T nation squat program. It would look something like this.
T nation squat program My squat never seemed to budge much despite trying many different methods over the years. Seems if you really focus on the front squat it likes to sit around 80% of your back squat. Currently the front squat max I’m working with is 185lbs, done at 195 bodyweight, I’m 189 right now. You know the ones you read about in ironman. While thing was 100 squats. Best-Workout-Split 1000×409 90. I really want to help people, but if they won’t take my advice there’s nothing I can do. It's also a superb diagnostic tool. C2. The intensity and volume looks like it is something that would work well for me. 5’8, 170lbs Current 1RM tested last Thursday at 350 for the squat (no spotter, so think might have another 10 lbs in me) My goal is much more geared towards strength in my lower body than my upper. It’s by no means a magical special routine. My current 1rm is 315 for squat and one day I would like to do 315 for 20 reps. split going on. Day A - Squat Day A1: Back Squat - 2x10reps@Bar; 1x5reps@40% of work set; 1x3reps@60% of work set; 1x2reps@75% of workset; 5x10reps@workset B1: Dumbbell Just to give a little more info. An interval training program that will radically alter your conditioning, increase endurance and power, and help you drop body fat. by Brad Dieter 8 Lessons Learned From 100 Straight Days of Squatting I did a squat routine some years back, where i did some form of squatting T_Nation October 5, 2017, 6:00am 1. Dan_E May 13, 2005, 11:57am 1. Science tells us that the weight lifted needs to represent 80% of your maximum to recruit To help you achieve the coveted "I just destroyed some serious weight that would kill most mere mortals" post workout high, here's a sweet little six week mesocycle that will leave you setting mammoth PR's in no time. If you get 15% stronger on these four lifts, you’ll add 5-7 pounds of hard muscle on your body in 9 weeks, and it’ll be distributed in Does anyone have a view as to which program would be best to increase max squat strength, with the limiting factor being that it could only be once a week? my current 1RM is 350 at a weight of 167lbs rest of my program is monday: back tuesday chest thursday: legs (insert squat / accessory work here) friday: shoulders/arms. Some guys like to pull heavy stuff off the ground. What are your thoughts on this subject? do you train it before or after the olympic lifts? Any routines that you enjoy or have been effective? Also I forgot to answer your question about how to program the squats. Safety Bar Hatfield Squat: Do 4 sets of 8 reps. Pick a full squat variation for your main movement (low box squat, Anderson squat, low bar powerlifting style squat, high bar squat, etc. I’m two days in, doing the intro cycle, as I’ve not squatted much in the past few months due to getting sick/overtraining. This will help you regain hypertrophy, strengthen the tendons/ligaments and improve your work capacity again. You don’t have to use direct, isolated work for every muscle twice per week if you’re using big compound movements. Hinge Movement: You can combine the pull movement and the hinge movement – as most of deadlift exercise are also hinge I think this would be a GREAT idea to learn from each other Okay. So Hi folks nice to be part of this forum. Drop the weight way back and try a Here's a program designed specifically to bring your squat up to bar-bending levels. Just had a random thought tonight to get some insight from some great squatters on here, I really need some help. My first run ended like a week or two after new years. 0 program to the TEEE and heres how Hey guys. 2-3 times a week of s T NATION Training the Front Squat. I have thought about trying this routine and wanted to hear the opinions and results of others that have used this program. (Work up to a one rep max. I started squatting back in mid November doing Stronglifts and went from around 185 to a 365 narrow ATG squat and a 385 low bar parallel squat (that was back in May, have been doing strictly ATG since then). I want to start an 8 weeks program to increase my 1 RM. If your front squat is closer to 70-77% the issue might be bad technique or insufficient mobility to take good positions while doing the front squat. This Here are six squat versions every lifter should master. 81m and I weight 113kg (yes I really need to lose almost 25kg 😓) and 1RM is only 150kg If someone can help me with a program to make some progress it would be cool 😉 by Jim Wendler Jim Wendler's 5/3/1/ program promises slow and steady gains that will eventually turn you into the strongest guy in the gym. Squat? How do you think it compares to Mr. Combining heavy weights with intense sprints will deliver rapid mass gains. You have to keep a balance between stress and recovery. As the shitty graph I posted above shows, as Hello everyone. I lost a lot of size last year and I wanna get it back. I plan on doing 5x5 for each heavy lift, 3x10 for B and C, and 1x100 for D. I’m currently starting Smolov for front squats. Why don’t you give 531 a rest for a bit, and focus more on your squat and bench. Trust me. Try the lumberjack squat. the only thing is that i dont really want to go almost 2 months with out front squatting. That headache’s been on and off since that time yesterday, and your People that squat everyday and are strong are outliers, everyone else who does it has a mediocre squat at best and is shitty at everything else. You’ll see shallow, knee-caving pseudo-squats. I tried it for a week and said to hell with it. Plan carefully for extra recovery time and Some people just don’t get it. at the beginning, i estimated my max as 365, which may have been a little high to be honest. There is multiple ways of going about this, but if you really want a big squat for better performance, do the squat often, like 3x a week. If this isn't the case, then you have a weakness somewhere that should be addressed. I’m 1. I’d also like hear of the effect that steroid use had someone’s squats. A. Here's what you need to know Finishers build muscle, test work capacity, shred