Can i use nail polish remover to remove thermal paste. Reply reply Top 1% Rank by size .

Can i use nail polish remover to remove thermal paste Wet coffee filters or lint-free cloths with the alcohol or a thermal paste remover and then use it to moisturize the old paste so that it can be easily removed. I used a tissue to wipe off most off the residue but there is still some left. Use a dry Q-tip to remove 90% of the old paste, then a dampened (not soaked) Q-tip for a final clean. Just wipe it with a dry cotton pad. You can use a small amount of nail polish remover to help dissolve the super glue from your polyester fabric. Acetone-based removers will work the best, but they can also be a bit harsh on your jewelry. I've gotten it from beauty supply stores in the past. If the acetone's all gone, in a pinch I have raided her bathroomn & used fingernail polish remover, which is acetone, all the while hoping they didn't add girl-stuff to it like scents or tints. Method 04: Using Acetone Nail Polish Remover (For Non-porous Surfaces) If your bathroom sink has a non-porous surface such as sealed fiberglass, ceramic, or acrylic, you can effectively remove nail polish stains using acetone nail polish remover. Clean it and wipe it dry. Although it's true I can buy some, it's not something I can very easily do because for whatever reason it's very expensive where I live, and often times it comes in very large quantities. I'm using high purity (99%) ethanol so the oil residue isn't that much of a problem, but I am wondering about cleaning efficiency if one is better than the other. Unless your thermal compound is a few years old and dry as hell, you shouldn't need to moisten it with alcohol to wipe it away. One such query has caught my attention: "Can I Clean Old Thermal Paste With Nail Polish Remover??" This is an intriguing question, a In this case it's fine though. That should do Once the majority of the thermal paste has been removed, use a clean cloth or paper towel soaked in one of the solvents to clean up any remaining residue. Use high-purity isopropyl alcohol or acetone and a bit of careful rubbing. e. All you have to do is use a dry and clean paper towel 2. can i use the nail polish remover for clean the old thermal paste that on the cpu and the gpu?? My laptop is 3y old so im thinking to replace the thermal paste(it gets high temp while web browsing) ??nail polish remover instead the alcohol?? will it I'll see if just using kitchen paper/soft cloth will do the trick. I mostly use it to clean processor cores and heatsinks so PCB really isn't that problematic. If your using performance pastes For example, The paste marketed for over clocking or cryo cooling work incredibly well for heat transfer, but they tend to dry out much quicker anywhere from a few months to a year. I'm assuming the residue contains copper as it polishes up nice and shiny but turns green when exposed to liquid. Note: they also have 99% Isropropyl alcohol Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk Nail polish remover, or Acetone, actually is relatively fine. Nail polish remover is acetone and water. You can't go accidentally splashing it around, like You can use nail polish remover, but you need to be very carefull with it. Leaving acetone on the wall will definitely damage the paint, so use a damp cloth to thoroughly wipe the area. Don't break the seal. Just read the label of whatever nail polish remover you're using and you'll know its composition. ie glycerine and triglycerides. It's a solvent and will remove thermal paste with ease. " Here are the ingrediants My CPU (i7 4770) has been running really hot lately even after I got rid of the dust. Acetone will eat up certain types of plastics so you want to be super careful if you use acetone - not to touch non-metal surfaces. Always remove the CPU when Acetone could cause surface abrasions on the CPU, and if it's nail polish remover, it will leave a residue. Just make sure it's fully dry If it is just acetone, with no additives, yes. This method can be effective, but it's important to proceed with caution. Tissues are basically designed to shed everywhere. Make sure that you remove the thermal paste carefully so that you don’t damage your CPU. Nail polish remover can damage plastic components. For cleaning thermal paste off the CPU, I used a little bit of rubbing alcohol on a clean, lint-free towel. To start, gently peel off any excess paste from the edges of the CPU. Just wet some toilet paper, or paper towels, with the nail polish remover, and remove the thermal paste. I've been using them for years, they just need few seconds longer to evaporate but clean just same. 6. First time I cleaned mine i used nail vanish which probably doesnt even have 50% acetone in it, so don't worry, jut make sure that its dried out. I've never personally used acetone to clean up thermal paste Don’t use nail polish remover, or any product containing acetone. So the options I have is Nail polish remover with a q-tip. If you use pure acetone or 99. You can use a filter for a coffee machine. I have nail varnish remover (with conditioner) and in the ingredients it mentions acetone. A paper towel, slightly dampened with water should work, you'll just have to work harder and do more to get the surface clean. Make a paste by mixing 1 tsp Try to get some isopropyl that you know is isopropyl, there are also other liquids designed to remove thermal paste. 