
Dmr private talkgroup. Februar 2022 von DL3FTZ.

Dmr private talkgroup r/neovim. Den Damit man im DMR Brandmeister-Netz sprechen kann, müssen verschiedene Talkgroups im Gerät eingespeichert sein. This avoid any possible collision if choosing an With FreeDMR there is a simple way to select any talkgroup without having to pre-program your radio with a DMR codeplug matching the talkgroups you may require Here’s The NJ-TRBO / TRI-STATE Talkgroup is a group of repeaters In CT, DE, FL, NJ and NY. SPECIAL NOTE: Private calling, texting, DPRS/APRS/GPS Location Services should never be used on the Rocky Mountain Ham Radio Official UK DMR Talk Group List. Skip to main content Home The WPSD Project WPSD FAQs Digital Radio Lists XLX493 Reflector WiFi Configuration Generator for WPSD 515997 - Parrot (Private Call) 515999 - APRS/GPS; Philippine DMR Net Times. Da ich bereits von mehreren befreundeten Funkamateuren angesprochen wurde, ob wir nicht eine Talkgroup beleben wollen, habe ich beim Team des Brandmeister-DMR-Netzes Instead of putting in a TG number, enter in the DMR ID of the individual to make a private call using DMRoIP. Both operators transmit and receive on the same frequency (here the Today let us talk some basic information on digital radio group call, private call and All call. Private talk groups are restricted to a specific set of users who have been granted access by the talk In der DMR-Betriebstechnik gibt es, unabhängig vom verwendeten Netz, grundsätzlich zwei verschiedene Anrufverfahren: GroupCall (GC) und PrivateCall (PC). Feb 2, 2021 #3 Go to DMR r/DMR . You could try creating a Brandmeister temporary TG using your Talk groups are used to allow for users to communicate in a virtual like room. You can use their "last heard" page to see what talkgroups This talkgroup uses DVSwitch to connect with The PAPA System AllStar server. It does not have any bearing on how an operator transmits to a TG, just Before you can use your DMR radio with APRs, there is some preparation work that must be performed. Diese umfasst aber nur das DMR-Plus-Netz und ist trotz gleicher Nummerierung nicht mit dem Brandmeister-Netz The OpenGD77 approach of having talkgroup lists on a single channel works fine for isolating the talk groups (as long as I have the radio DMR filter set to TG) but I cannot 2019/05/06 16:18 1/4 Liste von Talkgroups, die im deutschsprachigen Raum benutzt werden BrandMeister Wiki - http://wiki. # Assignment Host MotoDMR BM Hytera TGIF QRM Local Only Continent Country Region Sub-Region This group is for DMR users in Upstate NY. We'll end up with around 200 talk If you then key up another Talkgroup that is not Static this takes the place of the auto-static one; which then becomes Dynamic for a period of time. TG: to filter by the selected Talkgroup. ly/at-878uvii-plusFor more information:📞: 816-532-8451📧: contactus@bridgecomsystems. net issued you a personal DMR ID that can be used as a personal private talkgroup on BrandMeister this is encouraged by those wanting a new talkgroup, BM tells you to use your In Example 1. Private Call Tx: Private ID 2626192 ID: DL Master 2626192 262. weltweit TG 92 EU – Was ist DMR (Technik, TS, TG, Private Call) – Wie werde ich QRV (Geräte, Codeplug Basics) Teil 2 (22. r/DMR If what you have is NOT working then I would start with the basics and create the private call contact for the PARROT talk group and the Talkgroup entry for But, most DMR users are unaware of how little is configured on DMR repeaters. Recent Posts. Home; DMR; Download; D-STAR; Fotoalbum; To dial manually, you can long press the 0 key and then either enter the private DMR ID directly, or you can press the # key and then enter any public talk group ID such as 91, and then kerchunk (quick press of the microphone) to set it. I add the private ID of 9990, then Save Contact. It Nebraska DMR. Please keep posts limited to directly related posts to upstate users of the 31361 talkgroup. You can still use Talkgroup 4000 to disconnect the current Talkgroup if sent as a private Private calls tie up a large number of repeater time slots across the network. 7, “Simplex private call. That conference call number is called a Talk Group number. Dabei unterscheiden wir: Statische Gruppen. 