Output matrix stata I looked at -groups- but I am afraid I don't have the skills to modify it. Purpose and outline Purpose To excite structural-equation-model (SEM) devotees by describing part of the new semcommand and convince traditional simultaneous-equation-model types that the semcommand is worth This article describes the new Stata command xml tab, which outputs the results of estimation commands and Stata matrices directly into tables in XML format. 0. The get() matrix function obtains a copy of an internal Stata system matrix. It may require a bit more effort to calculate further results but this is easily programmable and if you need to do something often you can write a wrapper program for the command. You will need an extra step to put data from a variable into a matrix, using mkmat. The first set of three values, separated Use regsave to store regression output regsave stores regression output Coefficients, standard errors Optionally: p-values, t-stats, confidence intervals, covariances, and more User can optionally specify: Coefficient and variance-covariance matrices Labels Table format (Abbreviated) syntax: regsave [coeflist ] [using filename ] [, mkmat provides a useful addition to Stata’s matrix commands, but it will work only with small datasets. However, I cannot use the usual function "ereturn", because my program creates t-statistics and confidence intervals based on bootstrapping the t-statistic. It's probably more important for OP to reconsider the approach to the larger problem, since hundreds of models like this aren't really interpretable in most contexts. asdoc can be used with the Stata describe command to make a table of variable names, labels, etc. The dyndoc and dyntext commands create HTML files, Word documents, and text files with Stata output. Then I then try to stitch all of these matrices together into one matrix (that I can use to make graphs) like this: matrix all1 = [co11 \ co12 \ co13 \ co14 \ col5 \ col6 \ col7 \ col8 \ col9 \ col10] But Stata will not produce the matrix because it claims some of the vectors are "not found". Convert regression output from Stata log files to tex using extract-from-stata (package page) I am trying to combine the cumpct results I get from estpost tabulate with the summary statistics that I obtain from estpost tabstat in one esttab output. Emad Shehata and Sahra Mickaiel. Note that values not appearing in the two-way table show up as missings, so you might want to mvencode them as zeros (or not). The dataset that we shall use is from the help To learn how to do this, see . Abstract: iot estimates Leontief Input-Output Table, and can estimate the following results: (A) Technical Coefficients Matrix, Check I-O Table Matrix, (I-A) Leontief Technical Coefficients Matrix, I'm working with some income data with the DASP package for Stata and running a calculation of pro-poor indexes which gives me as a result an output. ,V) M = Z*2 return(M) // <--- return the values of M to the caller, in this case Interactive—type matrix expressions and see results; Development—full development environment for developing programs and commands; Automatically compiled code; General features and matrix operators . You can also save them in the data set you started with, although there doesn't appear to be any sensible place in this data set to put them, so I'd leave that one aside at least for now. Stata Journal 12: 702–717. The resulting Forums for Discussing Stata; General; You are not logged in. Dear Statalisters, I ran matrix symeigen X L = newA in stata13, and see the results in matrix form in output window. B <-output_allocation (X, d) rownames (B) <-rownames (X) colnames (B) <-rownames (X) kable (B) agriculture_fishing mining manufacturing_industry electricity_gas_water construction retail_hotels_restaurants transport_communications_information From Joe Case Orsini < [email protected] > To [email protected] Subject st: matrix operators that return matrices not allowed in this context: Date Mon, 24 Jan 2011 16:31:31 -0800 (PST) Update 07 June 2018: See Export tabulation results to Excel—Update for new features that have been added since this original blog. something along the lines of *close logs even if there isn't any capture log close log using Ok Sebastian, So i believe what you want do is use different samples identified by the size of the firm which is given in the variable sizef. Posts; Latest Activity; Search I ll use a simple forvalues loop sysuse auto, clear matrix drop b forvalues i =1/10 { capture drop mpg_err gen double mpg_err=mpg+rnormal() qui:reg price mpg_err matrix t=r(table) matrix b Take the Stata matrix A, and write it into Excel using column D row 14 as the upper-left cell for matrix A. ster files, desired values are arranged as a Stata matrix, and then exported as tex. Statistical Software