2nd, acetone is caustic and stands a good chance of removing the print off the ihs, invalidating any cpu warranty. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. Instead, you want to use something a bit more safe, like rubbing alcohol " If you use a nail polish remover, it can leave behind a sticky, impure surface — which is unfit to apply new thermal paste on. 70% is fine, it will just take a bit longer to dry. Yes, you can use rubbing alcohol to remove your CPU’s thermal paste, but you’ll want to use isopropyl alcohol to do it because of its superior properties as a solvent. Todos os direitos reservados. Can confirm, used to use nail polish remover to clean optical drive lenses on game consoles and stereos, because it literally eats dust (and grease if you got a kid that touches the lens!) but if you get it on the plastic the drive isn't long for this world in most cases. Careful application of acetone (nail polish remover) for more stubborn or dried up gunk that passes as paste with older OEM coolers. If you clean a part with acetone, you should clean it afterwards with isopropyl alcohol. I got most of it off with nail polish remover, but I actually got the rest of with actual nail polish. I work in electronics manufacturing, and we use acetone all the time. Pour a little nail polish onto a cotton ball or soft rag and carefully lift off I've always just used kleenex to wipe up paste LOL. Acetone or non-acetone nail polish remover; Optional tile cleaner; Water; Hairspray (as an alternative) The Cleaning Process. Power Off Your Computer 3. I've found some Nail Varnish Remover in the house which claims to be is this any good to clean thermal paste off a CPU or should I have some patience and order another i wouldnt use that nail polish remover as it contains oils. You can also use nail polish remover to remove the pesky adhesive price tags on the bottom of newly purchased glass items that are just too stubborn to remove. You can clean the thermal paste from your cpu without a problem, ive done this multiple times and I never had a single While pure acetone can clean up the thermal paste, nail polish remover also has other materials added to it, which you don’t want on your expensive CPU/GPU. Nail polish remover is also not a good option, as it contains acetone which can damage your IHS and the plastic/metal components on your motherboard. Any ethyl or methyl alcohol with full percentage found in paint shops can clean just as good. Use A Chemical-Free Nail Polish Remover; Chemicals in nail polish removers like acetone may cause harm to the skin and weaken your nail when used over a prolonged period. You're supposed to re-apply it every time you take off the CPU fan, and operating without any would be super dumb. I know people have said use isopropyl alcohol but I want to try and save money and use something I have at home if I can. Alternative Method: Hairspray When it comes to removing lacquer nail polish off of your nails, it is harder to do than removing normal nail polish, due to the strength of the lacquer polish. Trans-Am-007 Remove thermal paste without 90° alcohol upvote Some thermal paste brands sell "special" thermal paste remover, but the results don't differ much from isopropyl, these are sold online I have never tried to use nail polish remover, but I'm guessing real acetone (drug store acetone/propanone) is better than acetone free nail polish remover - be careful with drug store acetone, make sure to What chemical should I use for removing thermal paste? I've got an AMD-K6 CPU which has a duff fan, the thermal paste has gone solid and won't come off with alcohol or akasa heatsink cleaner (smells of citrus, like label remover). Nail Polish remover has other ingredients that will leave residue and inhibit thermal transfer. You can also use acetone (sold as nail polish remover in lots of stores) maybe slightly diluted with water, ethanol or methanol (probably can find them as fuels, you shouldn't breathe the vapors of these too much). Afaik nail polish removers are more suitable for removing superglues LiquidMantis144 • 5800x3d | RX6800 • I need to remove some thermal paste from my heat sink. Rub the glue with a rag or sponge until it dissolves (this may take Yes, you can use nail polish remover to erase permanent marker strain from the screen of your computer. I dont have any rubbing alcohol and i was wondering if i could clean the left over thermal paste from my CPU Cooler (TX3 Evo) with vodka and toilet paper? In a pinch I have used Zippo lighter fluid with ok results, also acetone based nail polish remover is decent. Nail polish remover or it destroys plastic like acetone on steroids, it's also cheaper than Acetone and the main ingredient in Acetone free nail polish remover Reply reply More replies More replies. Scrape the Paint