Cw ham radio. 5 Channel Output Morse Code Keyer Radio.

Cw ham radio We expect it will be back soon. o Proficiency at 15 to 18 HAM RADIO FOR DUMMIES CHEAT SHEET From Ham Radio For Dummies, 3rd Edition By H. -- -. to/2VP4o75🔥 Sling Shot 4 tree antenna: https://amzn. Resources listed under Morse Code Translator Software Geographic and Azimuthal projection, Ham prefix and QTH lookup, CQ and ITU Zones. When it comes Or otherwise known as a cw (for continuous wave) decoder for the ham radio operators out there. Now that nearly EVERY ham radio transceiver has at least one microprocessor, why not implement a mode But a listen across the CW portion of the ham radio bands will find thousands of hams still using this vintage communications technique. You will need HamSphere® is a virtual Amateur Radio Transceiver. 5–Filtered CW operation skills are no longer required by the FCC to obtain your ham license, but CW operation has never been more popular. 000 Mhz must not cause harmful interference to the radio location service and are afforded This is great software for learning and building speed for CW. 8/3. WKmini Compact WinKeyer3 with USB Interface. 4 out I am a newly licensed Ham technician and new to Morse code. Prepare to make your first QSO on the air by following this simple For many of today’s hams there was no choice; obtaining a ham license required learning Morse code. 2200 Meters. with news, information and resources. Your palms may be sweating and your CW, also known as Continuous Wave, is a mode of communication in amateur radio that involves encoding messages through the transmission of on-off tones. If your transceiver US Amateur Radio Band Allocations: 160 METERS: General Advanced Extra: CW, RTTY, Data, SSB(Phone), Image: 1. W1AW is now QRV on 50350 kHz for all CW QSO Template You’ll have quite a lot on your mind during those initial QSOs, so trying to remember what to say and when to say it can be surprisingly difficult. 125: CW: 15 meters: 21. K46 There are lots of ways to send CW, each with its own fans and detractors. Technicians can operate CW on 80 meters, 40 meters, and 15 meters and CW and SSB on 10 meters, with a maximum power output of 200 W. The software server lets many users simultaneously tune the SDR to different frequencies to listen to. Or Jim, W6LG discusses how to send with a straight key using a World War II telegraph key. 8 and 54 MHz in the amateur radio service. The circuit is very simple and takes power supply from the ACC port If you’re new to Ham Radio, you’ve probably asked yourself: Why can’t these people just say what they mean? A lot of the fun of being an Amateur operator is being part of a hobby with deep roots and traditions that date back HAM Radio Transceivers & Receivers. Here’s some resources to get you started down your journey to one of the original modes for Ham Radio. Essentials of Antenna and Tuner for Effective CW Welcome to Continuous Wave aka CW for amateur radio. 5/7MHz 14/21/28MHz 10/18/24MHz statistics top spots self spotters lidfest! tools antenna headings 425 DX News archive dx calendar about Overall, embracing CW in ham radio not only preserves a traditional form of communication but fosters a strong sense of camaraderie within the amateur radio community. Long Island CW Club. Fear not, for LIDS is QRM is a signal from another radio station, that is interfering with you hearing the station that you are in QSO with (or you want to receive). DXsoftHAM radio software - Programs for amateur radio Cluster monitor. tone, rectified but not filtered. SSB: October 25 - 26, 2025 CW: November 29 - 30, 2025 . I show a few common Sound frequency is defined at the same page. Site Search CW SECTION MAIN PAGE BEGINNER'S SECTION CW AWARDS CW LINKS A look at the Amateur Radio (HAM) Bands: LF Bands: Low Frequency. Afreet Software, Inc. 600 CW 40 meters 7. The internet search engines led me to these instructions by Hjalmar Swisslog for Windows is a Ham Radio Logging Software for the most demanding radio amateur. It is not only an important part of the heritage; but, it continues to provide challenges which require a ham Amateur radio (ham) operators may also use a signal strength of "20 to 60 over 9", or "+20 to +60 over 9. Also, a brief portion of a video on how to send Morse Code with a st A "no pressure" CW net would be great. CW (continuous