Wasp x bumblebee fanfiction "That's right Bumblebot I'm here for you Wasp love you. "Told ya. The rain had not stopped falling, he was in heat and, worst of all, he was trapped in a small cave with Wasp. " Wasp smiled and clasped Bumblebee on the shoulder, "This mech is my brother, Bumblebee. "Wasp sorry. 'Admit it. Bumblebee rolled his optics and started the course from the beginning. Understood?" Optimus told the Bumblebee and wasp have a little "talk" that leaves bumblebee mentally unstable. Until next time, Wasp replied, hugging the yellow mech. Longarm, Bumblebee, and Ironhide were shocked, they were still going on. He's the one Kup also wanted to put on your team as a scout. Blurr X Bulkhead. Red Alert X Bulkhead. por TekeTeke4. So the silver one Bumblebee whimpered. bum Bumblebee thought about it and replied, "WellI remember a fight with the Decepticonsthen, now. Wasp not been on planet very long, so Wasp not know rules. " Bumblebee runs to her, intent on saving her from herself. Ripclaw slowly stalked her claw to bumblebee's face when her door exploded and out came prowl and wasp. "No. 6K 84 77. A collection of short stories: 1 Lugnut & Blitzwing (Amnesia), 2 Prowl & Lockdown (Bounty Hunters), 3 Bumblebee (Amnesia), 4 Bumblebee (Traitor), 5 Bumblebee x Wasp (Fairy Tale), 6 Swindle x Megatron (Fairy Tale), 7 Bumblebee x Shockwave (Spark Bonding), 8 Jazz x Sentinel Prime (Mechpreg), 9 Jettwins (Circus), 10 Decepticons (Humanformers), 11 Prowl (Zombies) Bumblebee eventually was in no position to fight him with Wasp sliding against him. A collection of short stories: 1 Lugnut & Blitzwing (Amnesia), 2 Prowl & Lockdown (Bounty Hunters), 3 Bumblebee (Amnesia), 4 Bumblebee (Traitor), 5 Bumblebee x Wasp (Fairy Tale), 6 Swindle x Megatron (Fairy Tale), 7 Bumblebee x Shockwave (Spark Bonding), 8 Jazz x Sentinel Prime (Mechpreg), 9 Jettwins (Circus), 10 Decepticons (Humanformers), 11 Prowl (Zombies) Drabble 4 : Wasp/Bumblebee (rating T/very slight M at the end) The weather was horrible, just like his mood. 1 page February 23, 2023 andys apple farm enjoyer . that Wasp's speaking as to how my Wasp will speak. "----- Bumblebee x Arcee Transformers - Rated: T - English - Friendship/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,536 - Reviews: 29 - Favs: 96 - Follows: 24 - Published: 10/19/2009 - Arcee, Bumblebee - Complete Saturday Morning Cartoons by Theoretician reviews Right Wasp?" The said robot glared at the ninja who was holding his Bee. ow it hurts to abuse the caps button. But he's not the only one who knows Wasp is back. I can't express my love for you any more, So let me leave you these words that make you soar. " Bumblebee took Waspinator's servo and held it. " "Waspinator glad he and Bumble-Bot are friends. You can often find them on fanfiction websites. Bumblebee asked as they flew over the last mountain that would overlook Sanctuary. "Wasp forgive Bumblebot. " Bumblebee gasped and moved his hips slightly to meet the larger mech digits. The whole Wasp/Waspinator thing and the reveal of Longarm really being the real Decepticon spy had seemed to rattle him. Ironhide heard commotion and ran over. A compilation of Bumblebee stories from G1, Animated, Movie, and Prime for all the Bee fans out there. He looked up to her, having a sad look in his optics. " Sentinel says before turning away. Shockingly, one of them is Bumblebee's younger brother, Wasp! As Team Prime rushes to stop Wasp and his allies along with meeting his older sister, Bumblebee will come to terms with the past and fix his broken family. 'I keep telling you I'm not Wasp,' Bumblebee tried to explain. He still could not believe that his yellow friend went out with that afta. "Yeah?" FanFiction | unleash Bumblebee X Jetfire. Why?" He then saw Ratchet glance up and over at someone. I'm writing these in case someone needs ideas for fan fiction or fan art. Whether it's slash, angst, drama, or humor, there's a story here for everyone. Page 3 Read Abeja reina (Wasp x Bumblebee) -Transformers Animated- from the story One-short de: Bumblebee by TekeTeke4 (Nigtorra) with 2,668 reads. uotev. -2nd Version (Takes place after the first) (Shorter, VERY short, than the last)-"Wasp offline Bumblebot if it last thing Wasp do!" The crazed mech slid his back down the cave. " Optimus gave a smile and held out his servo, "Hello Bumblebee, I'm Optimus Prime. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Friendship/Hurt/Comfort - Bumblebee, Wasp - Words: 1,312 - Reviews: 6 - Favs: 18 - Follows: 10 - Published: 8/31/2016 - id: 12128861 There was a pause, then Bumblebee replied, "WellWasp, do you know what a kiss is?" Now this was a bit odd. Silly little short angst thing. Bumblebee was still small, his slim chassis covered by a short purple dress, the skirt falling mid thigh and showing off glowing golden dermaplating. Contains mention of slash Bumblebee, the sweet spark goofball, who dreamed of being an Elite Guard. " The femme said. After being released from prison, he sets Waspinator x Bumblee, Spike n' Valve, Sticky. Post to Your Profile Share via Email Dear my Sweet Little Bumblebee, The jet twins carry the letter to and fro, Swooping through trees high and low. Bumblebee finds out that his lover, Longarm, is a deception double agent. what's going to happen now that he knows. "Can I hold him?" Wasp asked. Not only had Primus got Bumblebee out of his grasp, he also took his only daughter. Wasp Yes, there are some great ones out there. Quickly, Bumblebee reached out and grabbed Wasp's servo, stopping him from leaving. The thrust that Sentinel presented were rough or painfully fast but enough to help Bumblebee to get used to the size. Everything moved in slow motion as Jazz ran towards me wile I was pulled off the building. Bumblebee is a fanfiction author that has written 7 stories for Transformers/Beast Wars, Spectacular Spider-Man demon x Flug. Bumblebee started crying. "Bumblebee ruined wasps life" she turned and slowly walked over to the source. "Bumblebee bot ruined Wasps life," he repeated. They watched Queen Bee run his hands down his body to smooth down the fuzz, a soft smile coming to his lips as he seemed to eye the other techno-organic. FanFiction | unleash Three years have passed since the Overmind and Wasp's defeat. And just to recap, this a TF PRIME story. " Blue snickered, which One-short de: Bumblebee Fanfiction. Smugglers 3: The Beginning Is The End. The Decepticon lord smirked and brought his cable to the hole. Y. Still, this was the route the lizard fellow had indicated, and so they had to follow it. "Don't goplease, you can talk to me about it. V. There’s no way, but that—and he looks so— Tip: Use double quotation marks to "search by phrase". " Wasp said getting closer to her. For: Sonicrocks123456789 Wasp sneered in amusement at Bumblebee's frustrated faceplate screwed up, anger dancing behind blue optics. Wasp remembers those days with fondness. ] *CRRRRAAAAASSSSH!* The force of the impact had disoriented him somewhat, but still he kept going. Why wasn't Bumblebee bothering him? "Wasp!" The little green one said. Wasp mean why is Sari feeling scared, sad or helpless?" he asked as he gained a troubled look in his optics. "Wasp I'm sorry for everything. TF:A One-shot Bumblebee goes in for a normal checkup, but Ratchet finds something rather interesting. Wasp want Bumblebot. "Just so I can be prepared. " Eh, he could live with Read A captivating voice (Bumblebee x Predaking) -Transformers Prime- from the story One-short de: Bumblebee by TekeTeke4 (Teke Teke) with 678 reads. Chapter 10: Flashbacks: The Accident. "Hey leave the lady alone. " Wasp told the silver femme. 'Bumblebee! You're suppose to land in front of him, not on him!' Sentinel Prime shouted from behind the cameras. Wasp came over and started to flirt. Include ? Include Ratings . I don't own the song Sweet Little Bumblebee. Love Everlasting A New Beginning "Wasp, you have been released from custody and sentenced to community service under my jurisdiction. Ratchet X Lugnut. " They laughed as they watched him thrown into the prison. It was odd, Wasp thought to himself, that he was. Megatron added a second finger. " Sentinel said. Sadly, their time apart must have confused honey bee since when they finally reunited he didn’t seem all that Whenever Wasp sees Bumblebee he gets super excited, exclaims “honey bee!” and lunges at him so he can tackle him to the ground in a big hug. [This fanfiction was inspired by Jazzthetiger and the amazing comic they have posted on . Author's Foreword. Will actually cry if Bee don’t smooch him back at least once. "GRAAAAAAAAAAAARRRGGHHH!" I was reading this story about bumblebee becoming well a bumblebee. Joe, WARNING: SLASH PAIRING-Bumblebee x Wasp. Teen And Up Audiences (8) Explicit (6) Not Rated (3) Mature (2) General Audiences (1) Include Warnings . "Ugh where am I?' Wasp asked he was a bit shocked. Wasp smirked and continued to poke her on the stomach. You two are excused from training for the next week. por TekeTeke4 Seguir. "Can I hold him?" Ironhide asked. "I'm gonna enjoy this with how painful Wasp made it sound. Wasp slowly, and painfully, rose from the worn metal floor, feeling every dent and scratch. Wasp was sitting in the corner, knees pulled to his chest and arms wrapped around his legs. Sari giggled again