Best races for magus pathfinder True, but there's a lot of 3. (This subreddit is not administered by or affiliated with Paizo Publishing®, LLC in any way) Tips for playing a Magus . The only exception to this is the wizard spells that the Magus gains at 19th level with Greater Spell Access (which states that you treat them as magus spells of their level). This doesn't actually work because Touch of Fatigue isn't on the Magus spell list, and Spell Combat only works with spells on the Magus spell list. but the extra spells can be useful for providing buffs to your magus and giving a good degree of utility. I'm going with Academy Dropout from the book. sai: Only good for combat maneuvers, and Ninjas don’t do combat maneuvers. Best magus is Arcane Rider. Blue – Solid choice. Best. Especially if you use an alternate racial trait that lets you trade the Skill Focus feat for Exotic Weapon Proficiency. Or just play a race with natural bite attack like Lizardfolk. Hobgoblins, Ratfolk, Tieflings, Wayangs, and Androids have the best racial stats for dex based magi of the non core races. Magus B Spell Combats, casts Bladed Dash, moves 30', swings for +3. Of course, small races should avoid the strength build. Pretty handy and you'll have plenty of points for Intelligence. Regular Tiefling is probably best for a Dex magus. Each time you select it, you gain another magus feat. And the magus has such a high action cost to maintain their ability that any deviation from the ideal greatly hinders the magus (more so than the other martials). Since I haven't seen a list of spells that can be used with Spellstrike, and especially a list that covers Expansive Spellstrike, I figured I'd compile a list of spells that do damage for reference and share it here. This subclass is possibly the best archer class in the game. The best races to choose from in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous. 15 point buy and distributing 15 points are not the same thing so make sure you understand how to start your ability score. Archer, buffer, rogue, damage dealers, skill monkey improve invisibility + transformation Life Boost is good on anyone but you have to keep in mind how to juggle your action economy on Magus, and those 1 action spells are huge boons to you. The Amazing Race Australia; Married at First Sight; The Real Housewives of Dallas; A subreddit for all things involving Pathfinder CRPG series made by Owlcat Games. ). I already have Magical Lineage for shocking grasp and the second trait has to be one that makes a skill a class skill for you. From a flavour sense, I like the idea of a Tengu Thaumaturge. Once that magus arcana is usable twice per day, the magus What is the best race for the Magus in Pathfinder? The Elf race provides fantastic bonuses for the Magus class in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous. Half Orc isn't bad, you can get Int and Darkvision and tattoos for better saves. All of them are viable. My magus was a joke compared to this combo. I'm going to play a Paladin 2/Magus (Eldritch Scion) X, but I'm undecided on the race, between Aasimar and Human. nunchaku: Only good for combat maneuvers, and Ninjas don’t do combat maneuvers. Magus abilities scale off of INT and you get more skills from it, so being able to use it as your weapon stat feels really strong If you go with the Dex magus, then I'd suggest the Garuda-blooded Aasimar. 5 Ruleset of Dungeons and Dragons. Ring of Protection is good too. If the player is not playing a black blade Magus an intelligent sword might be useful; RP is almost guaranteed. Eldritch Archer: it does everything the magus does, but does it from range. Only needing 2 hours of sleep a night to regain spells is delicious. Their racial traits make them well-suited for a Magus focused on ranged damage. But all of the Magus archetypes are very micro-intensive, and probably aren't even worth playing unless you plan to use turn based combat heavily. I think the best Thaumaturge is a Human Fighter. That way you get 9 level spells and can still fight good. Top. roquepo water (hydrokinesis): Very well balanced, water offers a good mix of offensive and defensive abilities, access to both physical and energy blasts, good defensive optioins, and a lot of interesting utility options. gg laughing shadow magus is the best utility user of it pre-level 8 because of how early Its super good, i am a huge magus fan, it is my favorite class by a long shot, and i dont think i would build one without either wizard or witch dedication for the extra spell slots. Magical lineage/metamagic master shocking grasp Magus is the premier example. The Kensai archetype for Magus is typically the best choice for dex based builds. Kobold with either Musket Master or Bushwacker is a nice class that can give the little guy some punch. Lava-Soul If you choose to play a dex magus, remember to pick weapon finesse and slashing grace/fencing grace (in your weapon of choice) as your first two feats. The Elf race provides bonuses to Dexterity and Intelligence, which are important stats for a Magus. Thanks. Classes Class defines a character more than any other aspect, so knowing your class is crucial to building Given the builds above, you can create a good Magus with almost every race: anything with a boost to str, dex or int is a decent choice. 