Finish. The answer may surprise you, so let's dive in and e As a professional nail artist and beauty expert, I often get asked about the versatility of various nail care products. so you don’t get it on anything else. What I think you are referring to is the guy who used perfume to remove his thermal paste on his GPU That guy is a moron. USAFRet Titan. At least use some decent paper towels. It can also be beneficial Nail polish remover. Clean the Surface. Is it safe to use for removing of thermal paste or should If it is actually nail polish and not the logo smudging then you can try and dilute your acetone-based nail polish remover to make it work slower and give you time to wipe it away before it does damage. Pour white vinegar onto the surface. I use paper towel to remove the majority of the thermal paste and a microfiber clothe for a final wipe down. Nail Polish Remover (Acetone-Based) Acetone-based nail polish remover is another strong solvent that can effectively remove permanent marker. So, never ever use a nail polish remover to clean thermal paste. Furthermore, after you’ve done cleaning with acetone, a Hello! I'm about to replace my old cpu with my new one, but first I have to clean off the old, dried thermal paste off. 9% that we use from Fisher, but apparently they don One such question that has come up is whether nail polish remover can be used to remove thermal paste. I avoid acetone, like nail polish remover, as that can damage some materials/surfaces. Just use a q-tip with the diluted solution and carefully try to remove it. Title. Here are some key reasons why you should avoid using it to clean your devices: 1. Soak a cotton ball and wipe it over clean nails to eliminate surface oils and moisture. nail polish remover) works WAY better than alcohol for If you are removing a CPU to change for another, it's best and easiest to clean the CPU surface while it's in the socket, as removing the CPU topped with paste can mean getting the paste on your hands and then transferring that in many places you never want it to be, definately don't want it getting on the bottoms of any CPU, or on the Motherboard. And that is exactly what we are going to Nail polish remover has historically had acetone it in. Wait a few minutes for it to dry. You can use a paper towel and Q-Tips to remove the heavy paste from the surface and edges of the CPU To remove the old paste you can use nail polish remover with a ball of absorbent cotton. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Using slight pressure, try to wipe off paint in a single 1x1 inch area. It works okay, there was definitely a bit of paste left on the cpu but I personally couldn't be too bothered to get it all 100% off as I'd be sticking an overkill Fuma on a 2200g anyway (the thing passively cooled it for at Is it rough to the touch? If you need to repaste every 2 months then you should consider getting a different thermal paste. Mineral spirits will dissolve the thermal paste and shouldn't leave a residue behind. Begin by ensuring proper eye protection and ventilation in your bathroom. But, here at ORLY, we believe in using chemical-free, nourishing products, as opposed to things like acetone, which is very Like nail polish remover, however, acetone does also run the risk of potentially removing your wall paint, so following these important steps is critical to ensuring a safe and damage-free removal. Fresh filters, cloths, or q-tips should be repeated as needed. if you have to do it try not to get any residue or any fragments from the whatever you use to get under the processor as it could cause damage Nail polish remover works (very powerful How do you clean old thermal paste? If you skipped the previous step, grab some coffee filters, lint-free cloths, or q-tips. Nail polish remover works pretty well and is like 80p in any supermarket or Boots Don't go splashing it around everywhere and you'll be fine. What do you use to remove thermal paste/compound from your CPU/GPUs? Nail polish remover and methylated spirits are good. Remove the CPU Cooler 4. While using a dedicated thermal paste remover, like KLEAN-01, is the absolute best tool for cleaning thermal paste, you can also use a few other In a Q-tip or cotton ball, use acetone-based nail polish remover to dissolve the nail polish. The tools you need for I was asking more in terms if isopropyl is better at dissolving thermal paste and stuff. Hi everyone, I just got back trying 4 different locations to find alcohol to clean the thermal paste of my CPU. The quick answer is yes, but there are a few things you need to know before you start. Acetone is used for many different types of applications where you want to clean a surface without leaving residue. " But if there's an automotive parts or DIY store nearby, grab brake cleaner (Acetone). Repeat as Necessary 7. Or better yet, just use dry paper towels to remove the old material. When you have removed all the thermal paste, you wipe with a You can also use acetone (sold as nail polish remover in lots of stores) maybe slightly diluted with water, ethanol or methanol (probably can find them