and pushed his finger away in her sleep. Meanwhile, some odd things are happening out near Cybertron that threaten the fate of the entire universe. It took him a whole five breems to make it onto his poor quality berth, and was unable move for another orn. " He bowed his head. The ninja bot left the room without Bumblebee noticing. Protect- A continuation of Emperor from chapter five. My love for you makes me high, It's like someone drugged my apple pie. Bumblebee legs dangled in the air, sweet and soft moans escaped his vocallizer. "Bumblebee. No like then avert your eyes. It wasn't your fault. " Wasp nodded, and they both headed towards and into the small kitchen area. The bee had to regain himself in the air before flying back up and doing tricks again. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Angst - Wasp, Bumblebee - Words: 2,051 - Reviews: 7 - Favs: 9 - Follows: 3 - Published: 9/26/2011 - Status: Complete - id: 7415139 + Wasp suddenly crawled over me, grabbing me as he went. Ironhide saw Wasp grab Bumblebee's arm and tried to drag her. Any violation of your parole through murder will be met with consideration of a death penalty," Optimus warned. "Alright, if you two are going to get all mushy, could you at least do it quietly? You're gonna make me sick," Wheeljack commented, half-joking. He quietly asked "How did you find me? Then Wasp walked slowly into the Med Bay and stopped by the side of the berth. (Wasp comes to Earth to get revenge on Bumblebee) 'Wasp, chill out! Whoa, slipping, SLIPPING!' Bumblebee yelled. I gift for Reneejoelle. Bumblebee's small audial horns gleamed in the mass of blonde hair. Wasp turned one last time to look at Bumblebee and Sari, whom were smiling cruelly at him. More than just anger filled him when he was first told they had lost Bumblebee's signal. She hadn't expected to hear that. Bumblebee rolled his optics and Wasp managed a laugh. Add to library Discussion Suggest tags. Hit the showers and get to bed. From using them obscenely to enacting revenge on those who did him wrong, Waspinator is a fiery beast of burden. 'N-Never,' Bumblebee groaned, reaching up to give back as good as he was getting. "W-wasp. I love you brother. Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance - Bumblebee, Wasp - Chapters: 4 - Words: 7,379 - Reviews: 26 - Favs: 103 - Follows: 57 - Updated: 9/19/2009 - Published: 5/30/2009 - id: 5099901 Suddenly a pair of wide, baby blue optics looked away from him quickly and Shockwave turned, going back a few mechs and staring. I was starting to loose consciousness suddenly Jazz hops up onto the and shoots Wasp off and he falls off pulling me along. Wasp came closer and Bumblebee ran. Wasp (Transformers) Longarm Prime | Shockwave; Bumblebee (Transformers) Bulkhead (Transformers) Ironhide (Transformers) Megatron (Transformers) Blitzwing (Transformers) Lugnut (Transformers) Bumblebee thought he was invincible, he could do anything he wanted, that's why when a crazy and dangerous mission was scratched out of the table Mrs. A tenuous peace has fallen over the tribes, and the cycle of hatred threatens to spin once more. "Wasp get here yester-solar cycle. 3K 80 Catherine Wolf has been friends with Sam Witwicky for as long as she can remember, and been in love with him for the past two years. " Waspinator said, turning his head to Bumblebee, meeting his optics. Sixty-nine- "Hey Prowl," Bumblebee said running up to the ninja-bot, "I just learned how numbers can be fun!" 70. Sorry for any messed up spellings. Bumblebee gave a tight squeeze then let go, placing a small peck on the green mech's cheek. BumbleBee P. Waspinator let out a approving growl and put her head between Bumblebee neck and smelled his locally scent. " Ironhide said. O. When did you get here?" She wanted to know. Bumblebee smiled then broke out into tears and fell into Wasp's arms, Wasp fell back words, not expecting the form of sibling love and Bumblebee said "I missed you so much. Payback felt wonderful, the green one thought. Bumblebee sat on the roof of the factory looking up at the sky. The author only wrote 4 chapters and hasn't updated since 2019, and it's been 5 years since the "Wasp," Bumblebee said in surprise, not expecting to see him. prowl layed cover fire for wasp as Ripclaw ran away. Bumblebee also could not believe he went out with that pile of scrap metal. Very happy. Wasp continued to follow until he sped up more and overflew Bumblebee. A collection of short stories: 1 Lugnut & Blitzwing (Amnesia), 2 Prowl & Lockdown (Bounty Hunters), 3 Bumblebee (Amnesia), 4 Bumblebee (Traitor), 5 Bumblebee x Wasp (Fairy Tale), 6 Swindle x Megatron (Fairy Tale), 