5 stuff that works with Pathfinder rule set but are overpowered (guided enchantment comes to mind), it was still made for a different game. This is a very popular magus build. Elf: One of the best options for a The mechanics of pathfinder’s ratfolk race captures the mechanics of playing an anthropomorphic rat perfectly, making them clever, dextrous, and unafraid of cramped spaces. If you don't go staff magus, you need to add weapon focus: quarterstaff and Quarterstaff Master on top of that. the former allows you to cast spells and make attacks in the same turn, while the latter allows you to use your weapon to deliver spells with a range of touch as part of an attack. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. You could find better. Dwarf: Bonuses to two of the Warpriest’s most important abilities, a penalty to the Warpriest’s dump stat, Darkvision, and a bunch of really great resistances. That being said I'm unsure on two important mechanical questions. Humans also work well for the Magus class, as their free bonus feat is valuable, although they have a penalty of -2 to Constitution. I'm going to be playing Pathfinder: Kingmaker for the first time and I'm a complete beginner at this type of game. Simple question just asking opinions (Include traits and alternative racial if needed Archived post. Elven racial feats (Ancient specifically), or Half Elf (Human) level 9 racial feat for another Dedication without requirements. They help define the capabilities and advancement of the characters, helping build an effective character set. The magus adds +⅙ to the number of times it can be used per day. best class for Elf race they got +2 to dex and int and -2 on con. They take the time to master the martial arts and the arcane sorcery, combining them to become nightmares on the battlefield. Dexterity if you want to tank, otherwise strength is fine. Magus Builds in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous are made up of your Class Features, Abilities, Ability Scores, Feats, Spells and your Weapons, Armor and Skills. Like the majority of race-specific archetypes, Spell Dancer is a bit of a stinker. As an orc I chose all the "ferocity" feats that make them harder to kill and then of course as a Magus it was all spellstrike stuff and Magus Analysis. Would ideally like an even mix of (self) buffs and spellstrikes. Be extremely cautious about bursts unless you’re using the Starlit Span Hybrid Study because bursts will frequently include you in their area, and don’t use spells that target a number of creatures A subreddit for all things involving Pathfinder CRPG series made by Owlcat Games. 15 votes, 17 comments. Pathfinder is a tabletop RPG based off of the 3. They seek to combine the power and versatility of a spell caster with the combat prowess of a front-line warrior. Hi all, I'm looking for opinions on the best spell selections for a Dex based Laughing shadow Magus with wizard/cathartic mage free archetype. The Kensai is an archetype of the magus that focuses a little bit more on physical damage than on the If you can find a race which works well for both of your base classes, you’ve found a great race. and most of the non-spell superpowers are best with melee characters and teams. shuriken: Essential for ranged sneak attacks. The games are similar to classic RPG games such as Baldur's Gate and Neverwinter Nights. I am under the impression that Arcane light/medium/heavy from the magus tree will not work on lich spells. A tabletop role-playing game community for everything related to Pathfinder Second Edition. they're mainly frontliners using magic to buff their defensive and offensive capabilities, the downside is they don't have much in the way of utility Magus Handbook: Pathfinder Class Guide – RPGBOT. The Dwarf favored class bonus offers a few extra uses per day of the Warpriest’s Pathfinder built on the idea and developed one of the best gish classes: The Magus. Native Outsider: As outsiders with the Welcome! You may be interested in checking out some of the magus guides posted on this pretty comprehensive list of Pathfinder guides of any merit. Luckily there are some good ones. Not obvious how it would relate to RP unless maybe you inscribe it with "Nine for Mortal Men doomed to die". E. Especially that dex so that I can leave it at 12 before the racial mods. To some players, choosing a race is simply a matter of finding which racial modifiers best fit a character’s class. The Bardess' Library #4; Pathfinder Elf, Female Lashunta, Human, Wayang and that funny reincarnated race are best. T. For the purpose of meeting its prerequisites, your magus level is equal to half your character level. Mystic Theurge is among the For Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous on the PlayStation 4, Guide and Walkthrough by chris-williams. 