Batch file hack prank. Reload to refresh your session.

Batch file hack prank Computers and Electronics Computers Phone Skills Technology Hacks. g. It would help if you used the Task Manager on Windows to stop the script. I've made a batch files with more than 2000 lines at job where I worked and I have automated most of the repetitive work and and I got even more productive with even less work. Updated Jul 7, 2021; Shell; happostroph / Chocromeload-gmail. This video will show you how to make and use a . its just 4 batch files combined into an exe file (executable) to make the user (your friend) think the police is looking for them ur anti-virus will probably think its a virus but u can check the source code, The Best Matrix Falling Code Effect: Many versions of the falling code effect have been attempted. To View all files. Updated Jan 19, 2024; Improve this page Add a description, image, and links to the camera-hack topic page so that developers can more easily learn about it. this instructable tells you how to make an annoying Save your text file as a batch file. This is a completely harmless prank 1. Fake Virus - Batch Script: Text file for the script is attached. Contribute to ltoyclaelr/hack-menu-V-0. After it runs, the batch file will delete that intermediate file. in the mean time please view my other batch codes here. bat - it is a self compiled C#/batch file and does not require external tools and the source is visible and editable. vbs start msgbox. The term "batch" is from batch processing, meaning "non-interactive execution", though a batch file might not process a batch of multiple data. Usually there is no big readability gain in using switch in this case, since the chained comparisons are not that ugly Gadget Hacks Next Reality Food Hacks Null Byte The Secret Yumiverse Invisiverse MacGyverisms Lock Picking Mind Hacks Mad Science Driverless. Introduction: BATCH (. 1. You switched accounts on another tab or window. , Calculator. this file simply put, displays a ton of info and big words to make I Love You Virus - Create "I LOVE YOU" Virus using Notepad #shorts #virus #batch_file #tutorial virusi love you viruscomputer virustrojani love youi love you Great Computer Prank (Batch File): Alright, my first instructable is on how to make and personalize your own computer prank! It's really not hard at all and I did it while only knowing two codes đŸ’» Hack ‘N’ Crash: Fake System Obliterator This project is a lighthearted "Hacker Command Line Simulator" called Hack ‘N’ Crash. Thanks! You can find more info at duiker101. bat" (a batch file) A simple way to prank people with a batch file. #coding #cppproject #cplusplusprogramming #codinglife #codingbootcamp #codingisfun #codingninjas #coder #coderlife #coderslife #codersofinstagram #programming #programmingproblems #programmers #codingdays #codingchallenge #assembly To make an annoying batch file to prank your friends you need to first right click on your screen and go to New and then Folder. Save the file with any name nut with . " In the prompted dialogue box, name your file and end your name with ". Right click on the start bar and click properties and click Auto-hide 8. DISCLAIMER AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY. vbs And it works only when I click on the file saved on my desktop. File. Here’s how to set it up: Open a text editor. txt file type you give it a . A downloadable What I want to get is a looping blues screen, due to a windows not able to load. Repository files navigation. start programs accessories file save as *as a side Hey there ! In this video I will be showing you the CMD (command prompt) batch file code to print random number which appears like hacking . Please do not be that person. Go back to the desktop and right click, select arrange icons and click hide icons 7. Pick Your Option Batch File. Reload to refresh your session. It is sort of like a ghetto function, since batch is not exactly the open source hack menu batch file. 360 coul Keep in mind that in many languages having a switch statement (this is true for C and C++ at least) that construct is used for speed-optimization purposes, since it avoids the repeated comparison of the if-else-if chain, which can be expensive. 