared now a year and a half later that we will be told we have to pay back 10s of thousands of dollars. r/Unemployment A chip A close button. Across the entire country there must be thousands of people who are getting a 1099-G for Massachusetts wants me to pay back unemployment benefits. me info or someone form NJDOL unemployment would call or email me. I dont know what to do. Of course I didn't hear from unemployment about it until about 4 months later, when I got a nasty letter, followed up a couple weeks later by the state of Oregon garnishing my paycheck by roughly 40% after taxes. Me in my correspondence inbox, it led me to the TWC link on ID. This was honestly the last thing I expected. The period of the back date request is its own eligibility matter. You don't need to be fired to claim unemployment, you just have to have been employed, and no longer be r/Unemployment A chip A close button. Some people posting on here have been told to pay back $30,000. Posted by u/StotiousSteak - 2 votes and no comments The Canadian Immigration Subreddit. I have 13 years of inventory control 10 years of sales and 15 years customer service in my This is what I had been telling people who are thinking of moving to Oregon, but nobody wants to listen to me. You will have to pay back everything you took from unemployment because you’re still working. But from what people at work tell me is that if you have to pay back unemployment you don't have to pay it back right away but you can't collect again until it's paid back. I had used it for the first time earlier this year, so I guess I didn't need to reverify my identity because the customer service rep said that everything is good to go on their end. I read online that misreporting my hours means jail time and large fines. I have to be 100% sure they really over paid me before sending anything back. It's obvious to me that most people commenting don't understand it. me link because I don’t want my identity stolen. Onetime I work part-time somewhere and the employer underpaid me a bit. I definitely do not want to be picky and I want to move forward because I am mentally exhausted from the anxiety of not finding a job in this atrocious market, but I also feel like being drained 50 hours a week at a job that will barely allow me to make ends meet and risk me losing my health, my healthcare plan, drive me into the ground financially and lose my unemployment benefits is I just got a letter in the mail regarding my unemployment. I emailed him, no response yet. Something similar happened to me when I first filed my claim back in April 2020. Hopefully you can get working somewhere decent pretty quickly. IMO it’s outrageous if they’re expecting you to pay back the money for the weeks you couldn’t work at all. This post is about back pay, aka the past, it has nothing to do with getting unemployment right now, I lost my vehicle AFTER I had to quit my job because of COVID. This subreddit is for asking questions or discussing current issues regarding immigrating to Canada. So if your employer wants you back you can work less than 50% of hours you Gross is My part time employee asked if I wanted more hours because they are in need of people but I politely said no thanks. The head sales guy has not shown up for 2 weeks, and is probably leaving So, long story short, I had too many pending issues on my regular unemployment claim so someone at DETR replied to my email and told me to apply for Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home. When I sent in my information initially for unemployment assistance, I sent in all factual information. Full Rundown of Moderator Permissions:!lock - as top level comment, will lock comments on any post. His estate paid me $10K recently. Last Friday I looked on the pa uc web portal and it said I was getting paid all the back pay. You don’t have to pay it back but they do have some other stupid hoops they expect you to jump through like actively looking for employment and saying you’re ready willing and able to work etc. The only recourse you have is to log into your account Filed for unemployment and received two weeks pay. T. I called DES when I saw that my account was finally approved. My employer told me to take some time off and I could come back to work at any capacity in which I desired. I began to get giddy. I was a little skeptical at first, but this was the only source that had my number regarding to unemployment. So, you can file correctly at the time, and be forced to pay it back later due to something else coming up. Once with HR which lead to "business as usual" The second meeting was with the entirety of management, I then took a short leave from work. Basically I was fired. Then, he asked to be paid under the table because he doesn't want to jeopardize his unemployment. Posted by u/tomato_bisc - 223 votes and 44 comments I have been collecting unemployment since. We cannot pay benefits for this week. This is my situation is the one my girlfriend is In and her boss is a hairstylist who rents a chair and 1099s but she makes my girlfriend (who is assisting for her) also start an llc and 1099s her only to cash app her money every week, it seems like to me her boss is doing something slimy to save to get her own tax deductions is she taking advantage of my girlfriend and how can this be [Michigan] Unemployment sent a determination of overpayment and wants me to pay back all unemployment. It varies depending on which state you live in. They may be able to get the penalty waived as well so your friend only has 17K to pay back. Also I heard your tax return goes to unemployment if you owe them but I don't know if that's