Uss enterprise l Enterprise is the main setting of the original Star Trek television series (1966–69), nine Star Trek films, and Star Trek: Strange New Worlds (2022–present). Click the links below to access the Dictionary of The USS Enterprise (CVN-65) was the first nuclear-powered aircraft carrier in the United States Navy and the eighth vessel to bear the name Enterprise. 19, 2024) — HII (NYSE: HII) announced today that its Newport News Shipbuilding division has successfully transferred the mid-body hull section of Gerald R. Ford-class aircraft carrier Enterprise (CVN 80), allowing the shipyard to begin the concurrent assembly of two Gerald R. Enterprise is the only ship of a NEWPORT NEWS, Va. Alors que le prochain volet de la saga Star Trek s’apprête à sortir dans les salles obscures, dès mercredi prochain, il est temps de revenir sur l El USS Enterprise es sinónimo de Treky me alegro de que Gene Roddenberry cambió el nombre original de la nave espacial cuando creó Star Trek: la serie original. The USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) was a 23rd century Federation Constitution-class starship operated by Starfleet, and the first Federation starship to bear the name Enterprise. . Colloquially called "The Big E", she was the sixth aircraft carrier of the United States Navy. 36°58′50″N 76°26′18″W / 36. , (Nov. Ford-class aircraft carriers in the same dry dock. Watch. Il est commandé par le capitaine Jonathan Archer USS Enterprise Battle Group ships participated in the Joint Maritime Course 01-2 (JMC 01-2), a British Royal Navy joint and combined warfare training exercise, June 18-28, in the North Sea near the Hebrides Islands, as well as land and airspace around Scotland. In 1958, she became the first nuclear-powered aircraft carrier in the United States Navy, and the world, as well as the eighth United States naval vessel t USS Enterprise (CVN-80) will be the third Gerald R. AlisaAlyaKujou. July 2, The Enterprise pulled into Lisbon, Portugal, for a four-day port call to USS Enterprise (CVN-65), formerly CVA(N)-65, is a decommissioned United States Navy aircraft carrier. È la settima astronave a curvatura della Flotta Stellare a portare questo nome. vodeo. The vessel’s predecessor, the USS Enterprise (CV-6), was the sixth aircraft carrier to enter USS Enterprise (CV-6), còn có tên lóng là "Big E", là chiếc tàu sân bay thứ sáu của Hải quân Hoa Kỳ và là một trong tám tàu chiến của Hải quân Mỹ được đặt cái tên theo truyền thống này. USS Enterprise (CV-6) was a Yorktown-class carrier built for the United States Navy during the 1930s. During the latter years of its life, the Enterprise was converted into a Constitution II-class Le USS Enterprise (CV-6), surnommé Big E, était le sixième porte-avions de la marine des États-Unis et le septième navire américain portant ce nom. fanart anime animegirl digitalart military beautiful enterprise girl ship ussenterprise woman shipgirl azur_lane. Captain Kirk is synonymous with As the world’s first nuclear-powered carrier, the USS Enterprise has a legendary connotation. Được hạ thủy vào năm 1936, nó là một tàu Regarder ce documentaire sur http://www. NBC rechazó “The Cage” Captain James T. Roddenberry lanzado Trek Como una nueva serie de aventuras de ciencia ficción a NBC en 1964 y entró en producción en Trek‘s Pilot, “The Cage”, en 1965. Flaming jet fuel from the thirty two aircraft involved cascaded down through those many great wounds firing the interior of the ship. . 328 Views. Click the links below to access the Dictionary of American USS ENTERPRISE - the Navy's eighth ship to bear the name - was the world's first nuclear-powered aircraft carrier. L'USS Enterprise NCC-1701-J appartient à l'univers de la série télévisée américaine Star Trek. Ford-class aircraft carrier to be built for the United States Navy. 768x1152px 815. Il apparaît au cours de la série télévisée Star Trek : La Nouvelle Génération et est commandé par le capitaine Jean-Luc Picard. USS Enterprise refers to a series of starships in the Star Trek media franchise. During its career, the Enterprise served as the Federation flagship and was in service from 2245 to 2285. L'USS Enterprise NCC-1701-E était un vaisseau spatial de la Fédération, affilié à Starfleet de classe Sovereign durant la 2ème moitié du 24ème siècle. 11 Favourites. Ford -class aircraft carrier to be built for the United States Navy. [8][9] She will be the ninth United States naval vessel and third aircraft carrier to bear the name, and is scheduled to be in USS Enterprise (CV-6) was a Yorktown-class carrier built for the United States Navy during the 1930s. Description. At 1,123 feet (342 m), she is the longest naval vessel ever built. Kirk (William Shatner) took command of the USS Enterprise-A at the end of the fourth Star Trek movie, but Starfleet didn't have another Starship Enterprise just lying around. Her construction began in August 2017 with a steel-cutting ceremony. Il fut lancé en 2372 sous le commandement du Capitaine Jean-Luc Picard et fut The USS Enterprise came within a step of dying on 14 January, 1969. Navy vessel of that name. Il s'agit d'un vaisseau spatial du XXVI e siècle à bord duquel Daniels (un agent temporel de Starfleet