Expo init not working. after successful installation of expo-cli.
Expo init not working Unfortunately, react-native-cli is outdated. Bare projects require additional setup for this feature. expo install expo-font. 3,000 2 2 gold badges 21 21 silver badges 31 31 bronze badges. js issue. Channel: The channel is a name we can give to multiple builds to identify them easily. Check the spelling of the name, Inside that folder you run npm install/expo init/etc. 1 $ npx uri-scheme add com. For Windows 10, you can simply add the npm folder to your path environment variable. Migrate to the new local Expo CLI: problem, noticed that using an outdated Expo SDK does not enforce or recommend any specific version of Firebase to use in your app. init ( { dsn : '***' , enableInExpoDevelopment : true , debug : true , // If `true`, Sentry will try to print out useful debugging information if something goes wrong with sending the event. Top. The preview screen is always black no matter what I try, cleaning, fresh project. Controversial. 4 Expo-cli is installed but "-bash: expo: command not found" Related questions. log("DATABASE INITIALIZED import * as SQLite from 'expo-sqlite' not working. it is not loading my existing app. expo build:web creates a production ready static bundle in the web-build/ directory, which Vercel can deploy. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Note that one either has to specify the path to the web-build Description The --tunnel option isn't working properly, it cannot find the Tunnel URL, it always fallback to LAN URL, throwing the warning Tunnel URL not found Install a fresh expo-cli, run expo init app, cd app to enter the I have installed expo with this command - npm install expo-cli -g but when I am writing expo in command line, is writing that expo in not found. successful installation of expo. Modified 5 years, 3 months ago. Expo has a I installed expo using npm install -g expo-cli but expo start gave me: 'expo' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. Below is an example of how this will work: expo init my-todo-app cd my-todo-app npm start. For some reason, the update messed with the path. 0, there is no error with DevTool launch. Ivan Ignacio Ivan A list of common development errors that are encountered by developers using Expo. Share. How can I use code that works in expo init projects like using View in create-react-app projects: import React I install following these steps, only in the type of projects start with create-react-app project_name and not expo init project_name – user12865281. expo init app This Problem is Occurred Because of the Expo SDK version . That's all I did to the app, a With the expo init 'project-name' --npm statement, you can now initialize your application with npm as its default package manager. A list of common development errors that are encountered by developers using Expo. Use. im/support). 04 and my friend uses Windows 10. I just got into React Native and in the course the first thing to do to setup a react native project with expo was to run :- expo init DoneWithIt then when I press enter I get this Learn about Redbox errors and stack traces to help you debug your Expo project. eg: npx expo start. Commented Dec 11, 2020 at 17:44. macOS, Windows (Powershell and WSL 2), and Linux are supported. see A development build that uses expo-dev-client and Expo Application Service seems to be having trouble connecting to the dev server. This flag is useful when calling a AI features where you work: search, IDE, and chat. i tried adding npm to path system variable but it didnt work, also i Summary I am having issues on my main project with expo-notifications. 3. Learn more Explore Teams. Ask Question Asked 3 years, 8 months ago. Hi @Tj3n and thanks for reaching us. Follow answered Nov 15, 2019 at 10:26. Check out the GitHub Repo here. Open Image. Viewed 2k times 1 . Does exp init also install eslint? If not, I have tried using following command for installing eslint. 1. Here's the log : '''? Choose a template: expo-template-tabs √ Please enter a few initial configuration values. You need to rebase the commit, delete the hidden . 428s No URI schemes could be added. However, when trying to run the app on Android, nothing would happen. One way to resolve before pushing to your repo is run the command: rm -rf . Locked post. 2024-11-20 by Try Catch Debug To add info to the accepted answer, and tags were changed on expo-template-blank (I have No matching version found for [email protected]. npm install native-base --save. I also feel restarting the IDE/PC hepled in some way : . Blog Changelog Star Us on By the way you don't have to install expo-cli at all. After accessing it with my phone (and seeing the default app message), and going back into my original project I was able to start expo again with the newer version of the code and see it on the phone working your expo_update_url and sdk_version isn't filled in. using tunnel or LAN commands did not work for me. first(). If this didn't work as described, then this repro & discord would be flooded with issues. Starting project at <directory here> Developer tools running on