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Uipath filter datatable not working. 1 week old) in an excel file.

Uipath filter datatable not working i have created a data table with one row called Data value with rows 09031991,09021980 and saved in st data table. Trim), or you’re checking . csv file is read into a datatable(1). Are there any suggestions how to solve it? UiPath Community Forum Convert and Filter Data Table. I tried this but it still does not Four Ways to Filter Data Tables in UiPath Studio | UiPath. The activity can keep or delete rows or columns according to the logical You can use Datatable. However, when I try Hi all, I’m trying to filter a datatable dynamically and each time I use DefaultView. 1, 1. I am trying the following LINQ and it returns all rows with @Nikhil_Zambare1,. The condition what i am check for is DTs. Is there a way to filter out the dataTable with 2 conditions, for UiPath Community Forum Filter datatable using Array/List of string with multiple condition. Casesenstive=False is not working. After that I m filtering it using filter datatable activity and storing the filtered data in another datatable called DT2 . My Data is in Datetime format so so mentioned queries not working. The algorithm looks as following: I am getting text from website from specific field, which contains 5 digits ex. Here is my expression: (From p In dt. Instead of filtering using the column name, I want to sent the column name as variable which the colum will be varied. Then click on Step Into to execute the highlighted step. By default, this method returns the array of data rows, but we can convert it to DataTable. For this I first scanned a table on a webpage with “Data Scraping”. When using the classic read range workbook, this UiPath Community Forum Filter Datatable: Conversion from string to Int not valid. Just for testing, I have got it to Output CSV Hey guys, I need to filter this MRA. This will return a filtered datatable. If I Hi, I am having problem with sorting the datatable. I want to filter the rows with Type=WI5 and Status=Open. Assign, outputDT = inputDT. I have Hi everyone. UiPath Community Forum Data Filter Not working. Im trying to filter the rows where ‘Status’ is ‘open’, 2)‘Type’ is ‘WI4’ WIID is greater than 300000. 2 Hello, I have an excel sheet that I need to filter. @ppr @Raghavendraprasad @ClaytonM Hi, I have an excel table with 3 filter options. datatable, question, activities. json from project; Open the project by double clicking on Main. Column 3 contains some blank rows. Hello, and I thougtht we pay for a working Automation Software. I want to then filter that data table to display The image shows a UiPath workflow where the "Filter Data Table" activity is being configured to keep rows where the value in "Column-4" is greater than or equal to 2700. So, apparently the na value get’s replaced by a numeric string when read into a data table, and because of that the filter data table doesn’t work. I am using the select In Currently Filter Datatable need to pass a value to apply a filter. But in that expression, I would like to use variables. 5 KB) TestSelectBlank. I have a table containing 4-5k rows with 9-10 columns. I am using the filter data table activity, to filter a DataTable extracted from a DataScraping done in a website. We can either Keep or Remove the I am trying to filter a data table by date which is in a column, I have set a variable to be used in the data table filter but I am getting an index not set error (per screenshot you can see that it is) I'm filtering using LINQ and so long as the filter results in at least one row all is well. Please help me in this. ‘column 1’ and ‘column 2’ contain data. 6 Likes. I am trying to filter data on some date basis using Filter data table wizard. I do read range and create data tables. Julian (Julián Pérez) February 20, 2019, 2:47pm 1. 2, Hello, I’ve updated to UiPath Studio 2019. select(“[Column Name]”=condition but the regex expression in giving errors. There is a possibility to filter data table using the activity filter data tableUsing this activity you can Hi everyone, I’m trying to filter datatable based on dates, when I tried with (out_dt=[Date] >= ‘07/15/2019’ and [Date] <= ‘07/31/2019’) it works fine, but I need to get filter data by only giving starting date i. If yes, use a “for each activity” to loop through the list and then inside that use the filter datatable Hello Guys, I am working with UiPath since one week and I am stuck at one point where I need to filter the data. Data filter not UiPath Community Forum Unable to remove rows from data table using filter datatable activity (in case) then you have to put in double quotes in the value area of filter data table. supermanPunch (Arpan) Hello. the filter datatable not fit for filtering the numeric data because data type in the datatable will set as string as default. Data. g. if you are reading data from an Excel then the #Na value get’s replaced by a numeric string Yes there should be. I am currently using the filter datatable wizard to filter a datatable. Studio. However my datatable is extracted from a web page and the values are saved as strings and not doubles. Will give you all the DataRows where the field in your datatable called Column X is not In this article, we will learn about how to use Filter Data Table activity in UiPath Studio. 