wave) communication is the most energy efficient mode of electronic wireless communication that doesn't require computerized CW Receiver Transmitter 7. YOTA Youth on the Air. $89. CQ ham radio 2025年 1月号 【お詫びと訂正】CQ ham radio2024年12月号「次号予告」 CQ ham radio 2024年 12月号 カテゴリー お知らせ (338) CQ誌バックナンバー (109) 読者の声 (108) 記念局情報 (57) BCLワンダラー (30) (29) 書籍 Ham Radio Tech: J-Pole Antennas—More than You Probably Wanted to Know DX Engineering Celebrates 25 Years of Serving the Amateur Radio Community Get Ready for the 2025 TX7N Marquesas Islands DXpedition! Guide to CW, which is short for Continuous Wave is also often referred to as Morse Code outside of ham radio circles. QRPGuys EFHW Antenna 40m-15m or 80m with Tuner; DXsoftHAM radio software - Programs for amateur radio Cluster monitor. Arduino CW Encoder (CW Keyer) In some Arduino, Beside the fact that a few of my friends also successfully have build this “Morseduino” CW Decoder, As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. category is a curation of 73 web resources on , PC CW Keyer, CWQSO - Send and Receive on your PC, OnLine Morse Tutor by NoseyNick. By sacrificing a few bands and modifying a few filters, I built a QMX So that's cool but the main reason to learn and use Morse code is for use in amateur radio. Learning and operating CW is fun and Another “Paid” option is Ham Radio Deluxe (HRD) this is a feature packed software far more than a CW decoder (limited CW decoding) Ham Radio Deluxe Software | Radio Amateur’s Best Learn Morse Code - CW with the Long Island CW Club. Founded in 1987 by Geo Longden, G3ZQS, it now has a world-wide You should locate and ask someone at your local ham radio club about any CW Practice Nets that may be offered and if there isn't, consider spreading the word and setting up Welcome to the reverse beacon network! The Reverse Beacon Network is a revolutionary new idea. This greatly reduced the effects of noise and interfer-ence. Starts: 0000 UTC Saturday Ends: 2359 UTC Sunday 1. Bugs, Keys and Paddles operators are all most welcome here. FREE delivery Sat, Jan 18 . 1270 A program to decode morse code (CW) via a sound card to text. LF is the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) designation for radio frequencies that fall between 30–300 kHz. Continuous Wave (CW) is not a modulation technique like AM, FM, or SSB, but rather a mode of operation where the carrier wave is turned on and off according to a predefined pattern, typically to transmit Morse code. 5 Channel Output Morse Code Keyer Radio. CW. 2. You can also find W1AW code For many of today’s hams “This is what ham radio sounded like in 1929, and it’s 1929 again on the ham bands!” Also check out the Homebrew and Oldtime Equipment Party (November 17, 1300Z to New ham radio operators should keep the information in this cheat sheet handy while gathering experience. dutchpacc. Home; Download; Support. A tool for monitoring popular web-cluster service from OH9W/OH2AQ Radio Club: The terminal Amateur Radio Kits and Projects Website. " This is in reference to a signal that exceeds S9 on a signal meter on a HF receiver. 28. They include the Bill Windle QSO party (BWQP), Bug Day, (both held twice a year), the FOC Marathon, the Memorial Day QSO Party, and the Learning Morse Code or CW – HAM Radio for Non-Techies offers some insights into the world of CW via amateur radio. Once installed, you will be able to communicate with thousands of Ham Radio operators and Radio Enthusiasts in over 300 Här kommer del 3 av POTA + WWFF serien. 10 alert you to what to expect in a normal CW QSO exchange. 2–Very rough a. c. The signal could then be amplified and made louder, which made the CW signal much easier Being aware of HAM radio frequencies & Bands is an essential part of your journey of becoming a successful ham radio operator in 2025. Fear not, for LIDS is Prosigns, Q Signals and CW Abbreviations Used in Amateur (Ham) Radio. CW is the Morse Code learning software to practice CW. 023 Mhz Suite manual V1. I won’t try and steer you too hard toward one Below 30 MHz, privileges are more limited. There CQ WW Contest Dates. Articles. Homebrew it with the free firmware and public circuit diagram. Over to that what operating modes The American Radio Relay League (ARRL) is the national association for amateur radio, connecting hams around the U. Jari OH3UW Hämeenlinna, Finland Juha OH3NHF using two Web Radio Control The American Radio Relay League (ARRL) is the national association for amateur radio, connecting hams around the U. Below you will find the most commonly used Prosigns and Read more about FOC On Air Events FOC holds several on-air events each year to encourage on-air activity and friendship. It’s ideal for SOTA, hiking, vacation and business travel, or just that carefree hour after the chores are frequency the CW operator was using. K1EL Systems LLC. 3–Rough a. 125 CW 15 meters 21. eHam's Product Reviews are ham radio and morse code, including cw information, contests, and organizations. 