Promql count by.

Promql count by. com/wp-content/plugins/core-plugin/gqhdawg/swift-popup-menu.

Stephanie Eckelkamp
Promql count by. This metric will contain the seal reference and the sealID, checkID, and any other label it Feb 4, 2020 · PromQL is the querying language that is part of Prometheus. Sep 25, 2020 · Metric Types in Prometheus and PromQL. One of the key health indicators you want to measure about a service is how many requests it currently serves. This is roughly equivalent to the following SQL with DISTINCT clause: Nov 9, 2023 · You should use topk for selecting the metric with the maximum value:. 4. Prometheus getting an average count of datapoints. This query_result will give three-tuple value like this. 12. label_value(my_metric{foo=~""}, "deployTime") > 1603284799. For example, if a time series starts from 5 and has the following samples: 5 6 9 12, then increase over these samples would return something around 12-5=7 instead of the expected 12. Chronosphere supports querying metrics data using PromQL and Graphite functions, but PromQL is the most popular option we see customers use. sum_over_time(event_gauge{success_or_failure="success"}[1h]) / count_over_time(event_gauge{success_or_failure="success"}[1h]) to sort of get what you want. sum(sum_over_time(m1[1h])) by (p1, p2) but i'm not sure if adding the external sum here, just in order to group, is the way to go. This introduction to PromQL will be largely decoupled from specific tools and the non Jan 1, 2021 · My basic constructor is: avg_over_time(count(foo > 10)[1h:30s]) which returns an error: range specification must be preceded by a metric selector, but follows a *promql. Sep 24, 2018 · As noted in the response, ALERTS_FOR_STATE is used for restoring alerts across restarts. Gauge: A gauge metric can increase or decrease. ) If you need the number of nodes with uptime bigger than N days, then just multiply 24*3600 by N in the query above. クエリの結果は Prometheus の式ブラウザで表形式で表示したり、グラフ表示したりできます。. Mar 17, 2022 · With PromQL, this does not work: count by (stage) ((max by (instance) (stage))) How do I reference max stage in the outer aggregation? promql; Share. S. Mar 11, 2021 · Gettings started with PromQL data selection. Sum the number of seconds the value has been in prometheus query language. In this example, we will use the metric http_requests_total. Thanks for the answer, count seems good but when I count by no I can't acces the type, I want to group by no and also acces type label values. Imagine that we want to know the number of requests for the /api path in the host 10. But when I use the below topk function, I am getting all the user login within that time range. +"} That will give you everything where group starts with "misc group". src. PromQL comes with 15 binary operators that can be divided into three groups by operation type: arithmetic + - / * ^ % comparison < > <= >= == != logical/set and, unless, or; Binary operations are defined for different types of operands - scalar/scalar, scalar/vector, and vector/vector. It can be used not only to analyse the metrics from your individual services, but also to analyse across all the metrics inside your Prometheus server. Is it possible to get accurate request per minute metrics via Mar 19, 2021 · I have two PromQL queries in Grafana. So given the examples above I should have that: clients 123, 456 and 789 at least connected once and at least required external access once so 3/3 = rate of 100%. Make 2 queries and select visualization format as table. PromQL is designed from scratch and has zero common grounds with other query languages used in time series databases such as SQL in TimescaleDB, InfluxQL or Flux. apoorva11029 June 15, 2017, 5:28am 1. The type of a PromQL expression: string, scalar, instant vector, or range vector. , it wouldn't allow you to call a function that expects an instant vector with a range vector argument. Oct 13, 2020 · 2. Dec 10, 2021 · The accepted answer doesn't work for me. For example, the following query returns the real proportion of non-zero my_metric samples over the last hour: count_ne_over_time(my_metric[1h], 0) / count_over_time(my_metric[1h]) Count and sum of observations. If the metric can have either 0 or 1 values, then the sum_over_time(metric[d]) calculates the number of 1 values on the specified lookbehind window d. Jan 28, 2020 · 1. Marcelo Ávila de Oliveira. ) MetricsQL also supports now () function, which can simplify calculations for timestamp relative to the current time. 5. I would like to compute the difference between these queries… Jul 20, 2017 · If the step is smaller than the scrape_interval, then some raw samples may be counted multiple times. g. The expected behavior would be to sample the data every 30s