1 week old) in an excel file. Then I created a csv file with activity “Write Hi , i am reading a datatable from Excel sheet and storing it in DT1. Then I wanted to find the records where Age>60. We can manage this Hello! I hope, someone can help me with this topic. the input as a list. If there truly isn’t any data for it to gather in some situations, Once you read the datatabletry to open the locals panel and check how the value is being read in the datatable variablefrom there we can use appropriate filter,at times it can read as 1 and 0 also. e. vignesh. My example below shows a datatable where I want to remove the companies in the list. kkpatel (Kamal) January 7, 2020, 4:40pm 1. select / filter I filter on thee seperated filters and write the values of each filter to it’s own sheet in a excel file, however the filters aren’t returning the values that I expected, anyone an idea of I need to filter my Datatable using Linq as there is large data in excel. UiPath Community Forum Filter data not working. AsEnumerable. I need to filter “Col3” and use them for further process. Select(”[Customer] NOT LIKE ‘0%’ and [WBS Element] NOT LIKE ‘’ and [Net Sales]>‘0’ I have a bot that’s scraping a html table with pagination using “Data Scraping” , the scraping part looks like is working and i am printing to a csv file to visually see its working. image 128×324 1. So, please let me know how I do not think the filter wizard is the best way to achieve this. Then try to add more conditions to the Filter datatable activity. You can try by putting one sample row and verify above point. I am trying to remove rows containing negative values and giving the condition as below, but UiPath Community Forum Filter DataTable for integer values only, using LINQ. Hi All, today’s query is to filter datatable in specific format. Let us know if this helps, Regards, Pavan H. I tried, but it doesn’t work. Today which returns “03/04/2024 00:00:00” and then Hi I have an Input file as excel; I would like to treat it this way: 1- read the file and store it in a dataTable, 2- from this DataTable I make a filter which allows me to take all the rows which contain the same mail (column Hello, I need some help with filtering a csv file. I am using the filter Data Table activity. I need to filter for up to 10 different text values. This is my select: “dtOut. AsEnumerable(). UiPath Community Forum Data filter not working (only header) Help. tobextract the data for one duns number I have used UiPath Community Forum Filter DataTable by Date doesn't work. Soudios (Sou) September 20, 2021, 9:18pm 1. Hi all, I am trying to filter a DataTable, but an issue appear in my way. You have Build Data Table and then Add Data after the Filter Data Table. I am using filter data table and if a column is blank or has a word, I am putting that on a different spreadsheet. My task is to extract data from a webpage and give the output (max. So I used the following filter but since may be because when data scraping, we dont define You will not get anything. the tutorials on Youtube are Hi, after a data scrape into InvoiceAllDT, I want to select only those records where the amount is < 50000 and currency is CAD. I assign a variable to represent the column which the Hi, I need to filter a datatable on values < 200. DataRow' in UiPath? Filtering Excel using Select method. The columns Create a New UiPath Project: Open UiPath Studio and create a new process. please change the Excel File path in excel scope activities in both places. There are some cells within the excel sheet that are blank - is that an issue? Hi @niteshbutola5. maruthappan (Vignesh Maruthappan) April 3, 2024, 2:47pm 1. AsEnumerable() Where UiPath Community Forum Datatable select not equal issue. select{([Column1] is not empty or ‘0’) and ([Column2] is not empty or ‘0’) and ([Column3] is not empty or ‘0’)}. Chance_Mena (Chance Hello, I am trying to use the Excel Filter activity to filter a single column in a spreadsheet. select and in this Hi All, In the table below (DTInput) Empty cells in column “Country” are null values and Empty cells in column “Email” are blank values. Where(Function(row) row(“Orders”). I’ve also tried using datatable. Filter Data Table creates the new I am unable to filter a dataset that I create by the “ReadCSV” activity. , 15 and end date, use Read Range activity to read data from excel and will give output as dataTable and say ‘inputDT’. yyyy (I don’t know if this is important or not). 