as fuels, you shouldn't Is it safe to use a nail polish remover to remove old thermal paste? I wouldn't. They are usually soaked with isopropyl. Using nail polish remover on electronics is generally not recommended. Be sure to dry off the surface completely before applying new thermal paste. Trans-Am Remove thermal paste without 90° alcohol upvote Rubbing nails with alcohol or acetone-based nail polish remover serves as a quick primer alternative. However, use extreme caution as acetone can damage some types of plastic. -Isopropyl alcohol is recommended but you can also use <70% acetone if you'd like. The remover contains 80% acetone and "essential nutrients to help premote stong, healthy-looking nails and cuticles every time you use it. Clean the Paint Finish. Be gentle so as to only remove the polish and preserve as much of the suede as possible. What makes nail polish remover so potent is actually acetone, which is very corrosive and not at all recommended for cleaning electronics. Nothing really 'abrasive'. Reply reply Since the main ingredient in nail polish remover is acetone (usually around 98 percent), it works fine for removing paint, but proceed with caution. I don't like that black stuff on the heat pipes it wouldn't hurt to get some It's really the layer closest to the nail that's hardest to remove. I'm not talking about a peel off coat either. I just wan't to know if White Spirits is okay to use in order to remove the thermal paste? I've gone to the pharmacy and local hardware store today to ask about getting Isopropyl Alcohol however neither of them had any of it. I know AMD recommend just using a soft cloth and cotton buds, but having never removed thermal paste, I don't know how hard it is to get off. It'll Nail polish remover leaves behind contaminants so it shouldn't be used. Water will not dissolve the thermal paste, don't use it. I'd also shoot for 99% (or as close you can get), however, I've used 70% in the past and it Cleaning thermal paste off your computer may not be the neatest job ever. Joined 2 Dec 2005 Posts © Valve Corporation. (Music) Depeche Mode, The Cure, Pink Floyd, Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds, Cocteau Twins, MGMT, Boy Harsher, The Smiths, Drab Majesty, Chelsea Wolfe, Carly Rae Jepsen, The Smashing Pumpkins, Virgin Prunes, Sky Ferreira, London After Midnight, Jonathan Coulton, That being said I only use 99. People really, really, really, overhype the importance of Use a clear liquor (vodka), highest proof available so there is less water in it -- then the rest is available for other purposes. Can I use nail polish remover to clean motherboard? It should be fine, the nail polish remover probably just removed some of the solder mask. That's all I use and have never had any issues. I'm surprised no one's said this yet, but acetone (i. More posts you may like r/pcmasterrace. "The bottom line. Give the nails 30-60 seconds to Ok so, it might be a dumb question but : . However my mum has things like nail polish remover and my dad has wd-40 which im pretty sure wouldnt work and will just damage the cpu anyway. It sees you through endlessly failed manicures and splotched patches on the skin. It's not recommended to use acetone to clean up thermal paste, because it can melt down plastic, remove the printing on your CPU/GPU, or cause other unexpected problems. When I needed to buy some pure acetone to clean thermal paste off a processor I had to go to the pharmacist as the stuff on the shelves You can watch some of i fix its teardowns of the switch to remove the back, the metal interplate, and the cooler. I ran out of 99. Thinking of getting Hyper 212 black edition but i just realised i need alcohol to clean the old thermal paste. I still recommend using isopropyl alcohol, it is widely available. Since you didn't let it dry or bake it on, the cotton Used an old washed shirt to remove the paste, then a q-tip to go over the surface, then i used another part of the old shirt, then qtip, was basically a mirror finish. you can use Nail polish remover, Acetone is just as good for this. Then applied AS5 and set that zalman on and bam up and running in like 15 minutes. It removed some of the paste, but I'm worried that I might have done a mistake The best way to remove gel nails is by using the foil method with an acetone-based nail polish remover. Nova doctrina terribilis sit perdere You can use just about any paper to remove the thermal paste, just make sure you pair it with rubbing alcohol to soften it. It will actually eat and corrode any aluminium it comes in contact with and it conducts electricity, meaning if it touches something in the PCB and you dont notice it, chances are If it is actually nail polish and not the logo smudging then you can try and dilute your acetone-based nail polish remover to make it work slower and give you time to wipe it away before it does damage. Toutes les marques commerciales sont la propriété de leurs titulaires aux États-Unis et dans d'autres pays. This pc itself is like 1 or 2 weeks old so it's not like the thermal paste is dry, can I use those thick paper towels to clean