fat, and build mental toughness. I have been intrigued by the squat everyday programs I have seen Does anyone here have experience with such a program? Could anyone share their plan with me or direct me to find a 20 rep squats are just stupid and milk is not the best source of protein. If you really want your squat to shoot up, do smolov, if you want your deadlift to shoot up, do the coan deadlift program. Routine Critique. It T_Nation September 28, 2018, 6:00am 1. Hey T-Nation Women and Gents, What do you think about "Increase Your Vertical Jump" by Dr. Looking for any advice I can get. I wouldn’t recommend a 20-rep squat program to a beginner for sure, but I wouldn’t call them “stupid” - I’ve gained a lot off of high-rep squatting routines. by Jason Brown Fast Workouts, Big Results A Squat Variation: Goblet Squat, Front Squat, Box Squat, Back Squat, with the idea while training pro hockey players who were complaining about not having enough chest and biceps in their program . Squats are your training program’s foundation, but are you doing them right? Tour any commercial gym. Proper Pulling Training the deadlift is simple. I’d like to do cardio 2-3 times a week and was just wondering when it would be optimal to do cardio during this program so it doesn’t hinder my progress. I keep my The first month of the program, perform the sets with 50% of your training max. it’s made up using the info i read with the tbt vs. [/quote] While it’s a great program for the novice and intermediate, those with more than five solid years of lifting often want more from it. by Dr. superset situps, and crunches with calf raises. 20 rep squats followed by single sets of benches chinups and some more basic exercises. As T NATION contributor Tony Gentilcore says, you have to intimidate the weights when doing this program. This is my second time running it. Around my 14th or 15th rep, I suddenly got a splitting headache. The routine is reasonably simple. I’m going for the standard HSS-100 program. basically one day 5 reps, next day 8 reps, next day 15 reps. I dont really feel my legs working from squats, i can move the weight but it doesnt feelright. Workout 1: Back Squat: sets of 4 or 5 Warm up with 2-3 sets Start work sets at 70%-75% of 1RM Do the sets of 5, putting on no more than 10 lbs at a time, go till close to failure. In fact, there are six basic movement patterns. It has been the limiting factor in my lifts. before quads, i will ride the bike for about 3 minutes, getting the blood pumping through them, enough for a slight pump. I did 135 for 20 and it was hard; had to pause at 15 and take a breath, and for each subsequent rep, but I didn’t feel like I had to puke when I was done. I’ll go straight to my question. Max Effort Day 20 Rep Squat Routine Muscle Building Workout. Remember, progressive overload is the cornerstone of developing strength and muscle. I’ve been training just over 3 years. ) and a deadlift variation as your second movement (rack pull, snatch grip deadlift, defecit deadlifts Hi CT Im looking to really focus on my back squat at the moment using a 5 day split using your older 3,2,1,6,6,6 program. So I have a LONG Hello all. not at the Monday/Wednesday/Friday: Incline Treadmill Walk 20 Minutes 4 Sets Wide Grip Chinups (Slight Lean Back) 8-12 Reps 4 Sets Bent Over Barbell Rows 8-12 Reps 2 Sets Facepulls 8-12 Reps 6 Sets Incline Bench Press(20 Degrees) 8-12 Reps 4 Sets Front Squats 12-15 Reps 2 Sets Seated Barbell Shoulder Press 8-12 Reps 2 Sets Romanian Deadlifts 12-15 I think he was referring to the 20-rep squat program. For example you should normally front squat 80-85% of your back squat. Overhead press, bench press, and deadlifts rank right up there too, but I digress: No one wants to have a weak squat. I will also be keeping track of my weight and measurements throughout the 6 week period. Competitive Bodybuilding. I was guessing that I wasn’t taking enough breaths, but I’m not totally sure. What this workout program lacks in variety must be made up for in raw aggression. But you don't have to put a bar across your back to do them. I’m thinking of trying it, but I’m having doubts. The whole first week of the Russian squat cycle is basically day 3 of Smolov. The Main Lifts. I deadlift heavy once a week which feels a much more natural movement to me. Now, the odds of that happening are about the same as winning the This 915 program uses the three powerlifts (squat, bench press, deadlift) and the snatch-grip high pull or power clean as the foundation lifts. 5kg per week for the last 10-12 weeks. If you aren’t familiar with the program, it goes like this: Pick a weight you can just squat 10 times - and squat it 20 times, 20-Rep Squats Program: High Reps, Big Gains. The first line is the program with general percentages, the second line is exactly what one of my teammates did. I have been increasing my squat 5x5 weight by 2. Front squat has a little bit of extra sets. Since you have four workouts per eight days, if you use a traditional bodybuilding-style Hey everyone first time in this thread, I saw the vid of the 705lb squat by the 18 year old and that was incredible. 1 KB. Especially if you are not accustomed to the high volume of squatting, ie. There are a handful of things the natural lifter must avoid and must do to build muscle naturally. For assistance work on individual body parts like triceps and biceps, you can do 3 sets of 6-8 reps. I was hoping to get a few opinions on a new workout regimen I’ve been doing which is my own design. , and there are no squat only workouts. warm up 135 x 6 185 x 8 235 x 8 255 x HOW I SET UP THE TRAINING. Check it out. burt128 January 18, 2024, 7:50pm Hatch squat program is a program developed by : Gayle Hatch , an Olympic weghtlifting coach it calls for squatting twice a week where you do both back and front squat every squat session which means almost like 50-60 reps per session divided to both front squat and back squat depending on one’s rm percentages for both front and back squats last by Stuart McRobert A Three-Stage Strategy for Natural Bodybuilding It's not magic, but it might seem that way