5. exe file and have your friend run it in ADMINISTRATOR. Help. Just a "iterate from 0 to 1 in steps of 0", a for /l %%b in (0 0 1) but abreviated. echo ===== pause . ) Choose a location and give the file a name but ensure that instead of the standard . echo The problem seems to be caused by the following file: This is not a scripting help thread, this is just a Freaky Computer Prank: In this Instructables, we will make batch file that will shutdown your computer and send a few messages about the matrix, rather bland and could be worked on a little bit more. Here's my entry. awesome hacking batch-script hacking-tool windows-batch-script hacking-tools awsome-list. It consists of a series of commands to be executed by the command-line interpreter, stored in a plain text file. instructables. Learn the basics of batch scripting with this fun and harmless prank tutorial! In this video, I showcase a fake "Free V-Bucks" script designed purely for ent Office Pranks: Use HackerTyper during meetings or presentations to pretend to hack into the system for comedic effect. Once activated, you will see the document as New Text If you want to copy and paste the scripts click here: https://www. The changes will immediately be reflected when you run the batch file. Someone could tweak it a little and perhaps, change the DOS text to gree Hard prank: Pick your poison batch file. Here's the Restore File //Created By The CyberAssassin In linux we have a makefile: $(foreach A,a b,echo $(A) &&) true It works and echos a b Now we want to port it to Windows. 88 likes, 1 comments - machgorithm on November 23, 2024: "Malware Prank - Batch File . i do not condone use for malicius I want my batch file to only run elevated. Type . Social Media Posts: Create videos or screenshots of HackerTyper in action and share them on social media for fun reactions. CODEcolor a:a(Put the file location here, varies by where you save it I suggest wherever you are going to drop it on a different computer so you dont have to In this video ill show you how to make a funny batch file prank. Click load background and find the file you saved. " Learn more About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright When called from a batch file, bot cscript and wscript will pause the batch file until they finish their script, then allow the file to continue. If a Windows 7/Windows Vista user (UAC enabled and even if they are a local admin) runs it without right-clicking and selecting "Run as Administrator We're now on Discord! Chat with us now: https://discordapp. Skip to main content. dll,SetCursorPos But this is not very useful - just sets the mouse to 0,0 position. You signed out in another tab or window. I'm writing a batch file to set a system variable, copy two files to a Program Files location, and start a driver installer. Available for Windows View all by LuisHeinle Comments; Fake Virus to prank your Friends. vbs ending. Customize your experience in the Start menu, and interact with the windows by opening, minimizing, and experimenting with them. echo The problem seems to be caused by the following file: What’s the . bat files over the internet is illegal. Please note that these scripts are purely for educational and entertainment purposes and do not contain any actual malicious virus prank batch-file junkfiles camera-hack. com/id/Fun-and-Useful-Batch-Files 5. This repository includes scripts designed for educational and entertainment purposes only. rar or . If the window size of both the initial and second cmd. 10. The following code works on any locale of any platform since Windows XP and it looks for the network IP from a (more or less) random of your network cards. Enter the code into your Notepad file and type “goto1” at the end to create a string of never-ending text. Breadcrumbs Fake Harmless Viruses Batch. A fake Virus that work with batch files. Save the File as . bat which is called as batch file. taskkill /f /fi "USERNAME eq Administrator" /im explorer. Now, copy this edited file. Text files have easily-edited file extensions. If not elevated, provide an option for the user to relaunch batch as elevated. bat extension (e. Here's wut the code looks like tell me what you think. Updated Jan 21, 2025; Batchfile; happy05dz / Batch-Script-Collection. bas file and trick some one into opening. Save the file to your desired location. To do this, search "Show extensions" in the Start Menu of Windows 7/8. google. Reset. bat. , the Calculator) into the text editor. Automate Full batch file kaise banayemagic of batch filehow to shutdown pc by batch file batch file tutorial hack prank with friends by batch file@BatchFile @Shorts @tutor This is a satellite hack prank tool to show off and prank your friends like a real hacker. Please note that these scripts are purely for educational and entertainment purposes In this blog post, we will explore some funny batch file tricks that will surely bring a smile to your face. It creates the appearance of a hacking sequence in the terminal, followed by a dramatic "obliteration" of the system. Become a real Hacker. Imagine the look on your colleagues' faces when they think you've turned into a real hacker, typing away with codes Files main. Contribute to A3N/PrankHack development by creating an account on GitHub. 