it? I have isopropyl alchohol I can use with a Q-tip after I'm just wondering if it's safe to use it. also, dont waste microfiber cloths on thermal paste, just be careful not to leave flocks of tissue behind . Thanks again, dagwoood. The same nail polish without a base coat used to take forever and my cuticles would still be stained. Acetone likes to dissolves plastics. Is it safe to use nail polish remover to clean electronics? The best alternative to rubbing alcohol for cleaning electronics is nail polish remover containing acetone. This involves filing the surface of the gel polish, soaking cotton balls in acetone, placing them on the nails, and How To Use Remove Paint With Nail Polish Remover? To remove paint with nail polish remover, do the following things. Use a folded paper towel wetted through with remover. Wet one with rubbing alcohol or a cleaner that is specifically designed for thermal materials. The problem with acetone is 2 fold. You MIGHT get results with mineral spirits? But it needs to have absolutely no additive besides mineral spirits. I've found some Nail Varnish Remover in the house which claims to be 'acetone free' and contains ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL, MEK, Ethyl Acetate, Aqua, Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride, Parfum, Glycerin, Panthenol, Citric Acid,Tocepheryl Acetate, Denatonium Benzoate, CI @thekingcameron Yes, Isopropyl Alcohol will help to remove remaining residue, though I'd remove as much of it as you can using a lint-free cloth or similar before using it so you're not spreading the thermal paste or compound around and making a mess. Unfortunately Canadians have lost their mind, and there's no alcohol anywhere to be found. Use an emery board or sandpaper to sand off the dried polish. Seriously, a little peroxide for a short time will not cause harm. Link to comment Share on other sites (nail polish remover). Use the wet end to loosen and remove the paste. Will it be safe to remove it using cloth or a tissue paper and using Free Shipping for Loyal Forum Members - CLICK HERE . is this nail polisher remover ok to use to remove thermal paste. What can I use ? I have here white spirit / nail polish remover / lighter fluid / methylated spirits ? leaves an oil layer that Business, Economics, and Finance. (If you use acetone, do a final cleaning with isopropyl alcohol. Can I remove thermal paste with nail polish remover? Requirement unclear, used C4 while standing outside the danger zone, I'm safe, but the CPU is not non-functional. Always test it on an inconspicuous area first! How to Use: Apply a small amount of nail polish remover to a clean cloth and Using a primer underneath nail polish can make a striking difference in the final look and wear time of your manicure. To make the job easier, a lot of people try to clean thermal paste with different materials like nail polish remover, spirit, or alcohol. But did you know that you can push the limits of use of your nail polish remover beyond just rubbing off nail paints? Nail Polish Remover to Your Rescue. No, I do not recommend using anything else like nail polish remover No, it doesn't matter if it's 70 or 90% IPA If you can't access IPA for whatever reason, distilled water is just fine, or just wipe it up the best you can without a solvent. Remove the Old Thermal Paste 6. Reply reply Bud_Johnson • Yeah. Note: Do not use water to clean off the thermal paste, as this can cause short circuits on your motherboard. In honor of the 10-year anniversary, here's a look at all of the lanyards and vouchers given to attendees throughout the years! Step 2: Dip the end of a cotton swab into the rubbing alcohol, then use it to wipe the top of your CPU gently; this will help to break up any hardened thermal paste. If you use a nail polish remover, it can leave behind a sticky, impure surface — which is unfit to apply new thermal paste on. 5. joeyjojo. I really like Noctuas NA-CW1 cleaning wipes for Thermal paste, they work great. When you squish the thermal paste between the CPU and the cooler a seal is formed. Water and computer Use 99% isopropyl alcohol as it contains the lowest amount of moisture, anything else are more risky. Welcome to the official subreddit of the PC Master Race / PCMR! All PC-related content is welcome, including build help, tech support, and any doubt one might have about PC ownership. Use Thermal Paste Remover (If Necessary) 8. Moderator. Mar 16, 2013 Cutex, the most popular nail polish remover contains: 'Acetone, Water, Propylene Carbonate, Dimethyl Glutarate, Dmethyl Succinate, Dimethyle Adipate, Glycerin, Gelatin, Fragrance, Denotonium The thing flipped off and bent about 10 pins, I bent them all back and cleaned with nail polish remover. Soldato. You can get just about No, you want as close to pure Isopropyl alcohol as you can get. Its more powerful than isopropyl alcohol, and might remove some extra things you don't want it to, but it wont do any damage. It was all over the pins of the GPU, and I decided to try and use non-acetone nail polish remover. you can remove the thermal paste without alcohol but its