true or not. Also providing details to be precise but as generalized as He then told me to give him my keys, as he was firing me. I've even had them tell me they did me a favor and offered above what they normally do. 2) this will only bounce back on you. Sucks but thems the rules. As a case manager, I've gotten tons of clients unemployment. Get the Reddit app Scan this apparently my ex-employer is appealing their decision to pay me unemployment. Must have decent subreddit comment karma. Should you receive an unemployment overpayment notice, you may file an appeal, request a waiver, or repay the money. Posted by u/unemployedandscared - 25 votes and 17 comments Now she's got a phone appeals appointment later this month and she's freaking out because it says if she loses the appeal she'll have to pay back all the unemployment money. Today I got a determination stating I owe 22,000 dollars back since March of 2020. [Massachusetts] PUA DENIED, and wants money back. Current unemployment is 3. I didn't notice any new questions, it all seemed the same to me. I’m just so angry at the audacity of this company to try to get back the measly $6k I got from unemployment. Yes, yes you can get unemployment. It sounds like you are actually very interested in getting back to work ASAP so don't stress over it. Got a letter in the mail saying I owe back 13k I. L. The reason that they listed for this overpayment was that I Having to pay back UIA 13,000. Of the 6 furloughs I've been through, 2 of them were long enough for me to apply for unemployment as "laid off/furlough" so I suggest going the second route They said I would get an email with either id. Well today I got an email from this boss asking me to come back. Workers who have received overpayment notices on their unemployment benefits are sometimes eligible for “waivers” — an often-complicated process to stop the state from trying to take back benefits. I am sympathetic to him, but this is a hardship for me. My mom threatens to take my car away if I were to get a new job. I even was able to download it. I confirmed with them and they said they will fix this (I I quit my job two weeks ago and I’m on unemployment. Log In / Sign Up; VEC is asking me to pay back all the money I received from them Unemployment wants me to pay them $7k in "overpayment" You were receiving unemployment, I presume, from your state's unemployment division, then I guess Pennsylvania's unemployment department said something like "no no no, no money for you. Reply reply wjcrum61 Unemployment wants me to pay back funds I needed after I was fired for “misconduct”, Tuesday at 5:00 P. " I don't think it'll pay you as much as regular UC, but it would cover something. Since I had accepted the job, but then quit, apparently I was no longer eligible for unemployment. I did get a callback after sending an email, but it took 3 weeks to a month to get a response. Yes, it is confusing. Then when I asked for almost 10k more they were shocked. Let me know if you get anything and I'll do the same. So he's been trying to push me out since. Upon returning I was told that they had fired a manager and needed me to fill the role. Unemployment doesn't pay that well, you might as well keep it all - and deal with it in April when you're making money again. A nice person at unemployment office told me to try and call to follow up but get a cocktail because I will be on hold for hours. Now I get a letter saying they payed me because of an error on their part, the letter says that even though it was their mistake I need to Unemployment wants $28,000 of Pandemic Pay back after 3 years. I am so over this. I was 18 when I filed for unemployment, I had no idea what the heck I was signing up for besides thinking it was free money for myself. These ignorant people just want to downvote. The government probably won't audit you unless they have reason to believe you're not 306K subscribers in the Unemployment community. I’ll explain why once you answer my questions. I just noticed that they have payed me weekly since my termination date. I mentioned pay would be a big factor and they said they would be open to better compensation. My weekly claims were $480. I worked hard my whole life and some pizza franchise wants to lie about our separation. I asked him to invoice me. Well, you just stated the truth of the matter. I had to one semester because there was no honors class for me to take. The state wants me to pay back pandemic unemployment assistance which THEY approved me for so I appealed. I went to reach out to my previous employers and they’ve removed me from the messaging service we use, I guess this is why. I'm a huge overthinker so I'm scared that I wont be able to get accepted for a waiver! I dont have the funds to pay it back as I have bills and a family to support back in PI since the pandemic. But as a baseline expectation, she should expect to have to pay the principal benefit amount of 17K. He said my hours would be logged, and I would receive back pay in the spring when business picks back up. Terms & Policies You think it is ok because the money is coming from your job. Recently, I received a letter of determination stating that I quit my job without good cause and that I was not owed ANY benefits, not regular UI, not FPUC (Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation), not PEUC (Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation), and not LWA (Lost Wages Assistance). But when the $600 a week extra kicks in for the unemployment Reddit iOS Reddit Android Reddit Premium About Reddit Advertise Blog Careers Press. This federal tax is assessed against all private employers and is paid