10 Minuten nach dem letzten Sendedurchgang bleibt die Hy, Can DMR be used between two DMR stations without a repeater and without a talkgroup? In another post , this question was partly answered already Skip to main content. I could call him and he could call me. Then send your new changes to the radio. In order to help all hams enjoy this popular resource, here are a few operating tips: Keep QSOs short. To unlink the reflector, start a short private call to DMR ID 4000. Statically linked TGs remain linked all the time, dynamically linked TGs stay linked for you only DMR Talk Group Master List. For Brandmeister Talkgroup 91 (World-Wide) is the most active talkgroup on the BrandMeister system. RxG: to filter by Talkgroups in the TG list / Rx Group list. Since the Alabama TG3101 is now linked between Brandmeister and DMR-Marc as well al the AL Alabama DMR programming the conference call number into your DMR radio. If the DMR ID is in Manual Dial 5000 Private Call, PTT and the repeater/hotspot will respond with the currently linked Talk Group. To enquire about the Talk Group linked. Search. From beginner tips to DIY I'm trying to build a private DMR server network for RAYNET here in the UK. . Get Status. Since the groups for calling are statically linked to Well I tested a private call, my DMR ID to a friend’s DMR ID, both of us with an HT behind a hotspot and it worked perfect. They point to a network (Brandmeister, DMR-MARC, FreeDMR, etc) and the This site will provide information for the WR3IRS Interstate DMR Repeater Network. 7125, Coverage for the Chattanooga area – AmComm Network; W4PL 444. Hotspots will stay linked to a called Talk Group for 999 mins. [DMR Network 2] # Pass all of the other private traffic on slot 1 and slot 2 Rocky Mountain Ham Radio’s DMR Network Information as of January 13, 2025. Encryption is not legal on amateur radio in the USA but is allowed in Canada! Data and text As a reminder, there are some real distinctions between the process of making contacts in DMR and the Analog HF world. But there is another network rapidly gaining popularity in North America worthy of your attention – DMR Plus. Veröffentlicht am 3. List of TGIF DMR Talkgroups. Join Us Monday, January 20th As We Discuss Using Hotspots vs Repeaters To Access DMR Die Talkgroup 9 ist im DMR-Netz dafür vorgesehen. All available DMR talk groups on Repeaterbook. ag Eine Übersicht mit allen geschalteten Talkgroups im DMR DL Motorola Netz There are a lot of features within the DMR standard that are intended for use on private radio systems that don’t apply to DMR in the amateur radio world. Donate a or a . Verbunden ist die TG263 im DMR mit dem DMR-MARC North America-wide talkgroup. Like us on Facebook! Support General; Page; General Settings. It appears that the only YSF room Oma heli testimiseks tee private call papagoile, mille id on 244997, APRS paketid aga saata id 310999 peale. ) – Betrieb (alltäglicher Betrieb, Funktionen im Netz, Codeplug) Teil 3 (05. DMR BrandMeister Talkgroup 91 is the most popular and busy talkgroup. This guide walks you through setting up HBLink for a private Auch sehr interessant: Über einen „private call“ lässt sich aber auch ein ganz bestimmter Funkamateur gezielt anrufen - und zwar weltweit! Voraussetzung hierzu ist lediglich die DMR - Digital Mobile Radio Talkgroup (TG) Tx: Group ID 262 Rx List Rx List DL Master 262 Group ID 262 Group ID 262. Instead of using the talkgroup ID, you This next post on my Digital Mobile Radio (DMR) tips series, we’ll look at an easy way to test our radio and also check that the repeater is In the world of DMR, there are two types of talk groups: private and public. bridgecomsystems. Also, as far as possible Statewide Talkgroup usage should use true dmr only. net) Questions: I can't find any examples where "All call" is used. e Promiscuous mode but the radio isn’t decoding all of the traffic I see on the screen. On my Anytone 868, I go to List, then Back, then New Contact. It is Contacts - There are three call types in DMR: Group Call, Private Call, and All-Call. A Group Call is a transmission from one radio to a group of radios. This is r=under the control of the VKDMR administrators/ This TG is DMR Talk Groups The talk time and key up times are pulled from Brandmeister for the past 7 days then averaged out into a daily usage. DMR My little project is to set up a totally private DMR network that will enable 3 or 4 hotspots to communicate with eachother on certain talkgroups. Save the new code DMR systems we provide for our local HAMs. ) – As the Digital Mobile Radio (DMR) market grows here in Alabama, I thought it was time for a name change. Now I see it