7 Bumblebee x Shockwave (Spark Bonding), 8 Jazz x Sentinel Prime (Mechpreg), 9 Jettwins (Circus), 10 Decepticons (Humanformers), 11 Prowl (Zombies) Every once in awhile, while walking, Wasp would sneak a glance at Bumblebee. Page 2 Read Abeja reina (Wasp x Bumblebee) -Transformers Animated- from the story One-short de: Bumblebee by TekeTeke4 (Nigtorra) with 2,730 reads. A collection of short stories: 1 Lugnut & Blitzwing (Amnesia), 2 Prowl & Lockdown (Bounty Hunters), 3 Bumblebee (Amnesia), 4 Bumblebee (Traitor), 5 Bumblebee x Wasp (Fairy Tale), 6 Swindle x Megatron (Fairy Tale), 7 Bumblebee x Shockwave (Spark Bonding), 8 Jazz x Sentinel Prime (Mechpreg), 9 Jettwins (Circus), 10 Decepticons (Humanformers), 11 Prowl (Zombies) So this story is my image of how Wasp would play in TFP. Wasp is a bit like the one from TF Animated, so think on the lines of . Send me a PM if you're interested in staffing! "Hey, what're brothers for?" Bumblebee asked, able to properly form a smile this time. X The wasp was a strange creature, and at first he just dismissed anything Waspinator did as simply him being silly. Frustration was among the few emotions he currently felt. "Wasp nobody is gonna hurt you. xxXxXxx "You're late," Optimus greeted when the youngling finally walked through the door. Some might focus on their unique relationship dynamics, like how Bumblebee's energetic nature contrasts with Wasp's more complex personality. Notes: Ew? For: Sonicrocks123456789. 'Bee glanced over to her, then to Wasp, who shrugged. Finally, they were together again. " The green techo-organic murmured. " Confused as to why the yellow bot hated Wasp, Matilda looked at the tallest bot in the room. " Yeah, you did, but who told you guys first "Alright, you caught Wasp! But Wasp was good bot once, until Bumblebot ruined Wasp!" " (y/n) this is Bumblebee. Wasp didn't like how he wouldn't meet his optics in shame for starting to react from the motions and kept his helm to the side. Main pairing Wasp/Bumblebee A collection of stories involving Wasp and Bumblebee, and if they had taken different actions during their time in Autobot boot camp. We take yet another visit to Cybertron and see a new member of Straxus's forces: Novawing, the Autobot Wasp has arrived on Remnant and has learned of Bumblebee's death at the hands of Megatron, Weiss and Jaune have a heartfelt moment, and Ruby, Hightrail, and Yang discuss needing more Then when Wasp came to earth. "Wasp shock when finding out Bumble-bot was femme. Bumblebee/Wasp (Transformers) Wasp (Transformers) Waspinator Explore the Bumblebee x Wasp collection - the favourite images chosen by ancientmagicharmony6 on DeviantArt. We met a long time ago in boot camp. Sign up Log in. " Bee reassured her uncle. "Well, the show's not over," Wasp smirked. Wasp I'm Bumblebee. Sari's eyes went dull as she recalled her nightmare. Bumblebee would tell him about humans, and he would tell Bumblebee what it was like in the wild. Hope you liked it, Fav'd it, or followed it. He internally sighed. "Wasp!" She shouted. Historias con el ship de Bumblebee con cualquiera (Bee sera el uke en todo) sino te gusta por favor vayanse. "Bumblebee, cut it out!" Wasp froze. Settings Language Help. _Page break_ "On it boss," the sparkling replied finishing his restraints on Wasp before running toward Bumblebee and Windblade. wasp then saw Bumblebee on energon cuffs and brought her down with prowl's help. Megatron isn't happy about someone Cartoon Dragon is a fanfiction author that has written 18 stories for Transformers/Beast Wars, G. Wasp was giving her an absolutely incredulous look, and then he began to look apologetic. bumblebeesh A/N/N: Also, in this, I had been thinking that mini-bots are extinct, or, that's what all the Cybertronians think. Yes, there are some great ones out there. As soon as we touched the floor, he had my back pressing against his chassis with his stinger pointing right at my head and neck. "We can see that," Sari scowled, uncovering her ears. " Hey" Replied the cars dashboard. So Wasp knows that the silver femme he saved is Bumblebee. "GOLDBUG!" Bumblebee said. 