to the Internal Revenue Service. I answered honestly and consistantly. But, I don't know anything about employment law or unemployment benefits. I know it’s a hard time but 1) this is illegal. Now I'm pregnant again, due in October. Also it has to be less than 32 hours. Whatever it took - hiring more staff, etc. I get a phone call from the president of the company asking me to come in because he has an opportunity. All of a sudden I owe this money back, because someone made a mistake and approved me. My employer decided he didn’t want to pay the unemployment insurance for unemployment I received a year ago. Has anyone ran into having to pay the UIA back all of what they received in benefits after being laid off due to Covid? Last year I was laid off for three months due to covid. She said I had to go on the website right away & fill out the certifications so that I could get paid. Right now the PPP will pay me double what im making on unemployment. Last Wednesday a person called me to finally ask me questions about my claim and to inform me my job was fighting it. Friday I get an offer for a part time position (I was working full time), at a significantly reduced hourly rate, coming out to a 70% reduction in pay, and no benefits. New posts Search forums. They made me pay back every penny. She wants me to live in her basement forever. New posts Latest activity. But today I got a letter in the mail saying: "You claimed unemployment benefits for the week of 03-21-21 through 03-27-21. This is the official r/Michigan megathread for unemployment. I do not want to lose my unemployment tho. I just hope that with that information someone at unemployment can help me instead of just making me pay it all back With her moving it all to the UI and telling me I am not approved can she see that and then move it back to the PUA? Back pay for what!? That depends I just finally recieved ten weeks of federal and state payments being held by an incarceration hold. In October, I received a letter from the UIA stating that I was not qualified for unemployment benefits, and they wanted me to pay back the benefits that I have received. I was given unemployment; been searching for jobs. I do not recommend borrowing from friends and family unless you are certain that you can pay it back. The DOL is asking me to pay back almost $50,000. Home. One of those positions wants to hire me ($13/hr) immediately, but as I think about it more now it seems like this short-term position could hurt more than help. Will I have to? So basically he underlying said that he wants me to stop filing for unemployment. !unlock - in reply to any comment to lock it or to unlock the parent comment. i don't have any of my time cards so it seems like an uphill battle for me. I’m 27M and I want my life to be put together Then I was called on an off day and one of my superiors tried to force me back into the position, I declined and mentioned what we had discussed in the meeting and how it would NOT be a good fit. I was under the assumption that I could work up to my partial benefit credit which is like $94 a week and it would not effect my unemployment benefits. You can't use public funds to pay your rent and then have money from another job to spend as you please. I'm in other rust belt. They’ll put them on community corrections. Too easy for them to want the loan back sooner because they get uncomfortable, lose faith, etc. Too easy for them to get burned despite your best intentions. Expand user menu Open settings menu. Best to get off reddit and get the answer from an expert. It's just did u work are you actively seeking work did you turn down work did you receive any holiday or vacation pay or pension. I’m going to try and keep this as brief as possible while During march i quit my job because the job i was working was not safe for covid there were no equipment for us or even hand sanitizer. I’m currently detoxing then I’m looking for a better job. But I’m scared to use a random id. Can anyone tell me your experience getting a Job Seeking waiver?? I don’t know what else to do and I’m scared of the future. I left my job, for not safe work conditions and my anexity from said conditions. " That's why the boss in question is worried about an audit She got into a situation where she couldn’t afford to pay the medical debt and her regular expenses, and her condo was foreclosed on. I think lastly I should say that I've already qualified for unemployment in NY based on my work history, however NY wont let me claim weekly benefits since they have on record that I am still an active employee at this restaurant, even though I quit and Posted by u/poolsideconvooo - 14 votes and 13 comments You tell them you are being good and looking for jobs and they pay out. Throwaway account to prevent chaos in case this travels to my place of employment. Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home. I also included that I voluntarily quit And for some reason, by the end of August, I was not able to receive any more unemployment benefits, and I wasn't really given a reason as to why I was not able to receive it. Nothing about the severance I told them I'm getting. When I went in to file my weekly claim I showed that amount. Go to Unemployment r/Unemployment • by uelgendy [California] PUA paid me and wants the money back !!! (PUA) something really weird happened!! Hey there !! so Hopefully They keep the money since I have to pay for everything, plus I literally don't have money to eat Hi all, Yesterday around 5PM I noticed a letter in my office mail that stated I had claimed for unemployment insurance. DO NOT. Received unemployment and then once I went back to work, I was only working part time still so was able to still claim for under wage. I didn’t even work around that time. Expand user menu I revived the money and forgot about it for 3 years. I can't even claim any more. I have to go to a hearing and everything for this. Get app Get the Reddit app Log In Log in to Reddit. My employment closed for awhile back then and I went back to work in September but could only work 14 hours a week because my children were at home doing school and I'm a single mother and the only person who can and will watch them and do school with them. In the case discussed in this article, one couple is forced to pay $8,000. Like many of you all, I was recently notified that I was overpaid for my PUA claim and that I owe ESD thousands of dollars, almost the entirety of the unemployment money I received. I’ve been working in the office of a small landscaping company for about 8 months now. A few days later I got a benefits package in my TWC correspondence box and it told me the amount of benefits I could get. me and it just said that I had been verified. M i got a call from NYS (Albany)! To verify me they asked for my full social security. Make them pay $125 a month for drug testing, $300 a month for ankle monitoring, make them visit PO once a month, make them The form is asking my list any income, but when filling out and putting the amount I received from vacation, it seems like it wants to consider it a work week since it was over 40 hours of pay, and asks me to put the employer in like I'm still working, but it was just an extra check I got 2 weeks after I was already laid off. In my opinion, Oregon Unemployment doesn't work and neither does the DHS. . The money to administer the Unemployment Insurance program comes from a federal tax, created by the Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA). In order to do this my gross pay needs to be less than (not equal to or greater) my gross weekly benefit if I reported no wages. 00 based on $22,000 in unemployment benefits they never received. Each state has a different way of administering and It's insurance. So when people say people don't want to work anymore, I have no fucking idea what they're talking about. When push comes to shove, he will deny deny deny to keep his business. I was getting 250. But to fight unemployment too is unnecessary. I'm ranting to my mom about the whole ordeal, she tells me that with all the job applications I've sent to him and given him, he hasn't even bothered to try. This same thing just happened to me. Week 1: I was put on furlough beginning Get the Reddit app Scan this Fine you wanna can me cuz you can’t manage to pay me, I get it. And my job will be held for me (this is a fact, they cannot afford to replace me or train another person) and they'll give me a return to work date by January 1st. r/personalfinance A chip A close button. I know people can work without losing their benefits, but I am unfamiliar with the rules. do this. wasn’t always that way but you know how government loves making thinks more difficult. UIA wants me to pay back $13,000, and the ALJ At first I was reaching out to my Should I apply to jobs in my old field even though I have no intention of starting the job? I know my training program qualifies as an “in demand” field. After some weeks i filed for the unemployment and got accepted, after a year later today i get a letter saying i have to pay back all the money I received from them. He tells me things are picking back up and the company needs me back but he's trying to shop me at a discounted rate. Don’t do this. This is called constructive dismissal. [US - Oregon] So this is a little convoluted so I apologize, and will try to make this as simple as possible. Hopefully it can be over a realistic timeframe of a few years. Looks like we're in the same boat. I alerted the unemployment office when I found this out, but had already put that money towards bills. They finally come back and accuse me oof fraud and want me to pay them over 7 thousand dollars. This morning, my boss asked me if I would be willing to file for unemployment while I continue to work during the slow winter months without pay. Lastly - a colleague who was laid off with me found out someone was claiming benefits during covid under their They have an account to write off these mistakes. What to do if you receive an overpayment notice 1. Reddit comments are not legal advice and do not replace consulting a qualified, licensed immigration professional. From what I've seen after being on unemployment in my home state, you usually have to stop collecting unemployment benefits once you start working. The company is in the clear but Unemployment wants me to give the money back. I begrudgingly do it once more. I know this is stressful, but the one thing I can tell you for sure is that even if you do need to pay something back, it very VERY likely won’t be $20,000. He pretty much corners me into paying up, and I'm still holding firm. What's new. D. They also give you payment options as well. they want me to pay back every cent I collected from them Trust me when I say I double checked everything. That is why the government wants the money back. Please use the search bar before posting your question for similar questions answered in the past. However they Thursday morning, I got panicked texts from my boss that no one knows how to fix anything and she wants to hire me back on. Oh they won’t cut down on petty drug arrests, they just won’t put them in prison. When we get back from errands, mom pleads with me to just do it so he can be off my back. Today he called me and asked me to research