1 Archetype Magus Prerequisites Magus Dedication by the time a Magus gets Disintegrate, fighters can easily be doing 150-200 damage a round without offering their opponents a save to avoid it. 39 1. Toughness is a good first level option (especially for humans) because you're a class that wants to be in melee all the time. Open comment sort options. Mindblade doesn't work like a normal magus - normal magi are all about spell combat, which is like spell two weapon fighting, but mindblades are much worse with that (psychic casters have +10 concentration DC, and their casting gets shut down by conditions like shaken. Purple – Top Tier Choice. And this is all before the addition of the new Mythic Paths which give I would disagree, magusi don't tend to make more then one attack around so the actual benifit of high strength are reduced especially at higher level where there is like a 2 damage difference between an 18 str Dex magus and 22 str str Magus as apposed to a dex Magus who is faster, has much better reflex saves, better physical skills (stealth I started the game as Magus/Angel for around 14 levels on hard difficulty. shortbow: Good for archer ninjas (which are a weird build), and good for long-range shots. An alternative to the wizard archetype is the investigator archetype, specifically for the Devise a stratagem feat to give your spell strikes a better chance to hit, or at least not wasting a precious A subreddit for all things involving Pathfinder CRPG series made by Owlcat Games. short sword: Wakizashi is strictly better. My question is mostly regarding the spell slots because I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around where wizard slots are added vs the magus slots. I'm also open to races too, but I've done some research and heard that elf or a human is probably my best bet. Human-Aasimar ancestry to eventually get access to at will flight (flight+range and magic is obviously strong), and other flexible ancestry feats as needed. I do think it's amazing for all of the melee magus, but I think you have a good argument A ring of Arcane Mastery is the only Magus-specific item as far as I know. Blazing Dive is good for Magus in melee to let you close distance and do damage and let you enter arcane cascade. Elves receive a +2 bonus to Dexterity and Intelligence, making them an ideal choice. gg magus's high intelligence should synergize quite well with the other investigator feats and make you a good detective it to my post. Kineticist/alchemist - lich. 5, swings again at full BAB for +18. So He or she said is not fair to allow me to role one. Aphorite - These unusual outsiders from Axis get a bonus to str and int as well as to several types of saving throws; a nice defensive racial ability; and a speed-boosting spell-like The main feature of the magus is spell combat/spellstrike. Bonus Magus 17: Greater Weapon Focus: Scimitar 19: Armor Focus: Heavy Armor Enjoy. Plan is to be a starlit span magus, using bows to hopefully reduce the need for move actions and make the tight Magus action economy more efficient. I compared an ideal round because I suspected that, even at their highest damage output, the magus is doing less per round than the other martials and I was correct. starstone. When cast on yourself, you gain the benefits of your Magus subclass: you can Shield Block against magical effects, and gain a bonus to the shield’s The Amazing Race Australia; Married at First Sight; The Real Housewives of Dallas; Whatever Magus is weak in you want the best of: Full BAB, Good Reflex, Better HP, more skills/lvl, defenses. The default pick Race Bonus Source; Paizo; Core Races; Dwarf: Select one known magus arcana usable only once per day. Dwarf: A Dwarf makes for an excellent Defender Samurai. Which race is better for a magus, elf or drow? They both have the bonuses to DEX and INT and the penalty to CON, but asides from that, which is better? Elves are a great race for wizards and they’re a great race for you. A big two-hand weapon for big bosses you can’t keep flat-footed (good true strike value), an agile weapon for when you are hasted and can trigger weaknesses, and your everyday one-hander. I am stuck on what is a great race that is best for a cleric class first level. Ru-Shi (aka Jiang-Shi-Born) Dhampirs have the same stat line as Aphorites, but are healed by negative energy, which may cause some issues with healing within the group. You give up a lot (weapon If you go the Staff Magus route you need Weapon Focus(polearm), Two-weapon Fighting, Weapon Finesse, Spear Dancing Style and Spear Dancing Spiral, as well as a way to get proficiency with whatever polearm you want to use. Myrrh, Frankincense, and Steel is probably the best one to read. Magus Archetypes Breakdown – Pathfinder – RPGBOT. Generally been just a super fun build. Hi r/Pathfinder_RPG, I was just looking for some advice on picking a trait for a first level Dervish Magus. They wont be good slots for spellstrike, but you can put buffs and utility into them Races. Eldritch Archer Magus Build Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous Guide – In this Eldritch Archer Magus Build Guide, we’re going to take a deep dive into the Eldritch Archer / A subreddit for all things involving Pathfinder CRPG series made by Owlcat Games. They get +2 Dex and Wisdom (handy for seeing things) and See Invisibility as a spell-like ability. Magus 6/Cleric 19 is strong. We are playing the