and return the average over an Dec 21, 2020 · The rate(m[d]) function calculates the increase of a counter metric m over the given lookbehind window d in square brackets and then divides the increase by d. all independent metrics that match the regex above will show as a separate metric not all as Dec 4, 2018 · If you want to see only the number of "deployed" pods in some namespace, you can use the solutions in previous answers. The same expression, but summed by application, could be written like this: Mar 2, 2022 · sum(count by (job) (count_over_time(cpu_usage[1h]))) PromQL is a time-series based so I find it more useful to illustrate with image: say we want to check between 1646225640 and 1646225820. We just need 10 numbers in rate_xxx(t) to do the quantile calculation. May 27, 2021 · For metrics stored within Prometheus, the Prometheus Querying Language (PromQL) is the main way to query and retrieve the results you are looking for. And here Sep 4, 2018 · The whole point of the count_values_without Group by time and aggregate in PromQL/MetricsQL. However, a range vector of gauges is physically indistinguishable from a range vector of counters. In addition to PromQL, Prometheus provides a scraper that fetches metrics from instances (any application providing metrics) and a time series database (TSDB), which stores these metrics over time. For example, try obtaining any useful information from the graph on the method_timed_seconds_sum metric. So, to find the total counts where value is ==1 in past 24hrs, the query should be like this: count_over_time(http_response_ok{appname="XXX"==1}[24h:]) And to find the total counts where value is ==0 in past 24hrs, the query should be like Nov 6, 2017 · To get the accurate total requests in a period of time, we can use offset: http_requests_total - http_requests_total offset 24h. Oct 23, 2020 · This can be done with label_value () function from MetricsQL: count by (deployTime, foo) (. The match[] parameter takes no effect. You should be using the increase() function which is specific to counters. For an introduction to PromQL, I recommend this blog. That's why it is recommended wrapping these metrics into rate or increase functions: rate(m[d]) returns the average per-second increase rate for counters matching m series 4 days ago · Enter your metric name in the Select a metric field and then navigate through the menus to select the metric. If you want something by namespace, you My sample query (promql) is max (application_apidbacesscount_total) by (Api) [30m:1m]. The resource menu lists valid resource types for that metric, for example, "VM Instance". What only matters for PromQL is an expression type. What I ultimately want is a list of all available metrics. The "increase" function calculates how much a counter increased in the specified interval. It changes whenever an alert enters the pending state (not when it changes from pending -> firing). Query: topk(10, sum(my_app_login) by (User_Name) != 0) Oct 12, 2021 · When the selected timerange covers the startup phase of a process, the first N log level samples are null before the counter delivers the count of the first log entries (see screenshot). start=<rfc3339 | unix_timestamp>: Start timestamp. For example, the following query would filter out time series with Mar 15, 2019 · Bucket is the essence of histogram. Is there a way to do a group by query on Prometheus database like there’s for Graphite Jul 28, 2022 · sum(increase(orders_created_count_total[1h])) is also the function that I’m using, but it either returns 0 or a very low number. Sep 22, 2022 · service_latency(app=“payments”,pod_name=“pod3”) PromQl that I have so far: quantile_over_time(0. Jan 29, 2021 · PromQL is a functional query language that lets users select and aggregate time series data in real time. Jun 18, 2020 · The type of a metric, as reported by a scraped target: counter, gauge, histogram, summary, or untyped. How to sum difference in time between two metrics over last 30 days in PromQL. You can repurpose the tooling that generates the 18,000 rule groups to instead generate a Prometheus metrics file that contains the metric sli_info. This is a very easy problem to solve outside of PromQL by just making the range query metric_name >= 1 over 7 days and then counting the number of series in the result field of the response, but I want to perform this query in PromQL if possible. The counter is created by the following Golang code: Oct 12, 2020 · When to use sum_over_time vs increase Promql Grafana. prometheus data is based on metrics{labels} for a series of timestamp, so count_over_time will return results with 3 records: Aug 10, 2020 · This is where group comes in. Use the sum_over_time as the docs say. Outside the {} we can put the condition for values. Aug 31, 2022 · Promql: Is it possible to get total count in Query_Range. PromQL (Prometheus Query Language) は Prometheus の時系列データを取得・集約するクエリ言語です。. Grafana のようなグラフ描画ツールにてグラフ表示する時にも 为了基于时间来计算这些聚合,PromQL 提供了一些与标签聚合运算符类似的函数,但是在这些函数名前面附加了 _over_time() <aggregation>_over_time() 下面的函数列表允许传入一个 区间向量 ,它们会聚合每个时间序列的范围,并返回一个 瞬时向量 : Dec 14, 2021 · One way to do the grouping is by. Thanks. For instance I want to know how many 500 response c This function is supported by PromQL. It can be combined as subqueries to produce the proper output. For example with following PromQL: sum by (pod) (container_cpu_usage_seconds_total) However, the sum of the cpu_user and cpu_system percentage values do not add up to the percentage value Apr 14, 2021 · It is OK if Prometheus counters are periodically reset. You could do a. So this may not provide an accurate count of how many times an alert has fired. In this case Grafana’s range transformation ignores the null values so that a wrong range value is computed. The join is usually performed via on count: Count number of elements in the vector; topk: Select largest k elements by sample value; bottomk: Select smallest k elements by sample value; sort: returns vector elements sorted by their sample values, in ascending order. For example, the following query returns the exact number of samples with the value 10 over the last hour for time series m : Count the number of samples for each series over a 5-minute period: count_over_time (process_resident_memory_bytes [5m]) Basically inside the {} we are doing checks b/w label. PromQL (Prometheus query language), is a functional query language that allows you to query and aggregate time series data. Let’s understand one by one with examples. Source and Statistics 101. Note that the number of observations (showing up in Prometheus as a time series Aug 13, 2021 · Using increase you will get how much the values increased over a period. Nov 9, 2022 · The following query should return the number of nodes with uptime exceeding one day: count(. Looking at the metrics, I can see that some of them have dynamic names, most probably delivered by dropwizard metrics. I am using below promql for getting the cpu usage of different pods (as percentage of 1 core) and the value that it returns is matching the values that I get from the kubectl top pods -n namespace: Conclusion. 3. e. Source: Prometheus Alert for missing metrics and labels Oct 17, 2022 · It misses the increase for the first raw sample in a time series. September 25, 2020 by Julius Volz. The following query should return the number of raw data points with value<=0 for the last day: Jun 9, 2022 · PromQL query to select metrics whose values are included in a given multiple selection variable. For example, sum_over_time(up[1h]) returns the number of up samples with 1 value during the last hour. These Prometheus query examples are based on our own experience from helping hundreds of customers monitor their Kubernetes clusters every day. Jul 30, 2020 · count(last_over_time(kube_pod_created[24h])) The last_over_time(kube_pod_created[24h]) returns time series for pods that existed in the last 24 hours (see last_over_time() docs). Nov 8, 2018 · It will return unique label values for the given label alongside the number of unique time series per each label value. Query 1: max_over_time(counter{label="label1"}[5m]) Query 2: max_over_time(counter{label="label1"}[5m] offset 10m) There’s an exact match between the labels in both queries, so I don’t believe I need to use the on() function. Query Functions: rate - The rate function calculates at what rate the counter increases per second over a given time window. sum by (command_group, command_name)(rate(hystrix_command_latency_total_seconds_count[5m])) answered Nov 1, 2017 at 14:05. Suppose you have the following data series in the specified interval: Then you would get: If your goal is to calculate the total percentage of availability I Nov 19, 2020 · MetricsQL provides count_le_over_time(m[d], le) function, which returns the number of raw data points that have values smaller or equal to le on the time range [d] for each time series matching m. The count (foo > 10) returns a scalar each time it's called. How to plot average per day from Prometheus. Jan 9, 2020 · consumed container_cpu_usage: Cumulative usage cpu time consumed. This is what I came up with: Jan 4, 2022 · PromQL uses four data types. Breaks in monotonicity (such as counter resets due to target restarts) are automatically adjusted for. Get Average Increase Over Time. Then it divides results from step 2 by the duration d in seconds per each time series with name count. I thought to get the percentage (* 100) of the respective CPU when I take the rate of them. By using offset, the value is always integer because it just calculates the difference between start and end. Just use sum_over_time(x[1h]) instead and 3600 as resolution/step. i. 21. For example, the following MetricsQL query returns the exact number of raw samples with values greater than 0 over the last 5 minutes: count_gt_over_time(metric[5m], 0) Oct 22, 2020 · As you can see, avg_over_time() and avg() are quite different functions - avg_over_time() calculates distinct average values for every selected time series, while avg() calculates average values across the selected time series. 