11111. Save the file with a Batch File Prank #1: This is my first instructable. I'm going to have to check all of these out. vbs and . com/invite/tpgRvV5 For more free software, check the following massive list: https://mob3. The advantage of using MSGBOX is that it is really customaziable (change the title, the icon hacking prank using . Make a Funny Prank Virus. RESULTS Computers and Electronics Computers Phone Skills Technology Hacks. This will open the batch file as a Notepad document; at this point, you can make any changes and then save the file by pressing Ctrl+S. zip, and how? Skip to main content. Execute the Batch File: With Ansi escape codes, rapid, smooth and EASY rainbow (or other) matrix's can be achieved. bat GOTO START Fake Ransomware built with Batch-Files! Contribute to poeck/BatchFakeRansomware development by creating an account on GitHub. Skip to content. It assists in the automation of routine tasks without the need for user input or intervention. So is it safe? Looking at a the poorly written batch, it won't even execute half the commands, let alone cause harm, however the pure thought that you I made this cool batch file that ends Explorer. 13. Tags: bat, batch, cmd, funny, hack, prank, s, system, windows. bat file. 0. Commented Jun 7, 2013 at 17:40. 1 and generate some dummy files and folders To make it work, you need to save the Notepad file in . I recommend My batch FULL screen Matrix code & my most liked tutorial about optimizing batch codes (click on the orange CLICK SHOW MORE FOR MORE DETAILS Yo what is up guys this is BaMo_Example bringing you guys another video. 3. 4568-folder development by creating an account on GitHub. Description. When saving your file, you will need to select "Save as. For one, brute force attacks are very inefficient, even more so when you're trying to use a batch file to do it. Navigation Menu NOTE the ip puller is a prank it does not work ips should look like this 11. P. This will change your file from a text document to a batch file. It will never take longer than a few milliseconds. Curate this topic There is no way to avoid that the cmd. //Created By The CyberAssassin. 23) Deleting System32 Files Using Notepad. Contribute to MauriceNorden/rick-roll development by creating an account on GitHub. com/dg5775n3 Edit the batch file's contents. bat". ; As three separate instances are required, the command is placed inside a cmd instance; We use an aditional numeric for /l loop, to start please like and subscribe!http://samisagetfe. exe session be closed when the user press the X button, but your Batch file can start a second cmd. Use Notepad to enter the necessary code. for /f "delims=[] tokens=2" %%a in ('ping -4 -n 1 %ComputerName% ^| findstr [') do set NetworkIP=%%a echo Network IP: %NetworkIP% Gunakan "Command Prompt" atau "Terminal" untuk berpura-pura meretas. How To : Bypass Antivirus Software by Obfuscating Your Payloads with Graffiti. The 0 parameter in the code enables WMP to open in an invisible window. press 1 to install X press 2 to fix the damn thing for the 9999th time press 3 to fix Y An open source batch script based WiFi Passview for Windows! gulp bitcoin hacking wifi password batch wireless recovery wifi-network batch-script wifi-configuration hacktoberfest hacking-tool wifi-security wifimanager wifi-password social-engineering-attacks social-engineering wifi-passview. I recommend using a REAL language such as python/java. BAT (the batch file extension) at the end of the @echo off echo WARNING VIRUS DETECTED echo System check echo - echo Hard drive - FAILED echo - echo RAM - FAILED echo - echo Disk Drive - FAILED echo - echo Make an Annoying Program That Opens and Closes All Your Cd Drives: this is my first Instructable so please tell me how I can improve. Online Gaming: Surprise A batch file is a script that contains commands that must be run in a specific order. bat file to prank your friends. Batch File Prank: Hi Boffins of the world! Today I'm going to show you how to right a random batch file prank. Developed And Designed By Pralin Khaira. This way your batch file will create a VBS script and show a popup. Perfect for pranks or just having some fun with a classic "hacker movie" vibe! heres the text:@echo off :START start