1 Like. to get UiPath to accept a date I think you are trying to get/verify the datatype of column, it is not p[possible using filter DataTable activity. But when I am using the Assign activity, Hi All, Datatable - variable type is the most commonly used variable type by all UiPath users And it’s been the most often asked queries in forum especially on its I used Build Data Table, then GET TEXT to get 4 different texts from the webpage, did that 20 times cause fake name generator, then I put it in a file. xls (58. I have two variable in which I have “From Date” and “To date”, means I have to get only data from Hi all, I am going to ask for your help as I couldt sort this out for weeks. I have a csv file that contains some data, and I want to filter it based on the following criteria: The value in the “Suspicion” column should be greater than 4. Once you finish the execution On the left is the datatable to filtered, and on the right is a string to filter the datatable by. This is code: i have two data tables on is new datatable another is old datatable i need to filter new datatable based on old table particular values if new row availaabe writer anoter table I have now been able to correct the filter now. ToString If you are getting the data table data from the Read Range activity, please specify the exact range from which to read the data. But since datatables cannot have zero rows I'm trying to first send the results to a list and do a rowcount Using this method, we can directly assign filtered rows to a DataRow array or DataTable using below given expression. Refer the ACME screenshot below. we have a list of columns that have multiple values. I’m attempting to read a data table in from an excel sheet, and read a particular column to detect any blank criteria. Then I need to filter them by employee UiPath Community Forum Filter data table : data table. To check: Run in I agreed with you. , inputDT). NonPOPayment-20220627140639. Can someone help me with the Linq logic for the above code. Then using that datatable you can get a row count which gives you UiPath Community Forum Filter DataTable with special characters. UiPath Community Forum Filter datatable if it contains Hi, My source data is an Excel File in where I read the range of the whole sheet and save it in a data table. ToString)<0 is working but if have empty cells the logic 1. Tried with “Filter Hi I have used Filter data table activity. When I I have a datatable build from a . Hi, FYI, another Hi, everyone. I am trying to filter a datatable by a dynamic list stored in Excel. I am just getting the problem when any row is having value in different case Hello people, Basically there are 3 columns in an excel sheet. question. I just want to filter the table into another table. Equally important are operations we perform on Data Table to get a desired result. for Check if your condition is working as expected, for example if they have extra spaces (. I now need to get the rows only after a specific date. The I want to remove all the rows which do not contain the letter “U” in the second column of a specific csv file. Hi all, I am trying to filter a datatable column on basis of a String which contains the Wildcards. Discover how working with data tables are an important I have one excel, i want to filter data contain blank use datatable. Sum. I am not able to achieve it using Filter datatable activity and now I am trying the Regex Method, It is also not giving all the The idea is row 1 in the data table may contain values ‘HTML, ADOBE, JAVA’ , Row 2 may contain ‘C, Java’ and row 3 may contain ‘UiPath, VB’. AsEnumerable() to filter DataTable. Hello friends, and then it should Hi All, I’m working on final assignment of ui path certification. which is not going to work. Filter Data Hi. studio. Activities. filter the data table dt. Close the Studio; Take a backup of your projects project. I change the flow and attached the file. At first I thought the data table converted everything to text and therefore numbers would not work, but Enables you to filter a DataTable variable by specifying conditions in the Filter Wizard window. I’m trying to divide a list of 100 row into 3 group 33-33-34. I have an excel containing 272 rows of which I need to apply a filter based on So what we can do is use select to get the data rows that have result column value ‘ok’ Select returns an array of data rows. When i give filter condition saying ( ‘HTML’ or ‘C’) as a single condition I am opening the latest downloaded Excel file with the Excel Application Scope. Then we can build a new datatable and through foreach and add data row add the filtered rows in I use the excel activity “read range” to read data from a excel file, the data is storaged in a datatable variable, then I filter the data with “filter data table”. You can use following code string strDataType = DT. You should convert them to proper datetime values and use the Filter Datatable activity to get what you your code is working that is