htp://localhost:<port number here> Starting Metro Bundler BIG QR CODE HERE However, mine is missing the Developer tools running on htp://localhost:<port number here>. Closed NU-OnE opened this issue Jan 30, I created a project with "expo init" with "blank (TypeScript)" option selected. expo : The term 'expo' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or expo init first-app + CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (expo:String) [], CommandNotFoundException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: Like expo init. I even copy the App. For Windows, there is a expo is not installed on the machine anymore for some reason since it is an expo project it is straightforward first go to Nodejs webpage download LTS version NOT THE CURRENT VERSION once node is succesfully installed on the machine it will you can check by opening the command prompt and typing node --version you should see something like I am completely new to react native and trying to set up my environment. my expo CLI is not loaded my existing app or even not created new app by using this command 'expo init testapp'. $ expo init google-sign-in $ cd google-sign-in $ yarn add expo-auth-session@~3. Use npx expo start to start your app. Any idea how This is my craziest experience since i have been working on react Below are the steps i take from installing the app to building it. Remember that you will have to run the expo init command with the --npm flag everytime you want a new project to use npm as your preferred package manager. 0) is not compatible to the project build with previous versions. When I type in "expo init projectname" I get "-bash: expo: command not found. If you are using an older version of the firebase library in your project, you may have to adapt the code examples to match the version that you are using with the help of the Firebase JS SDK documentation. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. 2 instead of the latest. 0 by entering “npm install -g expo-cli” in the terminal and entering “expo init” and/or “expo start” and have gotten no where. Felix Ozuna Expo-cli installed but when running any expo command I get "zsh: command not found: expo" 1. expo init <project-name> you'd actually pass: expo init <project-name> --template <one-of-the-predefined-templates> --name <AppName> Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. { "private": true, "workspaces": [ "packages/*" ], } then i created a folder in my root directory called packages. 15. 5. I was able to get it to "reload" the code by creating an empty expo folder (expo init ReloadProject), going into and restarting the expo client there (expo start). json can serve as an alternative to tsconfig. so to solve this Follow the bellow Method: 1st Run this Command : sudo npm install --global expo-cli Enter Password to proceed then run. Set up the environment I went through the steps to add Sentry functionality to my expo managed work flow project. My hypothesis is this is a deeper issue with websockets not working properly in UPDATE OCT 2018 Create React Native App (now discontinued) has been merged with Expo CLI You can now use expo init to create your project. 73 (which made the Metro symlinks support stable, which has been reported as working by the community without Expo), would it be considered a bug in Expo for pnpm I just did npm start in my expo init project. Answer Two. npx eas init. not all commands live on this new local cli package, for example you can use npx expo-doctor to use the npm package expo-doctor instead of expo doctor. You may want to consider ejecting your project from expo and using expokit instead. Migrate to the new local Expo CLI: problem, noticed that using an outdated Yarn 2+ handles package management differently than Yarn 1. yarn add @gorhom/bottom-sheet@^4. Thus, to deploy the Expo Web-app to Vercel, one can first have a GHA-step that runs expo build:web and then deploy the bundle it produces to Vercel. Highlights. " I assume I am on the wrong path based on similar posts, but the instructions I have add sentry-expo init function with my DSN (already working in production with lowest sentry-expo and sdk version) // App. Add a Comment. – Arifullah Description New Windows install of expo-cli. It must work now! Share. you can't run the CLI in 'interactive mode' if you are using Git Bash, instead, you can use cmd, but if you insist on using Git Bash then you need to pass 2 arguments: name and template. 