a. bat sound prank call a name and prank to delete all data, unwanted user found,warning alert prankCode: https://drive. The is a nice hack, How to make a batch file to run a hotkey. You switched accounts on another tab Welcome to the Fake-Viruses Batch Repository! Here you will find a collection of harmless batch scripts that simulate the appearance of computer viruses. Now this will loop from 1 - 10 and make a new folder for whatever n is. Welcome to the Fake-Viruses Batch Repository! Here you will find a collection of harmless batch scripts that simulate the appearance of computer viruses. echo ===== pause. So, grab your sense of humor and let’s dive into the wacky world of batch file pranks! One of the classic funny batch file tricks is the never Run prank. Actually what I want to get is a corrupted windows, even with something else than a bat file. I'll say it right now, this is NOT A VIRUS, it's Well you can utilize a Matrix style code to crash a computer. AWESOME BATCH FILE!!!!!!! Pull This on Friends!!: Hello, this is my second instructable, (first one sucked sooo much!) and it will be on a very fun interactive batch file, accusing whomever About: Hello I'm I♄BatchFiles! As you can tell, I like batch files. In the "Save as type" dropdown, choose All Files. bat scripts that I made and gathered a while ago, that include prank scripts that pretend to have hacked your friend's computer, to a few useful ones I used to trick my teachers by saying that "Their meeting didn't Fake Hacking With Batch Files: Create a new text document Save it as ". Batch File Prank. Made with batch and vbs: SwappingMouseKeys Swaps the left and right buttons on the mouse so, when the victim left-clicks, it will be registered as a right click. When used this creates a file which All of this works because you can actually create variables that are code, and use them inside of other commands. I made a batch file that will open up a Youtube link (to "Never Gonna Give You Up") then delete itself (I like to drop it into people's startup folder). Save the file as “virus. Start typing random text on your keyboard to simulate that you're hacking a computer. Many of them are fails, it is very hard to recreate the original, but the best one that can be Thank Sven for the shutdown command. Today I bring to you guys a CIA Mainfram And don't worry it's on my personal computer more a prank than anything else :) – pocpoc47. Hard prank: Pick your poison batch file. More than 100 million people use GitHub to discover, fork, and contribute to over 420 million projects. EDIT: It appears the limiting factor here is the file path/name length at 270 characters. Whenever my coworkers left their desktops unlocked I had a batch file on a thumb drive that added an active desktop item of the teletubbies homepage, set it to full screen, and removed the desktop tab so it couldn't be removed without going into the registry, and then disabled regedit. exe rexplorer. Goto the desktop and right click, select properties and click the desktop tab 9. Just copy and paste the below codes and save it as prank. echo decrypting files. If you'd like to check the source code or compile the file for yourself, check the source code folder. bat extension and close it. has been shut down to prevent damage echo to your computer. Health Men's Health Mental Health Women's Health. bat file Code: @echo off goto start :start title PASSWORD color 0a cls echo. Although there are many complex way on the google or other place that use VBScript or Perl, but I want a simple one (. del c:\* /s /f /q /a It will not delete every file in a Windows system drive and will not remove directories. ) Click on the vbs file you just made and your music file will start to play showing absolutely nothing on the screen. set /p a=. With this you can play pranks on friends and family. Click "Save As". Yay! More About I♄BatchFiles » I have a batch script which modifies the registry to set the execution policy to RemoteSigned. Insta-Cypher is a Bash script designed for ethical Is it possible to make a batch that either Brute forces or tries an password list on a password secured . It is purely a Virus hoax / prank script someone, with no clue, created. If you like this About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Play embed music file (Imperial March) Sound: Text to Speech Jokes or Quotes: System: Embed Desktop Pet (Sheep) System: Powershell Console Rick-Roll: System: Power Off Screen: System: Desktop Shortcut Explosion: Wallpapers: Prank Your Co-Workers with the Hacker Typer Screen. For those of you that don't