Shattered Star AP and have a Bard who covers most bases already, and I was thinking Dim Seer (Perception is always a class skill, +2 Such warriors that wield sword and sorcery are often known as eldritch knights but are commonly known as a Magus. I'm not sure about Kensai. *Edit For context I've looked at the leaked stats for the gold dragon mythic class and The knockback effect may be beneficial. Magus tend not to do follow up attacks after a spellstrike so a hydraulic push spellstrike may let you do damage then force the enemy to burn actions to stride/step back towards you. He's like Son Wukong. I mean its The pathfinder guide to guides has two Magus guides listed. The Amazing Race Australia; Married at Base Classes – Pathfinder – RPGBOT. Additionally, the Spellstrike and Spell Combat allow the magus to deliver touch attach spells alongside normal attacks, which can make for some very impressive damage output. Even if you pick a Expansive Spellstrike SoM: The Magus’ best option for handling crowds, and this allows you to expand your spell options beyond buffs and spells which make attack rolls. From 1/1 you pretty much go Magus all the way, and there's plenty of shenanigans you can get from there. Gameplay wise they get a personal choice of +2 in a skill, bonus skill ranks after leveling, My gut reaction to "I wanna be a magus" and "level 25" would be to not actually make a magus, but instead take 6 levels of magus and broad study and go either cleric or eldritch knight with the other levels. edit: the fire Aasimar and one of the Tieflings are good too. The other racial abilities compliment spellcasting well; all in all Given the builds above, you can create a good Magus with almost every race: anything with a boost to str, dex or int is a decent choice. The racial favored class bonuses are all fairly good (except the Dwarf’s), and they are unique enough to provide interesting options for A subreddit for all things involving Pathfinder CRPG series made by Owlcat Games. I am using a Dex-based build, so I chose an Elven Curved Blade for my weapon (it has Finesse and deals 1d8 damage). Strixs are a great race to, especially if your GM is stupid enough to allow you to fly at level 1. The games are similar to classic RPG I generally shoot for 16+ for both Dex and Int. This makes the dwarf feat Unburdened Iron really good, and you can pick it up at level 3 with Ancestral Paragon or at level 1 instead of Cindersoul. Join us on for more discussion on discord. I have the option of taking 1/4 * magus level in bonus arcane pool, to a total of 2 bonus. Community / Forums / Pathfinder / Pathfinder First Edition / Advice. Advice: Search Thread Search this Thread: Akasha Tezora : Oct 20, 2014, 11:45 am: So my Magus just hit level 11 last night, and I've now come to realize that I have pretty much filled every "essential" niche on the character and am BY POPULAR DEMAND (and the fact that I refuse to race u/Allerseelen on style feats) Pretty much the only things it's actually good at, and can do better than others, Pathfinder Magus feats are super good, and you don't get a free level 1 class feat like many classes so I saw this as practically the only way to get it. But the jist is magical lineage trait (shocking grasp), weapon finesse,dervish dance and intensified spell at level 5. What would be the best way and cheapest for armor? I don't really need the mobility. I used it on a ninja build with smoke bombs. is there a better race out there to choose from. Reply reply More replies. Witch also gives versatility that scales with Int. ), so you'll be relying more on spells like Chill Touch for spellstrike. I'd pick up the Sentinel archetype at level 2 and start wearing heavy armor. Special You can select this feat more than once. If you’re now facing a confusing wall of races, alternate racial options, and favored class options, Unless they are a glutton for punishment and seek immortal pain and anguish, in which case I would make a magus who is a living weapon in the service of a kyton demagogue or Zon-Kuthon. The DC to concentrate will be absurdly high if you hit with even a mediocre Inexorable Iron Legacy Content Source Secrets of Magic pg. This will effectively allow you to wield a glaive or any polearm of your choice one-handed and in conjunction with Spell Combat/Spellstrike by Magus - lich. And since it's a top level spell for them, the Magus isn't going to be able to pull metamagic shenanigans with the spell the way a Wizard can. Only the top layer adds to your AC, but you can still use the other layers to increase hardness. The Amazing Race Australia; Married at First Sight; The Real Housewives of Dallas; A tabletop role-playing game community for everything related to Pathfinder Second Edition. You can use all layers at the same time if you want, and gain a bonus to hardness when you do. My Races of Pathfinder: Dhampir Magus: A Jiang-Shi-Born dhampir will make an excellent Dex-based Magus, Probably the best choice is the Cruoromancer Wizard, though you have to wait til 9th level to enter (requires 4th level spells) whereas if you take the Oracle of Bones approach you can get there starting at 7th level. There is no "best" Magus. I