使用聚合操作的语法如下:. Count of pods per cluster and namespace. If you don't preserve dimensions, the aggregation will by carried out on all values, discarding any label. Jul 18, 2017 · 16. In your case they increased just by 1. The number of 0 values then can be calculates as count_over_time(up[1h]) - sum_over_time Mar 24, 2019 · PromQL is a query language for Prometheus monitoring system. How can i do that using grafana's panel? Is it possible to give Grafana a base query and modify it with panel fields? PromQL聚合操作. Prometheus: filter query based on another metric. String: The expressions whose output is a string literal is a part of this category. The following endpoint returns a list of exemplars for a valid PromQL query for a specific time range: GET /api/v1/query_exemplars POST /api/v1/query_exemplars URL query parameters: query=<string>: Prometheus expression query string. 7. sum(. The PromQL query always works based on the last value of your metric. Sep 30, 2020 · How to filter label name after count_values in promql. Prometheus usually measures request counts using PromQL とは. This works for getting max value with grouping the data by "Api" field. See also changes. May 7, 2020 · 5. Top Prometheus query examples Count of pods per cluster and namespace Aug 9, 2019 · Basically I want something like count((metric_name >= 1)[7d]). Having a list of how many pods your namespaces have in your cluster can be useful for detecting an unusually high or low number of pods on your namespaces. Mar 21, 2022 · I am trying to graph out the top 5 users by their login count in the last 24 hours. 可以将瞬时表达式返回的样本数据进行聚合,形成一个新的时间序列。. Another possibility it to do: topk(100, sum_over_time(m1[1h])) by (p1, p2) but in this case the grouping doesn't seem to happen right, as the results contain a lot of rows with the Feb 17, 2022 · We have had an incident and I want to get total number of HTTP requests to a specific endpoint for a specific time period grouped by status code. Jul 14, 2018 · 1. 2. answered Oct 13, 2020 at 19:59. Remember, this blog post only scratches the surface. AggregateExpr instead. Average response time on Grafana from Prometheus. * but not group by. 4. 0. without用于从 Apr 13, 2021 · How does one add a where clause in PromQL? I'm trying to construct a query that displays when an application running in Kubernetes has been up for more than one minute but I want to filter by namespace. PromQL has some differences to other query languages Oct 28, 2019 · I am running different versions of our application in different namespaces and I have set up a prometheus and grafana stack to monitor them. It is designed for building powerful yet simple queries for graphs, alerts or derived time series (aka recording rules ). PromQL is used for making ad-hoc queries, creating dashboards, alerting, etc. Improve this Dec 6, 2021 · How to use promql group by without using aggregate functions in Grafana. . Feb 20, 2024 · I'm trying to join two metrics (build_status and build_timestamp) and then filter out duplicates based on a specific labels (service and timestamp). For example, count(my_metric) by (app) will return unique app label names for time series with my_metric name. Oct 6, 2017 · Promql: Is it possible to get total count in Query_Range. 2. For example, consul_service_tags metric exposes a set of tags, which can be joined to metrics via (service_name, node) labels. It is calculated independently per each time series returned from the given series_selector. PromQL completely ignores metric types and only concerns itself with expression types: Each expression has a type, and each function, operator, or other type of Oct 11, 2017 · P. (time() - node_boot_time_seconds) > 24*3600. sskrlj. Aug 24, 2023 · This should give you a good first impression of the PromQL query language, as well as help you get started on the right foot with monitoring your services. end=<rfc3339 | unix_timestamp>: End timestamp. Selecting data in PromQL is as easy as specifying the metric you want to get the data from. For example, the following query returns the number of raw samples over the last 2 minutes per each time series with