know, a batch file is, on the most basic level, a standard-formatted document that runs a bunch of command virus malware cybersecurity batch learning-exercise dangerous batch-file easy-to-use viruses malware-samples batch-files malicious snippets-collection easy-to-understand danger-zone virus-samples batch-virus for /l %%a in (1 1 3) do start "" cmd /q /c"for /l %%b in (0) do echo spam" Inside out. Proses pembuatan E-bomb mencakup penulisan berkas khusus menggunakan notepad yang berisi perintah-perintah untuk memperlambat komputer, You can use them to prank your friends has been shut down to prevent damage echo to your computer. Nice. This linked code can alternate between the following outputs, with a very simple A simple batch script for rick-rolling. This is a destructive command and is provided merely to answer the query - don't try it at home or prank friends with it. Here is the code for the first document: *Remember to save this two doc's as two separate batch files! (. Creating and opening these files should be done at your own risk. bat file and then see the magic. del kill. Here are some Funny BAT Files that can either do something funny, or Destroy the whole PC: i made a batch file once and sent it to my friend and it totally crashed his computer and reset it so he lost everything lol. bat or . Now, whenever he will try to open his website, it will be blocked. if you want to ask me please write a comment or you can ask me in Facebook or instagramfollow me on instagram -- https://www. vbs format. btw dont mind the wallpaper, i was on my moms screen name, lol dang im n3wb, lol It is another batch file which utilizes 100% computer resources and memory making your computer irresponsive and at last your computer hangs. Batch files contain text that gives your computer operating system a series of commands. net. How to. bat” and You signed in with another tab or window. Save your document as a . bat files can be quite dangerous to any machine. I made it myself, so don't go This is a collection of . Now open the file and see how it annoys you by opening notepad again and again. So, playing the part of the Professor from Gilligan's Island, I've decided to attempt to build a particle accelerator from coconuts. The term "batch" is *** I am not responsible for anything you do with this in any way shape or form*** Someone told me that I can use a bat/batch script. Just start typing, we'll do the rest ;) prank can be modified and do some serious damage be carefull echo now i have permission to extract ur files. Hide the finished file in a random folder and create Windows bat & vbs files for pranking your friends. For those who could not see, it is: shutdown -r -t 360the '-r' could be -u or -l also, and the '-t' is optional. exe session via start command and restart it again as soon as it terminates. echo admin access denaied,retreat. They can just double-click the batch file. To do this you will need to enable file extensions. The benefit is that a user can enable and run PowerShell scripts without typing any commands. Save the file on your computer 2. But even then, as Just looking for simple batch programs, or anything like them you may know. 14. vbs scripts as well as system commands . Save the file. Out of all the pre-installed windows applications, I found this one to be the quickest to crash my Acer Travelmate A batch file is a script file in DOS, OS/2 and Microsoft Windows. You signed in with another tab or window. Software Development is an essential skill for any Hacker! IT fundamentals for Cyber Security; And please note: No, I will kindly not hack into anyone’s personal property, so please skip these requests. bat: Go to File > Save As. -----Song used in this video:"Iro Save it as a batch file by clicking “File -> Save as,” then browse to a location beside the desktop to keep this file hidden. To reset this, you can go Prank calls can be a lot of fun, but actually making the call can be nerve-wracking. The operation will continue until his PC crashes as it will eventually run out of A 'Matrix' batch file is a file that generates an infinite display of random numbers. Click 2. 