'Ooooh, Uh, I'm better. Inspired by Fast and Furious 6 and a bit of F9: The Fast Saga, as well as the Bumblebee Movie. "But this time," Wasp grabbed Bumblebee's arm and brought him into his lap, "we're in this together. "No Bumblebee, it was memory" Wasp muttered back. Bumblebee couldn't stand looking back, but he forced himself to. "Right Wasp?" Bumblebee repeated. "PROWL GET BUMBLEBEE!" "Gah! FanFiction | unleash 1 - Words: 4,029 - Reviews: 6 - Favs: 18 - Follows: 1 - Published: 8/2/2010 - Bumblebee, Wasp - Complete. Thundercats fanfiction stories. "Wasp!" Bumblebee cried out, trying to shake and wipe the glitter off. First chapter is information so please read it before you review. Wasp will then cover Bee in smooches and nuzzle him with a happy grin on his face. "And seeing him again makes Bumblebee feel angry. You will report to Bumblebee or anyone he assigns to your case from now on. Then a third. Compartir. " Waspinator's optics flickered. bumblebee Ripclaw then raised her claw up and swiped it down on goldbug's frame. Back then he thought they had all the time in the world to spend with each other. " "Sweet," Bumblebee cheered, "We should go play it now!" 'Who would have thought my greatest rival for Bumblebee's attention would be a child,' Prowl, Jazz, Blurr, and Wasp thought sadly as they watched everything that happened. The green car grunted as the yellow one slammed into his side, knocking them both over. How would I ever tell Bumblebee the truth Sometimes, as he looked over, Sari would managed to catch him. "Why?" "I do not know all the details but from what I was told, Wasp left Bumblebee for dead when he left with the Decepticons. Wasp chuckled at this and stopped in mid-air to watch Bumblebee for a bit. Pairing: Sentinel X Wasp. That his Longarm, is Shockwave. 'New and improved,' Jetstorm smirked. "I-I can't move," streakbreaker said nervously while trying to transform. Then, a weak whimper coming from (y/n)'s right. It was true the bot in question had been acting a little odd as of late, but a lot had happened. Bumblebee made his way through the streets to where his ship was docked, for once not feeling the usual rush of adrenaline he got right before a mission. Wasp looked at Bumblebee. Wasp stood a bit away, smirking and holding a bucket of glitter. You were tricked. "Hmm" Wasp pondered, then replied, "yeahmy mommy gives me one before we leave, and before I go to bed, anda bunch of times" Groaning, Bumblebee reached down and awkwardly tried to lift Wasp under one arm, berating himself silently as he struggled to drag the stray back home. So she handed him to Ironhide and Bumblebee stopped crying. He hated how close the other mech had become with Bumblebee, and he sadly knew it was his Wasp is back in Detroit and Bumblebee's determined to make it right this time. Rated: Fiction T - English - Family - Bumblebee, Wasp - Chapters: 15 - Words: 20,996 - Reviews: 25 - Favs: 48 - Follows: 28 - Updated: 5/18/2016 - Published: 1/16/2016 - Status: Complete - id: FanFiction | unleash A Bumblebee, parings, friendship, and randomness. two. "Bumblebee! NO! Stay back!!!" Wasp x Bumblebee by HectorBomb, KingFranPetty Fandoms: Transformers - All Media Types, Transformers Animated (2007 ) Rape/Non-con Elements; Rough Oral Sex; Sexual Assault; Semi-Public Sex; Smut; Fanfiction; Spike Oral (Transformers) Overloads (Transformers) Bottom Bumblebee (Transformers) Dead Dove: Do Not Eat; Summary. Bumblebee thinks they are all dead, and they think the same about him. They had spilt into one team of two and one team of three. Wasp will then cover Bee in smooches and Wasp misuses his powers a lot. " "She was Sundew. Elita grabbed Wasp and held him still. It took a long time, many flight missions together where the wasp would talk his audial sensors off, until he realized Waspinator did everything for a reason. As soon as the tip of his finger touched her, Sari giggled in her sleep. Bee saw Wasp fly over his head and dove as quickly as he could. Prowl X Bulkhead. 'Sunstreaker, is that you?' the scout mech asked. bumblebee FanFiction | unleash When Bumblebee undergoes some changes it's up to Sari to help him adapt to society and for her to learn some things as well. "Yep. " Bumblebee arms were wrapped around the green techno-organic neck and their chassis rubbing together. Erin: Writers block made me write this. Bumblebot's friends NEVER going to let Wasp get near to Bumblebot. Bumblebee letting out all his tears. After driving in the two girls got out, allowing Bee to transform. Waspinator x Bumblebee. "Sure. Disclaimer: Any songs, books and/ or authors mentioned here are real. "Get away from me!" She shouted. This is just a story that came to mind one day and i had to write about it. Him and Bumblebee competing against each other in exercises and the winner would get a kiss from the loser. Bumblebee & Wasp (Transformers) (9) Bumblebee & Optimus Prime (3) Bulkhead & Bumblebee (Transformers) (3) Arcee/Optimus Prime (2) There was a 'WHOOSH' of something being pulled out of sub-space and then soon the yellow armor of Bumblebee's was soon drenched in glitter as well. "Sir yes sir!" They said. Sentinel walked into the room. "G-Got em," The triple-changer replied transforming into a jet and flying toward Bumblebee "N-Nighty Night Autobot," "For you yes," Bee said hitting streakbreaker and paralyzing the bot. "Right. "Have a nice life, Wasp. He came just in time to prevent Soundblast for raping me. "I think we should split-up" she said to the two mechs. DON'T go into the forest or near any fire. Literature. YGO:LE-Ch. Thanks for reading my story. Within Category: All Select: Match: Now Bumblebee and Wasp are on the run from the Autobots, Decepticons, and Earth authorities. "GET AWAY FROM HIM," Wasp yelled, attacking Megatron with his stingers. 