in the list, select it LAST HEARD (DL) DMR-PLUS FORUM. Joined Aug 7, 2019 Messages 952 Location Laval. There are 1681 available TalkGroups on When used on either Time Slot, TalkGroup 4000 initiates a report from the server of "not linked". Oregon: 3141 : FT/PTT: Oregon statewide is full time in-state, part time for out of state PNW repeaters. This facebook group has been created to help each other on resolving any technical TypeRewrite=1,9990,1,9990 TypeRewrite=2,9990,2,9990 TGDynRewrite0=2,90,4000,5000,9,999910,234999,9990 PassAllPC=1 PassAllPC=2 How to Create a Private Talk Group on Your AnyTone Radio Ever wanted to establish a semi-private talk group on your AnyTone radio for seamless communication with If you then key up another Talkgroup that is not Static this takes the place of the auto-static one; which then becomes Dynamic for a period of time. This allows you to set up a talkgroup and give A "private call" is where you are using the repeater system to directly contact another DMR operator. /3265124600219625/ Talkgroup Description. Es gibt eine ganze Menge von DMR Relais, Private Call (used for Radio IDs) DMR repeaters have 2 “time slots” that share a frequency, allowing for two separate, simultaneous conversations This means one repeater can do the BrandMeister DMR Server has built-in APRS capabilities: Position reports of Hytera and Motorola radios can be forwarded to APRS; Telemetry events of Hytera and Motorola radios can be BrandMeister Talkgroup List The below table is generated by connecting to the BrandMeister API, this data is live as of the time this page was loaded. You can make a "private call" on Brandmeister, radioid to radioid, without going RadioID. Note: Times indicated are Philippine time. bm262. It does not have any bearing on how an operator transmits to a TG, just TS1-INFO / TS2-INFO – Derzeit sendende Station. Add 4000 as a Private call to the radio. Mobile Menu Toggle. You can still use Talkgroup 4000 to Talkgroup- und Cluster Übersicht Brandmeister DMR Quelle: www. Eine Talkgroup ist eine logische Gruppierung von Benutzern innerhalb eines DMR-Netzes, die sich eine gemeinsame Kommunikationsverbindung teilen. While monitoring this talkgroup I frequently hear a transmission (and see the screen information) from someone In other words, the concept of a dynamic vs static has to do with HOW and WHEN a talkgroup is active on a repeater. Generell wird bei DMR mit zwei Slots entsprechend per Multiplexing Verfahren das Sprachsignal digital übertragen. This is similar to having two separate analog repeaters. There should be no bridging of any other modes to ANY statewide talkgroup. 901/16383, talkgroup 1. Talkgroups Eine Talkgroup (deutsch: Sprechgruppe) bestimmt im DMR das Verbreitungsgebiet einer Aussendung. Hierzu noch ein paar Vorbemerkungen: Setting Up HBLink for a Private DMR Network with HBlink. The New York repeaters start in Manhattan with the K2MAK repeater on top of the Empire State How to load your CPS with TG 4000 for the purposes of disconnecting from dynamic groups and reflectors without needing a separate channel. Here, you can download worldwide codeplugs for your Anytone DMR radio. About this group. I've Viele Amateurfunk-optimierte DMR-Geräte bieten darüber hinaus auch die Möglichkeit die Talkgroup Ad-Hoc (spontan) zu ändern, so dass nicht zwingend alle RadioID. Users just key their PTT to activate the I am having trouble connecting to the parrot. Members Online. Statically linked TGs remain linked all the time, dynamically linked TGs stay linked for you only for a limited The OpenGD77 approach of having talkgroup lists on a single channel works fine for isolating the talk groups (as long as I have the radio DMR filter set to TG) but I cannot All VK DMR network repeaters and hotspots use colour code 1. When this filter is enabled, the DMR mode Wichtig ist nun die Einstellung der richtigen APRS Talkgroup, denn man kann entweder die TG 262999 verwenden oder die TG 5057. Since the Alabama TG3101 is now linked between DMR Repeaters have 2 timeslots (TS), which allow 2 simultaneous conversations. de/ Liste von Talkgroups, die im As mentioned in my original post, I had set the programming for the four DMR simplex frequencies to talkgroup 99, but I could not get the radios to talk to each other. 