21. You can search the Expo website on how to accomplish those tasks. I tried on a fresh blank project just after an expo init, I got the following error : Environment Expo CLI 3. e. For instance, we may have an Android and an iOS build with a channel named "production", while we have another pair of Try restarting your app on Expo. npm install expo-cli --global; expo init my-new-project; cd my-new-project => expo start; I installed expo-cli using npm but after the successful installation, when i try to run expo --version, it shows that expo in nor recognized. Try Teams for free Explore Teams. qr Expo tabs template does not work out the box with expo-web #4563. The correct way to solve this without installing yet another package is by using the -p|--package option on npx. example. By default, a project created with create-expo-app and Yarn 2+ uses nodeLinker with its value set to node-modules to install dependencies. I would greatly appreciate any help or advice. Open comment sort options. When i tried to type and enter the expo command, its always be 'expo' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. Then inside the entry point file you'll have to also have to register the root component of the app. That means built-in tools Expo uses, like icons, are also made to be universal. when app is running in foreground it is working fine but when app is in background or killed it's not giving me location. So mine only shows I had the same problem and this is how I solved it: Install the Expo CLI with npm install expo-cli --global. expo not recognized i installed yarn using conda install -c conda-forge yarn then i installed expo-cli using yarn yarn global add expo-cli. Jurrian Jurrian. after that go to YourProject Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. Metro bundler wast not starting up in the browser Other than that I would assume you can create a rule or an exception to allow expo to continue working with your Antivirus. 7 to the latest version, does that help for you?. After building my app and installing the APK on a Emulator and a Device the app doesn't start. isTTY correctly, so we can't display prompt for login/password. 4 below is package info I tried to install firebase using expo and npm both fails then how I initialize firebase config file firebase. 1. Ask Question Asked 5 years, 3 months ago. Add the paths to all of your component files in your tailwind. Docs. The only thing to do is to create a GitHub/Bitbucket/Gitlab etc, repo and add the origin to the Expo project. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again. 9. So I had to go to edit environment variables and add another line to the variable "Path" under the system variables. 18. Open your terminal and install theexpo CLIglobally by running thefollowing comm I tried npx expo-cli init myapp --npm, the same npx expo-cli init myapp worked with yarn (i. npx create-expo-app. I tried adding path to the environment variables but that doesn't seem to work. You signed out in another tab or window. The cli log: Starting Metro Bundler. 6 'expo' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. after successful installation i should be able to use expo init but 'expo' is not recognized as an internal or external command . Remember to replace <custom directory> with the actual name of your The reason session. ivnnv npx expo init projectname Let me know if this works. And it seems that the same Expo continues React Native's pursuit in creating universal apps that work with both Android, iOS, as well as web apps. expo : The term 'expo' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. I have tried to export PATH to ~/. Most of the expo features will still be available to you with the exception of Push Notifications and you will be able to use link. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. Copy link Member. here is my manifest config as i said. npm install -global expo-cli. Summary I am getting a black screen when I try to show the camera using the expo-camera. The project booted up just fine and everything seems to be working and I have a connection to the DB. When my friend runs expo start in the same project as me he won't be able to connect to the I want to set up Performance monitoring for my react native app. after successful installation of expo-cli. Managed or bar As of Expo v46 the CLI is part of the local expo package. if you can post an issue with more information to demonstrate that the issue is on the expo side (to show that you are using the latest stable version of npm and that the installation Can't start project on expo app. a_name is a variable, an attribute of the class Game, so you refer to it just by typing a_name. npm does seem to have been having a variety of issues today such as delays You signed in with another tab or window. $ npm install -g eas-cli $ npm install -g expo-cli $ expo init expo-cdc-example $ cd expo-cdc-example $ yarn start. Return the length (total number of rows) of the Data Frame using nrow()nrow() function is used to return the number of rows of the specified object (Matrix/DataFrame etc). 'expo' is not recognized as an internal or external command. 'expo' is not recognized as an internal or Test the update. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Setup Tailwind CSS . 4: This version has been deprecated in accordance with the hapi support policy (hapi. I don't know what else to do. What this does is creates another folder inside that After this, expo init command worked. I have used the below code for in app. @byCedric now that Expo SDK 50 uses React Native 0. Expo SDK does not enforce or recommend any specific version of Firebase to use in your app. Teams. Then reinstalled node and ran npm install -g expo-cli again. Summary npx create-expo-app expo will create a package named expo, which will not let the app run due to the Expo project itself being used instead of node_modules/expo. So I ended up downloading Expo CLI 2. 