Components from Boston College Department of Economics. It would be useful to understand both how do do this for a fixed output width, and also useful to The first line (i. See the following example: IOT: Stata module to estimate Leontief Input-Output Table. There is a new command in Stata 13, putexcel, that allows you to easily export matrices, expressions, and stored results to an Excel file. Even for novices, the task of programming with matrices is very accessible November 2009 08:24 An: [email protected] Betreff: st: how to produce a correlation matrix table with asterisks from Stata to LaTex Dear All, I would like to know if I can produce a correlation matrix table with asterisks in Stata and export the table to LaTex. Defining Matrices in Stata. dta, clear estout. Beyond the matrix commands, Stata has a complete matrix programming language, Mata, that provides more advanced matrix functions, support for complex matrices, fast execution speed, and the ability to directly access Stata’s data, macros, matrices Hi stata experts, I'm trying to export a tabstat table into excel sheet and have tried multiple commands including tabout, putexcel, and export but none have and export but none have been successful thus far. Packages 0. A stored result is simply a scalar, Most Stata commands post that matrix (anything run through -mi estimate- is an exception, as I know through some painful personal experience). By mmat2tex exports a Mata matrix into LaTeX table format and saves it. Post in Stata 12 David M. frmttable is a programmer's command that takes a Stata matrix of statistics and creates a fully-formatted Word or TeX table which can be written to a file. The following 2putexcel—ExportresultstoanExcelfile Syntax Setworkbookforexport putexcelsetfilename[,setoptions] Changeworksheetsettings putexcelsheetset[,sheetsetoptions] WriteexpressiontoExcel putexcelulcell=exp[,expressionoptionsformatoptions] ExportStatamatrixtoExcel graph matrix— Matrix graphs 3 iscale(#) and iscale(*#) specify an adjustment (multiplier) to be used to scale the markers, the text appearing along the diagonals, and the labels and ticks appearing on the axes. Drukker Director ofEconometrics Stata Stata Conference, Chicago July 14, 2011 1/31. Matrices are indexed by row, then column, and the z-score, p-value, and lower and upper CI Output (so far no problem) Concentration index estimation using the covariance/formula method Final matrice of Concentration Indices on Individual (Micro) Data. g. Combining putexcel with a Stata command’s stored results allows you to create the table displayed in your Stata Results window in an Excel file. From: "Dimitriy V. Last edited by Joro Kolev; 07 Jan 2019, 05:16. . 14Matrixexpressions Contents 14. stats(rho) is the default. I am using asdoc and corr in Stata 17. Stars. Is there a way? I know about "outreg2" for regression but not sure for summary statistics. Stack Overflow. Tables are professionally formatted, have significance stars *** >I would like to use -outreg2- to report some results from IV >regressions which are saved into a matrix. names = FALSE when calling write. My Stata code is as follows esttab Finding nice relations for an explicit matrix group and showing that it is isomorphic to the symmetric group If you want them as a Stata matrix (why?) you can use mkmat. These commands are great for exporting customized tables of estimation results as they are equipped with many formatting options. Hello everyone, clear drop if year > 1976 * Create an empty matrix to store results matrix result = J(1, 5, . csv. Thank you for your suggestions, Nick. matrix R = corr(R) The first line places the cross-product matrix of the data in matrix R. If you are using other statistics, you can use estout or logout programs. Nick [email protected] Friedrich Huebler > I am looking for a way to save -tabulate- output as a matrix, with > row names and preferably without the "Total" row. I would also like to add further statistics like ttests and ranksum tests to each group. The variables read, write, math and science are scores that 200 students received on these tests. This command may be used directly on any Stata matrix. sysuse auto. This option allows you to match output with other packages, which may apply degrees of freedom or other small-sample corrections to estimates of variance. 1 star Watchers. , "spearman edu_years salary") contains the code that Stata ran to generate a Spearman's correlation. Many of Stata’s commands are able to leave their results behind in matrices. Description Jan Ditzen, 2015. This applies to simple descriptive statistics, such as those produced by tabulate, through to the more complex The program will export a matrix to a delimited text file (e. replace putexcel A1 = matrix(e(b)) Consider this toy example using Stata's lbw toy dataset: stats(spearman list) specifies the statistics to be displayed in the matrix of output. 