4 minute read. Published: January 10, 2025. There was talk way back about making the software where you could change TG's on "Talkgroup" is a generic term that refers to virtual radio channels created for/by a Trunked Radio Systems(TRS). Home; DMR; Download; D-STAR; Fotoalbum; HABHUB; Kontakt; Impressum; Open Menu. In the introduction into DMR above, the private call over several repeaters I’m using OpenGD77 and have the radio on that frequency and set to DMR, with no filters i. A DMR talkgroup is simply a way of grouping many Radio IDs into a single digital contact. Primarily based in the Panama City area, FL . Our Network. Only 1 DMR TG = your prefered startup TG On my radio: I press the X button to connect to my HotSpot in Wires-x mode (i am immediatelly brough to the favorite TG set in Pi-star) Push The BM "parrot" (echo test) channel is private 9990. Eastern Shore Net talkgroup 8802 Monday's at 8:00 PM Reflector IDs are between DMR ID 4000 and 5000. 150, Coverage for the Chattanooga area – AmComm / When a DMR signal is received which uses the same Color Code as selected for the VFO or Channel, the radio display will show the station’s Talkgroup and DMR ID. I am wondering if I even DMR decoded! 🔓 Tired of feeling overwhelmed by digital mobile radio. N4LMC 444. These instantly link-up Get your Plug and Play package today: bridgecomsystems. com. While not actually a group, a Talkgroup ID (TGID) is the Calling Parrot on Brandmeister is achieved using a “Private” call to radio ID 9990. All you PCRewrite1=2,10000001,2,1,9999999 // After use of the above rule to lock in Network 4, this handles 7 digit private calls SrcRewrite0=2,1,2,VE3RD,9999999 // This line DMR Different Networks Talk Groups updated 6-2-2024. " BM talkgroup 91 ("world wide") has a lot of activity. Application for doing a echo test through a private call to ID xxx997, where xxx is the MCC of the master you are connecting to, for example 234997 or 262997. de TalkGroups im Zeitschlitz 1, TS 1 TG Nummer Name Beschreibung TG 91 Weltweit dyn. Neovim is a hyperextensible Vim The destination radio will also go into a private call mode (NOTE: I've only tested between Anytone radios). Then I tested This is an on-demand North American talkgroup that allows DMR users to dial in at will, without creating traffic unnecessarily on other DMR repeaters. Get TypeRewrite – Umgekehrt zu Source Rewrite, wird hier eine Talkgroup (GroupCall) auf einen Reflektor (Private Call) im Netzwerk umgesetzt. You can’t listen to all the lectures at Most if not all ham DMR radios can be put into promisuous mode, where they will decode any traffic, regardless of TG. Talk groups generally are a 1 to 7 digit ID which are programmed in radios as Group Call. All spreadsheets updated 10/6/2024 . 9:00PM is 1300H UTC or 0600H Pacific Daylight Time. Ct: to filter by Private Call Contacts in the codeplug. DMR-ID? Zum Betrieb im DMR Netz ist eine sogenannte DMR ID erforderlich. ” a simple simplex private call from DM3MAT to DL1XYZ is shown as well its reply. (16 DMR+ TalkGroup List The below table is generated by connecting to the DMR+ IPSC2 network, this data is live as of the time this page was loaded. DMR networks usually have static or dynamic linking available for a talkgroup. The AllStar server is used to connect our Southern California analog repeaters. Für Deutschland beginnt diese mit der 262,263 oder 264 (Die 263/4 wurden wegen Mangel an freien ID´s I just put together my DMR setup using an Anytone 878 and an MMDVM hotspot, programmed in some talk groups, called for a radio check, and received no response. Group Timeslot TGID; System Local: 1: 2: Repeater Local: Download the latest codeplugs for the Anytone AT-878 and D-578 series radios. A complete listing of all talkgroups can be Mission is to promote having a common strategy around the use of DMR (Digital Mobile Radio) for ham radio use in Iowa. The recorded voice (max 90 TalkGroup: Appel privé / private call: Description: 9 4000 Disconnect / Déconnexion (reflector mode) 9 5000 Repeater state / État du répéteur (reflector mode) 9 302997 (Time Slot 2) I've seen mention of people using Talkgroup 167776415 (Hex: FFFCDF) as a "wildcard" talkgroup in their G5s. 04. Personal swap Private calls allow to call other participants directly without interfering with other calls (except for using the repeater). I guess I meant not using a talkgroup or "group call" with Talkgroups kurz erläutert. SVXlink’i abil ühendatud Euroopa TETRA reflektoriga In other words, the concept of a dynamic vs static has to do with HOW and WHEN a talkgroup is active on a repeater. VK DMR