once you start doing the right things. Did it make it by Eric Bach Smarter Workouts, Harder Body Build athleticism, size, and strength without living in the gym. Take that 5-rep max number and subtract 2. by Christian Thibaudeau This 915 program uses the three powerlifts (squat, bench press, deadlift) and the snatch-grip high pull or power clean as the foundation lifts. Height: 5’11". I’ve been stuck at the 330-340 range for a while (1. Started on a Madcow 5x5 a few months back to incorporate some leg work and ended up getting addicted to squats. T_Nation November 13, 2015, 7:00am 1. Something along the lines of benching twice a week, squatting twice a week and deadlifting once a week. The Best Two Lifts For Hypertrophy. I have bookmarked the original program but it seems random in that is had squats, deads, shoulders same day and minimal and NOTHING the other days. High reps improve cardiovascular function, respiratory efficiency, muscular bulk and definition, articulation and mobility of joints, coordination, and endurance. I read where Platz would do reverse sets and end up squatting 225 for 10 mins non stop to cut for a comp(s). After 2 months squatting most days I hit a deep 470 with more in the tank. I’ve been a longtime reader, but this is my first post. After that, the load will be based on your front squat strength. quad isolation ---- leg extension. Some people are built to squat because they have the right leverages. B. I’ve done Smolov before and made great gains when I was 16I squatted 430 at 183lbs (with a belt though). As such I decided to try a 5/4/3/2/1 wave squat as my first lift. Week Weight Sets Percentage Gear BIOTEST Luckily for T Nation, he’s going to share that same info with us. From what I’ve read in T-mag, this is the better way to do it, but I get more sore in my ass then my quads. Lifting only 3 days a week seems lame and not enough in burning calories. I wouldn’t bother. im only doing the 4 week cycle, might i add, and im in the thrid week of it. It’s pretty cool stuff, too: a brutal blend of heavy strength training, high-rep squats, and complexes. About me: Male Age: 28 Height: 183 cm (6’) Weight: 77 kg (170 lbs) Lifts: Squat - 8 reps at 85 kg (187 lbs) and Bench Press - 8 reps at 70 kg (155 lbs) The program that I’ve designed for 2025: by Brandon Rynka German Volume Training, Evolved If you were tough enough to try GVT, you'll love this version. Alternate A and B in ABA BAB format: A)Bench- 3x10 i am currently on it. One of the fastest ways to gain size and strength in the entire body is by following the squats and milk program. 30 very easy reps, full range of motion, followed by a 60-90 second rest. T NATION Squat Only Program. Not much weight but it was pretty shitting come set 7 on the way down. Sooo i was thinking that instead of doing the RSR in 6 weeks, do instead take 9 weeks and only back squat on monday and friday, and have a wednesday session that has front squats for moderate Btw if you have a 205 front squat I think a good short term goal is a 250 back squat. good luck, adn keep the assisatance I’m thinking about doing the 20 rep squat routine. I supersetted my 20-rep super squat routine with regular 10-rep deadlifts using the same weight on both, but I failed on the 14th rep of the squats (I attempted 20 pounds more than what I was able to do before) and I had to rest-pause the deadlifts once, doing 5 reps and then 5 more. You might be able to add some low volume bench to it, but that’s it. I have a friend who is wanting my help to gain some LBM quickly for the summer, whilst getting more ripped (I know, this isn’t exactly a novel situation here!). Following my coach, he would have me squat heavy weights 3 x a week. Quads A Front Squat B1 Leg Press B2 Sissy Squats C Iso Bulgarian Squat D Also, it’s hard to really build a lot of mass with traditional deadlifts because emphasizing the eccentric (negative) isn’t easy and deadlifts aren’t suited for higher rep work. The-915-Workout-Program 1000×409 127 KB. The Program: Dan John’s Easy Strength I I’m ready to give up on squats and realise that i am just not built to squat. Do this program for 6 weeks, it’s 3x a week so you’ll get lots of practice in, and it’s very effective, not easy, but very effective. I guess my question is: is it just a mental thing within the 300s? One thing I’ve been considering trying is squatting less Does anyone think a squat only program would benefit a powerlifter? Would my deadlift go down? Thinking about running either smolov squat or candito 9 week. A lot of you on this part of the forum probably have a 400lb squat already but I bet there are some out there just like me who hope to one day squat 400 or more. So the next question is what’s the best squat progression/ program for strength and muscle mass for intermediate There's a legendary old-school plan called Super Squats which claimed you could gain 30 pounds of muscle in 6 weeks through high-rep squatting. Bigger Stronger Leaner. Strossen, I’ve seen it mentioned in a few articles on this site and I’m sure it must have been mentioned in threads before. Best-Full-Body-Workout 1000×409 154 KB. August 3. The only thing is I don´t know wether this Im 16 years old and just got into powerlifting when i turned 14, my best lifts are: bench:235 squat:335 deadlift:350ish I put together thhis program and any advice or suggestions would be nice Monday ME BENCH Week 1-2: 2 board press 3RM Week 3-4: incline press 1RM week 5-6: floor press 3RM week 7-8: bench Press 1RM Incline or flat DB press: 3 sets of 5 Hi! I’m a 32 y-o guy and I want to get a bigger squat. It’s a linear program, and that style of progression fell out of favour a long time ago. One thing that I suspect is that my glutes weren’t firing at that load. Today I attempted 3x3 with 265 and it didn’t go well. Powerlifting & Strength Sports. oldbeancam June 23, 2017, 4:44pm 10. cmchan January 28, 2010, 1:49pm 1. I’m reasonably happy with my bench (275lb 1rm) and my deadlift (375lb 1rm) but my front squat (198lb 1rm) and back squat (287lb 1rm) are incredibly weak. Should I give the 4x4 workout a go tomorrow after having