0687. From: Nick Cox <[email protected]> Re: st: save table output to a matrix. Here is the problem: if I repeat the same command with the same variable price (without restarting Stata) ,it will now give 2*2 by matrix (the results get accumulated). overview of the matrix commands and provides more background information on matrices in Stata. No packages published . Combining putexcel with a Stata command’s stored results allows you to create the table I would like to wrap large matrix-style output, as per the corr commands wrap option in an ado file. , means, standard deviation, min, and max) of the variables in the same table. How can I add the other statistics to this output? e. dta, with 244 observations on four variables. Using regular Stata matrix commands, you would be unable to create a matrix large enough to accommodate your data. age has values ranging 1 to 9. Masterov" <[email protected]> Prev by Date: Re: st: save table output to a matrix; Next by Date: Re: Re: st: replicating 2 X 2 data from a paper; Previous by thread: Re: st: save table output to a matrix Dear Nick, I didn't want to store a matrix in a local macro, but only one element of the matrix (i. In this blog post, I show how to export a Stata matrix to MS word. Options Main orthogonal specifies that an orthogonal rotation be applied. Second, you should not have the second comma right after the star option. I believe that the problem stems from the way I store the cumpct matrix but I, unfortunately, couldn't find a solution. The motivation behind this is to keep the analysis process as much "hands off" as possible so as Skip to main content. Join Date: Mar 2014; Posts: 34970 #7. If you followed the code approach you will recognize this as the code you entered into Stata. Let B be the output allocation matrix. Combining putexcel with a Stata command’s stored results allows you to create the table displayed in your Stata Results window in an Excel file. help matrix extraction Nick On Fri, Jul 22, 2011 at 1:42 PM, Mirko <[email protected]> wrote: > Hi Jorge, > > Thanks very much for your There are several options: you can save them in a new data set, you can save them as local macros, you can save them in a matrix. Login or Register. Up to three statistics may be specified; stats(rho obs p) would display the estatvce—Displaycovariancematrixestimates Description Quickstart Menuforestat Syntax Options Remarksandexamples Storedresults Alsosee Description Good morning, I am a new user of Stata so thank you in advance for your support. For this article, we once again make use of the Stata’s 1978 Automobile dataset. I would like to generate and output a correlation matrix that includes the summary statistics (i. fweights, aweights, iweights, and pweights are allowed; see [U] 11. Any help is much appreciated. Even for novices, the task of programming with matrices is very accessible I can't seem to find a command to export summary statistics from stata to word. We have used the hsb2 data set for this example. Log in with; Forums; FAQ; Search in titles only. I also have the outputs saved in another map as . matrixdefine—Matrixdefinition,operators,andfunctions7 matrixA=J(r,c,z)definesAasanr×cmatrixcontainingelementsz. It will produce such a table (The latex structure and the compiled PDF will be the same as the ones above): Pay attention to the \begin{tabular}{ >{\qquad}l rr rr } environment initialization. It includes means, standard deviation, correlation and significance label (and also minimum and maximum). ~~~~~ as a reference: I posted earlier this message, Then I then try to stitch all of these matrices together into one matrix (that I can use to make graphs) like this: matrix all1 = [co11 \ co12 \ co13 \ co14 \ col5 \ col6 \ col7 \ col8 \ col9 \ col10] But Stata will not produce the matrix because it claims some of the vectors are "not found". write. Even when a command does not have an output and asdoc is unintentionally added as a prefix, asdoc will just pass the command to Stata I use the code below to concatenate two vectors in a same matrix: tab variable if variable <= number, matcell(x) matrix list x mat a = x mat a = a\x However, Stata concatenates in a same column with this code. This is done in Re: st: save table output to a matrix. estatvce—Displaycovariancematrixestimates Description Quickstart Menuforestat Syntax Options Remarksandexamples Storedresults Alsosee Description asdoc can be used with the Stata describe command to make a table of variable names, labels, etc. Languages. ) What I didn't get is why I could store the element [1,2] of my matrix m into a local macro, but To write a matrix to a preexisting Excel file, look at putexcel. Februar 2010 14:49 An: [email protected] Betreff: st: save table output as a matrix? I am sorry if this is a trivial question, but I have not found a solution anywhere. However, in nearly all cases they give you all the ingredients to easily calculate what you need. initial release Latest Apr 29, 2020. 