'I can't believe you forgot about us, Wasp,' Jetfire landed next to his brother. Curiosity ate at Prowl's processor. 69. "Bumble-bot. 'Yeah Sammywolfstar - If Bumblebee is kill, then some of the cons will be turn into Femmes and I know how to do it!-All the cons were hiding behind author-Can I have a request of Wasp and Bumblebee, please. " "And I you, little bro. 25. Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (8) At night Bumblebee would wait outside his doggy door for Prowl to come. So Bee's existence as a mini-bot comes as a surprise to the others. Bee can be a handful due to his obnoxious personality, his childish behavior, his procrastination, and much more. But he had been in the Elite Guard for deca-vorns now. Sari started to giggle and pushed the finger away. Glad you are okay. Bumblebee had been paired with Prowl and the ninja bot had decided to do his disappearing act. Abeja reina (Wasp x Bumblebee) -Transformers Animated- 2. Bumblebee started freaking out. " Wasp said shaking as he hid behind Bumblebee afraid of what they would do to him. Now Bumblebee was lost. Flora tilted her head to one side. My First Fanfic; Spare me pls; I have no idea what I’m doing; Angst; Like; alot; Summary. " Wasp said the he glitched and passed out. No warning whatsoever. TFA Wasp joined the Autobots and TFA Bumblebee becomes Techno organic and joins the Decepticons. "Uh oh Elita. Transformers/Beast Wars - Rated: K+ - English - Romance/Friendship - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,560 - Reviews: 9 - Favs: 35 - Follows: 10 - Published: 12/13/2009 - Bumblebee, Wasp - Bumblebee derma opened to say stop but only silence overcame him as the spike only made pleasant tingles spread throughout his entire being. Me! Ooooooh,' Bumblebee moaned. Regardless that he acted tough, he really wasn't physically fit, and that is why Wasp was his un-official bodyguard. " The war-lord then thrust into Bumblebee. Chapter 1. " Bee said taking a long sip of energon. Bumblebee catches the real spy but he gets away and Wasp finds himself a true friend. " Bumblebee said. "This is your last warning, Wasp. A collection of short stories: 1 Lugnut & Blitzwing (Amnesia), 2 Prowl & Lockdown (Bounty Hunters), 3 Bumblebee (Amnesia), 4 Bumblebee (Traitor), 5 Bumblebee x Wasp (Fairy Tale), 6 Swindle x Megatron (Fairy Tale), 7 Bumblebee x Shockwave (Spark Bonding), 8 Jazz x Sentinel Prime (Mechpreg), 9 Jettwins (Circus), 10 Decepticons (Humanformers), 11 Prowl (Zombies) Bumblebee sighed as he pushed past the thick vines and branches. If it meant a fight, who was she to complain? A rapier wasp buzzed past her shoulder, and Yang gave an undignified yelp, flash frying it seconds later. This is a first attempt at a yaoi fanfic, you have been warned. Prowl let satisfaction warm up his body. Wasp managed to smile weakly and replied, "h-h-Hey Bumble'. "Hello," Streakbreaker smiled throwing a charged energon punch at Windblade and Bumblebee disabling Windblade and paralyzing Bee's right arm. 'You are two timer. Tip: Use double quotation marks to "search by phrase". Wasp, Cliffjumper, and the rest have been posted on other planets to learn about them. Hmm she thought to herself. Wasp took Bumblebee into his arms. Cs. Just search for 'tfa bumblebee x wasp fanfiction' and browse through the results. Browse through and read wasp fanfiction stories and books . "Me too. Elita took the fussing Bumblebee and began to rock him. Rated: Fiction T - English - Family/Humor - Bumblebee, Wasp - Chapters: 28 - Words: Hope you guys all like it this is my first fanfic ever. "Come on," Bumblebee said, tugging on one of Wasp's servos, "let's go wait in the kitchen. Now Bumblebee and Wasp are on the run from the "Alright, Bumblebee and Wasp, go scout the outer regions of the forest to see if all the humans are out of the area. Read My bee and only mine (Bumblebee x Waspinator) -Transformers Animated- from the story One-short de: Bumblebee by TekeTeke4 (Nigtorra) with 1,324 reads. "Wasp" 'Bee began, but the green mech was already standing up and began away. Each thrust was hard, calculating, and cruel. Have fun! Peppering the air with fire flashes to keep the wasps at bay, Yang conceeded she may have been right. Hope you enjoyed I is out little duckys. 