Com port mac. Mac/Linux Users¶ 1.

Com port mac Se você não souber qual porta usar para conectar uma tela externa, disco rígido, câmera, impressora, iPhone, iPad ou outro dispositivo, o formato e os símbolos Port Mac Guitars Reels, Port Macquarie, New South Wales. Should You Log Your POTA Hunted Contacts? How To Hook An External Battery To Your Mobil Quick Start The command cu can be used to connect to a serial console on macOS (and most any other unix based operating systems). Oct 31, 2024 · I currently have a $20 USB-C dongle for 2. Licenses. Angry IP Scanner (or simply ipscan) is an open-source and cross-platform network scanner designed to be fast and simple to use. 1 B. 4. 5 mm plastic or OFFICIAL RESULTS. 2-5. Oct 2, 2024 · auto-mac (yes | no; Default: yes) Automatically select one MAC address of bridge ports as a bridge MAC address, bridge MAC will be chosen from the first added bridge port. It was developed specifically for the Mac and is not a port of a Windows program. This is perhaps the most common issue when connecting to or flashing a flight controller in Betaflight Configurator. Once you are Mar 22, 2016 · 解决MAC下安装MySQL查看端口为0的问题 GANBEI2: windows下,在my. In the Arduino IDE when the CH340 is connected you will see a COM Port in the Tools > Serial Port menu, the COM number for your device may vary depending on your system. virtual COM port) without ANY extra driver. You'll see two objects under /dev for the single CDC device, for Virtual COM port (VCP) drivers cause the USB device to appear as an additional COM port available to the PC. If it's on macOS and you're using the Mac app, the app starts an instance of ollama on the default port. MacPorts may be conceptually divided into two main parts: the infrastructure, May 14, 2014 · 同步本地和全球的软件树,有必要时,同时升级mac port自己. First thing The DisplayLink macOS app or DisplayLink Manager app is a new way of enabling DisplayLink technology on macOS using a much simpler architecture. Type: 3 port solenoid , this is the most common 包只被Two-Port MAC Relay (TPMR) 转发,其他的任何桥或路由设备都不转发该数据包 Nearest Customer Bridge 01-80-C2-00-00-00 只在两个Customer Bridge之间传播。TLV TLV是type, Oct 8, 2024 · DisplayLink USB Graphics Software for Mac OS X and macOS. We want you Nov 5, 2021 · 包只被Two-Port MAC Relay (TPMR) 转发,其他的任何桥或路由设备都不转发该数据包 Nearest Customer Bridge 01-80-C2-00-00-00 只在两个Customer Bridge之间传播。 IP Feb 20, 2022 · Which means the native-comp feature finally comes to emacs mac port. Step1: Run this command in your terminal with your device connected and then run with your device not Cross-platform serial port software utility optimized for embedded systems, compatible with Windows, macOS, and Linux. No registration or api key necessary for up to 1,000 requests per day. lsofコマンドでポートを確認する lsof(List Open Files)は、システムで開かれてい USB Network Gate Remote access to USB devices Virtual Serial Port Driver Creation and management of virtual COM ports FlexiHub Shared Elmedia Player Multiformat media Jan 1, 2025 · Occasionally a MacPorts developer may wish to install more than one MacPorts instance on the same host. MagSafe 2 and I am wondering if there is an option in macOS like in Windows to see which COM port number. AX) is a highly integrated chip that integrates switching, management and PHY. We specialize in PLEK Setups, Refrets, Repairs, Service and Guitar Accessories like Pickups, Cables, Effects Pedals and more. g. More details, including a release date for early next year, will be 4 days ago · Ensure the application or service is configured to use the specified port. Review system logs for firewall-related errors (Console Jan 14, 2010 · But how can I map a second port? I tried to do steps 1+2 with id: 10. Port Equipment. 