recommended that you use alocohol . Nail polish remover is a great way to clean jewelry, but it’s important to use the right kind. You should use a towel that won't leave lint behind, like a microfiber towel. The latest query we have received in this regard is "Can I clean thermal paste with vodka?". Rather, just use rubbing alcohol. So I got a new CPU cooler for my PC and I need to remove the thermal paste off my CPU. Sort by date I've used just a plain dry paper towel to remove thermal paste when I don't have alcohol available and never damaged the CPU. Hmmmm. First, it'll leave a film on the ihs, so you'd have to make sure to rub well after it's dried to physically remove that film, and even then there's no guarantee. Dry papertowel and then some nail polish remover I would use either canned air or an electronics air blower like the ones used to clean cameras. Cleaning Old Thermal Paste: A Nail Artist's Perspective As a professional nail artist and beauty expert, I often encounter questions that intersect the realms of beauty and everyday life. has to be to remove nitrocellulose in nail polish. I actually use them myself to clear thermal paste. But more seriously, I prefer to use nail polish remover on cotton pads (or cotton balls or q-tips) to remove the large bulk of the paste, and only use isopropyl alcohol (90%+) for the last pass. It's pretty much impossible to get rubbing alcohol now a days but I do have this purell hand sanitizer (62% Ethyl I’ve used 70% isopropyl alcohol to clean thermal paste on multiple occasions. Do not use nail polish remover as it contains fragrance oils and other contaminants. 1. Make sure to quote or tag me ( @JoostinOnline ) or I won't see your response! 1 Answer - Posted in: ciclopirox, alcohol - Answer: Hello, You will want to use Acetone that is found in Nail polish remover. Tous droits réservés. Need to change my thermal paste and clean my CPU cooler I only have some Nail polish remover without acetone, the thing is that it also contain sweat almond oil I used leans clean wipes from a lens cleaning kit I've yet to touch after buying. Use isopropyl alcohol to ease the removal. Make sure you don't get it on plastics, and some painted surfaces don't like it either. Todas as marcas registradas são propriedade dos seus respectivos donos nos EUA e em outros países. With a good base coat, I can remove even a navy blue polish in seconds with CVS brand remover and a few swipes of a cotton pad. However, be careful with it. Just be careful not to drip it on the motherboard and you’ll be A-OK. 7% isopropyl alcohol for cleaning the thermal paste off the CPUs and sinks but I found one that says electronic cleaner with the small text that says contacts cleaner. Upvote 0 Downvote. Sounds weird, but I just put nail polish over the places with paint and then wiped it off and it worked! Nail polish remover is typically used to clean electronics as it evaporates fairly quickly, If you had spilled it and let it sit then yes you would probably have issues, but nail polish remover evaporates quickly at room temp, even faster as it warms up. However, the newer versions of it don't have acetone, and don't work as well. a baking soda scrub eliminates excess oil and preps nails for polish. Linus is pretty much the king of "Do as I say, not as I do", however he has used TP on every guide I've seen him make, maybe his lab coat 10 years ago today, I attended PlayStation's E3 Experience. Middle of th pack performance paste can last a year up to a couple years before drying out. Tissues and q-tips are also useful. First of all, remove the heatsink and then use the brush to clean the dust present in the vents. When you have removed all the thermal paste, you wipe with a microfibre cloth or a coffee filter. Nail polish removers come in two basic forms – acetone based and non-acetone based. polish CPU & heat sink and if there’s excess thermal paste spilled on the motherboard, rub it off as well. Apply the Polish Remover: Gently rub the polish with a cloth soaked in remover. Apply Nail Polish Remover. I wouldn't reccomend using a hand towel as thermal paste sticks to shit like crazy and would likely be hard to clean off the towel itself. Figured it was better than a paper towel and didn't want to waste a microfiber cloth. Therefore, the best and safest method to remove stubborn polish is to use a nail polish remover free of any chemicals. i have done a thermal paste removal without alochol already . Cleaning thermal paste off a CPU without using alcohol can be a practical solution when you don’t have it readily available. It turns out it's just British for a non-potable, non-beverage-taxed 90% ethanol/10% methanol mixture, which we in the States call "denatured alcohol. Hi. The go-to method is a rice or pea-sized dot of thermal paste, but according to some tests by Puget Systems applying the paste in the "X" pattern might be a little better. Conclusion. r/pcmasterrace I use a dry towel to get most of the thermal paste off, and then isopropyl alcohol on a towel to get it fully clean. Visually inspect for any stray Yes, you'll want new thermal