decent food and rest, or should I just move on to something else, and let my ankle Do goblet squat count? An old one I did for a month or so before I started to hate it: 50% of body weight goblet squat x1 Press up x1 Then x2, 3,4 etc to 10. Get Depending on how strong your squat already is, you will subtract either 10,15,20,or 25 pounds a week and that is the weight you will use with the rep schemes written above. i’ve heard people have made incredible gains using only one or the other. And it delivers, every time. Here I go! (I won’t include the numbers because if I do it’s gonna confuse the crap out of you. to each day and the reps stay the same. The-40-Workout-Strength-Challenge 1000× 409 113 KB Jefferson lift, or hack squat. I am using the Super Squats protocol and will update weights and workouts every workout. I Want It All Want to build muscle and strength while also increasing athleticism? Well, some coaches say you just need to train like an athlete and your physique will follow. Overload Mechanism. I ran Fierce 5 in 2024 and I think I’m now ready to design my own program. The 185 was done when I was sort of sick, and doing an idiotic low carb/high fat sorta diet which is not T_Nation April 16, 2022, 6:00am 1. As a complete novice, I did a very simple linear progression program I wrote myself. Yell, scream, kick, and claw to get every rep . Day A was a superset of axle clean once and strict press away with pull aparts, weighted dips w/axle rows, squats with pull overs, axle SLDLs, and poundstone curls, day B was a superset of incline DB bench and weighted chins, behind the by Matt Kroc This once-per-week deadlift program will give you a 20-50 pound increase in 1RM over a 16-week period. The basic routine is 20 rep squats followed by a set of 10 pullovers with a light weight. I’d say really one shouldn’t do Smolov until they can squat 160kg+, and even then it might still make more sense to do a more basic, sustainable program. It’s long and a little rambly. Here’s how to do it. Hey guys. I’ve completed 6 cycles of Personally I like to aproach this with routines like the Russian Squat Program. Tricep kickbacks and leg extensions are definitely out – squats and bench presses are definitely in. Russian squat routine is likely too much to fast if you are only now healthy. Here's how to build muscle naturally. It led him to a 364 squat – not earth shattering, but a PR for him and something many T Nation readers should be able to relate to. I am currently doing the 20-Rep Squat Program and wanted to see how I am doing. My starting weight was 225 and I have worked my way up to 250. And this is the SQ / DL program: Squat *5x5 sets are done in 20-30 minutes *8x2 sets are done High Bar with close stance in 10-15 minutes. I was just wondering if anybody had an idea as to what caused this. I’ve only been training for less than a year, most of which in very newbie fashion–no legs, bench, curls, etc. C1. [/quote] It’s a poor choice of words. My squat 1rm as of Monday 23rd is 240kg and my last squat session before this was 187kg 5x5. With high-rep back squats, your mind has to play a big part too, because they're just too damn hard to do without full commitment. What I’ve been doing is this: TUES Front squat, 70% x 3 reps x 10 sets Back squat, 70% x 3 reps x 3 sets. I have done periodization, Westside, 531, Sheiko (both Dave Bate’s program and a lower volume modified Dumbbell Workout 2: Smart Variations, More Gains Yesterday you read The Full-Body Dumbbell Workout Plan, an alternating two-day program. Day 1: Squat: 10X60%1RM 40 yard sprint. The Reason for 5/3/1 Just so we’re clear, either people want to do 5/3/1 or they don’t. Seen results, just not enough because I didn’t stick with it for long enough and after an abdominal hernia last winter, that was a good excuse to get weak again. Drop from Squatting 3 times a week to a Squat-Front Squat-Squat week- Have done this once before and had a fair amount of success. There will be a few different categories so every one has a shot to put in some However, I think would be more optimal to include variations other than full squats and full deadlifts. Nothing quite like the Hey guys, I just started my 20 rep squat program yesterday and have a quick question. You can still hit every muscle group I just added these to my program as I have a helluva a time getting my legs to respond. Anyways, I have It works. I was looking to split it with a 2 day rotation of 1. Squat, bench, deadlift, rows, OHP, pullups every session. Also, my hamstrings are really weak or not flexible or completing only part of it for strength?i have another post here about squats; i’m considering all of my options so please don’t think i’m annoying. The Internet is flooded with 145 pound skinny-fat experts. And they don’t just look powerful, they are powerful. One computer crash later, I lost the bookmark. BW: 183lbs. Here's the complete program. Hey all. But I believe very strongly in two things – that nothing worth having ever comes easily, and pain is the mother of all progress. To achieve the power look, you’ll need to get strong overall and improve your (I’m not posting this in the 5/3/1 forum due to the fact that they’d refer me to the programs Jim wrote in his books. These challenges are all based on variations of the squat: the goblet squat, back squat, and front squat. But I’m curious on what progress I can expect in regards to my lifts, more specifically on my lower rep movements, I’m on the fourth week of the russian squat cycle. what Aim for a full body routine, 3/week, squat / dip / chin every day rotating with volume and intensity, pushing each day one exercise, keeping another “medium” and the third one toned down. Barbell Flat Bench Press 315x6-10 ohp 160x6-10 cable push down 50x8-12 barbell row 250x6-10 Dumbbell Side Lateral Raises 25x8-12 single arm tricep push down 35x8-12 barbell curl 50x8-12 leg curl 45x15 I have just started the “Russian Squat Program” where it has you squatting 3 times a week, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Would this be possible to do the smolov jr bench program and squat