the name instana_metrics: count_over_time(instana_metrics[2m]) Note that Prometheus calculates the provided query independently per each point on the graph, e. I tried using count_values("client_id, api_interaction) promQL method Sep 26, 2021 · PromQL allows querying historical data and combining / comparing it to the current data. You need to aggregate the numerator and denominator separately and then divide. For example, suppose there are http_requests_total metrics with url label: Jul 7, 2022 · Just use count_over_time function. answered Nov 9, 2022 at 17:51. Use PromQL to query and aggregate metrics stored in an Azure Monitor workspace. Oct 14, 2022 · 3. Now we’ll jump in skipping the theory, directly with some PromQL examples. Apply transformation Labels to fields (Select value filed name a value that uniquely identifies the metric name e. 0. Jan 8, 2020 · As indicated in the documentation of delta():. Mar 17, 2021 · Prometheus can detect and remove time series resets to zero on the selected time range, but let's skip this for now for the sake of clarity. Jul 16, 2020 · Prometheus will only use your last stored value in the PromQL query you have listed. Basics. . How to divide two Prometheus Counters. For instance, the following query would return week-old data for all the time series with node_network_receive_bytes_total name: node_network_receive_bytes_total offset 7d. It may also change whenever prometheus restarts, for pending alerts specifically. In the toolbar of the query-builder pane, select the button whose name is either code MQL or code PromQL. It is currently unused in Prometheus. May 22, 2019 · The aggregation operators in PromQL are accumulating the values of metrics along a dimension. How can I query prometheus data greater than value but include all data in series vector? 2. That's why it isn't recommended to use increase() in Prometheus for calculating the exact counter Aug 6, 2020 · 28. Aug 16, 2018 · If you need to calculate the number of unique values for a label over custom interval (for example, over the last day), then the following PromQL query must be used instead: count(count(last_over_time(hello_info[1d])) by (a)) Jan 9, 2022 · If you still need this functionality, then take a look at count_eq_over_time() function provided by VictoriaMetrics - this is Prometheus-like monitoring solution I work on. 309 1 4. {app="bar"}) : I have also tried to use wildcard in the metric name, prometheus is complaining about that. 100 * (count(up == 1) BY (job, namespace, service) ) > 1 Nov 1, 2017 · You can't aggregate ratios. This is what my query looks like at the moment. How to divide "sum()" by "count()" without labels. 99. I. Jun 9, 2017 · It is a good practice in Prometheus ecosystem to expose additional labels, which can be joined to multiple metrics, via a separate info -like metric as explained in this article. It provides count_gt_over_time() function, which ideally fits this case. A query language is a computer language used to make queries in databases and information systems. group always produces 1 as a the value of the aggregation group, but more importantly signifies for anyone reading the PromQL expression that it is the aggregation's label handling that is what's important rather than the numeric result: May 27, 2021 · A while ago, we created a PromQL getting started guide. 1k 3 43 54. delta should only be used with gauges. Number of containers by cluster and namespace without CPU limits. sort_desc: Same as sort, but sorts in descending order. So: sum by (command_group, command_name)(rate(hystrix_command_latency_total_seconds_sum[5m])) /. Prometheus还提供了下列内置的聚合操作符,这些操作符作用域瞬时向量。. Jun 28, 2021 · PromQL doesn't really distinguish between the logical types of metrics either. Say my counter has had gone from 1000 to 1600 in one hour, I expect the above to returns 600, but get ~5. Let's take a close look at this expression (aggregation like sum() is omitted for simplicity) Jun 13, 2021 · PromQL binary operators. PromQL is Prometheus ' query language, that allows you to perform powerful calculations across your data. 9. The solution can be achieved in Grafana. In the case above it calculates 4423 @ 2m - 4381 @ 1m15s = 42. topk(1, sys_cpu_host_seconds_total{mode="sys"} or sys_cpu_host_seconds_total{mode="user"} ) Note that topk(k, q) query can return more than k time series when this query is used for building a graph in Grafana. A bit of changes which merges all the steps before. This issue is fixed in MetricsQL with count_ne_over_time function. 其中只有 count_values, quantile, topk, bottomk 支持参数 (parameter)。. It will always return all the metrics names. Is there a way to multiple metrics sort in victoriaMetrics. Counter: A counter metric always increases. Histogram: A histogram metric can increase or descrease. Prometheus has the concept of different metric types: counters, gauges, histograms, and summaries. 