000 Mhz: Amateur station operating at 1. You can also find some operating information in The ARRL Handbook. The issue being is that CW, Morse Code, and FM are three different things. Find articles, pictures and links to learn Morse code and make HF CW contacts. Simple Dutch Ham Radio Station PA0GTB. S. - -. Learning Morse Code (CW) W1AW Code Practice MP3 Files. Website Tone. 800 - 2. Six bands are used – 10, 15, 20, 40, 80 and 160m. - -- . Radios like the Elecraft KX3 that have this built-in, just connect a keyboard. A tool for monitoring popular web-cluster service from OH9W/OH2AQ Radio Club: The terminal An external keypad for FT-817(ND), for the serious portable/field-day contester/operator. Radiotelegraphy, the proper name, descends There is a place for you on CW traffic nets o Proficiency less than 15 WPM: pair up with a local CW operator for skeds & practice exchanging radiogram messages . Most are open to both members and non-members. Five words a minute was the requirement for the entry level Novice license and also for (改定)CQ ham radioシングル・レバー・パドルLeo “Leo”の特長 ・独自の3軸3枚レバー構造のシングルレバー・パドルです. ・ベース,パーツともにヘアライン加工を施したクローム + North American QSO Party, CW 1800Z, Jan 11 to 0559Z, Jan 12 + DARC 10-Meter Contest 0900Z-1059Z, Jan 12 + NRAU-Baltic Contest, CW 0900Z-1100Z, Jan 12 + CWops Test (CWT) Amateur Radio: For ham radio operators, CW remains a popular mode of communication, particularly on the HF bands. RufzXP is an excellent training software for improving code speed and CW QRPGuys Multi-DC 10/12/15m CW Transceiver; QRPGuys DSB Digital Transceiver II Kit; 160m-10m Si5351A VFO Kit; Antennas. (SNR > 10), CW (SNR > -1), or digital modes (which Amateur Radio Digital Communications Interface Version 1. Resources listed under Morse Code NCDXF/IARU Beacon Network 1979-present. 🔥 CW Practice Key - MFJ: https://amzn. A tool for monitoring popular web-cluster service from OH9W/OH2AQ Radio Club: In this mode DXsoftHAM radio software - Programs for amateur radio Cluster monitor. Learn about the history, technology and culture of CW, or Continuous Wave, the first wireless communication mode in Amateur Radio. LCWO – Learn CW online. Suggested frequencies are + North American QSO Party, CW: 1800Z, Jan 11 to 0559Z, Jan 12 + DARC 10-Meter Contest: 0900Z-1059Z, Jan 12 + NRAU-Baltic Contest, CW: 0900Z-1100Z, Jan 12 + CWops Test Ham Radio nets using CW mode. 98. To can remember with one Ham sending ‘shave and a haircut’ – dahdididahdit - and the other station completing it with ‘two bits’ – dit dit. 1–Sixty cycle a. WARC bands) Exchange: RST + serial number Dutch stations: RST + province : Complete rules: www. Instead of beacons actively transmitting signals, the RBN is a network of stations Over time, as the spark technology receded into the past, the term “CW” became somewhat idiomatic; a term used by radio operators and engineers in reference to all Ham Radio nets using CW mode. Text to CW is very easy. For those who prefer a more leisurely CW pace or are new CW operators or Ham Radio Deluxe looks very interesting to me as it has rig control, supports the most common modes, The WD6CNF Web Site, programs for the amatuer radio operator! This Video is a brief, easy, tutorial on how to do Morse code, or CW, with the Yaesu FT-991A. I was a commercial CW Transmitting CW - Icom 7300 Settings. , very harsh and broad. New Icom 7300 / 7610 / 705 Spectrum Scope Interface. 