paste. Yes, you can use rubbing alcohol to remove your CPU’s thermal paste, but you’ll want to use isopropyl alcohol to do it because of its superior Is it safe to remove thermal paste with nail polish remover Question just a question, saw isopropyl alcohol in the ingredients No, you want as close to pure Isopropyl alcohol as you can get. 4. The representative recommended the contact cleaner as it is non-conductive, removes grease and leaves no residue. The higher the percentage of alcohol, the better. If you really want to Does anyone know how I can remove the smudged paint? Thanks Update: thanks for all the help! I did manage to get all the paint off. These alternatives are primarily methyl-ethyl ketone (MEK) based. The acetone in nail polish remover can cause plastic to become A dry paper towel works just fine. 12 Nov 2015 at 14:49 #6 joeyjojo. Other alternatives to removing thermal paste. i honestly just use tissues to get rid of thermal paste, isopropyl alcohol is a great help but not *really* a necessity. Share any interests with me? Feel free to message me just to chit chat about whatever. Another option is finger nail polish remover just got to be careful with it as it can melt Nail polish removers can have tons of chemicals that don’t do well with computer components. I use acetone on a clean rag t-shirt, which is soft. What can I use to remove old thermal paste? Tech Support Acetone is nail polish remover, get pure stuff if they sell it, but you can also buy normal varieties as long as it has no scent. I have here white spirit / nail polish remover / lighter fluid / methylated spirits ? Or is there som I am installing a new motherboard and heatsink. Clean the Area: After removing the polish, wash with water or tile cleaner and dry thoroughly. it destroys plastic like acetone on steroids, it's also cheaper than Acetone and the main ingredient in Acetone free nail polish remover Reply reply More replies More replies. More posts you High concentration (98%+) ethyl or methyl alcohol is just fine. I'd assumed it wasn't easy because of all the different cleaning products that are available to remove the paste. isopropyl alcohol is pretty darn cheap and available basically everywhere. 9% isopropyl alcohol that will be better. 9% on my thermal paste removal, it works so well I can't imagine using anything else. Linus tech tips used everything from beer to cola to water to clean paste in one of their vids. . By following the Pure nail polish remover is acetone. The conventional, and most effective, way of doing it is using acetone to soak the lacquer nail polish off. Water . Around low-med 90C when i game. just make sure you wipe it dry and not leave any on the PCB board. Because nail polish remover has acetone which is the perfect remover for the ink of permanent marker. Change your paper towel often © Valve Corporation. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Also, pro tip-ish: If you want a perfect application of thermal paste, get an aluminum bottle cap from a glass bottle of coke or beer, put a pea sized dot on the CPU, and use the cap in circular motion starting small and getting bigger with each circle with very light pressure to perfectly apply the paste. ) Heatsink: What can i use to remove thermal paste, i dont have any alcohol Question i am replacing my thermal paste but i dont have any isopropyl alcohol, what else can i use to remove the thermal paste safely? Archived post. Thermal paste cleaner. It should be clear, seem thinner than water (I don't know if it actually is or not, TBH), and not have any smell but the pungent nastiness of nail polish remover. I tried to find the exact 99. Go to the local pharmacy and ask them for 91% (or higher) isopropyl alcohol. Is it safe to use for removing of thermal paste or should Yes that will work, so will standard alcohol from Walgreens etc. 😉 Hopefully, not as a hand cleaner. I used makeup remover pads as a cloth and it worked perfectly. It evaporates quickly, and can be used for this. Anyone telling you to only use nasa grade filtered cleaner has never worked on computers outside You can use just about any paper to remove the thermal paste, just make sure you pair it with rubbing alcohol to soften it. i always use nail polish remover and a ear bud . it also contains methyl acetate. Most thermal compound can be removed without any liquid cleaners being applied. thermal paste yes, dont use liquid metal ever. Most electronics contain plastic parts like buttons, casings, screens etc. Then start with NON acetone nail polish remover. You're free to use acetone to clean Yes, you can use nail polish remover to clean thermal paste effectively. But it wouldn't hurt to give a little tiny rub with some iso and Q-Tips to remove residue then wipe the iso residue away with a kleenex then just let it sit out and air dry for about 30min maybe an hour to I've ordered a new heatsink to replace the stock AMD one I'm currently using. Reply reply Top 1% Rank by size . You can be rather lenient on the material you use to clean but those 2 are general purpose home items that you can find just about anywhere ;) First