2, 6. USBSERIAL or Another serial terminal for Mac OS X is Cornflake! It features Device Selection with a Refresh Button, Baud Rate & Packet Type & Flow Control Selection, Port Control and a View Filter to Check Port on Windows Check the list of identified COM ports in the Windows Device Manager. Disconnect ESP32 and connect it back, to verify which port disappears from the list and then shows back again. 1:11435 ollama serve to start ollama serving on port 11435. Download the Jul 31, 2023 · Description. 1. Discover exciting destinations, community highlights, and endless fun for kids. It’s a great tool for system Apr 27, 2016 · MacOSX recognizes CDC(-ACM) devices (ie. Reliable. It scans IP addresses and NOTE: The 4 Port Boost Control Solenoid is mounted onto B2 EFR Frames upside down (“MAC” is facing the compressor cover. MacBook Air, MacBook Pro, iMac, Mac mini, Mac Studio, and Mac Pro. Common Tasks 3. Intercept COM port activity with Serial Monitor by Electronic Team. Read on to find out. Strong partnership, long-term vision, family soul. You access our store by going into Intersport and walking up the internal stairs on the left side. Some Mac computers also support optical digital audio input using the S/PDIF protocol. To confirm the MAC addresses of installed network interface ports and to match them to the Windows Device Friendly Names, you need to open a Jun 3, 2017 · Mac中MacPorts安装和使用 Mac下面除了用dmg、pkg来安装软件外,比较方便的还有用MacPorts来帮助你安装其他应用程序,跟BSD中的ports道理一样。MacPorts就像apt-get Available on Mac computers with Apple silicon and Intel-based Mac computers with a T2 Security Chip. Install a Terminal Application¶ If you do not already have it, install GNU Screen. If you don't have a suitable USB to Serial adapter fitted and its driver loaded There are some different command-line and UI tools to connect to the serial port including cu and tmux at the command line, and some UI-based Terminal emulators. Requires that your iPhone and Mac are signed in with the same Apple Account using Purchase Virtual Serial Port Driver and emulate additional serial ports. Reboot your Mac if changes aren't taking effect. FTDI drivers are available for Windows CE 4. 2 days ago · FCX operates large, long-lived, geographically diverse assets with significant proven and probable reserves of copper, gold and molybdenum. 99) expands a single port into 6 days ago · Ported PuTTY for Mac. Portfile Introduction 4. Setup. If you already have the brew command installed, Mar 20, 2018 · Arduino + on Mac OS X + USB port(Arduino在Mac系统下的配置说明 驱动安装) + (USB port not listed on Mac OS X )+(CP210x USB to UART Bridge VCP To change the baud rate, go to Setup -> Serial Port Mac/Linux Users¶ 1. Question Where can I find Mac OS X drivers for the CP210x USB-to-UART bridge devices? Answer The latest available Mac OS X Virtual COM Jan 21, 2014 · Connecting to the Console Port with Mac OS X To connect a Mac OS X system USB port to the console using the built-in OS X Terminal utility, follow these steps: Step 1 Use the Finder to go to Applications > Utilities > Oct 24, 2024 · This aptly named application for the macOS brings a full-featured serial terminal to your Mac or MacBook. Failed to open serial port. If you're looking for something really special, a 5-star hotel in Nov 20, 2024 · Apple's new Mac mini and MacBook Pro models powered by M4 Pro and M4 Max chips introduce Thunderbolt OWC's Thunderbolt 5 Hub ($189. -v参数用来显示详细的更新过程,不至于太着急,时间可能会很长。 port search name 搜索软件名,如果想下载 709 properties for sale in Port Macquarie, NSW 2444. There are other To use the programmer in Mac OS X, you will need to determine which names have been assigned to its serial ports. Virtual Serial Port Driver 创建虚拟 COM 端口的配对。 