am making a magus and say that it's pretty common for a magus to take a wizard dedication. It's probably best to think of Magus as a self-buffing melee class which occasionally uses touch spells for added DPS, rather than a caster class which swings a weapon. list in Ultimate Magic that doesn’t give you a ton of options for spells which you can cast repeatedly like a normal magus uses Shocking Grasp. human and elf are both good for magus. Yet there’s so much more to race than that. === Background. For feats, you probably want the usual melee suspects (outflank, crane style line, shatter defenses, etc). Any tips on the stat array? I was thinking vanilla tiefling because tieflings are cool and because the bonuses are good to have. What Are The Best Pathfinder Traits for your character? Picking your Traits is often, for me at least, one of the last things one does when making a new Pathfinder character. Lingering Pain (Su): Very situational, but very good. Racial Choices Races with bonuses to their Intelligence score aren't exactly rare, but there are definitely fewer when compared to races with buffs to ability scores like Hello my fellow pathfinder. Magus fighter gives you a higher chance to crit with spellstrike and that will always be crazy. "RPGBOT" Kamstra March 6, 2024. A warhammer is nice to bludgeon The errata really just lets you play against type, which isn't a bad thing. If you want to further min-max, I’d look at magical lineage so you can apply intensify spell to shocking grasp and have it remain a level 1 spell (replacing reactionary imo) . The mechanical heart of the characters in Pathfinder 2e is the classes. Ability Spread. After reading about Androids I wanted to get some input from you guys about which classes would suit the race. All of these things combine to determine how your Magus Build plays, and it's a lot to take in if you are a new player, or even veteran. Pathfinder Society is a weekly organized Pathfinder game, typically played at a local game shop or similar venue. On a different note, urban bloodrager is very good, option to pick any bard or magus spell is really Going full magus was what I eventually settled on, since it doesn't seem like the hellknight Order of the Gate actually provides armored spellcasting like it says in pnp. So I am think of a dhampire, or human. If your GM allows it, Deadly Agility would increase your weapon options. Share Sort by: Best. Different kinds of Magi are good (or in comparison to the other kinds "best") in different areas. Feats as follows should go: Weapon Focus (Glaive) -> Two-Weapon Fighting -> Spear Dancing Style -> Weapon Finesse -> Spear Dancing Spiral. Race: Human or Tiefling (most likely the latter) Class: Eldritch Scion (Magus) with an Infernal Bloodline As a counter to this a magus has a lot of good options to either This is my first time posting on here and I am still relatively new to Pathfinder, but the Magus role looked really interesting and I was curious as to what would be some recommended feats and spells I should consider when starting. I think you should take any ancestry which has a boost to one of these and not have a flaw in one of these. But if you play with Free Archetype, go nuts! Wizard Dedication. Reply reply EDIT: u/someredditrcalledjab made a Google Doc that includes all spells compatible with Expansive Spellstrike, so please reference his list. Jokes aside, you need good Charisma for your suped up recall knowledge and you need decent Str for your hit/damage. Other good grapplers gain big boosts to cmd making breaking the grapple difficult, while barb doesn't get that and you'll be unavoidably unarmored with beastkin. The Amazing Race Australia; Married at First Sight; The Real Creating my own race would entail creating numerous scaling ancestral feats. Edit: grappling is a lot of fun in Pathfinder Working on a Magus character build. And there are viable Magus builds based on this concept. The latter allows you to add Dexterity to damage instead of Strength when using a scimitar. Modifying a race (for example, Gnomes in my homebrew world are intelligent but socially inept) could render some ancestral feats useless and throw off the A subreddit for all things involving Pathfinder CRPG series made by Owlcat Games. Sword Saint, Eldridge Scion, and arcane Archer are all quite good. High-Level Magic Items Advice for Magus. LazarX : Jan 2, 2013, 03:55 am: and their stats, they're still not the best Barbarians ever (though Urban Barbarian or Savage Technolgist can easily get pretty badass), but it does let you Rage And I'm not sure if prestige classes are actually worth the lost magus class features. Assuming you can negate the caster level loss at level 10 that'll add 20 damage to the magus "bread and butter" intensified shocking grasp. Race: Tiefling 1 Swashbuckler (Inspired Blade) / n Magus (Myrmidarch) Str 14 Dex 16+2 Con 14 Int 15+2 Wis 12 Cha 7-2 (25buy) Trait: Magical Knack/ no ideat yet Feat: 1: no ideat yet 3: no ideat yet 5: Power Attack —> Unhindering Shield (lvl8 Retraining) 6: Shield focus 7: Advanced Weapon Training - Warrior Spirit I guess the Magus has enough good feats though. Melee magus wants too many stats (Str,Con,Int,Dex,Wis) and is squishy. Arcane is mediocre at best on magus Celestial just feels like a worse dragon to me PS: As Take VMC Magus for maneuver mastery at 7 and you get double BAB for grapples (if your GM doesn't kick you out of the game). Sentinel is pretty much mandatory for any melee magus sadly. I re-specced into Oracle/Angel at that point to breeze through the rest of the game primarily solo. Any other useful wands would be on your class list The Amazing Race Australia; Married at First Sight; The Real Housewives of Dallas; A subreddit for all things involving Pathfinder CRPG series made by Owlcat Games. My long-time PF1e playgroup is going to try out 2e for the first time soon, and I decided to build a 2-handing Magus build with a bastard sword. A You also limit your weapon selection a bit by going Dex, because you'll always want Agile weapons for at least the Early game. Blasts and bombs can get bonus neg energy too. Knowing which options are available for that race can make playing that race more viable. With true magus at 19 get heroism spell as a level 3 spell to more consistant hit chances. Sounds like you also get the +2 racial bonuses on top of the 18 base as well (20 str and 20 You need to use a 1H weapon if you want to use Spell Combat, but many Magus builds ironically ignore Spell Combat entirely and use a 2H weapon for more raw damage. What would the best armor be on the long run for a magus? Assuming I'm going the strength way? I have 16 dex, but I don't plan on working to get more, so I was thinking of going for medium armor, but I could even go heavy at level 14. Wisdom is always good, but a charisma bonus encourages specific class choices. Sure, neutral good and chaotic neutral are also close to what Azata are, but remember, FULL roleplay so I am picking the closest alignment. Bog standard for Fantasy setting Humans. Race Options. 5 the rule set that Pathfinder is based on the easiest way 9th Level: Multitalented Our Magus is feat starved as it is and this could be our way to get a Wizard, Rogue or religious dedication. Post remains below. The A subreddit for all things involving Pathfinder CRPG series made by Owlcat Games. Bodyguard+Arcane Strike+Gloves of Arcane Striking+Benevolent armor is a favorite of mine. Here is the Pathfinder 2e Class tier Original Video:*This article is an edited version of the script for this videoLevel 1:Ancestry: Hobgoblin, Ability Boosts: Strength(12), Constitution(12), Intelligence(12), Wisdom(8)Heritage: TieflingAlternate Ancestry and Heritage: Human with Half-Elf heritage, main thing we want is the weapon feats to get the critical specialization featureAncestry Feat: Min-max, I’d drop reckless. So things with high Dex and Int are good: Rogue, Inventor, Investigator (great mouse detective), and alchemist are all great classes for the Ratfolk. Alchemist. Latest Pathfinder products in the Open Gaming Store. Menu. Flurry of blows, beefier than a typical magus, better dex saves (he is level 12, so he's gotten a lot from this) The monk speed helps with the magus action economy because issues. Bonuses to Strength and Wisdom are great, and bonuses to Constitution will help compensate for the Warpriest’s d8 hit points. Advanced Race Guide adds mudball, touch of combustion, and web bolt as 1st-level options, so you’ll Good races are elves (+dex and +int is nice, the -con isn't the best, but +2 against spell resistance and when casting defensively (from the arcane focus alternate racial trait) is very handy), tiefling (still +dex and +int, -cha which is a dump stat, and can bring some elemental resistances and/or natural armor), and possibly ratfolk (again, +dex/int, you don't mind about the strength penalty Twisted tree Magus with monk archetype is one of my favorite characters I've played. Gifted adept will add +1 caster level to a single spell, but shocking grasp caps out at maximum caster level 5 (unless you also use intensify on it), so once you hit level 10, that trait Kobolds are best race. Home; The trade is neutral since Iceplant is at least as good as a Magus Arcana and you don't have to select any more hexes. Unlike rogue, not great trickster since they have fewer skill points to get the tricks. Basic Magus Spellcasting Feat 6 Legacy Content Archetype Source Secrets of Magic pg. Honestly you're better off going Swash 1 and getting Fencing Grace with your 1st level feat then going into Magus, but whatever. You want the spell slots. By god there are lots of options. Knowledge (Nature) is a good skill, but Swim isn’t especially useful. What is the best race for Magus Pathfinder? Answer: Elves are considered one of the best races for the Magus class in Pathfinder due to their bonuses to Dexterity and Intelligence. I'll be playing Normal or even Easy and I'd like to choose Magus Sword Saint as my class, but I have no idea what to choose between stats, abilities, feats, weapons, etc. 2 hitters with dimension strike > one with hexes. You may think that Kobolds are terrible but in D&D 3. Of course, small races should avoid the What is the best race for Magus Pathfinder? Answer: Elves are considered one of the best races for the Magus class in Pathfinder due to their bonuses to Dexterity and The Elf race is a good choice for a Magus in Pathfinder. My magus wields a katana, but we are playing Fists of the Ruby Phoenix. If you expect to face a lot of fiends for example, divine Witch is great. Depending on how heavily you go into casting vs melee, (greater) spell penetration, (greater) spell focus, and/or metamagic feats might be worthwhile. Articles related to character optimization for Pathfinder 2nd edition. 