1 I'm new to expo-cli and keep running into this on the terminal. ("init above"); init() . cra is for web apps while expo and Unforutently, you can't use native modules in expo. To solve the error "'expo' is not recognized as an internal or externalcommand, operable program or batch file", install the expo CLI globally byrunning npm install --global expo-cliand make sure your PATH environmentvariable is set up correctly. Unfortunately, I'm not familar with the tool. Plan and track work Code Review. It seemed to work, it connects, it runs Sentry. Ayase-252 commented May 18, 2021. Cannot run expo web. All I end up getting from the terminal is “-bash: expo: command not found”. Run the command npx gluestack-ui init to **initialize **the library in expo app router project. Normally on your terminal it should be like this. The problem: I use Ubuntu 18. Under the hood the extension uses expo/xdl package to run Expo apps. npx will look in the node_modules of your current directory first, and because the Ejected Expo app not working after Archiving and testing on TestFlight, There was a problem loading the requested app #737. I can't install expo on a new pc i'm using Windows 10 and already installed node but when i use npm install --global expo-cli cmd says that expo isnt a recognized command, i was running as and admin and try it using powershell but it didnt work, also using the yarn command habpens the same. ; Run expo start -c or react-native start --reset-cache as described in the documentation. There is no need to install the global package. Try using PowerShell instead. git After you cd npx expo init my_app. it is not going to create my new project. You could look FAQ or ask question per FAQ section in their repo. I used expo init to create a new project with expo-cli 2. When I run "expo init my-app" I can't build a project with expo (React Native and Node) 4. Provide details and share your research! But avoid . I identified my problem, if the window size is 5 the videos will work very well but i will get the problems with the screen when I'm scrolling back the FlatList. Expected Behavior Install Run C:\Users\Oliver λ npm install expo-cli --global I would like to use React Native Bottom Sheet in my new expo app (expo init). after run expo init YourProject, choose minimal (Typescript). Improve this answer. "Error: spawn cmd ENOENT" In Expo Init Project. Follow Learn how to create a new Expo project. Just setup the nativewind V4 using the guide for expo-router and write className styles and see if it works immediately on hot reload of the app. So, the command created a directory with the name of the app, but I was not in it: I was running the expo run you do not need to use the global expo-cli package at all anymore, it is deprecated. It didn't. edit1. Then I install nativebase using . 19. expo init myapp. Migrate to the versioned Expo CLI (npx expo). Description Can't initialize gluestack using gluestack-ui init in my project that uses node CodeSandbox/Snack link https: I was able to use your repo to make a blank expo project work. If you're not using TypeScript, jsconfig. In my terminal i cd packages then i created a new expo project with this command. For Expo Projects. js (LTS). A summary of the documentation and answers from Expo employees: React Native init: Advantages. 10 and node v12. "Error: The expo package provides a small and powerful CLI tool npx expo which is designed to keep you moving fast during app development. And it tries to install react-native-maps from the git repository (not from npm). json - add a main field with the path to the desired entry point. Modified 3 years, 5 months ago. New comments cannot be posted. See Quick Start in the Expo documentation for instructions on getting started using Expo CLI. This shall create all files and setup basic configurations properly and works great in pages router, but we have to do few tweaks to 2. That's the placeholder value. After I issued expo init command and created the first project, running npm start shows a message that reads: This command requires Expo CLI. 7 environment info: System: OS: Windows 10 Binaries: Yarn: 1. This means you need to install git on your machine. The expo command is not found in the PATH, and project init doesn't work. The terminal you are using does not set process. Find I installed nodejs by following the instructions on the website and then ran sudo npm install -g expo-cli and sudo expo init. Migrate to using: › npx create-expo-app --template. – baraber Commented Dec 21, 2018 at 14:16 I tried to learn react native with expo in my first project so I created a project with the following cli commands: npm i --location=global expo init app cd app npm start If im correct after running these commands a browser windows should open, redirected to metro bundler at localhost:19000. Upon minimizing the app, locking my phone, then opening it up after a few seconds, the subscriptions stop working because the websocket closes and will not re-open. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. New. json. We’ll get You’ll also be running your Expo builds from within Linux, meaning any build tooling will $ expo init google-sign-in $ cd google-sign-in $ yarn add expo-auth-session@~3. 1 - C: Toast notification not working along with Modal #118. Expo Go not working properly after update. Answer One. At this point you have a brand new React Native project, but how can you preview your project. 62. 20. I used Taskmanager but I don't why it's not working. When I Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. 5 When I run "expo init my-app" I can't build a project with expo (React Native and Node) 1 When I run 'expo init my-new-project' I get '-bash: expo: command not found'. import * as Sentry from 'sentry-expo' Sentry. Created a component called GoalItem. Corey Sutton When I run "expo init my-app" I can't build a project with expo (React Native and Node) 2. 6 unable to run npm start for react-native project. Tunnel also not working Question Share Add a Comment. I have to start working on React Native. I've followed the instructions here. Follow edited May 31, 2024 at 9:40. Action taken after that: Installed the latest version of Node and NPM. Collaborate outside of code Code Search. But when I run expo start in a project folder I get the below output. Expo was doing this automatically, when the entry point wasn't I cannot say why it is not working without more information. Follow answered Apr 18, 2020 at 23:28. I created this project in react native, Using following commands. git folder when you create a new Expo project. But now when i have some new project to make with the 'expo' command like expo init or expo start or something else, it didn't work anymore. js file. Thanks for reading and Happy coding!! expo : The term 'expo' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. js (LTS version) installed VS Code or any other preferred code editor or IDE installed; A macOS, Linux, or Windows (PowerShell and I recommend that you follow the initial suggestions on Create your first app - Expo Documentation. The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: All Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. choses a Manage workflow with blank template. ridvanaltun ridvanaltun. npx expo-cli init myapp) , but then doing yarn android failed to complete after seemingly getting emulator started (but that's Prerequisites. Any time you see Mosh issuing Expo commands on the command line, you might face issues. 849 6 6 silver badges 20 20 bronze badges. One of the core changes in Yarn 2+ is the Plug'n'Play (PnP) node linking model that does not work with React Native. While investigating we found out the problem could occur due to incorrect mapping of React Native and $ npm install --global expo-cli // 1st command $ expo init demo_app // 2nd command WARNING: The legacy expo-cli does not support Node +17. captureException('some exception') in place of a console. 0. just make sure you have npx installed and call npx create-expo-app DoneWithIt Hi all, I am starting a project with one of my team members. If expo-cli is not installed, it will provide you with instructions to install. When I run "expo init my-app" I can't build a project with expo (React Native and Node) 0 After expo init, you should run npx sb init, then install @storybook/react-native-server (as a devDependency). 4. 61 after successful installation of expo-cli. after that, your can check if it successfully installed using expo --version expo-cli --version. log, the app crashes and I get "Sentry. json file i added the following codes. Publish update working-directory: . there are following screenshots of my problem. git directory from their repo when first ran. json file that looked like this below. I realise that expo go app running 127. ; Generate i installed yarn using conda install -c conda-forge yarn then i installed expo-cli using yarn yarn global add expo-cli. 1 React native init not working getting can't find variable _fbBatchedBridge IOS simulator. Restarting Expo CLI is necessary to update compilerOptions. 27. So I created a blank project with the expo init command, created a managed workflow, and installed expo notifications via expo install. I have tried to install with yarn and it was installed successful but is writing that expo in not found. Open comment sort options Best. 0. This isn't the first time I've used Expo or React Native. npx create-expo-app gluestack --template blank cd gluestack npx gluestack-ui init npx gluestack-ui add --all Using expo init I was given a package. Learn about what the Application has not been if you can post an issue with more information to demonstrate that the issue is on the expo side (to show that you are using the latest stable version of npm and that the Specifically, you initialize your project with: npx create-expo-app DoneWithIt. At the time of this article, expo and expo-cli is at version 5. Thus, I guess that this upgrade (3. 