repeaters Instead of constantly asking for radio checks on populated DMR talkgroups like you were still on CBTake advantage of the Parrot talkgroup (Group call on Repeater TG9998 or Private call How to do a Private Call with Your Anytone DMR RadioAnyTone 878UVII Plushttps://www. Download the full BrandMeister TalkGroup/31654: 31654: 4sQRP: Four State QRP TalkGroup TalkGroup/505116: 505116: 505116 Mudgee District Radio Group: Mudgee NSW Australia TalkGroup/51555: 51555: 51555: 51555 Having now gotten my DJ-MD5 working well on DMR, I figured it was time to up the stakes and see if I could use the DMR2YSF bridge feature. A private radio ID is entered the same as a talk group but is configured as private in the CPS or Talkgroup Trustee Callsign: N4RJJ Contact Details: N4RJJ@outlook. This facebook group has been created to help each other on resolving any technical issue related to DMR radio and Hotspot by DMR Talkgroup 91 Diese Liste ist eine manuell erfasste Liste der TGs, die im deutschsprachigen Raum, vorzugsweise im ID-Bereich 262-264, verwendet werden. The rules below allow private calls to traverse from DMR network 2 to either time slot on the RF side. net issued you a personal DMR ID that can be used as a personal private talkgroup on BrandMeister this is encouraged by those wanting a new talkgroup, BM tells you to use your A DMR talkgroup is a method of grouping or assembling multiple users (Radio ID’s) to a single contact. dmr. What is recommended in this case is to simply use a talkgroup number that matches the 6-digit DMR ID of the repeater. An analogy I like to use is imagining the DMR network as a university campus. Im Amateurfunk Sprachgebrauch findet sowohl der Englische als auch der Deutsche Begriff seine I know this is an old thread, but just came across this. io? This cannot be undone. Some groups like America link are keyed far, far Choose optional settings->digital func->group call hold time and private call hold time should be set to infinite. Parrot or EchoTest. I've installed HBlink3 as a start DMR networks usually have static or dynamic linking available for a talkgroup. A private call is initiated by the user by selecting the desired individual for the The other use for private calls is to have a “private” conversation with a user (radio to radio) via hotspot or repeater. They’re very dumb devices. Bridges from DMR to The Papa System repeaters in my area have a static talkgroup on one time slot, so as long as you're listening on that timeslot, you don't need to kerchunk. Don't worry, we've got you covered! Our chat with DMR guru, Quinny VK2TLQ, will change the game. The parrot allows you to test your modulation and your connection. When you push the PTT on your DMR radio, the DMR repeater Get your AnyTone AT-D878UVII Plus today: https://bit. com Technical Supp Talkgroups . PassAllPC – Lässt alle nicht vorher definierten Would be recommended to make a 4000 unlink channel. Or put another way, a talkgroup is a method of organizing radio traffic specific to the DMR users that Für ein dynamisches Abonnieren reicht ein kurzes Antasten der Talkgroup im gewünschten Timeslot und für ca. But just to clarify, remember, there's radios that will do "Digital Monitor" - they will hear your private call, as well as say I accidentally (or on The DMRServer package contains a talk group host for private DMR Talkgroups, and a MultiConnect Gateway to allow the MMDVM hotspot product to effective handle multiple DMR Talkgroup Name; with by the BrandMeister Dev Team. Die Talkgroups werden auf unterschiedlichen Slots auf der EchoLink is free for smartphones, and needs only a $7 deskmic and a network connection on a PC or Mac. Open menu Die Abkürzung „TG“ steht für Englisch „Talkgroup“, im Deutschen heist es „Sprechgruppe“. Think of the chaos that would Private Call provides voice service between one individual user and another individual user. Register and login to https: trick is done with DMR radios. QSO’s are welcome, As the Digital Mobile Radio (DMR) market grows here in Alabama, I thought it was time for a name change. Sure enough it works, although not fully yet. This page is a forum for licensed Amateur Radio operators who share an interest in Digital Mobile Radio using ETSI Standard TS 102 361 and its application in the communications hobby. I've been trying to get this working and haven't had any luck. com/pages/anytone-878uvii-plus-with-skybridge-plus-plug-and-play-packageFor more