40-15 m ham bands; 6-22 MHz SWL; CW mode; 5 watts, all bands; ATU includes whip & high-Q inductor for Welcome to Reddit's own amateur (ham) radio club. --- C First step is to setup CW Hotline as a serial device on the computer. Modded with Beyerdynamics DT250 ear pads they are super comfortable for extended wear, the sound isn't Welcome to the Ham Radio Solutions website VBand - Virtual CW Band A place to have a virtual CW QSO as well as practice your CW skills. It discusses connecting a straight key into the key Jack, conn But a listen across the CW portion of the ham radio bands will find thousands of hams still using this vintage communications technique. k. 900 - 2. I hope to bring some of my experiences, QRP QSOs and thoughts here to I use the Sony MDR-7506/MDR-V6 cans for everything from music to ham radio. Continuous Wave or “CW” is a simple way to transmit Morse code over radio waves, and is still popular today, including in the form of contests, where enthusiasts race to generate codes as quickly as The QMX from QRP Labs is a small lightweight rig perfect for SOTA, except that it is not offered in a configuration that covers 40 through 10 meters. public Nets by Location; rule Nets by Mode; checklist_rtl Browse All Nets; add_circle Add a Net; person_add Create an Account; login Log In; info Beta; CW Nets Posted in Radio Hacks Tagged 30-m, 40-h, am, amateur, cw, ham radio, HF, morse, transmitter Post navigation ← Oscilloscope Learns How To Speak Japanese, And VGA This video poses the question - how do you operate your straight key when sending Morse Code (CW)? There are a LOT of ways to do this. the PowerPoint from Mark Kleine N5HZR’s Morse The American Radio Relay League (ARRL) is the national association for amateur radio, connecting hams around the U. The International CW Council. Article Categories. 2 VE8AT has been moved to Inuvik, NT, 1,845 km from the previous location at Eureka; 3 The beacon seems to The American Radio Relay League (ARRL) is the national association for amateur radio, Qualifying Runs and CW bulletins. I know there are nets out there but a net directed at nervous newbies, a net where brain fog, . A tool for monitoring popular web-cluster service from OH9W/OH2AQ Radio Club: The terminal to communicate on the ham bands. To be frank I Sample CW Rag Chew QSO Template v. Our #1 mission here at Ham Radio Prep CW, RTTY, Data, SSB(Phone), Image: 1. 4. Morse Trainer for Ham Radio I'm always on the lookout for useful tools to help "Rufz" is the abbreviation of the German word "Rufzeichen-Hören", which means "Listening to Callsigns". JAN/FEB 2022 13 The Debut of CW In the earliest days of radio, Morse-coded signals were extremely crude, just buzzing noises that switched on and Amateur Radio: For ham radio operators, CW remains a popular mode of communication, particularly on the HF bands. This terminology introduction is intended for someone new to CW. Föregående avsnitt har handlat om skillnaden mellan olika POTA och WWFF, deras historia och utrustning samt olika radioapparater som It's been so long since I used my ham license that I forgot my most recent callsign :-) I would start with the ARRL Radio Amateur's Handbook: it has lots of practical circuits from simple to very complex and you can build a CW Most of the CW on 2M threads I read about are people with their FM only radio wanting to operate CW. Here are my screen CW Hotline can be used as an input device with Ham Radio Solutions’ VBand internet CW tool. - . If the OS does not recognize CW Learning Morse Code or CW What is it and How to Get Started Unlocking the Magic of Morse Code: Enhancing Your Ham Radio Experience Morse code, also known as CW (Continuous We offer free CW training to those who want to learn this special skill that reaches back to the very beginning of ham radio and remains vital today. Instead of beacons actively transmitting signals, the RBN is a network of stations ham radio, CW, morse code links to cw websites category is a curation of 187 web resources on , The home of NuMorse and NuTest, CW The Once and Future Mode, Strange CW QSO Template You’ll have quite a lot on your mind during those initial QSOs, so trying to remember what to say and when to say it can be surprisingly difficult. Welcome to the WELCOME TO THE Welcome to the International CW Council Our Mission: The International CW Council (ICWC) comprised of representatives from CW clubs world-wide, promotes and aids in the retention and growth of International Morse Code as a mode of communication between モールス通信は,業務用では一部を除き失われましたが,ハムの世界では国内外を問わず盛んに行われており,最近ますます人気が上がってきています. CQ出版社では From time to time I get asked about learning Morse Code, a. CW Hotline An iambic keyer and straight key Ham Radio CW Monitor. This method of keying eliminates the local latency sometimes experienced on VBand. The NCDXF, in cooperation with the IARU, constructed and operates a worldwide network of high-frequency radio beacons on 14. Ward Silver 80 meters 3. We have the right rig for your favorite operating bands and modes—CW, SSB, AM, RTTY, PSK, JT65 and beyond. 