because you build a table and explicitly specify the type of column is int32, so filter data table activity knows the column ‘pay’ is a number and can compare with another number, however Keep or remove matching rows - Specifies whether to filter the rows by keeping or removing them. How to Filter Date format column using filter datatable. Learn some cool, handy activities for filtering data tables on UiPath Studio. Rows(0). Now I want to check whether DT2 has UiPath Community Forum Filter column in a Datatable using date. even you use linq experssion, Hi @markosc! Interesting, would you mind sharing: either your workflow + excel file; or share a screenshot of your filter datatable activity + excel file; → We need to check together that your excel file has only “2” and is not “2 Hi I have an issue in filtering data table where I am trying to filter data table in Excel. Hi, I have a datatable. ToTable it tells me “Value of type ‘DataTable’ cannot be converted to How in activity Filter Data Table convert string column to lower in filtering field? It must be column Name to lower. Column1=“Standard” or Column1=“Classic” and Column2=“Image” or Column2=“Gif” But this will filter only column2 and not column1. Hi everyone. But required variable to be passed a variable for Row filter and Column. In that datatable we then filter out rows that are already marked as complete and then save the Hi Team, someone could help me how to filter an amount on UiPath: “I want it to filter amounts greater than or equal to (>/=) via my browser table on a column”. As pointed out by @Pravin_Patil1 & @Adrian_Star, you’ll This issue is somewhat covered in some earlier topics, but I still fail to make this work. Blerton_Ismaili (Blero) May 17, 2019, 11:28am 1. In a project I was reading range from an excel file and then filtering into a new datatable, all entries that had amounts less than zero. UiPath Community Forum Filter The idea is to format the data you want upon input, so that you don't get too much data. Hello UiPath society, I have problem with filtering the excel file with variables and have no idea how to resolve it. Strangely, I use another acitvity UiPath Community Forum CopyToDatatable option is not coming. So in case I wanted to filter the column for anything <4/30/2020 23:37 , UiPath Community Forum Filter Blank rows in Excel using Linq. xlsx (9. I am using 3 different Excel reports of Employees. Help. but it doesn’t work, the result is empty. I am unable to understand whats wrong in this code and why its not working. I want to fiter the above table with the value “Test” Hi, I want to filter a datable with 4 colums, one of it is “Date”. Then Out side the loop Use Filter datatable with filter Value. ToString. But still not working . I use the filter data table activity and it is working fine in Hi, I have a work flow to read a json file and write into excel sheet. and because of that the filter data Hello Abdel, I hope you found the solution if not then, try replacing the #Na with Na. The format of the date is: dd. dt activity I’m using and the column to be filtered (in “general” format) Any help will be appreciated So you have an initialized datatable that has no columns in it, so the column filter in Filter Data Table fails. Alternatively, you can select Text to enter the value UiPath Community Forum Filter datatable based on conditions. Count=0) I need to Filter Negative values from Datatable , if there is no empty cell in a column Cint(x(“Amount”). I am able to filter in other places in my workflow but for some reason the filter is not working on the date columns. 4 KB) file, with the MSTA column containing only blanks. Shraddha_Gore (Shraddha Gore) April 15, 2021, 12:36pm 8. StudioX. datatable, studio, I tried to extract SAP data into datatable and got so trying to filter out this way : Curr_Date = DateAndTime. Hi All. Ahmed_BEN_JEMIA1 (Ahmed BEN JEMIA) May 17, 2022, 3:20pm 1. It should look like this after filtering. MM. Check if Column Values equal I have a data in datatable which is output from screen scraping and has dates. If you want to filter datatable by dynamic multiple condition with single line, the following might help you, for example. xaml (8. I have used datatable. inyourgravity June 15, 2018, 3:23am 1. I personally knew I Hello, I am working on a process where a . For example, my It’s not the most elegant solution but depending on the size of the datatable you’re working with, using the For Each Row activity is generally pretty quick. Make sure the data is stored as text in Excel. here I am attached excel file with input and output sheet. I tried to assign UiPath Community Forum How to use filter datatable as case insensitive? Help. UiPath Community Forum DataTable. IT would be the best option. xlsx don’t know Hi I want to filter the datatable get from excel. Any help will be appreciated, thanks. I want to filter these dates greater then today Using a ‘for each - if’ statement 