5, swings again at BAB-5, swings again at BAB-10, Pathfinder: Kingmaker. The riding horse magus should be good in theory. 1 Once you begin along a path, nothing can stop you from reaching its end. The Amazing Race Australia; Married at First Sight; The Real Housewives of Dallas; My 600-lb Life; Hi. I need a really good build for a healer class? The Amazing Race Australia; Married at First Sight; The Real Housewives of Dallas; A subreddit for all things involving Pathfinder CRPG series made by Owlcat Games. I was hoping the GM would let me role a Pure-Blooded Azlanti. Hasted Assault (Su): Haste is one of the best buffs for combat characters, and the Magus is no exception. My favorite magus build is an orc inexorable iron magus with sustaining steel, conflux focus, and fused staff who takes witch archetype for lesson of life and full breadth spell This isn’t terribly exciting, but the Arcanist is an extremely easy introductory class for spellcasters, and this fits that theme nicely. Plenty guides online to show the standard build specifics. So in this game we can play as a great many races and peoples for our Main Character. But honestly I think leaning into the stereotypes are good too. Samurai don’t need much beyond ability score bonuses, but some racial bonuses can be put to good use. one of the best traits for the best race. The standard approach to playing Magus is usually to choose a weapon that has an 18 Yes, a Magus would lose the ability to cast spells with slots they trade out as they level up. If it works, lich powers to convert blasts to negative energy. The -2 Con hurts, but the +2 to your main stat is nice. Vanish, Grease, and True Strike are all Races. 5 Ruleset of A Million Options Made Simple Pathfinder is a system with a million options and builds with countless exploits and wrong turns. A magus tank is squishier than a champion or monk, but you can make this work. Ancestries and Heritages Sometimes you want to play a specific ancestry. rogue, ranger, dex/str fighter, bugged slayer, magus. gg/pathfinder2e or f. Thus, put the 16 into one, and then use your racial +2 to get the other to 16. Combine this with the fact that spell combat also reduces your options dramatically, and there's a reason every str magus uses a Magus A moves 30' and swings for +35 with his Vital Strike. I love playing arcane gishes in CRPGS, and I have (mostly) settled on the Magus class for my first playthrough, leaning towards "I want to save everyone" story options because, yeah, I always end up picking those choices. I have recently build a vivisectionist elf archer to fill a few roles at once and she is amazing. I have a human of level 1 Myrmidarch Magus that will eventually turn to a Myrmidarch Magus 8 / Arcane Archer 10 + 2 more level of something. Magus, Wizard, and Witch), then choosing an elf for your race is a great option. Additionally, the Spell Dancer subclass is limited to the Elf race. Granted, a Magus has a smaller spell list, but so does every other casting class that isn't Wizard. Being a Magus – The Art of Sword & Spells. and would place this racial trait squarely The other Magus archetypes aren't really worth multi-classing. With bonuses to constitution and wisdom, plus a laundry list of The Magus in Pathfinder is a unique character class. At lower levels your AC wont be amazing (even DEX builds will have AC problems early on) but at higher levels your AC can be high enough that you really are one of the better tanking classes in the game, especially since If a Magus puts 18 points into INT before racial adjusts, picks a race that provides +2 to INT, and puts all of his level adjustments into INT, he can get a casting stat as high as any Wizard. Alchemist Handbook; Alchemist Archetypes Breakdown Aphorite is decent if you're playing an armored Magus (if you're focusing more on Str than Dex, as you get better Magus Armor Training, you're likely going to upgrade to heavy at some point. Best Core race for a rogue . It also features the most powerful 9th-level utility option. As a Magus, you'll want to be playing a Quarterstaff Magus. The demagogues and ZK are some of my favorite dark content. Grants me Dubious Knowledge, a skill and Academia Lore, which could be useful for exploration. Slayer/ranger - any. 5 Ruleset of Dungeons So I've bought the game and spent a good 5 hours at the character creation screen. However, I just saw today that it is a 2-handed weapon. The Baseline Humans: Most Populous of all the races on Golarion, comes in many different skin colors and cultures, yadda yadda yadda. Class. Magus. Potentially would be starting at lvl 8 but I'd be more than happy to hear options for all spell levels if anyone has experience all the Exotic Races. If your DM allows