together? They are both Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat so I by Eric Bach 4 Strategies for Strength, Size, and Athleticism Want to build strength, size, and athleticism with one training program? All you need is this plan. Here’s How To Do It. I started the program back in October and perform it twice a week. I’ve been doing OVT training but am switching to HSS-100 and just wanted to get your opinion on this program. Get The T I couldn't take a squat rack onto the field, but I was able to position a squat rack and a cycle ergometer right next to each other. Neverstop277 May 12, 2009, 11:22pm 5. I was wonderingwell my best gains on squat have mostly come from squatting MORE than once a week2-3 times a week really jacks up my This is my first post here. For the Squat or front squat from pins knees starting at 90 degrees; Squat or front squat with chains (80% on the bar and a top weight of 100-110%) Squat or front squat with weight releasers lowered slowly (75-80% bar weight and an Do a leg day two days a week. That’s fine by me. I already know it’s a hyper trophy program, but squatting my current 5 rep max for 20 reps sounds rather intriguing! But as I’m a competitive powerlifting (fairly new to it), I feel that this will benefit me. I came across the ‘‘Tactical Barbell’’ system about 6 months ago and for the first time, managed to stick with a program and made great progress. Squat; Bench Press; Below is a sample training program that uses this outline. This was to be your only workout for legs, beause after finishing you were not supposed to be able to do any more leg work even if you I have been doing a 3xweek squat program: 3x8,3x5,3x3 80,90,95%. Many powerlifters knock partial squats – and if that's all one does, rightfully so – but a partial squat is a useful part of a complete squatting routine. If you want to boost athleticism and look great naked without living in the gym, you must train efficiently. I want to learn to program for myself, hence, I’m here) currently I’m on 5/3/1 (set up as 3/5/1) working on a template that suits me. T_Nation August 6, 2014, 6:00am 1. You'll squat two days a week – one day is heavier (similar to a max effort day) and the other day is High frequency training can deliver fast results, if you set up the program correctly. Biulding-a-Bigger but integrating it into a balanced strength program, which means your squat, clean, press, deadlift, and bench press won’t be compromised. Here's how you were supposed to program them: Figure out your 5-rep squat max. Not a rule or anything, more just an observation. Doesn’t really fit the Russian routine, but it works. Hello all, do you guys think that after a competition running a squat only Many years ago, I read an article in Muscle Media 2000 about taking your 10 rep maximum for squats, and forcing yourself to do 20 reps. 5-2 months), but my other lifts are still increasing. jeroenD27 May 4, 2014, 1:01pm 1. T NATION Ian King - Squat Routine. The second month of the program, perform the sets with 60% of your training max. For chins and dips, ideally he Hello, A few months ago I found a squat everyday program here at tnation and i bookmarked it on my laptop so I wouldn’t lose it. ) Thursday Snatch, Clean and Jerk, Front Squat. The program is very simple, so there's no excuse not to try it! I have decided to use the 20 rep squat program. I don’t think it completely makes up for missing multiple other sets, but it definitely leaves you sore and pumped. The third month of the program, perform the sets with 70% of your training max. I would also like to keep some iso movements. Press + Highpull and 2. Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift: Do 10 reps. It was your own! If you're running a 5 x 5 program that looks like this below, you better hit the "abort" button sooner rather than later: If you can't squat 2x bodyweight with a belt only If I haven’t got time to do all my squat assistance work after 5/3/1 I’ll do a set of 20. abs ---- cable ab crunch, roman chair. by Dan John A simple workout program that will help you break multiple personal records in just 8 weeks. German Volume Training (10 sets of 10 reps) has been around since the 1970s. its great. Here are some other exercise options, plus an expanded three-day program. Is there a way to program a Squat Program + both olympic lifts but at the same time, including a french contrast method (then with maybe some aerobic and I’ve gotta question about how many times you guys squat a weekand do you vary the weight or keep it the same during the weekI used to squat 3 times a weeksimilar to TBT. Training Logs. Set 2: Second warm-up. I want to get my legs stronger, so I was looking at the RSR. And really, a proper strength program will already have, at its roots, the fundamental movements to achieving proper Yokedom. Get The T Nation Newsletters Don't I found this on through google, would this be a good program to do in order to get a 2x bw squat?? The squat is arguably the best exercise that any athlete can perform. Once you’re The Smolov Squat Routine is a hardcore, off-season squat specialization routine for a powerlifter. anywho; has anyone tried this/bought this book? Miller Williams I’d like hear of others 20 rep squat experiences. For everyone looking for some no bullshit results from a twenty rep squat “All we need is a main lower body exercise that you can go heavy on. For example, my max front squat is 100kg, my max power clean & jerk is 100kg, and I can sometimes full clean 100kg but most often I get pinned. Bigger Stronger Leaner . Then do a few sets of heavy bench based on how I feel. Im guessing no leg pressing or deadlift to be done either while doing the squat program? T NATION Combining Smolov Jr Bench & Smolov Squat Routine. I don’t want to give my life’s story right here, but my metabolism is freakishly high. Set 1: First warm-up. Oh, I know, everyone is an expert on weight gain. In contrast, the Russian squat cycle adds a couple of reps. A partial squat should be noticeably easier than a full squat. Squat 245x5, 275x4, 295x3, 315x2, 335x1 and 1 (felt weak) - what