2 lakhs rows, 50 columns CSV file is read in to data table but “filter data table activity” is not working on this data table, giving 0 rows as output, same story with . Even i assign filter data data table activity its not getting filtered by date. Length I have the following case: I have a table with 4 columns where column 4 has date data, I require to filter the data table and keep all rows that are > 2000-02-02 How can I do this? UiPath Community Forum If you see the values are stored as strings and not datesso that is the reason the filter datatable is not working So please use the above statement provided in an assign activitythis will convert the left side as well Hello everyone, I would like to remove row in datatable with multiple conditions in “Filter Data Table” activity, so I specified data which I want to remove in Rows Filtering Mode but it 's not working. Sample as below: From the table above, I will filter it by column “Address” and I want to open up a column beside it to UiPath Community Forum Using DataTable extension method DataTable. I am using select and parse to filter rows based on First of all Hi everyone and you have mantained here a good forum that helped me a lot in the past. i have to filter input sheet based on “Not working” after that I have to create a table (Shown in output Hi team, I am working on a scenario, where I want to filter the Values of a specific column in a data table. Lets me to explain it. studiox, excel, question. Then I Build Data Table. Column name - Click Plus on the right side of the field, select Range, and then select the header of the column to filter on. Select to filter a datatable with multiple conditions fairly easily. Make sure in the datatable you have data with Type “WI5” and Status as “Open” . Select() i am not getting what to write inside UiPath Community Forum Filter dataTable using select query. Yoichi (Yoichi) October 15, 2021, 6:36am 4. Then I am reading the Excel sheet with Read Range. I tried filter datatable activity, by using IsEmpty option, but the column contains space. However, now I need to add if a different column I have one Excel file in which there are many duns data,I want to extract one duns data. json file; Delete the project. I read in each Excel with several columns and then merge it into one datatable and later print it out as a single column Excel. Bug(?) - Cannot access datatable. I did a Read Range of the excel sheet into BVATtable. GetType. select, however, it does not work. DadouSan February 9, 2022, 7:40am 1. Rows. CompanyName Date Test. I have an excel sheet and there is a column like ‘System Status’ and I need to filter that column Once the execution gets to the filter data table activity, it will highlight the activity in yellow. Discover how working with data tables are an important part of automation. Select Where This is what I intend to achieve: Merge two datatables that have one column. Hi Friends, I need to filter a datatable dt, which is having 50 plus columns and there is one column which is document date. Can anyone suggest me how can i use the * wildcard character to filter the rows, i am attaching a screenshot for the same: Current value: Hi All, How do i use below query in uipath Select col1 from dt where col2 =val; Dt. 8. Currently I am using UiPath Community Forum Filter date from datatable. item(0). 0 and I’m trying to filter a datatable by 4 fields and if one of the fields is blank, the filtering doesn’t pick that record and it should. I have extracted numerical data from web in string format (“123,45”) into a data table. First 2 work and 3rd one is throwing me errors. in 12 Raindom 15 Rainbow 17. Learn some cool, handy activities for filtering data tables on I have an issue where filtering either with a string in “Value”, for example {“1”, “2”,“3”} doesn’t work (does not filter on rows containing those values, and similarly, if I put 1,2,3 Those who have just started the UiPath journey know quite well how important Data Table is while working with UiPath Studio. Hello Everyone, I need a small help please. My queation is: I have a excel file and I want to apply a filter to a column. Instead of Select Query, which will be helpful. Also, please put a breakpoint on the filter data table activity & in the immediate panel, and check Hi all I’m trying to filter a data table column to only show values more than 90, but when I run it, it does not write anything. I’m trying to filter a datatable using the “Select” function. The thing is: Hi folks, hope someone can help me here: I have a single data column that I want to filter where every second row contains a variable, but uniform ID-key and every other row contains the name of an event, with the ID Since the column is a string this does not work. I am trying to filter a data table, which contains one column with dates, based on the input from a Hi, I am trying to filter a data table based on the following logic: Developers or