4k 2 36 43. Just add offset to the query. increase will extrapolate the range so that we can see float number in the result. name) Merge them together transform ==> merge. This will match all that is misc group. If you need to get the total counter increase across multiple time series with graceful handling of counter resets, then wrap increase() function into sum(). You can add any labels you need after the by section (that's helpful in altering for example). They track the number of observations and the sum of the observed values, allowing you to calculate the average of the observed values. 1. Histograms and summaries both sample observations, typically request durations or response sizes. The calculation is performed independently per each matching time series m. The count() returns the number of such time series, which equals to the number of pods that existed in the last 24 hours. Sep 28, 2021 · Prometheus PromQL Example Query: Monitoring Kubernetes. (e. If you want to count do the following: count by (no) (dbValues) If you want to sum do the following: sum by (no) (dbValues) answered Jan 28, 2020 at 14:38. Scalar : The expressions resulting in a single constant numeric floating number is scalar. Understanding of rate() function of PromQL. each value on the graph shows Mar 6, 2018 · A portion from a query listing all metrics for an app (i. Oct 5, 2022 · Getting CPU usage percentage in prometheus requires a calculation of CPU seconds divided by number of CPUs (or requests, etc, whatever way you're doing it). My use case was to see the current running pods in some namespace and below is my solution: Aug 4, 2021 · Left joins in PromQL; How to join Prometheus metrics by label with PromQL; Bringing it all together. Aggregate request rates. See Prometheus count query for a particular period. In prometheus, dimensions are represented by label names and values; all metrics with the same value on the same label have a common dimension. PromQL is a versatile and powerful query language that empowers users to extract valuable insights from Prometheus metrics. Oliver. To know which metrics are using the most resources it'd be good to count how many time Jan 29, 2024 · Azure Monitor managed service for Prometheus, collects metrics from Azure Kubernetes clusters and stores them in an Azure Monitor workspace. 99, service_latency{app=“payments”}[5m]) However, the above PromQL returns p99 metric for each pod rather than for the entire service. Jan 25, 2024 · So really what I want to do is to do it based on the clientId tag and count for each client tag value only once. answered Jul 18, 2017 at 2:57. PromQL提供了许多二进制和聚合操作符,可以用于选择和聚合时间序列数据。你可以在Prometheus的官方文档中找到这些操作符的详细信息[1]。通过使用PromQL,你可以实时选择和聚合时间序列数据,并将结果以图形的形式显示,或通过HTTP API提供给外部系统使用[2]。 http_tt_ms_count - is my metric timeseries of Prometheus with time taken. The "sum_over_time" function calculates the sum of all values in the specified interval. after that you group by username. e. By mastering the basics covered in this cheat sheet, you'll be well-equipped to explore and analyze your monitoring data effectively. You can use a regex query: my_metric{group=~"misc group. Jun 15, 2017 · promql, prometheus, query-help. Nov 7, 2018 · count(up{job="prometheus"} offset 1h) by (project) unless count(up{job="prometheus"} ) by (project) If the metric is missing in the last 1 hour, it will trigger an alert. : 1 -> 1 -> 2. count_eq_over_time# count_eq_over_time(series_selector[d], eq) is a rollup function, which calculates the number of raw samples on the given lookbehind window d, which are equal to eq. I also am not sure if it is indeed calculating the p99 for every 5 minutes like I intended it to. Promql: Is it possible to get total count in Query_Range. api_path - is my label name. g, 11. For example, this expression returns the unused memory in MiB for every instance (on a fictional cluster scheduler exposing these metrics about the instances it runs): (instance_memory_limit_bytes - instance_memory_usage_bytes) / 1024 / 1024. There's no proper doc and example in the official doc as well. Counter metrics are rarely useful when displayed on the graph. sum_over_time (range-vector): the sum of all values in the specified interval. The issues mentioned above are solved in VictoriaMetrics - Prometheus-like monitoring system I work on. If you've ever wondered what these terms were about, this blog post is for you! We'll look at the meaning of each metric type, how to use it when instrumenting application Apr 20, 2022 · Prometheus query to count unique labels over a timeframe. vo ux aq kz pa ib ww jp co yc