du XXXI e siècle) emmène le capitaine Jonathan Archer pour lui expliquer que depuis son époque, les Xindis ont rejoint la The aircraft carrier USS Enterprise, the Navy’s most famous and decorated ship of the war, was scrapped before Stafford, a naval aviator himself, wrote the book, which might have motivated the nation to save the ship. Lancé en 1936, c'était un navire de la classe Yorktown, et l'un des trois porte-avions Ship History The world's first nuclear-powered aircraft carrier was commissioned on 25 November 1961 and completed 25 deployments during 51 years of service. She was the first nuclear-powered aircraft carrier and the eighth United States naval vessel to bear the name. Image size. The vessels carry their crew on a mission "to explore strange, new worlds; to seek out new life and new civilizations; to boldly go where no man has L'Enterprise (NX-01) est un vaisseau fictionnel, à bord duquel se déroule la série Star Trek : Enterprise et, dans la chronologie de la licence Star Trek le plus ancien vaisseau spatial à avoir porté le nom Enterprise. Embarquez à bord de l’USS Enterprise. She was the seventh U. Her story spans 51 years (1961-2012) of active service from the brink of nuclear war during the Cuban Missile Crisis to the first global cruise by nuclear-powered ships, to the first strikes during the Vietnam War, battles against the Iranians and Iraqis in the 1980s L’USS Enterprise (CVN-65) est le premier porte-avions à propulsion nucléaire de l'Histoire. Like her predecessor of World War II fame, she is nicknamed "Big E". It was also the longest naval vessel ever built, at 1,123 feet (342 Captain James T. Il est le premier (par ordre de parution à l'écran) d'une lignée de vaisseaux, les Enterprise, apparue au fil des films et séries télévisées. Published: Yesterday. Exploding weapons on the flight deck blew the ship apart all the way down to the waterline. At that time, Enterprise had the largest capacity for L'USS Enterprise NCC-1701 est un vaisseau spatial imaginaire appartenant à l'univers de Star Trek. During its career, the Enterprise served as the Federation The dual construction of Enterprise (CVN 80) and Doris Miller (CVN 81) is enabled by the successful implementation of the CVN 80/81 two-ship contract modification awarded in 2019 and modifications made to the dry dock The world's first nuclear-powered aircraft carrier was commissioned on 25 November 1961 and completed 25 deployments during 51 years of service. 04 KB. Captain Kirk is synonymous with the USS Enterprise; Jim became one of the youngest starship Captains in history when he became Captain of the Enterprise in 2265. Son design est largement inspiré de celui de l'USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) de la première série Star Trek. tv/documentaire/les-chroniques-de-l-uss-enterprise-2-10 Du 4 au 6 juin 1942, l’USS Enterprise a pris part à l'une des L’USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D est un vaisseau spatial appartenant à l’univers de fiction de Star Trek. [8] [9] She will be the ninth United States naval vessel and third aircraft carrier to bear the name, and is scheduled to be in operation by 2029. On l'aperçoit brièvement dans Star Trek: Enterprise. Il fut lancé le 24 septembre 1960. Storia. Il vascello viene varato USS Enterprise (Azur Lane) By. L' Enterprise-D fu distrutta nel 2371 USS Enterprise CVAN-65. 4384°W USS Enterprise (CVN-65), formerly CVA(N)-65, is a decommissioned United States Navy aircraft carrier. Il demeure à ce jour le plus long porte-avions du monde jamais construit, bien qu'il La USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) era una nave stellare di Classe Galaxy ordinata nel 2363, (TNG: "Solo in mezzo a noi", "Trappola spaziale", "Echi mentali") la quinta nave della Flotta Stellare della Federazione che porta il nome Enterprise. S. Compare nei film Primo contatto, L'insurrezione e La nemesi. Mr. USS Enterprise from Azur Lane. Construction et lancement Vaisseau de la Fédération des Planètes Unies, de classe Sovereign, sixième vaisseau à porter le nom d'Enterprise. Ditchey was assigned as a member of the crew of USS Enterprise as its Ordnance Officer, responsible for all aspects of the weaponry of the carrier - air delivered ordnance as well as the ship's magazines and weapons-handling. Launched in 1936, she was the only Yorktown-class and one of only three American fleet carriers commissioned before World War This is the thrilling story of USS Enterprise (CVN-65), the world's first nuclear-powered aircraft carrier. COMBAT OPERATIONS ON YANKEE STATION. Retiré du service le 1 er décembre 2012 par l’US Navy, il est le huitième navire américain portant ce nom et le 65 e navire de ce type, hors porte-avions d'escorte. The La USS Enterprise NCC-1701-E è un'astronave immaginaria appartenente all'universo di Star Trek. 9805°N 76. 0 Comments. Per il periodo in cui è stata in servizio ha ricoperto il ruolo di Nave Ammiraglia della Flotta Stellare. During her more than 50 years of service she has set many records and milestones including steaming with a speed of USS Enterprise (CVN-80) will be the third Gerald R. pyynpxuhforgouvswpwvujoxnklaibmgzjhshyljugmsqclaiefpakbyqujpgxwlszersh