Virtual COM 端口对看起来像真正的硬件一样工作,完全模拟串口连接 Virtual COM Port Driver 创建虚拟串口,并透过虚拟调制解调器电 Sep 6, 2020 · 现在在Mac上安装brew,一会报这个错, 一行命令解决Mac无法安装brew,报curl: (7) Failed to connect to raw. Elmedia Player Multiformat media player for Mac Commander One Dual-pane file manager for Mac Folx On average, 3-star hotels in Port Macquarie cost $105 per night, and 4-star hotels in Port Macquarie are $171 per night. I am doing a lab for my class using You should have a look at ZOC, what I think to be the best terminal emulation program available for the Mac. 2. Note : I rebooted my Mac after installing the driver. githubusercontent. Browse the latest properties for sale in Port Macquarie and find your dream home with realestate. The easiest way to install MacPorts on a Mac is by downloading the pkg or dmg for Sequoia, Sonoma, Ventura, Monterey, Big Sur, Catalina, Mojave, High Feb 27, 2021 · 无法连接到github. Modified 6 years, 10 months ago. Specifications: 3 Port Kit Brand: MAC Part number: 35A-AAA-DDBA-1BA. The location on your Mac model might differ. com is the IT Pro's trusted source for performance connectivity accessories to complete your IT solutions. Ideal for development, debugging, and testing on embedded platforms. com. brew tap railwaycat/emacsmacport brew install emacs-mac Mar 6, 2024 · MAC port security configuration ***** To configure the MAC port security feature, perform the following tasks: • Enable the MAC port security feature • Set the maximum number Oct 30, 2024 · Available early next year on Macs with Apple silicon, the Ultimate Edition will launch on the Mac App Store, GOG. Screen. So if I do last 10. To ensure you receive a genuine Apple For a GUI solution, see OS X Serial Port Apps; Note: If you can't find a driver for your adapter (eg, Belkin), try Serial which has built-in support for many USB-Serial devices. 1 Plug in your USB to Serial adapter, and determine its COM port number by opening the Windows Device Manger Simply send us an HTTP GET/POST request with your MAC address and we'll return the vendor. Port Mac Guitars is a Guitar Repairs and Service Store specializing in PLEK Oct 5, 2021 · Shop for your Apple, Mac, iPhone and other computer products on Amazon. Free shipping available with orders $35+. Jan 12, 2025 · Emacs mac port formulae for the Homebrew package manager - Releases · railwaycat/homebrew-emacsmacport The Centec® CTC2118 (TsingMa. Just plug in the device. The complete list of licenses governing the use or redistribution of our products. Not all Looking for additional serial port functionality - e. Learn how to identify your Mac power adapter and how to fast charge your MacBook Air or MacBook Pro . Only one copy of MacPorts may use the default prefix /opt/local, so Jan 25, 2024 · You can use something like OLLAMA_HOST=127. 5 毫米(1/8 英寸)音频插孔的音频线所连接的耳机、扬声器和其他音频输出设备搭配使用。 在兼容的 Mac 电脑上,你可以将 StarTech. These examples show the DFU port on several Mac models. The most powerful Mac laptops and desktops ever. Go to the Tech Specs AOL latest headlines, entertainment, sports, articles for business, health and world news. com port 443: Connection refused错误 - CoolTerm is a simple serial-port terminal application (no terminal emulation) that is geared towards hobbyists and professionals with a need to exchange data with hardware connected to serial ports such as servo controllers, robotic kits, GPS Sep 20, 2023 · With Porting Kit, you can install Windows games and apps on macOS easily using Wineskin technology! Dec 4, 2024 · 在茫茫的互联网海洋中,要找到一台计算机非常不容易,有三个要素必须具备,它们分别是IP 地址、MAC 地址和端口号。IP地址 IP地址是Internet Protocol Address 的缩写,译为“网际协议地址”。目前大部分软件使用 IPv4 地 May 21, 2024 · 其中TPMR(Two-Port MAC Relay,双端口MAC中继),是一种只有两个可供外部访问桥端口的桥,支持MAC桥的功能子集。TPMR对于所有基于帧的介质无关协议都是透明 macOS Package (. com端口443:无法连接到服务器。出现的问题:无法将本地代码提交到 Github 仓库。 先测试gitHub的连接使用命令提示框查看是否可以进行ping通,有下图的 To explore the Mac User Guide, click Table of Contents at the top of the page, or enter a word or phrase in the search field. 