T_Nation November 3, 2010, 6:00am 1. The idea was that if you can do 10, the only obstacle stopping you from doing 20 is mental. Build Muscle Naturally. jolly_roger October 25, 2005, 8:06am 5 [quote]chillain wrote: jolly roger wrote: When doing squats (for hypertrophy, Since the old thread is closed, I opened a new one. 2 Likes. In Super Squats it says to do the routine 3x a week, adding 5lbs each time. I wondered if anyone had an idea of the specific Squat routine Ian was refering to??? Thanks. I’ve been considering doing the 20 rep squat program, but I don’t want to lose my strength gains (in DL, MP and BP) from 5/3/1. Power Snatch From Hang or Blocks, Strength-Speed, 2-3 Reps: Doing this powerful movement from blocks focuses on explosive starting strength, like that needed for a sprint start. I have been doing stronglifts for the past 9 months and need a change of pace. Following your normal warm-up, do one set of 12-15 reps of front squats with just the bar. I’ve been reading through some old heavy metal columns and in one Ian King states that a Squat specialisation program alone can produce It wasn't the program's fault, genius. The short of it, is, this is a good program if done correctly and definitely one to take a stab at at some point in your lifting career. So 3 workouts a week for 6 weeks adds up to 18 total workouts, and 18 x 2. I felt a bit drained at the beginning of the program, but after a while (provided I hadn’t deadlifted heavy The fact is that i’ve been running the 5/3/1 program for about 14 months, but i started competing in powerlifting and i feel i need something heavier (heavy singles, and stuff). I would train like most beginners train the squat (in Russia etc) and do higher volume sets (5-8 reps) with moderate weight. Then back down. 3 sessions per week. Muscle Fiber Recruitment. I workout since I’m 20 and right now I do with squat 140kg as 1 RM. When I see arguments such as “if you can squat 3x per week you are either a beginner or training like a pussy”, it’s obvious to me that they don’t understand the concept of complicating the routine to allow this type of training to work. It is my goal to significantly increase my leg strength over the next 7/8 months, and I was just looking for advice on how to go about doing this. I couldn’t do that forever so I insisted taking Wednesdays to do my own thing. I for one will obviuosly be participating. Whether you work 9-5 or 5-9, your time is at a premium. I’m a fan of and have had success with Rippetoe’s Starting Strength routine, but wanted to run a program that an 18 day 1 4x6 back squats 4x6 bench press 4x6 bent over barbell row 2x12 barbell curl 2x12 pullups day 3 4x6 back squat 4x6 overhead press 1x6 deadlift 2x12 behind the neck press 2x12 pushups day 5 is a repeat of day 1 but the accessories are front squats and lunges I can only do barbell exercises. Any advice?? T NATION Squat Technique for Ian's Program. by Charles Staley A Template for Strength or Muscle Gains Squat: Any type of squat exercise: high bar, low bar, front squat, overhead Workout Routines,Strength Training,Overhead Squat,Training Program,Pagodenzelt 5X5,Exercise and Workout,Gym Workout Chart,Cross Fit Exercise Program,Good Workout Plans to Lose Weight,Personal Training Courses. Get Jacked with the Lumberjack Squat If you struggle with squat depth or if your wrists, elbows, or shoulders hurt, try the lumberjack squat. I just finished the 6th week of Ian King’s limping series. Whether or not you want to do it for athletic training will depend on what else you’re doing at the time. 5 kilograms for every scheduled workout of the 6-week program. You can squat every day and undertrain, you can squat once a week and over train. For those of you who aren’t familiar, it’s a training system mostly for Athletes, Military Personnel, Law Enforcement, Fire Fighters, etc. Yesterday, in competition, I got a great pull and a good catch on 105 but got pinned. An Ironmind book claims “gain 30 pounds of muscle in 6 weeks” I’m sure that is exaggeration, but i would be happy with even 6-10 pounds in 6 weeks. I have decided Hi guys, I’m 31 years old 186 cm tall and 86kg with 12% body fat. by Mark Rippetoe A proven strength training method to help you keep making progress after the newbie phase. You don't need to copy this program blindly, but use it as a launching pad to stimulate some personal problem solving. Dear skinny bastards: This one’s for you. anthropocentric September 24, 2007, 11:11pm 6. I just ground out my 1st set of 20 with 185 so we shall see. Oh and the pullover ofcourse. Starting a six week 20 Rep squat program this upcoming weekend with a friend and am starting to get psyched. I have been lifting for 6 yrs so not a beginner I But then, if it wasn't, they wouldn't get past week two. A squat would be a much better overall exercise just because deadlifts are too hard to do often enough. So after you perform your 5/3/1 squat workout, do 5 sets of 10 reps with the deadlift. ” I see two options: Alternate between squats and deadlifts every week (week 1: squat, week 2: deadlift, week 3: squat etc). Hint: That’s not how to squat. (mon, wed, fri)so the weight changed a lot. Safety Bar Box Squat (to parallel): Do 4 sets of 3-5 reps. by Christian Thibaudeau And while the squat is aimed at building your quads, it will also stimulate the hamstrings, glutes, and lower back. Ive posted videos of my squats on here and had some pretty strong powerlifters critique my form on both low and high bar and they said its pretty darn decent. Hit it hard, hit it heavy, then let your body recover and grow. Bodyweight is 180. Today I failed on my 4x4 workout, and my ankle has been bothering my on the achilles tendon. It’s While this program is 2 days a week, I was wondering how it would work if it was 3 or four days a week with 2 days only consisting of squats and sprints with the additional day or two involving upper body accessory work. Is quad compound ---- squat, leg press. 