it, Tieflings have a great stat array (+2 Dex, +2 Int, -2 Cha) and a Prehensile Tail alternate racial ability that makes it A subreddit for all things involving Pathfinder CRPG series made by Owlcat Games. Instead they're using Magus for its other abilities like Arcana buffs, as a magus you are a ok caster and a ok fighter, the gold dragon increase both, it give you the stats and heath to stand up front better with the sword and the magus has his weapon empowering ability, if you have used 2 of your mythic levels for the improved casting duration then it last 24 hours and you can place all of the other abilities to Ability Scores: Gaining a +2 to two stats without a racial penalty to a third stat is rare in Pathfinder. It's just such an important aspect of being Azata that it's not up for debate. Every time I see this picture, I get the urge to make a Kobold gunslinger (minus the AK-47 of course). This is a Honestly I think the two strongest options are Magus/Fighter and Magus/Witch for dual class. 75 1. The races offer various bonuses for a favored Are there any Wands of Cause Wounds or Harm (at a stage in the game to actually be useful), because that would be the only reason you would want UMD as a Magus. Good spellcasting powers & combat powers, good spell list. If you want to play a magic archer, this subclass is it. Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber . I believe one variant gives you a use of I almost always pick up a Handy Haversack and a Ring of Sustenance for any character I have. Because you're not using spell combat, Hello everyone! a group of friends and I are giving PF2e a try and I'm coming from DnD5e. I've been toying with the idea of a single-ability-dependent Magus that uses Death's Consonant, a Bardiche or Heavy Pick (the game lets you choose but the pick is one-handed for Spell Combat) that uses your INT stat instead of your STR for attack and damage. I'm playing an Orc (Flavoring it as a half-giant/goliath) and I chose to be an Inexorable Iron Magus using a guisarme and strength. Since they're clearly promoting the 2-handing style with the Inexorable Iron study, I figured . A Magus Fighter is just a more jock-y Magus, having better to-hit but not nearly as much spellcasting or buffing abilities. A Magus would likely have to invest in a custom stave to get the most out I am fairly new to Pathfinder (coming over from years of D&D 5e) and I am having a lot of trouble finding guidance for a good weapon for the Magus class. A subreddit for all things involving Pathfinder CRPG series made by Owlcat Games. The duration will only be a few rounds, but the extra attacks should net you quite a bit of extra damage. 5+15=+18. But you need to make hard decisions on feat selection. I think I'll prioritize STR. 8 total levels of magus and an estimated 6 intelligence bonus will give me a base of 10. if not witch/wizard, investigator is also a natural fit for the free archetype for the magus, since with devise a stratagem you can maximize your spellstrike potential and Taking a look there don't seem to be good guides for this class out there. You transform the mass of a greataxe, greatsword, or polearm into an unstoppable force to augment your own Hello. Thankfully the Studious Spells class feature gives them a third (albeit lower) spell level they can use with a stave, but it's an interesting intersection of the rules for sure. I always use a 2-hander. A Magus Investigator can save their single Spellstrike per combat for when they Devise a Stratagem and roll a nat 20 for some real nasty Disintegrates. The Green – Not a bad choice per se but really situational. If you're going to be a Sword Saint or Eldritch Archer, you A subreddit for all things involving Pathfinder CRPG series made by Owlcat Games. If you find a race that works for at least one of your base classes, you’ve found a good race. So goodbye Paladin, Monk and Druid. . Monk, Paladin, Sword Saint maybe even druid are also good options just not as thematic. Dude best race is keen kitsune if you take first mytic ability mastershapeshifter which boosts your physical stats +4in A subreddit for all things involving Pathfinder CRPG series made by Owlcat Games. This is one of the more frustrating things about the magus - the ability to crit with spells is so good that it makes certain weapons vastly better than others. New What I really love about rogues in Pathfinder, however, is that it's actually VERY hard to go wrong with a race. It also means you can dump Dexterity and focus on Strength. But I'm having a hard time picking some for a Magus. I'm not saying it's better than pure magus but splashing 1 level of a draconic blooded or primal wildblooded sorcerer with the blood havoc mutation for +2 damage per damage dice is pretty cute. This one is going to be the best in most circumstances. Race: For Race it seems Musetouched - Azata blooded Aasimar is the best choice. I enjoy having a few weapon options available. Might look into picking up some wands of useful spells. High AC, will miss a lot (but all magus will unless they take fighter levels), incredible damage and high spell versatility. rjur ewco qvfgkx vtnijf ulapnca qkbz uvd fonqn tjva abkg