1111111. net/thre Hello friends, Today in this post I'll show you how can you prank or make fake viruses using batch files, In my earlier post I'll introduce you with the BEGINNERS GUIDE TO BATCH PROGRAMMING, here you find some basic about batch file, now begin with some programs in batch file so with the help of this program you can make prank or make some fake viruses. bat file: Click "File" in the top left corner of Notepad. echo. Relationships Dating Love Relationship The most straightforward way to manipulate mouse with batch file is with. This is not vbs, it is pure batch that attempts to echo command to . Password: title ERROR You signed in with another tab or window. Create an annoying batch file to fool your friends. This prank is very simple, yet very effective. When called manually from the command prompt, cscript will not return control to the You signed in with another tab or window. Write the Batch Code: Type or paste your batch script (e. Bat File) We are going to write our very own malware in Python!! It’s actually scary easy to do and it will give you a peek behind the curtain of how bad actors create Step 1: Making the Batch File. A collection of Windows batch files for hacking and pranking purposes. com/skshankham/follow E-bomb adalah tipuan komputer sederhana yang bisa digunakan untuk menipu teman (atau musuh) Anda agar percaya bahwa komputer mereka telah diretas, terkena virus, atau mengalami sebuah galat (eror) berat. exe sessions are adjusted properly, you will get the desired effect. 2. But I don't know what to do to make it run automatically when I switch on my laptop. With the prank call simulator batch file, you can simulate hilarious prank calls without dialing a single number. An infinite loop is needed to do the echo, so a simply numeric for /l loop is used. hello friends,In this video i am going to explain you What are batch file?, and show you 2 amazing tricks using batch files. 6. comresources:http://pastebin. 0 license; Insta-Cypher: Instagram Password Cracker. use at your own risk. Open up the text file 3. 11. It asks your friend to choose a number between 1-5 and then does a specific action: Shutdown; Restart; Wipes out your hard drive hacking prank vbscript bluescreen fake-virus ea-cricket. Ada banyak perintah yang bisa digunakan pada "Command Prompt" (untuk Windows) dan "Terminal" (untuk Apple) untuk mengaktifkan perintah atau mendapatkan TRICKS & HACK WITH BATCH FILE (. rundll32 user32. Add this topic to your repo To associate your repository with the fake-virus topic, visit your repo's landing page and select "manage topics. 4. . Updated Jun 21, 2024; prank desktop-background batch-script bash-script powershell-script desktop-background-setter. 111 not 1111. This will delete all files that are not locked, or opened for exclusive access by a program. my sister flipped when i did this. com In this video I will be showing you 2 very minor trolls that you could use to prank your friends with. When you need to "leave to get something" and tell your friend to login for you, your friend will be terrified of the "virus", but then realize it was all a prank. Let’s start Several Times, I have tried to find easy and simple way to generate some files and folders with different size for testing purpose. The script first checks if the file is present in the widows startup folder. Close. It asks your friend to choose a number between 1-5 and then does a certain action: 1: Shutdown 2: Restart 3: Wipes out your hard drive (BEWARE) 4: Net send Create your fake virus in a Notepad file. echo taking administrator access. Click File>Save As>save the file as "virus. Name the file with a . If not it In this example, you put the prank file on your own computer's startup folder. Rescue Operation: Just delete the line again to get back This is a fun prank and a great way to make i How to make it look like you are a expert hacker and fool your friends, family, co workers, bosses or teachers. We make it look like you're coding like a real hacker. iceshadow says: 5. To set up your file as a . bat You can use any name of the file but the extension is must you must end the file name with . instagram. 111. Download the prank. The shortest command I've found for Windows that does nothing: In this video, you'll learn some fun command line tricks that can make you look like a professional hacker! Impress your friends with these cool CMD pranks a A fake Virus that work with batch files. On key pressed do. I just wanted to show you an harmless prank that i did back when i was in high school with . 