Shenandoah dulcimer tab. Chords for Take Me Home Country Roads - Dulcimer 6-6-2012.
Shenandoah dulcimer tab We’ve compiled a list of free dulcimer Celtic tabs and Celtic dulcimer sheet music. (HX. I made a copy of the song and added dulcimer tab notes to the melody. D Shenandoah (Dulcimer). Oh 4. Chords You can sign up to be notified when new tabs are posted. 1983 (revised 1988 & 2003); pg 15. com website at Here's a dulcimer tab for the Shenandoah Falls that is on the Florida Banjo Cd. This dulcimer style dates back to the mid-1800s This workbook/CD set was written for the intermediate-advanced player who aspires to create musical arrangements by playing melodies in different positions on the fingerboard and by creating song medleys. Home; About the Mountain Dulcimer; We took a trip to the Shenandoah Valley in Virginia a couple of weeks ago. New Dulcimer Club & Teacher Added. Blue Ridge Mountain Dulcimer Players Club Appalachian Dulcimer Players in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia SOUNDS OF THE SEASON, our Annual December Dulcimer Program, was heard by a standing-room-only audience at the Waynesboro Public Library on December 9th. ” In DAD tuning, the song begins in the Key of D. Blake Thornton 0 1+ 4 2 through, 2 0 2 travel 3 0 A Am 5 0 ing 5 0 world 0 2 this lone Em 4 0 3 a 2 5 0 poor 0 = 100 0 2 A beautiful harmony can be improvised playing accompanying chords on either a bass dulcimer tuned to DAD or baritone dulcimer tuned to GDG (equivalent tab to DGD). The 1-3-5 Team works to give you a new arrangement each month of a song which is in public domain. This song is achievable for a novice or intermediate person who can play harmony notes and chords on the dulcimer — it is in 3/4 time Another FREE hammered dulcimer learning video from http://DickinsonDulcimer. Choir sheet music book by American Traditional: Peggy Carter at Sheet Music Plus. We took a trip to the Shenandoah Valley in Virginia a couple of weeks ago. Many fiddlers originated in these mountains further down the state Our collection of old-time songs is sure to feature some of your favorite tunes. Clubs Dulcimer Teachers. Part of my hotel stairwell music series. Shenandoah Marching band [Score and Parts] - Easy Mountain Dulcimer Tablature & More. Qty: Add to Cart. markgilsto Various individuals and groups of people, from the Shenandoah Valley and Central Virginia who have an interest in the mountain dulcimer form The BLUE RIDGE MOUNTAIN DULCIMER PLAYERS CLUB. The title makes me think immediately of the Shenandoah River. Enjoy! 119 pages. I have replaced all the strings and am getting a better grasp of how the notes are laid out. It is written for the mountain dulcimer, not the originally intended instrument or voice. 2023 Schedule. teacher. Dulcimer . TABLATURE; TABLATURE (1-3-5) EVENTS; CLUBS; BUILDERS; TEACHERS; SUBMIT TAB; teacher. Includes Dulcimer TAB for Dulcimer or Lyrics in D Major. Written for . Previous Shall We Gather At the River - 2 parts Next Shepherd's Wife Waltz - 3 parts. VOICE/CHORAL | FOLK BALALAIKA BOUZOUKI CHARANGO CITHAR DULCIMER LUTH, 1,628 scores found for "shenandoah" Details. TABLATURE; TABLATURE (1-3-5) EVENTS; CLUBS; BUILDERS; TEACHERS; SUBMIT TAB; Tablature. TABLATURE / TABLATURE (1-3-5) / EVENTS / CLUBS / Shenandoah (Dulcimer). Thanks to all who have submitted arrangements, we have surpassed this number! If you use the Search box, it will search everything, but if you want to scroll through the entire list, please click the Next button at the bottom of the list. [Verse 2] C F C Oh, Shenandoah, I love your daughter, F C Away, you rolling river Am F Oh, Shenandoah, I love your daughter C Em Am F G C Away, I'm bound away, cross the wide Shenandoah played on three mountain dulcimers and one hammered dulcimer by the Dulcimer Gals - Recorded in May 2012 The book includes both standard notation and dulcimer tablature. Both are in DAD and come from a workshop where she shows how you can Shenandoah (DGD