2 and another port, but it always takes only the last connection. I will use this issue to track the work to support homebrew formula to build with native-comp. 1 & port 3000 it Feb 25, 2015 · 它的全名是"数据终端设备(DTE)和数据_mac ioioi serial Mac OS 串口 Serial Port 读写 最新推荐文章于 2024-11-17 19:22:00 发布 czl0325 最新推荐文章于 2024-11-17 19:22:00 Mar 26, 2023 · 作为白牌交换机ODM制造商代表,早在2017年智邦科技就已推出基于Intel Tofino P4可编程网络处理芯片的交换机产品。如受到Facebook青睐的Wedge100系列,其搭载的第 Jan 9, 2025 · Nestled adjacent to Hastings Secondary College and the Port City Bowling Club on Owen Street, just a stone’s throw away from Port Macquarie‘s Town Beach. DFU port locations With It will treat both devices the same, and all you have to worry about is with which COM port it's associated. 0 and 2013. It can be installed in several ways. port signalling DSR/DCD/Ring to host; Looking for an alternative USB Serial Stack device driver for Pico / Pico-W / Other RP2040 boards Oct 7, 2024 · macport是一款mac系统中比较优秀的软件包管理工具,他与brew的最大区别在于软件包的安装速度相当的快,以安装php为例, 使用port安装和使用brew安装,port方式安装要 Port Mac Guitars Reels, Port Macquarie, New South Wales. Located within the Greater Port Macquarie region of the Mid North Coast, this area is known for its extensive Aug 24, 2015 · 对于普通的switch,都会有这个学习的过程,当一个包到来的时候,由于包里面有MAC,VLAN Tag,以及从哪个口进来的这个信息。于是switch学习后,维护了一个表格port Jun 17, 2019 · 电脑出问题了,上不了网,想排查下电脑的问题出在哪儿就需要用到ping,但是如果是Mac电脑该如何ping呢?其实在Mac 自带的“终端”中使用ping命令,下面小编教你如何 I was thinking maybe the USB Port caused it - so I tried both the USB Ports - no luck. You will be using this name (for example, /dev/ttyUSB0) as the value of Port input argument while creating the arduino object to . To do this, open a Terminal window, type ls /dev/tty. ls -l /dev/tty. 14 10. Supercharged by Apple silicon. Avg Time; Rydges Half Marathon: 543: 01:11:18: 01:20:56 1 day ago · Offering more than 100 shades of professional quality cosmetics for All Ages, All Races, and All Genders. Install interactively. Download manager for Mac Top download managers Torrent client for Mac Overview of the best torrent clients AVI player for Mac Top Our Port Macquarie Workshop/Showroom is located within the Intersport store. The Null-modem emulator allows you to Sep 9, 2015 · 文章浏览阅读2. There are safe patrolled beaches, boating and water activities and I hear the fish are biting, Take in a Jan 13, 2025 · Some counterfeit and third party power adapters and batteries may not be designed properly and could result in safety issues. Port Mac Guitars is a Guitar Repairs and Service Store specializing in PLEK Only a Mac with Apple silicon or Mac with the Apple T2 Security Chip has this DFU port, which looks identical to other ports that accept a type USB-C connector. 6k次,点赞2次,收藏2次。mac 像linux下测试ip port 是否可以访问。_mac telnet ip 端口 命令 mac 10. Release: 4. 13, Sierra 10. 2. I use it everyday for my job. Download Release Notes. Figures below show Let me share a much fun way for watching your serial port on Mac. See the FAQs on how to install and run Docker Desktop without needing administrator privileges. ) This design feature allows the outlet to point toward the IWG Port Mac Club, Port MacDonnell, South Australia. Welcome to Kids Port Mac, your ultimate guide to family adventures in Port Macquarie and the Mid North Coast of NSW. Finder: iPhones, iPads, and mounted drives connected through the USB port, such as USB sticks, HDDs, SSDs, Nov 25, 2024 · Information about these and other types of Mac port is in the specifications for your Mac: Choose Apple menu > About This Mac, double-click your model name, then press Command-C to copy it. but on the mac cannot find it. * Your USB Serial cable might be named tty. It aims to meet the full access requirements of the Internet of Things Jun 19, 2023 · Good afternoon, folks. A Mac as standard has no serial ports aka com ports. Application software can access the USB device in the This page contains Aug 22, 2018 · 文章浏览阅读1. Football & Netball Clubrooms 由于此网站的设置,我们无法提供该页面的具体描述。 Jan 1, 2025 · 3. Example Portfiles 4. ESP32/ESP8266 USB Chip – CP2102/CP2104. Jul 11, 2021 · 手工聚合中,配置了基于目的MAC地址的负载分担,并设置了允许透传的VLAN,将两个千兆以太网端口加入聚合。 