whether I would be "better off" applying for unemployment, since when/if he gets the loan he can rehire me. I even went to my bank to get records of everything that unemployment paid me. Obviously this is fake as I am still working with my company, but they had my SSN and the correct amount of wages paid to me, but they had an old address I only used about 5 years ago. I still didn’t get any email to call. they are claiming i left early without notification, when what happened was i forgot to clock back in from lunch and worked the rest of the day. Not being able to find work when you aren't actually employed, was never a qualifier. October 26, 2021, they issued a "redetermination" that lowered my WBA to like $160/week. If that happens, the plan is that he will pay me 100% for the work I have missed, and hopefully himself too, although he is not technically an employee. During my thousands of calls to deo my first email to my district senators office yielded a call back and action taken within days by end of same week I had a 72 hour notice of payment and recieved it in 48 hours all in all I wish I contacted my senator The whole thing made no sense whatsoever because they were suppose to put me back on PEUC but they disqualified me from that too. 4 years later, she is still trying to dig out. Without an employment contract, you can be fired for any non-discriminatory reason. I knew this was too much and contacted unemployment and even made an appeal. I can’t recall if I was clear but I am only doing this for my grandmother. And under that definition, the employer has an obligation to pay into the unemployment insurance system because all employees have the right to collect unemployment insurance if their employers let them go and they meet the minimum requirements to do so. In March, she was working at a small restaurant and going to school in Vermont, but when the college closed she had to leave the area (came home to our state) and her place of work. com News article. In a strangely worded postcard the DOL basically wants to confirm that you are working again. I’m going to call them and tell them I am still on their payroll and to take me out of it. Forums. If I claim this as a self employment activity will I lose my unemployment completely or just for the week? I do not have a real job lined up yet and I don't have the ability to completely go off unemployment so soon. Do yourself a favor, and don’t spend all the money. I understand they don't want to pay her unemployment when she only worked there a few weeks, I'm just trying to figure out how to approach this and what kind of advice I can give my wife going into the 8 months later I got a bill from unemployment for the entirely of my remaining claim after that one day, and was barred from collecting unemployment again even after I paid it back. It told me I have an interview under 601a. Failure to perform required work search efforts can result in disqualification from the Unemployment Insurance program, and having to pay back benefits, plus penalties and interest. For me, the contract was available to pull up through my scholarship portal to look at any time. Our offices are overburdened. Thank you in advance! I hope you and your loved ones are doing well and Posted by u/timof3ysavag3 - No votes and 11 comments Thank you in advance! I hope you and your loved ones are doing well and staying healthy. I see what you’re saying. They’re asking me to pay back 13k, i filed an appeal and have spoken to a couple lawyers. So I've been unemployed due to covid for a while now and have been receiving unemployment. The unemployment office in Oregon has determined 3 years later that I was not eligible for my benefits and wants me to If your state overpays your unemployment insurance benefits, you’ll typically need to repay by a set due date, file an appeal or request an overpayment waiver with the state, or you could face Typically, you do not have to pay back unemployment benefits, but there are scenarios in which it can happen. Am I required to pay back the money they have deposited into my account post termination? I understand that I will have to pay back 587K subscribers in the Unemployment community. Skip to main content. You see money is "fungible", therefore you did use government assistance to fund your 401k and charity donations. Fast forward 3 months, tax bill passed, etc. I’d pay for COBRA and make looking for another job a full-time job. Plus I don’t even have a link to the id. “ 47 votes, 54 comments. He has been making my life hell, telling me multiple times my employment here isn't working out, but he won't fire me. I would have to pay back the amount if I don’t meet these terms. It is unemployment, in every Hi everyone — I messed up submitting an unemployment claim when I was coming off of my paid medical and family leave (my employer let me go a week before I gave birth), and so I have a week of unemployment benefits that they overpaid me. I am more worried about having to pay back those two weeks beforehand if I really wasn’t looking. they went through the whole process, to recertify back to They wouldn't pay me under the table so I have a 4k check I need to deposit. So after collecting my severance package I applied for unemployment. me connected to New Jersey unemployment I am thinking of moving back soon and the thought of them garnishing my paycheck would completely ruin me, so what I could I do ? I appreciate all the help. Insurance you pay and are supposed to get back when you need it. File an appeal or overpayment waiver with your state. I keep getting this feeling like I'm going to have to pay back this unemployment money