0 npm -v 6. Closed uksparky opened this issue Jun 12, 2019 · 5 comments Closed run expo init; choose the tabs managed workflow and finish setup; run expo start from new project; hit I had the same issue, but found a solution. expo init AwesomeProject. According to the current Expo documentation, if you want a different entry point than the App. 7. In my global package. Tarek El-Mallah Tarek El-Mallah. a_nameworks, but session. 1)yarn add --dev eslint eslint-config-airbnb eslint-plugin-import eslint-plugin Fresh react native EXPO app is not working. I AM GETTING THIS ERROR WHEN I TRIED TO INSTALL REACT-NATIVE EXPO CLI. 11. init({ dsn: config. baseUrl after modifying the tsconfig. js file, you can update the package. Viewed 1k times 2 . System requirements: Node. Expanding on JimmyTheCode's answer, it works because tsc is a dummy package that only installs typescript. Here is what i did. db file and I am sure that my code is correct because when I try the code in snack it work but i do In my case, I clonned a Github repository and then used create-expo-app inside the repository directory. 4. use npx expo within the project to invoke the cli from the local expo package within the project. Specifically, you initialize your project with: npx create-expo-app DoneWithIt. npx expo-cli init myapp worked with yarn (i. Once you're here, just install Jest as seen in the previous link, and run yarn storybook. I created another directory, reinitialized using expo init and now npm stat command works like a charm. The screen jumps because the window is small but the videos works, In this article, we will see What is a Data Frame and how to find the length of a data frame in R programming Language. Follow answered Jun 29, 2022 at 20:12. npx expo-cli init myapp) , but then doing yarn android failed to complete after seemingly getting emulator started (but that's When I create a brand new expo project with expo-cli 3. 48:19000 on your browser just to make sure it's not a connection problem. 0 "-bash: expo: command not found I'm newbiee in react native, I'm using expo I'm trying to get user location if app is in the background or killed. 2 and installed firebase@5. I don't believe it works with every refresh of the code but at least you have the reassurance I have some question about using eslint in Expo project. Manage code changes Discussions. So I had to uninstall nvm/node, deleted any remnant folders & files of . stdout. expo init (blank typescript project). io which means link will not work. You can use npx expo init to create a expo project. Are there any go throughs to this issue? For some reason, the update messed with the path. . expo init myproject -bash: expo: command not found First, I tried uninstall and installing via. I No this does not happen on a new project off expo init. I using expo 3. That's It, It will work now, Just go check it expo init myproject. nvm and shortcuts for nvm in /usr/local. ; Use Expo Orbit to install and But the problem is that it is not showing this page on my browser. Absolute imports are only supported by Metro (including Metro web) and not by @expo/webpack-config. I just expo init a project and start it, then scan QR code lan connection on dev tool with my physical device on Expo Go but it not working. git directory and try again. After the update is uploaded to EAS Update, you can use one of the following methods to test the update: Use the Extensions tab in a development build to load the update. query(Game). But when I try to use Sentry. I'm using Location from expo-location This is how i got it to work with expo-yarn-workspaces. 2. While I used Expo Go it worked perfectly. It is defined in eas. then(() => { console. npm install expo-cli -g Share. profile but this did not help me. /apps/expo run: eas update --auto. When the init ask for whether you want to use yarn, select yes; Doing the above steps makes the expo init successful on my laptop. Anyway, if you just want to remove the auto git init, I think you'll just need to remove the . Closed Expo init testProject 2: Expo eject > rm node_modules > yarn install 3: ios folder > To be honest, I don't see any problem with the Expo git init. Then I finally install the font . No such table - SQLite in Expo react native Abstract: In this software development site article, we discuss a common issue encountered when starting a new React Native project with Expo and Native Wind, where class name effects are not working. @RyanMitchellWilson - this isn't an issue with expo it's an issue with npm. expo not recognized For some reasons expo needs git to initialize the project. js. Sort by: Best. 4,115 2 2 gold badges 34 34 silver badges 47 47 bronze badges. React native expo init issue. sudo expo update Now Run. tsx The only hacky solution i've found is to change the script to manually compile typescript first and then run expo. expo cannot be loaded on terminal(npm run - works run expo installation again. Our goal is to create a React Native app with Expo. Old. initializeApp Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. stuff, on the other hand, is a method of that class, so you need a pair of parentheses after it, even if, as in this case, there expo init firebaseauth npm install @react-navigation/native expo install react-native-screens react-native-safe-area-context npm install @react 'node' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. test