12. So far, I have tried: And Stata does not take it, just as Stata has not taken any other matrix expression I have ever tried to apply in -generate- context. The Stata code goes as below. At least in Stata 14, this fact is not as clearly communicated as it I assume that by "new column" you mean the row names that get written out by default. disp(#) multiplies the variance of depvar by # and divides the deviance by #. Mickaiel, 2015. I want to output this matrix to Latex with the mean (in col2) marked with an asterix indicating the pvalue (in You will need an extra step to put data from a variable into a matrix, using mkmat. Hi everyone, I am trying to convert this table to a matrix and export it as an excel file. 13 in x1 to x13 according to different values of age. Example: putexcel D4=("Coefficients") B5=matrix(e(b)) Quinto, L. ) egen V = seq(), f(1) t(10) mkmat V in 1/10 // Put observations 1 to 10 from variable V into matrix V matrix M[1,1] = V // Replace submatrix of M with top left element 1,1 with V correlate—Correlationsofvariables Description Quickstart Menu Syntax Optionsforcorrelate Optionsforpwcorr Remarksandexamples Storedresults Methodsandformulas References Alsosee First, you need to use pwcorr rather than corr to be able to add stars to your correlation matrix. matrix rownames VCE = weight length _cons Finally, tell Stata to use the coefficient vector from the estimation on the full sample, along with the new variance–covariance matrix, and display the results. Unfortunately, corr is not implemented as an ado-file, and pwcorr, which is implemented as an ado-file that I might model my approach on is missing the wrap option. Output allocation matrix. Using Mata to create the distance matrix allows you to exceed Stata’s maximum matrix size and yet still use clustermat. 9)41)) post mat b = e(b) mat X = e(at) mat Xy = X , b' Then I'd like to create, eg, a line plot of the final column (named y1) against the first column (mpg). Post Cancel. You can browse but not post. Purpose and outline Purpose To excite structural-equation-model (SEM) devotees by describing part of the new semcommand and convince traditional simultaneous-equation-model types that the semcommand is worth I would like to generate and output a correlation matrix that includes the summary statistics (i. Announcement. Dear List Members, I am looking for a flexible way to create matrices from -tabstat- output that does not require previous knowledge of the number of rows in the table. Handle: RePEc:boc:bocode:s458052 Note: This module should be installed from within Stata by typing "ssc install mmat2tex". we can move the matrix stored as a returned result to a normal Stata matrix. Matrices with more than 2 billion rows and columns in Stata/MP ; Matrices with up to 2 billion rows and columns in Stata/SE and Stata/IC Kelvin Tan asked on statalist : "I would like to know if I can stack two correlation matrix tables into one big correlation matrix ((foreign=1) in lower diagonal and (foreign=0) in upper diagonal of the big correlation matrix table). Read more graphmatrix—Matrixgraphs Description Quickstart Menu Syntax Options Remarksandexamples References Alsosee Description graphmatrixdrawsscatterplotmatrices After running a regression, I want to save the output (variable names, coefficients, standard errors and P values) in an Excel spreadsheet. "IOT: Stata module to estimate Leontief Input-Output Table," Statistical Software Components S458024, Boston College Department of Economics, revised 19 Apr 2016. This is the default. This would be > similar to the way -tabstatmat- converts -tabstat- output to a > matrix. There are three ways to put frequencies in a new variable: tabulate oneway or tabulate twoway will save counts as a matrix. Forums for Discussing Stata; General; You are not logged in. 1 Overview Statahastwomatrixprogramminglanguages,onethatmightbecalledStata’soldermatrixlanguage andanotherthatiscalledMata. putexceladvanced—ExportresultstoanExcelfileusingadvancedsyntax Description Quickstart Menu Syntax Options Remarksandexamples References Alsosee Description Re: st: save table output to a matrix. This page shows an example of a discriminant analysis in Stata with footnotes explaining the output. Specifically, I am using >-ivreg2- and the results I'm interested in are the F-statistics on >excluded instruments (I have multiple endogenous regressors). For those already familiar with Stata’s macros and loops, the next step into matrices is only a few keystrokes away. - Meiting-Wang/wmtcorr In addition to the output in the shown in the results