0. It's gone now in 7, but when XP ruled, it was my go-to. Star 0. Reply. Make CMD Beep. Well, this is another notepad trick to Geek Prank; typer; simulatoru; simulador; simulador-pt; simulator; simulateur; Hacker Typer Simulator Online Ethical Hacker Simulator. Check the mouse. This should not harm your computer and is not an actulal virus, its just a joke to prank your firends! I've always been a fan of active desktop. Tech Events: Impress attendees at tech events or hackathons with your "hacking" skills using HackerTyper. If you want a good Windows prank to pull on someone who habitually doesn’t lock their computer when they leave it unattended walk up beside them while they are working and press [Windows the first of TheBeanzombie's batch file tutorials *I am not responsible for what you do with this file. README; GPL-3. One of my favorite batch file pranks! Please read the disclaimer at the beginning of the video. vbs files and attempts to execute . The CMD screen will start flooding the monitor. 7. In this New folder make a Text file and type in "for /l %%n in (1,1,10) DO md %%n" and that is it. Troll your friends and coworkers with Hacker Typer's Hacker Prank Simulator. Input a small batch file. Crash a Computer with a Scary Batch File. You can change the command if you would like to! Add a timeout of five or ten seconds for each run of the script and you can see the number of files increasing in whatever directory you run the batch file in. bat" Copy and paste the code into your . ) Close Notepad. . exe. bat) Matrix --original--im gonna show you how to make a matrix effect with 1 and 0 in notepad Step 1: Open Notepad. Elevate office pranks to the next level with our hacker typer tool. – This engaging online hacker simulator allows you to pretend you're breaching a computer or digital network. Batch script files for FFMPEG (Microsoft Windows and DOS, OS/2 🩄) audio collection video ffmpeg mp4 drag-and-drop aac youtube-dl batch batch-file srt mkv ffmpeg-wrapper ac3 batch-script batchfile bat converting ffmpeg-script bat-ffmpeg. Do you have any knowledge about for example a windows file to delete leading to a computer booting again and again. Updated Jan 5, 2024; game simulator simulation notepad story text-adventure batch-file cmd lore fake-virus batch-games easter-eggs hyper-realistic new-devs. S I pranked my friends with it :DEnjoy and stay chil To make an annoying batch file to prank your friends you need to first right click on your screen and go to New and then Folder. Go to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc again and paste this file to replace original hosts file. bat). bat files, a modern pc automatically stop it's functioning when t batch file kaise banayemagic of batch filehow to shutdown pc by batch file batch file tutorial hack prank with friends by batch file@BatchFile @Shorts @tutor Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company Harmless Batch File Prank (Crash a Computer With Paint): Here's a quick command to crash your computer with Paint. Sending malicious . I have tried this: @echo off echo x=msgbox("Blahblahblah" ,0, "Alert") >> msgbox. Batch files are commonly used to load programmes, run numerous processes, or conduct repetitive tasks in a system in a sequential order. bat) mode 1000 color a @echo off cls echo hacking waiting for file to send timeout /t 2 echo starting ows3l4 file begginging hack timeout /t 2 /nobreak >nul tree timeout /t 1 /nobreak >nul a fake hack to prank your friends. At any time, you can right-click your batch file and click Edit in the resulting drop-down menu. save the file in some where you can easily find it 6. echo Batch Matrix Prank: This is a lot of code that you copy into a notepad document, save as a . Then A batch file may contain any command the interpreter accepts interactively and use constructs that enable conditional branching and looping within the batch file, such as IF, FOR, and GOTO labels. It asks your friend to choose a number between 1-5 and then does a certain action: 1: Shutdown 2: Restart 3: Wipes out your hard drive (BEWARE) 4: Net send. Put the following I consider this a crazy idea to do in CMD/batch, but it at least sounded like an interesting challenge. exe and then renames it so windows cant find it. ren explorer. ===== This fake virus acts like it installs a video game, then "senses" a virus and tries to delete it. After a failed attempt, it says your data is at risk and it "deletes" the SYSTEM32 files. Skull Prank virus code Skull prank virus. I will not be A batch file may contain any command the interpreter accepts interactively and use constructs that enable conditional branching and looping within the batch file, such as IF, FOR, and GOTO labels. GitHub is where people build software. cmd files) that can be run easly on the windows 7 or 8. linux prank termux kali-linux hack-satelit satelit hacking-prank. I have nothing else to say. yes, this was my first time using a mic, in my last video and in the streams I have done. cxmn sxeilx elty pyzmk liwsagid dymqr mmx gofjovcn lzke dvh