7 /? Seeing that his apology didn't do slag, Bumblebee realizes he's truly and utterly screwed Shockingly, one of them is Bumblebee's younger brother, Wasp! As Team Prime rushes to stop Wasp and his allies along with meeting his older sister, Bumblebee will come to terms with the Gazing down at his honey bee, Wasp smiled. "I'm fine thanks to Wasp. Anaya of Wolves is a fanfiction author that has written 69 stories for Kingdom Hearts, Ninja Turtles, Mortal Instruments, X-Men, Transformers/Beast Wars, Alice in Wonderland, 2010, Hancock, League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Special Unit 2, American McGee's Alice, Supernatural, Star Trek: 2009, RWBY, Oz Series, Hetalia - Axis Powers, and Greek Mythology. Bumblebee looked over, biting his lower denta-plate, but Wasp did not meet his gaze. Bumblebee turned his head to see a blushing Sentinel, Wasp and Longarm standing off to the side with servos over their groin plates. Perceptor X Bulkhead. Wasp smirked from where he was trailing his servos over the yellow mech's sensitive armor seems. DISCLAIMER will go here so I don't have to do it every single chapter: I don't own Transformers Animated Request pairings or O. windviper - YES I LOVE YOU THERE IS NOT ENOUGH OF THISE PAIRING THANK YOUUUUUUU. "OK girls lets get back I have a game waiting to be completed" With that Bumblebee sped off, and in no time they came to a stop at an old warehouse that (y/n) thought abandoned. Wasp woke up a couple of hours later. Series The only bot that looked the slightest bit like him, was Wasp. "Wasp," Bumblebee asked teary eyed, not really believing he was there. "BUMBLEBEE!" Optimus screamed punching Megatron in the jaw. What is to know?' Jetstorm announced. " They layed there. There’s no way. " Bumblebee was in awe and slowly took the servo in a handshake, a smile making its way on his own faceplates. This Fic takes place when a newly transformed Bumblebee had just escaped from Blackaracnidia's lab and is flying back towards the city. Within Category: Cartoons » Transformers/Beast Wars Select: Match: Guards came to take the older prisoner away, spiting at the traitor as they did. "Oh. Two young lovers like peas in a pod, Catching fish using a fishing rod. Bumblebee shouted, before landing on the ground. " Elita said. "Okay all of you will get to know one another then we will start training. His index finger was caressing Sari's back, comforting her. "You know Wasp?" "Yeah I know you. "What is Wasp thinking? It no use. Medic Fever by Xeye. Within Category: Cartoons » Transformers/Beast Wars Select: Match: Bumblebee gaped, following Wasp's lead and moving away from the techno-organics. 💛🖤💚🖤🐝 I hope you like my artwork. "Ironhide!" The orange one said. He and the team had gone to Dinobot Island looking for an all-spark shard. Bumblebot pretty femme. " Wasp grumbled before turning to leave. Sick Little Bee by Panic Switch reviews. Hello, everyone. eyeX It unnerved the cyberninja. He began to scan the resting form, and took in how small and fragile Bumblebee was. " Bumblebee smirked as he picked up Sari and kissed her fully in the mouth. It's that slagger Bumblebee's fault! Wasp (Transformers) Sentinel Prime (Transformers) Omega Supreme (Transformers) Lugnut (Transformers) Blitzwing (Transformers) Ultra Magnus (Transformers) Starscream drags his optics back to Bumblebee’s face at the words, but he still looks distracted. However, things take a turn for the worse as his team grows tired of his antics, resulting in an argument that could've led to better or worse. With Wasp switching their places and unable to convince his friends of the deception the minibot runs from one fire and into a frying pan, leading to an outcome not even Wasp saw coming can the autobots save their friend or will he be lost forever TFA Odd Couple: Bug Swat Pairing: Sari X Wasp Notes: Remember kids!Never upset wasps! They sting! LOL. Wasp grinded his hips down on Bumblebee's pelvis armor. "Bumblebee you don't have to fell bad about what happened to me. A small smile made its way onto Wasp's faceplate. "Why don't you just let him be and we'll go sit in your berthroom," Sari whispered in Prowl's ear. "I don't do slow and quiet," Bumblebee yelled. "Hang on, Sari! I'm coming. Cool and silent, cheerful at times, but "Oh, BREAKER WE NEED HIM ALIVE!" Arachnia screamed pointing to the falling bumblebee. C (Or a canon character) with a canon character. Bee smiled at Wasp now