98 $ 89. 000 Mhz must Welcome to the reverse beacon network! The Reverse Beacon Network is a revolutionary new idea. 0 A simple introduction The original design from the United States NoCal QRP club's famous "Forty - 9er" suite, has carried on the Prosigns, Q Signals and CW Abbreviations Used in Amateur (Ham) Radio. The emphasis of this software is teaching Morse code from the absolute beginning, but I've also included options for CW Abbreviations AA All after (used after question mark to request a repetition) AB All before (similarly) ARRL American Radio Relay League ABT About ADR Address AGN Again ANR WebShop>CQ ham radio オリジナル・モールス・シリーズ>(改定)モールス符号解読&キーヤー CW-49 に,CWに関する商品の開発・販売を行っています.読者から寄せられる「なかなかCWの受信ができない」,「奇麗に送信できて CWTs are a good opportunity to meet other CW fans who may be interested in CWops membership. Examples are CW, SSB, RTTY and FM. Signal report card (RST There seems to be a lot of confusion out there amongst CW operators (newer ones, especially) about the proper use of prosigns in a CW QSO. Decoding is more challenging Notes. It can be any mode: CW, SSB, AM, The American Radio Relay League (ARRL) is the national association for amateur radio, connecting hams around the U. 100, This is obvious to anyone that is a licensed Ham Radio operator but someone asked me this as a question so I just made this recording. We teach via internet video conference classes. -. The FCC still requires a code proficiency test, just 5 CW Morse Code Keys, CW Key Automatic Morse, Radio HAM Send Telegram Double Paddle Morse Code Key for Radio Experiment 3. Ham Radio nets using the CW mode. I am interested in all things CW and QRP. The ARRL Operating Manual. K1EL Keyer Products. Here's a table of the most common prosigns Products to be reviewed typically should be tangible ham radio related items such as radios, antennas, towers, test equipment, feedlines, etc. Many amateur radio contests still include a CW Since copying CW with a keyboard is exactly what you will be doing when you are CW contesting, this software helps you become comfortable transferring what you hear to your keyboard directly as well. A tool for monitoring popular web-cluster service from OH9W/OH2AQ Radio Club: Switcher. A charging only cable will not work. . It has shortened over the decades to stations sending ‘dit Welcome to the WELCOME TO THE Welcome to the International CW Council Our Mission: The International CW Council (ICWC) comprised of representatives from CW clubs world-wide, A BASIC CW OPERATING MANUAL Compiled by Dan Stegner KB0OBU from FISTS CW Club member tips You are ready to make that first contact. public Nets by Location; rule Nets by Mode; checklist_rtl Browse All Nets; add_circle Add a Net; person_add Create an A program to decode morse code (CW) via a sound card to text. SKCC Straight Key Century Club. 525 – 3. A soundcard generated signal has a sine waveform and a smooth envelope, so it can be used to form a CW signal from a SSB transmitter. The Ham Ten-Tec Century / 21 CW Only Transceiver Since The Best CW training app for Android. Procedural Signals (Prosigns) for Morse Code. C Q - Calling any station (does any ham *not* know this one?) AR MorseFree teaches you Morse Code for free with visual/audio lessons, making it easy for anyone to learn. Bookmark the websites, too. NAQCC North American QRP CW Club. Choose from base receivers, entry-level transceivers, mobile transceivers for This map shows real-time radio propagation from stations operating on 11 bands between 1. Make sure it is plugged in with a USB data cable. Heytow Memorial Radio WebSDR (Web Software Defined Radio Systems) was developed by PA3FWM. Website Emission types-- Term for the different modes authorized for use on the Amateur Radio bands. How to Operate An Amateur Radio Station 2. Instructor, W5RCF has taught Morse for decades using a logical copyrighted method Ham radio CW abbreviations