from the 4 weeks I received severance and unemployment I was assured there wasn't a problem but in actuality, someone got their SSN wrong at the company listed as my workplace and their unemployment benefits were associated with my SSN. The reasons a state overpays benefits are vast, from clerical errors to fraud. He said that the paperwork hasn’t been finalized yet and I wasn’t I’m sure the last thing the boss wants to do is pay unemployment. Whether the reasons for your termination are sufficient cause for the purposes of requiring you to pay back the training and relocation costs will be up to the court if the My sister recently received a letter in the mail from the Vermont Department of Labor stating she needs to pay back all her unemployment benefits due to her "quitting" her job back in March. She kept saying she wasn't really sure. Yesterday, I got a call from the Dept head of my old company (ironically same person who hired me and laid me off) asking if I would be interested in coming back. My work is again telling me to file for unemployment, and just put down I am being laid off, not to mention pregnancy at all. I went to clean out my office and he went back on it saying he didn't want to pay unemployment. These premiums allow the unemployment insurance system to function. “If you suspect you received too much money, put the extra cash aside so that when the government asks you to refund it, you can comfortably pay it back without Posted by u/Israelite316 - 1 vote and 3 comments Posted by u/Letsfish619 - 2 votes and 3 comments I recently started to get desperate and began applying to basic laborer jobs, thinking getting back to work at all would be better than staying unemployed. R: Unemployment overpaid me by miscalculating my rate now wants me to pay it back but I didn't get as much as they said I did and I have bank statements A freelancer who is on unemployment did some work for me. But nothing came of it, I never received an email back or anything and the representative on the phone said to just continue collecting UI. The unemployment office said I lied but they are the ones who helped me process the claim. reading your comment is pretty reassuring, but i'm still very nervous about the process. Thank you so much for giving me your experience! I had finally clicked on the link for ID. Long story short the EDD is claiming I voluntarily quit my job. They accused me of being misleading and in their own words lying o official documents. Unemployment determined that the severance plus the paid out PTO made me ineligible for the previous 8 weeks of unemployment. I've been requesting and doing my work searches every week and it still says "TWC is reviewing your claim to determine if we can pay you benefits. This happened last week, and this week she told me again she didn't need me to come in. Well since I was considered an independent contractor, I now have to pay back all the payments I received from the date I All the appeal will do is delay you paying it back but eventually you’ll have to pay it back and if you don’t they’ll come for your taxes refund. If you are treating them like an employee, the government will say "hey, that is an employee, now -pay your damn taxes-. If you want a week out of touch, wait to file. Even if you did everything correctly and followed the guidance of a state’s Department of Labor, you’re on the hook for the money if the state determines you were not eligible for benefits. Keep in touch though. Fast forward a few weeks and I got a letter from unemployment saying that it’s being contested again and if it rules in the bar’s favor I have to pay back all of the unemployment I just received. 252K subscribers in the Unemployment community. You actually think the money you pay into unemployment insurance, medical insurance dental insurance, home insurance, travelers insurance, auto insurance, and life insurance should pay out when condition(s) are met, not exceeded. I was furloughed for 8 weeks. Specific law mentioned in notice of determination : the only law I see states is the NJ unemployment compensation law. Do you not understand the concept of insurance? And someone who has a $1400 mortgage can't pay that on $12 an hour, much less buy food for their family, pay I have several friends who applied through the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance program rather than regular UI, and their first payments included retroactive back pay for the weeks during which they were unemployed, but hadn't yet applied for PUA. But can we also ask: why wouldn't the circumstances of one's life or financial situation play a role in providing a basis for rightfully back paying for benefits that one was 100% eligible to receive, but didn't simply because, as Forest Gump says, Shit Happens. The letter states I did not quality. " They then sent you a letter saying something along the lines of "pay this back" and you disagree, so you sent in an appeal. Unemployed insurance claims went back to normal about a year ago. The company I work for has not been doing too great. The only recourse you have is to log into your account and check all the weeks filed against what you made when you started working. We are an essential business, and they would still have me working if I wanted (and told me they want me back as soon as I feel comfortable to work). I never claimed unemployment because of transportation. Unapproved unemployment. For your actual question: when I got fired and tried to get unemployment, they told me the likelihood of me getting it was so low I didn't even fill out the paperwork. jemev kxpir qxgsm fwegut ejpugddi nettvi meouxvr pqk dfopeae awpkl