20 easy reps, full range of motion, Here’s how the program stacks up to the various physiological elements that make a body stronger: 1. Finally. Does your program include them all? The Magic 6 As a human, your body moves in pretty much the same way as other humans. I followed the Cory Gregory Squat Everyday 2. you haven’t been doing a 5x5 routine and squatting 3x week already. That number, 45, is what you'd subtract from your 5-rep max. Here's a quick recap of those lessons: With all the talk about simplified routines recently, I’ve been searching back into old T-Mag, and other BB website articles, for some takes on the 20-rep breathing squat routines. The-100-Day-Squat-Challenge 1000×409 118 KB. Dean Somerset August 16. The great results (for those that survive it) are largely a product of accumulated muscle fiber fatigue NOW the front squat is even more of an issue because bad performance on it can be due to factors other than leg strength. A few years ago I might have agreed, but deadlifts cannot be done that often. Rottweiler1 May 23, 2013, 1:38am 1. amayakyrol August 8, 2012, 2:50am 1. I’m pretty sure 240kg is decent for weighting 78kg Hey 🙂 Any recommendations on a program I can follow that will help get my deadlift and squat numbers up? ( I am not comfortable formatting my own) My bench is my strongest lift of the 3, would like it to go up too, but its the two above that are lacking and need the most help. New sure so not sure how the tagging works but reposting an edited version of my query under this category instead. The other exercises you could do are bench press, standing or seated OH press, rows or chins, curls, stiff-legged deadlifts. My leg strength is pathetic, I have no excuses. To be considered ‘really strong’ you should be able to squat 2x your bodyweight. I am 5ft 9, 78kg and 27 yo. before i start even doing my warm up sets for squats, i will do about 2-3 light sets of extns (about 15 reps each) to get more of a pump, then take about 2-3 warm up squat sets before i start with the real weight. (Daily max. John Rusin Are You Training Them All? To build strength and muscle, as well as avoid injuries, you must train all six patterns. They help you learn to breathe into your diaphragm and your stomach, plus it help and you stretch out your back and such. Including some biceps Perform this workout twice a week on non-consecutive training days. Weighted Good Mornings, 3 sets of 10-12 Weighted Bulgarian Split Squat, 3 sets Yes, you’ll be forced to go a little lighter on your back squats afterwards, but the long term benefits in quad strength and size make it worthwhile. Use a split where each muscle gets stimulated, at least indirectly, twice per four-workout cycle. Dumbbell Rear-Foot Elevated Split Squat: Do 4 sets of 8-10. Form went to shit, knees caving, good morninging the weight, moved to toes. however, this morning i did 325 for 7 sets of 5. I followed this up with two more sets of ten at the same weight. The problem with me is, I have terrible upper chest and shoulder development, and it just seems like doing dips and chin-ups alone would only build other muscles and by Christian Thibaudeau The look of power cannot be faked. John Romaniello February 7. Paused Squat (front or back): Do 4 sets of 3 reps. Forty Pounds of Mass. Yea maybe i’ll think about doing both. Forums - T Nation – 3 May 10 Role of Ankles in I’m wondering what would be a good back routine to accompany the deadlifting. T NATION Super Squats. I can probably squat 300 but have no spotters to test my max( I do but my OLY coach won’t let meyet). I’d rather Hi for anyone who hasn’t heard of the super squats program it’s basically an old school strength program written up by Randall J. My best is currently a 265x5 at 180lbs ATG or very close to it. The pull overs help a ton too. I’d suggest it to folks coming off a gaining or peaking phase who are interested in a tempo change and getting back into shape. ) Monday Snatch, Clean and Jerk, Front Squat. Searching on google there are many programs to follow for a once a week squat workout ( just to say I workout 6 times a week following Push Pull Legs routine). You don’t have the luxury to waste it on ineffective programming. NOW im squatting twice a week, and deadlifting the same on squat daybut How do people usually put box squats into their program? The people in my gym have never really done them, so unfortunately I had no around me with experience. I find front squat being about 80% of back squat is a good range. I did 20 rep squats in the past 4 days on 2 off. High-rep squats work wonders for building muscular bulk and strength for the entire body, not just the legs. It's got pauses, slow eccentrics, and other fun torture. 9 KB. Quark79 September 16, 2007, 8:26pm 8 [quote]Shadowzz4 wrote: Kal-El wrote: BIOTEST LLC DBA Hey there! This is my first time programming my own routine so I’d love to hear your thoughts on it. it is meant to be a strength program it should help to squat, bench, dlift, overhead press and increase the “Bent Over Barbell Row” (i find the later exercise being important to keep the chest and back at similar strength) Use the weight you use for 10 reps & do 20. Smolov Squat Program. For the 20 rep Squats I was thinking: Squat-1x20 Pullover-1x20. Bigger Stronger Leaner A 34 year old 6’2 lurker of this forum who has been in and out of lifting for a few years. Forums - T Nation – 21 Feb 09 by Eric Bach Use these workout finishers to lose fat, build your legs, and see how tough you really are. When we program-hop every four hallo, i’d like to hear what you think about the routine i’m thinking of doing in the future. The next week, Smolov adds 20 lbs. On my 8 day I hit 225x8 and on my 5 day I hit 245x5, both with decent form. Be prepared, it is grueling mentally and physically to squat 4 times a week. 3 Likes. Youth and Strength Programing I’d have just done a simple program of squats, benches, overhead presses, deadlifts, and cleans, going up a little bit every time I trained, In contrast, the Russian squat cycle has you doing a total of 42 reps at 80%, spread out over three days (about 14 per session). Get The T Go in 3-4 times a week and squat to a training max and then do 1-2 backoff sets (1-3 reps, usually) based on how I feel. ) Saturday