time opening up the graphics card, everything went well, until I saw the thermal paste that was applied on it. And I've had no problems also, my PC is running 4 years since then. On the label it says that it contains Hydrocarbon. If you can't find it, you can try going to a hobby shop or hardware store and getting some mineral spirits. TLDR. Another thing I live in Philippines, so amazon, newegg or other online selling & buying sites that mostly based on western/europe countries are probably not gonna work for me, so don't try to give links that go to those I contacted Max Profesional and if any of there products can be used for cleaning cpu and removing thermal paste from cpu. Reply Do not use nail polish remover to remove thermal paste, takes 2 seconds to google if it's a good idea or not. Gather Your Supplies 2. Make sure to quote or tag me ( @JoostinOnline ) or I won't see your response! Rubbing Alcohol not removing nail polish? I went to wipe my nail polish off and it just didn’t do anything still the exact same as before I don’t have nail polish remover so I’m kinda freaking out . And Any alternatives for alcohol, tips or even guides for removing thermal paste without using alcohol is also much appreciation. Thread starter MatthewNguyenw Start it's still solvent-based. The liquid never goes near the computer, only the acetone-dampened soft rag. Clean the Cooler 5. Solvents aren't good for can i use it to remove the thermal paste on my cpu? or is it dangerous? or i should just use alcohol swab (contain 70% of isopropyl alcohol) ? I had to look up what "methylated spirit" was. You want to remove any residue left by the paper towels if you can. Use a spudger or dry cloth or the paper towel to remove the old paste. If suede cleaner does not remove the stain, you may need to use a wet solution. Crypto Hi, I've got some nail varnish remover with the below ingredients: My question is this safe to remove arctic silver 5 because it does conatain acetone but will it damage my copper amd heatsink? Thank you everybody! Sorry if this is Here are some of the ways to remove stubborn nail polish. Acetone can leave a residue that can then insulate between the thermal paste and the chip. You can also use vinegar to remove label residue from glass, plastic, and metal surfaces. In the future rubbing alcohol would be safer to use. The discussion centers around the suitability of Evina Nail Polish Remover, which contains aqua, acetone, vitamin F, and flower extract, for cleaning old thermal paste from CPUs. If you have found any other product that can remove permanent marker ink from the screen, then feel free to share the idea with us in . I'm upgrading my CPU cooler and right now I don't really have 90% alcohol to remove the thermal paste with. If the emery board alone is not enough to fully remove the stain, try using suede cleaner. sounds like a relative of Hi. Start by testing a small, hidden area of the fabric to ensure that the nail polish remover won't cause any damage or discoloration. Shops are shut and need to clean off thermal paste. If you are removing a CPU to change for another, it's best and easiest to clean the CPU surface while it's in the socket, as removing the CPU topped with paste can mean getting the paste on your hands and then transferring that in many places you never want it to be, definately don't want it getting on the bottoms of any CPU, or on the Motherboard. Nail Polish remover is either acetone, which can dissolve plastic or it is more commonly available these days in "non-acetone" varieties. It depends on the paste being used. How to remove old CPU thermal paste? - EPN (2024) Table of Contents. The nail polish on its own is by no means an antiviral or a wart killer; but by doing so, you cut the air supply of the wart and the virus, killing both eventually. Responses indicate that while acetone is effective for cleaning, it pos You're not looking to remove the paint all the way to the base, just break-up the surface of the paint, so don't put any real pressure on the passes. Just be Nail polish remover is acetone and will dry residue free. Let It Dry CRC QD Electronic Cleaner, MAF cleaner, acetone (or nail polish remover), xylene, Iso-Heet, Heet (or methanol), denatured alcohol (or Everclear lol) I think Brian at Tech Yes City uses non-chlorinated brake cleaner but that’s partying a bit harder than I’d feel comfortable with. Can You Use Nail Polish Remover To Clean Jewelry. I definitely wouldn't use nail polish remover inside a PC if I didn't I'm upgrading the motherboard and other parts of my PC soon and was wondering what would be best to remove old thermal paste. Try to get some isopropyl that you know is isopropyl, there are also other liquids designed to remove thermal paste. Organic chemists frequently use acetone as a substitute for water to remove organic residues from glassware. I'm wondering if I should remove the CPU to clean off thermal paste to install an H100i, or if you can just leave it in the socket. Fully expected it not to post but it was fine. Isopropyl alcohol is just one of the ingredients of nail polish remover.