window, many of Stata’s commands store information about the command and it’s results in memory. Sorry, I am new to STATA. X. The dataset that we shall use is from the help The problem is that I want to create a nice-looking regression table to output for the user, similar to what standard Stata regressions report. I think this is because of the multilevel of the output of Is there an efficient way to generate an input-output matrix in Stata? More specifically, I need a square matrix, which shows 1 in position (i,j) if firm i (row) was supplied by firm j (column), and 0 otherwise. stata latex-stata word-stata wmt-stata Resources. That is odd since all of the coefficients are In the spotlight: Export tables to Excel ®. in Stata 12 David M. More generally, different Stata commands return different results. matrix list e(b) e(b)[1,3] weight mpg _cons y1 1. All these programs are available from SSC, you can download them by You can also create tables from the dataset in memory, matrices, and returned results. , a comma-separated . Below you will see a Mata function that accepts as arguments a variable list and a matrix name for the L2 This entry describes the computation engine for orthogonal and oblique transformations of Stata matrices. An example: The case of xttab command. By default, ul cell contains the first element of name, and matrix row names and column names are not written. Topics. tex files, but they look really odd. rows and columns) is created, but further LaTeX commands at the beginning and end of the table can "MMAT2TEX: Stata module to output Mata matrix as LaTeX table," Statistical Software Components S458052, Boston College Department of The technique adjusts the elements of an arbitrary matrix so that the row and column sums of the matrix equate to user-supplied initial "control total" or "margin" row and column vectors. pdf, the pairwise correlation matrix is stored in r(C). ; Use the collapse command. I have the R-squared scalar but I don't know how to include it in the -ereturn- command. Description - Stata Correction of a small typo: ***** matrix beta = nullmat(beta) \ e(b) ***** Steve [email protected] On May 17, 2012, at 2:34 PM, Fernando Rios Avila wrote: oops You For more information on Statalist, see the FAQ. Please repost in the General Forum. Thanks! Best Regards, Andy Tags: None. B <-output_allocation (X, d) rownames (B) <-rownames (X) colnames (B) <-rownames (X) kable (B) agriculture_fishing mining manufacturing_industry electricity_gas_water construction retail_hotels_restaurants transport_communications_information financial_services real_estate business_services matrixdefine—Matrixdefinition,operators,andfunctions5 matrixC=A*𝑠ormatrixC=𝑠*A,A:𝑎×𝑏and𝑠aStatascalar(see[P]scalar)oraliteralnumber, returnsC:𝑎× I am interested in aggregating / collecting values from analyses in order to output them to a file. I'd avoid this approach, since other commands like eststo can do most of the work. I want to drop the parameters (that are equal to 0) of the omitted variables from e(b) and e(V) matrices, but programmatically because this small routine is inside of a bigger program. log suffix, handy because usually I want to keep a lot of the values from clogit returns. Reply reply bill-smith • Actually, the coefficients . For regression output, I have been using eststo and esttab which works well. Is storing the output in a matrix the best way to achieve this display and how would I do this? I have a variable age, 13 variables x1 to x13, and 802 observations in a Stata dataset. [W-3] Output correlation coefficient matrix to Stata interface, Word as well as LaTeX. matrix accum R = varlist, noconstant deviations. This allows the user, as well as other Stata commands, to easily make use of this information. MIT license Activity. Francoise Ren. If you are using regression analysis, outreg2 is a good choice. By using XML, xml tab allows Stata users to apply a rich set of formatting options to the elements of output tables. here the [1,2]), which I do (see my code local c1=m[1,2]), but only after copying the matrix named r(C) into the matrix named m (or rather, after creating a new matrix m equal to r(C). The betas are all in reference to a female, not in school, and in the control group, hence the _cons label. 1 watching Forks. 0 votes. For the example above, the table should look like as below, where the rows and the columns are company ID's from 1 to 5: The most flexible tool for this I can think of is John Luke Gallup's frmttable: . putexcel will not export the matrix row and column names unless you tell it to. My answer, then, is more "manual". Stata output However, -tabulate- has value limitation, The matrix list command displays Stata matrices but gives you little control over formatting; see[P] matrix utility. when you need the matrix stored as a Stata matrix so that you can further manipulate it. I am trying to replicate the results of a factor analysis in Stata using the output matrices. Comment. For example, the code below will output a correlation matrix with 1 star if significant at a 10% level, 2 stars if significant at 5% level, and three stars if significant at a 1% level. Readme License. I am sorry if this is a trivial question, but I have not found a solution anywhere. 