Squat Routine: get my knees warmed up. For cardio I will usually do either 2 speed days, 1 long distance day OR 1 speed day, The Best Way to Organize Your Workouts. They are pretty nessecary imo. Tuesday I will attempt 255 on the squats. I’d go with the Today is day 2 of my 20 Rep Squat routine and wanted to know what you all thought about doing on the days in between. Deadlift: Since school ended, I lost some of my deadlift strength for some reason. Import September 12, 2000, 7:02am 1. Others say to just get strong and Any powerlifting oriented program is going to focus on squat, dead, and bench. Here's how to do it. I was just wondering if anyone has experience with the dips + chins + squats program and could give me some feedback on how things went. Would by T Nation | May 23, 2008 June 7, 2022 Tags Bodybuilding , Training As far as the popularity of beginner's training programs go, five sets of five reps is right up there with: 3x10, 10x3, and the ever-lasting 1x20 squat program, which inspired the weight room battle-cry, "Squats and milk!" Hello fellow T-Nation members. I can’t get the hang of the technique, im really uncomfortable. Doesn’t matter to me. Do a program like ss847859 suggested and eat properly. I’m wondering if anyone has ever cut using the BMR increase due to high reppers and/or the LBM gains made using 20rep squats. its absolutley amazing, my squat strength literally incresaes from one workout to the next. Don’t be afraid to lower your squat max by 20 lbs. 5 equals 45 kilos. Even if you are a hard Hello to Coach CT or anyone following this category/thread. Or maybe replace the Squat assistance work with 1x20? T NATION Incorporating 20 Rep Squats + Wendler 5/3/1. The-Texas-Method 1000×409 137 KB. 3: 1623: May 3, 2013 Check Just thought I’d ask–I went through the usual noob gains and now have a squat that’s in the low- to mid-300s (highest 1 rep is 340). Leg training is never easy and this squat program is about as ferocious as they come. So embrace the grind, get used to limping from the gym, and use this squat program to take your leg training to the next level. Have you tried 20 rep squats USNS? Just for some reason, I get the impression T_Nation April 29, 2016, 6:00am 1. Think of this training strategy as a hypothetical model to stimulate your creative thinking. Or just do it because it’s an For the squat’s, I’ve been going past parallel. 5X80% 40 yard sprint. I think my legs are too long in comparison to torso. cjsmp1029 September 22, 2015, 11:44am 1. Legs + Rows, performing the legs + rows day 3 x a week. I stuck with my 2 different training day approach, alternated in an A-B-A, B-A-B style approach. Squatting 5 days a week is possible, provided you periodize and scale back the rest of your lower body training. I thought that perhaps a 20 rep breathing squat routine might just work. You basically pick 3 lifts, most people go for the Been alot of talk about 20 Rep squats routine whether, its refferred to as breathing squats, death sets, or a million other things I want to issue a challenge a race if you will to all in good spirit to see who is tough enough to honestly attack them. You still do bench presses, rows, etc. calf ---- standing calf raise. Check out the plan. August 16. Thibaudeau's Get Fast, Get Strong, Get Vertical six week program? His everyone, I haven’t really been an avid poster, but I am an avid T-Nation reader. 3x90% 40 yard sprint Hey All, I have been having a big problem with getting my squat numbers up for a long time now. This is an old time routine that has been around for about 50 years, but it works awesome for fast gains. you can’t squat 4 times a week and not get a stronger squat. I don’t fight Prior to this program my best squat in competition was 430. " Here’s What You Need To Know Physiques that exude power are made of massive lats, traps, and delts. Squat and Sprint. The-Primary-Pattern-Workout-Plan 1000×409 85. Front Squat, Strength, 3-5 Reps: For this complex I prefer the front squat over the back variation because the posterior chain and lower back were already heavily hit by the deadlift complex. mikey1871 April 15, 2017, 12:25am 1. I’ve been reading on this site for a while now and decided to join. It would look something like this. Naturally, if you want to be a strong, athletic, healthy This is a repost of what I just put in my log. Rest 15 seconds between legs and 2 minutes between rounds. back squats 95 x 6 135 x 8 185 x 8 195 x 6 205 x 3-4 Front Squats: 95 x 6 115 x 8 135 x 8 155 x 6 Overhead press haven’t put it in yet. Drop the weight way back and try a 20 rep squat program (The volume practice really wouldn’t hurt and who doesn’t like a little extra hypertrophy for the summer) Stats: 5’11" 205 lbs. [/quote] Frequency isn’t the only component of stress in a program. Here's how to build a body that has the "go" to back up the "show. Unless you plan on competing at the end of the program, I’d recommend you just do the base cycle. With proper diet etc. I then did 3 sets of twenty at 360 on the leg press and Okay they’re pretty reasonable numbers, particularly if you have 160-170kg by April. I’m starting him on the T-Dawg Every 20 rep squat program had at least one set of 20 pull overs after the squats. Recent Maxes Squat-335 Bench-275 Dead-405. Don’t worry about your pull as it will go up as your squat goes up. It’s a full body program which revolves around 20-rep squats. I remember seeing on livespills a while back a rep scheme to use when squating 3 x week but cant access it by Gareth Sapstead The Best Squat Variation You Haven't Tried! No squats, no gains. T_Nation January 18, 2024, 1:00pm 1. 🙂 i have reached a plateau in my squats and am considering doing ONLY either the base mesocycle or the intense mesocycle of the program. black_angus1 September 18, 2012, 2:18am 8 [quote]Caltene wrote: I wouldn’t bother. If that is not the case, you should get 20-30 pounds to your 1rm squat in 6 weeks. Work up to a heavy Today I am starting my twenty rep squat program to try to pack on lbs of muscle in the football off season. wkfcjv mna jkna jldsa wdfyxa hmsx tmfev zss gos rdckztk