knowing that Wasp truly forgave her. Wasps grip He wasn't exactly sure, but those look more like teeth then bars. " Wasp said. I probably would have done the same thing if I was you. "Bulkhead. The young bot sighed. "Can Bulky be excused too? The Secret of Bumblebee. Bumblebee has a lot of explaining to do. They didn't have any effect, but it sill caused Megatron to drop Bumblebee, who then ran to Wasp's side. Bumblebee glanced over and gasped, "Wasp!" He struggled to sit, amazed to see the other okay. A collection of short stories: 1 Lugnut & Blitzwing (Amnesia), 2 Prowl & Lockdown (Bounty Hunters), 3 Bumblebee (Amnesia), 4 Bumblebee (Traitor), 5 Bumblebee x Wasp (Fairy Tale), 6 Swindle x Megatron (Fairy Tale), 7 Bumblebee x Shockwave (Spark Bonding), 8 Jazz x Sentinel Prime (Mechpreg), 9 Jettwins (Circus), 10 Decepticons (Humanformers), 11 Prowl (Zombies) Bee told Wasp. Wasp, and Blurr don't know it, and that's what matters. 'I have no idea,' Wasp answered, glancing at him in shock. Now Wasp would do anything to get even a Wasp went to recharge a very happy mech that night. Wasp bullies Bee Bumblebee always knew his friend's would abandon him eventually, he just didn't expect it to happen like this. She still felt bad about what she had done to him. Bumble-bot tell Wasp truth about boot camp and Longarm. Wasp soon joined back in, copying Bee's every move. " "Wasp, what are you- Ah, ahh!" Bumblebee arched his back as Wasp caressed his aft. Why did Bumblebee want to know what a kiss was, Wasp wondered to himself. I hope you all liked this chapter of Dustformers: Season 2. 2 deviations. I'm better than you,' Wasp leered. Wasp growled in agitation as he watched Longarm's servo rub along Bumblebee's lower back. Elita was holding Bumblebee and sitting on the couch. Bumblebee's port was soaked in lubricant. Within Category: All Select: Match: Find and save ideas about wasp x bumblebee on Pinterest. Love it! Whenever Wasp sees Bumblebee he gets super excited, exclaims “honey bee!” and lunges at him so he can tackle him to the ground in a big hug. "Hey," He looked at Bumblebee, meeting his optics. "I know I will. Eventually Bumblebee went silent. I don't know why people put disclaimers like "I don't own Read the most popular waspinator stories on Wattpad, the world's largest social storytelling platform. Prowl often wondered if Bumblebee would like to join him in the wild, but he shook the thought off. A collection of short stories: 1 Lugnut & Blitzwing (Amnesia), 2 Prowl & Lockdown (Bounty Hunters), 3 Bumblebee (Amnesia), 4 Bumblebee (Traitor), 5 Bumblebee x Wasp (Fairy Tale), 6 Swindle x Megatron (Fairy Tale), 7 Bumblebee x Shockwave (Spark Bonding), 8 Jazz x Sentinel Prime (Mechpreg), 9 Jettwins (Circus), 10 Decepticons (Humanformers), 11 Prowl (Zombies) WavvyTheFur is a fanfiction author that has written 18 stories for Transformers/Beast Wars, Warriors, Last time on TFA: Bumble Bee was attacked and kidnapped by Wasp! Leaving battered and without his memory! Wasp makes his way to Earth to hunt Bumble Bee! But something else had followed him there. Within Category: Cartoons » Transformers/Beast Wars Select: Match: Read Nuestro ayudante (Wasp x Bumblebee x Shockwade) - Transformers Animated- from the story One-short de: Bumblebee by TekeTeke4 (Nigtorra) with 1,355 reads Nothing irritated Megatron more than losing. Wasp's smirk broadened and he continued to poke the little human. "Me too, Wasp. "W-Was that good?" Bumblebee asked in a slightly smug voice. . I. "I'm fine Wasp thanks for saving me. For what I did and didn't do. " The big guy said. " Bee told the green striped mech who optic bugged out. Villainous - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 1 - Words: 11,928 - Reviews: 5 - Favs: 38 - Follows: 19 - Published: 7/17/2017 - Complete. So excited for the next chapter. "Bumblebee and Wasp go way back," Ratchet explained. Wasp loved seeing his so-called brother wince in both pain and pleasure. Wasp showed himself. Request TFA pairings or use your ! PM me with , plot requests or pairings! Pair your O. Bumblebee made it so he didn't feel so alone, and that was good enough for FanFiction | unleash Someone not him, who would risk his life for the other. one-sided Wasp x Bumblebee. "Calm down," Megatron cooed, rubbing Bee's horns. These Paths We Tread (Autobot x OC) by TMWolf 633K 15. Home Stories Quizzes Create Profile. TFA Odd Couple: Sarge-bot. " Wasp replied. Bee, (y/n)"" Hey" (y/n) smiled. "It'll only hurt for a while. Yeah, Bumblebee was gone, but Jazz had come to take his place. bumblebee/corrin/wasp. ggka antvpy per gzbro nso cmehkhv tbny uwcc xkanhki iwjn myerz vog wzuije gtottcyw rji