2012. How do I put r(C) into a dataset with each row and column labelled by Correction of a small typo: ***** matrix beta = nullmat(beta) \ e(b) ***** Steve [email protected] On May 17, 2012, at 2:34 PM, Fernando Rios Avila wrote: oops You Output from looping over a variable partially getting exported when using putexcell 13 Dec 2023, 07:24 . From: Nick Cox <[email protected]> Prev by Date: Re: st: Making a bar graph from the row of a matrix; Next by Date: Re: st: save table output to a matrix; Previous by thread: st: do-file editor: syntax highlighting for user written commands; Next by thread: Re: st: save table output to a matrix; Index(es Dear List Members, I am looking for a flexible way to create matrices from -tabstat- output that does not require previous knowledge of the number of rows in the table. Install manually from github page; Explanatory Twitter thread by Alessandro Martinello; listtab. To access the scalars, macros, and matrices that store coefficients and other variables, we use the following command . ´ HTML output in Stata. Many Stata commands and user programs return results in r(). table or write. 1; asked Sep 4, 2024 at 21:23. Other Stata commands Stata commands that have some output in the result window can also be used with asdoc . I added the emphasis regarding matrices. I need to concatenate it in two vectors in Calculated values are saved as . Stata matrixmkmat—Convertvariablestomatrixandviceversa Description Menu Syntax Options Remarksandexamples Acknowledgment References Alsosee Description Is there any way to non-manually remove the matrix name from the Stata to LaTeX output? I tried using the option noheader, which works here: matrix list matname, noheader but doesn't seem to be active in esttab or outtable. Even when a command does not have an output and asdoc is unintentionally added as a prefix, asdoc will just pass the command to Stata While I've found some great user programs that allow one to easily export various types of Stata output into LaTeX, I haven't been able to find a program that provides a quick way to export a correlation matrix (such as when you use the command <pwcorr> to LaTeX. The RAS technique is commonly applied to economic input-output matrices as a way of updating an inter-industry transactions matrix from one year to the next. Additionally if I simply copy/paste the output to excel it populates the table with the correct number of rows but only one column This page shows an example of a correlation with footnotes explaining the output. I've tried typing in -pwcorr- and according to Stata's rcorrelate. Nick Cox. Approach 2 is more flexible than Approach 1. [W-5] Output matrix to Stata interface, Word as well as LaTeX. No announcement yet. However, I get a blank cumpct column by using the code below. csv file or tab-separated file). 7465592 -49. We're quite stuck here I have done an optimization in Mata. The variables include three continuous, numeric variables (outdoor, social and conservative) and one categorical variable (job type) with three levels: 1) customer service, 2) capture program drop matafunc program define matafunc syntax , VARiable(string) mata: A = mataf("`variable'") // <--- rename the returned value to A, just to be clear // A contains the values that were in M // A can be used later on end mata real matrix function mataf(V) { st_view(Z,. clear set obs 10 matrix M = J(10, 10, . The data used in this example are from a data file, discrim. From there, you can easily pull the data into Excel or Matlab. ) egen V = seq(), f(1) t(10) mkmat V in 1/10 // Put observations 1 to 10 from variable V into matrix V matrix M[1,1] = V // Replace submatrix of M with top left element 1,1 with V Output from looping over a variable partially getting exported when using putexcell 13 Dec 2023 clear drop if year > 1976 * Create an empty matrix to store results matrix result = J(1, 5, . Let me show you. the \rowgroupemph command, however, makes each group title to negatively In Stata, after running the xthtaylor command, the command matrix regtab = r(table) yields an empty matrix. matrix colnames VCE = weight length _cons . ) which is a forum dedicated to Stata's matrix programming language. Some system (output omitted) Here we can directly use e(b) and e(V) to obtain the matrices:. the >{\qquad}l part instructs the first column of the table to be aligned left but with a \qquad spacing in each row. It also occurred to me that if I could find a way to ask LaTex to just \input PART of the fragment file (lines 2 onward In addition to the output in the shown in the results window, many of Stata’s commands store information about the command and it’s results in memory. 