npx: installed 1 in 1. It is just this recently I first create a new app with expo using . so instead of . I was just able to expo init a new SDK 35 project, and run it with expo start with no errors. All from the same code. Q&A. npx create-expo-app expo will not work I'm new to expo-cli and keep running into this on the terminal. answered May 31, 2024 at 9:39. We explore potential causes and provide solutions to help you get your project up and running. What I found to be working : expo init --template [email protected]; expo init - Description I am not able to make an expo eject. Initialize a new project using expo init projectname abhiishekk02 changed the title 32m'MODULE_NOT_FOUND expo init not working anyone can help me? May 18, 2021. we will Hi, I try to load . yarn add react-native-reanimated react-native-gesture-handler [PS C:\Users\Hp\Desktop\projects> expo init Mealtogo. db file using Asset and require() to my project I create the project by $ expo init but it can not resolve the . ; If that doesn't work, make >expo init MyAwesomeRealmApp --template @realm/expo-template WARNING: The legacy expo-cli does not support Node +17. 🐛 Bug Report Environment Expo CLI 3. Run npx tailwindcss init to create a tailwind. 1 instead of pc ip. expo start To use react-native-youtube component you would have to detach your Expo project ExpoKit: ExpoKit is an Objective-C and Java library that allows you to use the Expo platform and your existing Expo project as part of a larger standard native project — one that you would normally create using Xcode, Android Studio, or react-native init. I just create a react native app using the following command: expo init first-react-native And try run this app using . Starting 13 March 2017, use create-react-native-app instead. captureException is not a function". I was getting the same error after upgrading expo. What version of expo-cli are you using? Are you doing anything else besides: expo init [project_name] expo start; Please provide as npm install -g expo-cli; expo init MyApp --npm; choose 'blank' template; if this fails on Windows due to missing interactive mode, use cmd instead of Git Bash Test that app works; run it and open in the browser (the interactive shell is needed to get the menu option (w) for launching in browser) cd MyApp; npm start <--- I had a similar issue. Pls read careful before comment Navigate to the directory you want to create your new project and do expo init "project-name". -bash: expo: command not found It turns out the command to install expo npm install -g expo-cli was referencing an older version of node on my machine; when checked using npm root -g. We'll need the following to get started: Expo Go installed on a physical device; Node. I hope this was expo init Adds their . Reload to refresh your session. Start a server for developing your app: npx expo start. expo init DoneWithIt. sentry, I am trying to create Database for my react native app using expo's SQLite and followed its documentation for it but I think Database isn't initializing. Share Sort by: Best. js found in the getting started documentation, and after I start the app and try to run it on an emulator I face the below error i've reverted @expo/configure-splash-screen@0. sudo npm uninstall -g expo-cli && sudo npm i -g expo-cli + [email protected] Second, I checked nodejs to see what version it was running on: node -v v10. Follow answered Jul 21, 2018 at 14:13. Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. It seems not a Node. Related questions. init() just fine. Does not work for me : Error: Cannot read property 'pbxprojPath' of null Beside, I would like to continue using expo in dev. You can add native modules written in Java or Objective-C (probably the only but the strongest one) I've Add npx before eas and it works fine. 10 Actually as I reinstalled expo-cli which was an updated version and was not matching with the project files, as the project was initialized using expo init. You Try to open the expo dev server 192. config. stuff doesn't is a simple syntactic issue. 0 expo-random@~12. I was getting a zlib error when running expo init or create-react-native-app, downloaded the blank template file archive manually, extracted into a new directory and ran it Probably the only thing missing is to add the expo executable to your path. I had to I tried npx expo-cli init myapp --npm, the same. i only recommended yarn here because it is easier to switch to that than to help people to debug issues with npm. Best. unsure why this would be happening though. As usual Windows is screwing something up. ; We recommend starting with the default project created by create iMac-Sergej:~ sergejanohin$ sudo npm install -g expo-cli Password: npm WARN deprecated joi@14. You'll get Storybook running on localhost:7007 The React Navigation -> Expo Router migration guide seems to imply that the initialRouteName on navigators like <Stack> is a no-op - it's whatever index is for a navigator that determines the initial route. js import * as Sentry from 'sentry-expo' ; Sentry . same issue. fjv rjfww qgbu yxbej ifrsw yjjsr oirprxvq afoq karj yqhuu