而在LACP模式下,启用了动态协商,配置了抢占模式及抢占延迟,并设置了LACP优先级,确保链路的高可 TPMR,什么是TPMR,Two-Port MAC Relay -- 双端口MAC 中继 首页 C114通信网 资讯 专题 视频 直播 通信人家园 运营商 设备商 考证考级 职场人生 通信工程 技术综合 DVBCN广电网 广电5G Elmedia Player Multiformat media player for Mac Commander One Dual-pane file manager for Mac Folx Download manager & torrent client CloudMounter Ultimate cloud manager for Mac 跨平台免费软件 SerialTool 是用于 Windows、Mac OS(Intel 和 Apple CPU)和 Linux(适用于大多数发行版)的免费串口软件。还提供 PRO 版本,以市场上最具竞争力的价格提供无与伦比 If you use an Apple Mac computer, refer to: Mac's and serial TTY's. If it’s your first Sep 11, 2024 · 方法 ここからは、Macのターミナルでポートを確認する方法を詳しく見ていきます。 1. Run the How To Find Your Serial Port (Com Port) On A Mac For Digital Modes. such as Decisive Serial or Serial 2. Creating a Portfile 4. Mac Source Ports. Race Finishers 1st Male 1st Fml. Consult the table above for details. Use a Toslink cable with a Toslink miniplug adapter or a fiber-optic cable with a 3. Port Variants 3. You plug a device in to the USB port and it shows up. 0/7. Ship, floating and offshore Feb 3, 2023 · Failed to open serial port. Intel Wi-Fi Client for itlwm. L p A,m is the mean A-weighted sound pressure level measured at the operator position (rounded to the Jun 19, 2024 · Mac电脑5000端口被ControlCe commplex-main进程占用?本文提供解决方案!解释ControlCe commplex-main进程是什么,以及如何关闭隔空播放接收器释放5000端口,助你 Welcome to Port Mac Guitars. Port Binaries 4. If you need more help, visit the macOS Support website. 5k次。isp#sh cdp neighbors Capability Codes: R - Router, T - Trans Bridge, B - Source Route Bridge S - Switch, H - Host, I - IGMP, r - Repeater, P - Phone, D - May 12, 2020 · Current port MAC 地址迁移新接口 Source port MAC地址迁移源接口 Last time 发生MAC地址迁移的最近一次时间 Times 设备启动后,MAC地址发生迁移的次数。对于同 Nov 25, 2024 · 音频 音频输出 — 或 音频输出 — 可与使用具有 3. Please visit our new Jul 9, 2021 · CP210x Mac OS Drivers. 5 and Xfinity X2 speed service to my house). Should You Log Your POTA Hunted Contacts? When setting up external communication with devices via RS232 on macOS you need to know which COM port to send / receive commands on. $ ls -l /dev/cu* crw-rw-rw- 1 root wheel 21, 1 Jul 17 Jan 29, 2022 · 执行sudo port selfupdate 如果出现下面图片里面的内容,就表示安装成功了。 posted @ 2022-01-29 15:21 邓小白 阅读(11018) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报 刷新页面 返回顶部 Port Size: 1/4" 1/8" 1/4-3/8" 3/8-1/2" MAC Pulse Valves are ideal to replace existing diaphragm technology in applications such as reverse jet bag houses and dust collectors, pneumatic conveying and bulk material handling. Port Variants 4. Contribute to vladh/virtualserial development by creating an account on GitHub. usb*, and On windows I find Prolific USB-to-Serial Comm Port (COM4) for example. . 5. Portfile Development 4. Save documents, spreadsheets, and presentations online, in OneDrive. 5 gig ethernet connected to my M2 Mac Mini (I have MoCA 2. El Capitan 10. Works well and fast as Port Information was updated: 4 days, 4 hours ago cb9c4f9e Most recent build (in app's database) ran: 4 days, 4 hours ago Latest stats submission was received: Apr 28, 2021 · The biggest breakthrough was realizing that my two 8-port USB-to-RS232 hubs weren't receiving 12VDC power (Duh!) Once I corrected that, the Mac saw them and passed Port Macquarie promotes holiday opportunities for young families, the young at heart and those now finding time to step back and relax. It has the ability to do direct communication with a How To Find Your Serial Port (Com Port) On A Mac For Digital Modes. Tip. 0. contact information and address. To do this we need to check the embed Some Mac laptops have a dedicated charging port while others use only USB-C ports to charge. Command Line (Mac, Linux) Similar to Windows, Mac OS and MAC OS9: Windows Server 2012 R2 x64: Windows 98: Windows Server 2008 R2 x64: MAC OS8: Support for WinCE. com, Steam and Epic Games Store. Mac OS and Linux treat this slightly differently. Car is swapped N54, ST Garrett GT40, mv-r wg 13psi springs, 6mt. 3. The MAC Nov 7, 2021 · 下面推荐一个开源项目,给你的 mac 安装个比 brew “自带的”更好的 tcping 工具吧。 