6 weight. That is odd since all of the coefficients are There are many alternatives for copying results from Stata to Word. The matlist command, on the other hand, offers a wide array of options to give Beyond the matrix commands, Stata has a complete matrix programming language, Mata, that provides more advanced matrix functions, support for complex matrices, fast execution speed, If we would like to perform matrix operations on returned matrices, or wish to access individual elements of the matrix, we can move the matrix stored as a returned result to a normal Stata Stata normally posts the output from -pwcorr- to r(C). This is done in matrix(name) writes the values from a Stata matrix to Excel. You can see a full explanation of why I want to do this in a cross-posted question at Statalist here. Join And Stata does not take it, just as Stata has not taken any other matrix expression I have ever tried to apply in -generate- context. Handle: RePEc:boc:bocode:s458024 Note: This module should be installed from within Stata by typing "ssc install iot". Re: st: save table output to a matrix. transpose()—Transpositioninplace Description Syntax Remarksandexamples Conformability Diagnostics Alsosee Description transpose(A)replacesAwithA ′. For the final output I use the -ereturn- command by using the variance-covariance matrix and the coefficients vector as its inputs (ereturn post b V). 0 forks Report repository Releases 1. You can export a whole The default style is to report detailed regression table that combines key statistics from the Stata's regression output with some additional statistics such as mean and standard deviation of the dependent variable and adding asterisks for showing statistical significance, etc. I first change x1 to x13 as a matrix by using More generally, different Stata commands return different results. I want to know how to count the number of 1 . For example, imagine the following situation. For example, for age 1, in x1 to x13, count the number of 1,2,3,4,13. table’ prints its required argument ‘x’ (after converting it to a data frame if it is not one nor a matrix) to a file or connection. It makes sense for those Stata users who wish to further process their results to become acquainted with the basics of programming with matrices. You can obtain the matrix by typing. The asdocx exports table of correlations from Stata to Word, Excel, LaTeX, or HTML. Only the body of the table (i. r,c,andzarescalarexpressions transpose()—Transpositioninplace Description Syntax Remarksandexamples Conformability Diagnostics Alsosee Description transpose(A)replacesAwithA ′. I have a time series of last daily prices for some currencies (in excel. Search in I wanted to write a code to retrieve automatically into scalars the estimates of several of this tables but the In this blog post, I show how to export a Stata matrix to MS word. . So far, I have tried: Stata outputs the selected stats in rows, rather than in columns. Usually, Stata commands leave results in r() or e() macros and sometimes in a sets the font size, while option title() can be used to specify the title of the matrix in the output file. svmat can be used to create variables from the matrix. -contract- does not work with my data because it only accepts frequency weights. About; Products OverflowAI; Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with 2return— Return stored results where b, V, and Cns are matnames, which is the name of an existing matrix. The second line converts that to a correlation matrix. To define matrices, we use a syntax slightly different to scalars: matrix define d = (4,5,6\7,8,9) In this example, ‘d’ is the name of the matrix which can be set to whatever name you find appropriate. Here is the Stata code I used: factor var_1 var_2 var_n, factors(2) rotate predict factor1 factor2 I stata; factor-analysis; Daniel Franco. vfactor(#) specifies a scalar by which to multiply the resulting variance matrix. Is there a function to add results to an existing file, starting from a specified left-upper cell (or a command that resembles the 'append' Emad Abd Elmessih Shehata & Sahra Khaleel A. 07 Jan 2019, 05:23. x1 to x13 have values ranging 1 to 13. "MMAT2TEX: Stata module to output Mata matrix as LaTeX table," Statistical Software Components S458052, Boston College Department of Economics, revised 17 Jan 2017. Andrew Musau Many thanks! I managed to copy my results into a dta file and export them to excel However, I still struggle to add the results of a following event rate analysis to the same excel file, in a row below the original results. Stata determines where to place the data in Excel by default from the size of the matrix (the number of rows and columns) and the location you specified in ul cell. table package:utils R Documentation Data Output Description: ‘write. Two things: First, the help file of mkcorr says that you can produce the output in Word: "mkcorr produces a correlation table in a format that is easy to import into a spreadsheet or word processing document" Second, mkcorr does what you want. ereturn list. Log in with; New user: how to generate variance covariance Matrices can be manipulated and analysed using Stata’s matrix commands. 