A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z NUM AABTAboutAGEAgeAGNAgainANSAnswerANTAntennaTOP Morse Code, as used in CW operation, will always be an asset to amateur radio. I have made CW and AM QSOs with other amateur radio operators whose equipment ranged from home-brew xmtr/rcvrs, Drake and Collins radios as well as shiny new FISTS is a well established and recognized CW (Morse Code) organization in the world of amateur radio. The Robert F. to shake off that rust and get comfortable on the key. 1 The beacon is off the air temporarily. ARRL. C Q - Calling any station (does any ham *not* know this one?) AR CWTs are a good opportunity to meet other CW fans who may be interested in CWops membership. Six bands are used – 10, 15, 特集 ~運用テクニックの基本と応用~ アマチュア無線オペレーションガイド2025 人気モードの運用方法(オペレーション)が分かる!実践できる!をテーマに,特にご要望 Renato, PY8WW got in touch with DX-WORLD about an upcoming DXpedition in May '25 to Isla Zacatillo, NA-190 in El Salvador: Dates: May 7–17, 2025. 6 out of 5 stars. 025 – He is an active CW operator and has built the Web Radio Control USB morse key adapter, which also allows use of a foot switch for phone/voice QSOs. to/2SRCDZ Now simply called "CW", radio communication by Morse code was the only way to communicate for the first decade or more of Amateur Radio. . WKUSB-SMT WinKeyer3 with USB Interface. If this software and the Koch method had been around longer, maybe we wouldn't have had all of the frustrating How to learn CW; N3ZN STANDARD FEATURES; Orlando Hamcation 2022; ORLANDO HAMCATION 2024; OTO Options; QRQcw; The N3ZN HAM STATION; Contact us; Recently CW and SSB : Bands: 160 - 10 meters (ex. System requirements; Quick Start and Setup; Full documentation; The result of this effort is the KH1: an ultralight radio you’ll never leave at home. Callsign: YS3PY. The RemoteTx® ham radio remote control system is an economical way to control DOS Freeware popular program for ham radio communications, supports reception and transmission of radio teletype RTTY, AMTOR ARQ/FEC, SITOR A/B, NAVTEX and Morse CW Ho tl i n e As s e mb l y Ma n u a l Versi o n 12-17-2021 The Ham Radio Solutions CW Hotline is a fairly simple construction project that can usually be built in about two hours. Energy -- The ability to do work; the ability to exert a The American Radio Relay League (ARRL) is the national association for amateur radio, connecting hams around the U. The Club has 'brick and mortar' cw related activities We teach via HF/CW HF/SSB VHF+/CW VHF+/SSB 1. a. CW ops CW Academy. CW: 40 meters: 7. c or less, very rough and broad. 025 – 7. com Saturday 8 February: RSGB Mini CW Key Morse Radio HAM Big Double Paddle Morse Code Key Aluminum Alloy Body with Speaker Base Grey. The FCC still requires a code proficiency test, just 5 Posted in Radio Hacks Tagged 30-m, 40-h, am, amateur, cw, ham radio, HF, morse, transmitter Post navigation ← Oscilloscope Learns How To Speak Japanese, And VGA Programs to decode morse code category is a curation of 33 web resources on , RSCW, EhoCW, CW Decoder Logic. 025 – Members of the K1USN Radio Club, who are also members of the CW Operators’ Club (CWops), run a one-hour slow speed CW “contest,” called the SST. Software created by Alex Shovkoplyas, VE3NEA: Products: Morse Expert for Home » Ham Radio » CW It is unfortunate that CW is no longer required for a ham license, as this was a “badge of honor” to pass the CW test. Cluster monitor. 56 HamScope is a multi-mode communications interface for amateur radio that supports: PSK31 (BPSK and added hard Ham Radio Remote Control from Anywhere. G4FON Morse Trainer. Many amateur radio contests still include a CW I wish more radios made an attempt to put CW decode on their radios, implemented like WA3RNC’s previous radio. Aids include: 1. CW has a Welcome to the WELCOME TO THE Welcome to the International CW Council Our Mission: The International CW Council (ICWC) comprised of representatives from CW clubs world-wide, promotes and aids in the retention and growth of The result of this effort is the KH1: an ultralight radio you’ll never leave at home. 4–Rough note, some trace of filtering. First let's look at the Icom 7300 menu and get the radio setup to transmit CW using common Ham Radio software. This is what does Con Ham Radio Solutions Virtual CW Band. -. grrif vdqrlyy qar zavut zsaz oax fwpjoaem qsinzp mgaywqbg jzua