information:📞: 816-5 DMR TG = your prefered startup TG On my radio: I press the X button to connect to my HotSpot in Wires-x mode (i am immediatelly brough to the favorite TG set in Pi-star) Push Are you sure you wish to delete this message from the message archives of TG31515@groups. Just know that private calls aren’t really private, and can be monitored by These include direct numerical entry of DMR TalkGroup numbers and use of the Rx Group list to control the TG’s selectable for each DMR “channel”. Talkgroup ID: 850. Das bedeutet, bei DL4ZAQ kann, wie in der Grafik gezeigt, die Talkgroup 8 auf zwei Slots unterschiedlich belegt werden. KS-DMR Repeater TGID table Table showing the available talk group ID's on repeaters connected to the primary system. (It checks radioid. Not "group. Der Countdown nach Ende einer Übertragung zeigt an, wie lange eine Talkgroup festgelegt bleibt; REF – Reflektor des Have you set the Parrot contact / talkgroup to be Group call (NOT Private call)? jazzboypro Active Member. To link a reflector, start a short private call to the reflector ID. If you know of a better way to do this then please let me know. Basically just a really big number of "privacy" codes which aren't anymore private and just keep your channel quiet. Want to set up a Private DMR Talkgroup for just your friends or your family? A privatized talkgroup is an awesome way to be able to take control of your own DMR journey. Another option is to run your own 3142 – Pennsylvania Statewide CALLING Talkgroup – Many repeaters in PA have this talkgroup set up as “static” (full-time) access. DMR is designed to facilitate efficient and flexible communication among users by Parrot Set as Private Call not Group Call: TG8 Hotspot mapping TG8 key repeaters in per-defined regional groups. Topics and discussions related to the amateur radio digital mode DMR. Februar 2022 von DL3FTZ. Monitor this TG for calls, or use it to initiate One of the great things about ham radio Digital Mobile Radio (DMR) repeater networks is their ability to reach lots of other users all over the world with the simple push of a I've been out of the loop for quite some time and just getting back into DMR and such. 03. Set TG9 in the RX Group. When some hams new to DMR, and they dont know what is group call, and private Would be recommended to make a 4000 unlink channel. Talk Groups; Repeaters; System Status; Dashboards . Now when you get a GAP in RX you can PTT and unlink. Each DMR repeater connected to the network has two time slots, and each slot has a number of talk groups. There are 270 TalkGroups available on Hinweis: Alle aktuellen Informationen zum deutschen Motorola DMR Netz findet man auf www. To keep us better organized any feature Iowa DMR Users Group KE7FNS wrote: ↑ Fri Nov 29, 2019 1:49 am Setup your radio up so that there is one talkgroup per channel, then you just switch to whatever channel you want and it will I have set this talkgroup up as a static talkgroup at Brandmeister. Die statischen Gruppen sind auf einem Repeater permanent I think, HamB will not recognize this private call because his hotspot is busy sending the traffic in the talkgroup. Join group. Each is a contact within the radio. Talk Groups. com/products/anytone-at-d878uvii A ‘talkgroup’ is a crucial concept in the Digital Mobile Radio (DMR) system, which is a digital transmission technology used in amateur radio. A note about "Private Call": A "private call" is where you are using the repeater system to directly contact another - Lookup ID can find the DMR ID if the name matches exactly and only one is registered. Letztere hat sich als funktionierend Schlagwort-Archive: DMR-Talkgroup Statische und dynamische Sprechgruppen bei DMR. DMR to YSF on Pi-Star Question comments. On the Anytone Handhelds, the channels are selected by the 2nd When it comes to DMR, people usually think of Brandmeister. DMR Last Heard; DMR Network Monitor; IPSC2 - A (MMDVM Brückenschlag zwischen den Netzen: die neue Talkgroup 263 (Multimode DL) bietet nun die Möglichkeit netzübergreifend QSO zu fahren. Dein Codeplug muss also einen Speicherplatz enthalten, der die Frequenz des gewünschten örtlichen Relais enthält und im Thanks, a lot of DMR videos and tutorials dont quite make that all clear. There will be no interrrupt for private calls in my opinion. TIME OUT. Display alerts Display alerts when a server goes Der Repeater ist im Zeitschlitz 1 statisch in die Talkgroup 262 eingebucht.