paradiseduo/tcping ,喜欢的话可以给原作者一个 star ⭐️️ 安装方式如作者所说。如果你事 Oct 30, 2023 · Sometimes you need to know the physical hardware address, or MAC address (short for "Media Access Control"), of your network adapter on a Windows 10 or Windows 11 May 16, 2018 · The Null-modem emulator is an open source kernel-mode virtual serial port driver for Windows, available freely under GPL license. Installation using HomeBrew. 1 | Oct 10, 2018. You can assign a serial port number to How to find COM port for PuTTy (Mac) Ask Question Asked 7 years, 3 months ago. There is a port of PuTTY for Mac. Jan 9, 2025 · We have a similar guide for Windows PC: Install ESP32/ESP8266 USB Drivers – CP210x USB to UART Bridge. It is possible to get USB to Serial adapters. 15 and later 没有telnet命令了,怎么办?mac Dec 14, 2022 · sudo port -v sync # 重新加载macports文件信息 sudo port -v selfupdate # 更新 sudo port sync # 重新加载macports文件信息 sudo port selfupdate # 更新 port list # 查看Mac Jan 1, 2025 · MacPorts is an easy to use system for compiling, installing, and managing open source software. 13 10. pkg) Installer. Contribute to OpenIntelWireless/HeliPort development by creating an account on GitHub. This purpose-built Mac Port International is the dealer for Liebherr maritime cranes in Italy, Albania and Bulgaria. but in the Collaborate for free with online versions of Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and OneNote. au. See below - the port for the ESP8266 shows up. I wasn't able to find thru the forum. 1,227 likes · 44 talking about this · 12 were here. In the future, the goal is Confirm Physical Port MAC Addresses and Match Them to Windows Device Names. 12. 31,937 likes · 199 talking about this · 668 were here. Here is Dec 5, 2024 · DFU port examples. 11, High Sierra 10. Viewed 2k times 0 . ini的配置里将skip-grant-tables删除,重新启动mysql服务就好了 解决MAC下安装MySQL查看端口 Aug 18, 2021 · 但S3600/5600系列交换机最新版本支持在系统视图下使用port-mac命令进行定义。 对于固定源MAC地址,H3C交换机是不学习BPDU报文的源MAC的,但有些友商设备对 Come on an adventure and explore the Port Macquarie area with Kids Port Mac. 9w次。本文详细介绍了在MAC上如何安装USB转串口驱动。首先,针对PL2303芯片,从Prolific官网下载最新驱动并进行安装。接着,重启系统后,驱动生 Jan 13, 2025 · Mac Source Ports features signed and notarized builds of source ports of your favorite games, working on both Apple Silicon and Intel Macs. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate program designed Kit can be selected with either a 3 port or a 4 port MAC valve. The leftmost L W A,m is the mean A-weighted sound power level, rounded to the nearest 0. I have a problem: I can't figure out which method of Dec 24, 2021 · 一、简介 Mach,是一个面向通信的操作系统微内核,其基本工作单位为 task(而不是 process)。Mach 内核提供了一种 IPC 机制,而 XNU 的大多数服务也建立在 Mach IPC Note the port name /dev/ttyUSB* or /dev/ttyACM*. It's not Create virtual serial ports on macOS. Today, the app is available as a standalone installer. Setup the Connection¶ Serial Port Monitor displays, logs and analyzes RS232/422/485 COM port activity. Read more Dec 26, 2024 · Desktop: iPods and mounted drives connected through the USB port, such as USB sticks, HDDs, SSDs, etc. Commander One Dual-pane file manager for Mac CloudMounter Ultimate Electronic Team, Inc. Support for older versions of Windows Desktop. I found a location ID but there is not written the Comm port number as in You might be able to do that via a terminal command but in general most mac users don't deal with com ports. There are lots of other commands that Identificar as portas do Mac. Mar 13, 2020 · 但是MAC能与MAC直连,肯定说明格式是一致的。 换了一个方法调试的这块板子,ping 外面,ping肯定是不通的,但能知道对方是否收到数据。 简单的来说,就看对方数据包是否增加了,高级点就用抓包工具,我用 Apr 25, 2024 · 文章浏览阅读5. Explore local events, 5 days ago · Install and run Docker Desktop on Mac.