1. smcl format but with a . 512221 1946. We have tried running these commands using stata We're stuck on how to solve this, as using capture for the whole program would also suppress the output matrix. Login or Register by clicking 'Login or Register' at the top-right of this page. help putexcel Briefly, to export a Stata matrix: change directory if necessary (example) cd ""Z:\Thesis\data needed for 2007\" Results from r-class program. I want to save the results of vector X and L as stata data. To tabulate such results in estout or esttab you can collect them in a matrix and tabulate the matrix (Approach 1) or post the results as one or more vectors in e() and tabulate them from there (Approach 2). matrix(name) writes the values from a Stata matrix to Excel. e. See Rotation criteria below for details on the rotation methods available with orthogonal. The module is made available under terms Could store the coeffs in Mata or in a Stata matrix and do whatever you'd like afterward. Coding I've some regression in Stata that I would like to have in a table format. The XML files can be opened with Microsoft Excel or OpenOffice Calc. I would like to convert the table produced from -table- to a simple matrix for future use. Kind regards The documentation would benefit with (a) a simple exposition of the non-e-class stored results as part of the output of help estimation and [U] 20 Estimation and postestimation commands and then (b) -matrix. A new feature in Stata 13, putexcel, allows you to easily export matrices, expressions, and stored results to an Excel file. Also see [P] postfile — Post results in Stata dataset The reviewer asked us to include an option for the user to suppress the output lines (such is to not abort if such situations occur. Stata limits matrices to no more than matsize matsize, which means a maximum of 800 800 for Stata/IC and 11,000 11,000 for Stata/SE and Stata/MP. matrix list e(V) In this matrix, the correlation between variable i and j is in entry i,j. I don't even seem to know how to phrase my search query right for this one. " There is a new command in Stata 13, putexcel, that allows you to easily export matrices, expressions, and stored results to an Excel file. As mentioned above, matrices store multiple values in rows and columns. You have to get it into an e(b) matrix if you want to use -esttab-, which is what -estpost correlate- or -eststo- do. I can put this stuff all together in one matrix, eg: sysuse auto probit foreign mpg price weight margins, atmeans at(mpg=(12(2. From: Nick Cox <[email protected]> Prev by Date: Re: st: Making a bar graph from the row of a matrix; Next by Date: Re: st: save table output to a matrix; Previous by thread: st: do-file editor: syntax highlighting for user written commands; Next by thread: Re: st: save table output to a matrix; Index(es Save the matrix output as stata data 31 May 2014, 20:31. You may have to merge the resulting variables back with the original dataset if you want to have them both together. Collapse. Now, get the column names and row names for the new variance–covariance matrix. On the other hand, GUI users will not recognize this code, but this is the code that was run behind the scenes when you selected the various options in the spearman - When wanting the tabulated output to anything, whether tabulate or regress or clogit, I always close the current log file and begin a new one, not in the . Coding I need the output to display the following. To suppress them, set row. For more information on Statalist, see the FAQ. To output the correlation table we need to follow two steps: Run estpost to estimate the correlation matrix, Output the Friedrich Huebler > I am looking for a flexible way to create matrices from -tabstat- > output that does not require previous knowledge of the > number of rows > in the table. ) *Loop through each state and calculate summary statistics forval i = 1/48 { bysort state year: tabstat unemp gsp , statistics It makes sense for those Stata users who wish to further process their results to become acquainted with the basics of programming with matrices. oimiomhlpgqpucjtkvgkufozfkhskjavkosvoqbxgjicxjlp