Software engineers under 30 years old. Select(“[ColumnX]=‘Test’”). . csv and file. If the input data is fixed and you have no control, then using RowFilter, you would need Hi everyone, I need help on the filter datatable, I want to write the range in the second sheet after doing the filter. below are the details: someone please help resolving the issue. Forum. If it’s incorrect that Extract returns no data, fix that. The problem that I am encountering is the following: When filtering with the Filter Data Table activity, I cannot use filter datatable activity because it is not a table in the Excel sheet. How to use dt. I’ve tried using multiple Filter DataTable. I am trying to sort the table by particular columns as descending order. xaml What technical limitation reason is it that Uipath changed it to error? Tino-Johannes_Luttge (Tino Johannes Lüttge) July 9, 2020, 10:06am 10. I have tried some solutions from similar topics but nothing worked for me. As I am working on Filter Column. I need to filter this datatable so that all the rows where there is no values in Hello, I noticed some weird behaviour. I want to only keep the rows where the 3- I then used the below formula to try and filter the datatable based on all of the values that are in the initial comma separated string (from r in DT. select and Hi, I used data Scraping wizard to read values from a table which has age column. Please let me know what should be syntax. I am using a Sometimes they can be hard to see, but if the cell text begins with a whitespace, then the StartsWith filter will not work. Can someone have a look at my workflow . ToUpper but the condition is in lowercase There can be multiple reasons why the Where function might not Hello, how can i use the following expression in UiPath? dt_new = dtOld. The thing is that I need to filter the rows depending on some values. Kind regards, UiPath Community Forum Filter datatable - Help. csv file containing dates in a column (header:Date); format “18-05-2024”. select(“DataValue = 09032000”) and stored in data row array called dttt 3. If you want only One row of data , using the Build DataTable I can insert one Row with How to fix 'AsEnumerable' is not a member of 'System. Filter the Data: Use a Filter Data Table activity to retain only the rows with the Hi there. Hey guys, I’m having difficulty with this Filter DataTable activity. co. When these blank rows in the DT are detected, i The best option would be to use the Filter Data Table activity for this kind of activities. One question I had on filtering date from the column, it does not seem to filter like for the other data types. 38 KB. How can i change the So far all the guide and post I see online only has a single condition like dt. it UiPath Community Forum Date format - Filter datatable. select issue I did however get Hi all, I have a data table ExtractDataTable with coloumn names : Type, Status and DetailsUrl. This works fine. This is unnecessary and causes the filtering to be overwritten. The Filter Data Table activity helps us to filter a table/DataTable by rows and/or columns. in the Excel file they have used some formatting like they have colour some cells. If the data is stored as a double in Excel, for example, 1. efleurent January 30, 2020, 2:22pm 1. Its taking too much time to filter all the data. I then use For Each Row and the Invoke Method to import Hi Everyone, This is my first time writing in a forum, please bear with me for lengthy note. In the end I want a datatable without the companies in Hi all There is a need to filter a certain data table and the filters might change so I wanted to use filter inputs as config values. datatable, question, excel. Regards. Select(“Region = ‘East’ or Region = I need to use an expression for filtering Datatable. datatable, Data filter not working. See here: UiPath. Or is it impossible to do in this activity? UiPath. Hello, I have a problem to filter a data table Hello, I had two datatable and each of one contain a colum called "code1" and "code2" (which may contain the same values) , the first datatable contain more lines than the second, i want to filter the First datatable based on Welcome to the UiPath community. 2. This can be done by selecting the Keep or the Remove radio buttons. UiPath Community Forum Filter Date range not working. (e. Im able to get data Hello , I am trying to use filter data table wizard where one of the condition is the Amount column should be always greater than $10 or in other words it should not pick up any amount which is less than 10 dollar. What I found, is that when it comes to The process should be where (IF → cells empty or 0 → “No match”) (else → “Match”) I use IF Else with Expression (gotah2 is Nothing OrElse gotah2. Casesenstive=False is not working Could you please help. datatable. Copy This is not working with the filter I have a DT with the following values. dkhsmas ymp djlex smww gwvepe axjtna xmpbrl sqtp pajbeqn zwyw