tunning) Traditional mountain dulcimer arrangement by Wayne Jiang G C Here we provide a compilation of one of the largest lists of free dulcimer tabs and free dulcimer sheet music available on the internet. Dulcimer event: 49th Annual Southern Appalachian Dulcimer Festival, located in McCalla, AL – See the Events page for more info. In addition to an annual Christmas program, club members also play in churches and retirement facilities, and for civic organizations and for Blue Ridge Mountain Dulcimer Players Club is currently meeting once a quarter to share dulcimer music and play together. The author of this book, however, embellishes the tunes with extra notes–the basic tunes are much simpler Mountain Dulcimer Tablature & More. pdf), Text File (. 8 1 . Shop and Buy Shenandoah sheet music. New Dulcimer Tablature Added! Kevin Teague March 14, 2022 March 14, 2022. Members of the BLUE RIDGE MOUNTAIN DULCIMER PLAYERS entertained with tunes ranging from The Dreidel Song and Santa Americana to Little Drummer Boy. TABLATURE; TABLATURE (1-3-5) Kevin Teague December 16, 2021 December 16, 2021. Dulcimer œœ œœœœœœœ A œœœœœ˙ 3 D œ œœœœœœœ 3 A & ### 4 œœœœœœœ E œœœœœœœ A œœœœœ˙ 3 D œœœœœœœ A E & ### . Chords for Take Me Home Country Roads - Dulcimer 6-6-2012. These German immigrants came to Pennsylvania in the 1700’s and then spread out and down through Virginia’s Shenandoah Valley on the “Great Philadelphia This is a downloadable version of Standard and Baritone Duets for Mountain Dulcimer. uk . Over 30,000 Transcriptions Get this sheet and guitar tab, chords and lyrics, solo arrangements, easy guitar tab, lead sheets and more. Maddie was the founder and original publisher of DULCIMER PLAYER NEWS, a position she held for almost three decades. Oh 2. These are the triads in D major. Margaret had a degree in music but it was new to Jerry and the boys. Tull Glazener. He has been teaching since Carol has published 12 dulcimer tab books, which have established her as a favorite arranger among players of all levels. Each month, a new set of two or more high quality dulcimer tabs will be available on this page. This rendering of the tunebook includes simple melody tabs for Mountain Dulcimers. All songs in DAD Tuning. Free easy dulcimer sheet music and tab for Christmas carols, folk songs, hymns, and more. The mountain dulcimer is tuned in EAA. ) Page 1: and page 2: Here’s the tab in PDF format: Joseph, Dearest Joseph Free Tablature Downloads from Joe Collins. Tindle Music Company. Interested in heading SOUTH in February, for some dulcimer classes with fantastic teachers - AND warmer weather? The Central Florida Dulcimer Festival (re: Florida Winter Acoustic Gathering) is scheduled for Feb 10-12, 2022 in Mt. 945412). In his latest installment of "Join The Jam" (Volume II), Steve has put together over 150 of the most well-known classic old-time and jam tunes found on the face of the planet. A tune learned from the teaching of Ken Kolodner Mountain Dulcimer Tablature & More. Audio releases Welcome to DulcimerMusic. then added hammered dulcimer and other instruments from there in spontaneous bursts! pianistic separated-hand arrangement (still refusing to insist on the same chords or melody backup chords on our dulcimers for accompaniment in gatherings and jam sessions. 1 1 0 1 - -----& ## 4 ˙. 99 $5. Merry melodies! Looking for more songs Oh, ShenandoahDulcimer DAD These are the songs that we have worked on at our Monthly Gatherings in past years, or in small classes (read more). Free sheet music and tablature for mountain dulcimer including Christmas carols, hymns, patriotic songs, Celtic music, and more. Teacher: Kay Bolin, located in Los Osos, CA. Arranged by ear, and without looking at the "official' chords. Kevin Teague July 14, 2024 July 14, 2024. The Dulcimer club: Southern Appalachian Dulcimer Association, located in McCalla, AL – See the Clubs page for more info. Purchase and print sheet music now! Instrument . It's crazy amazing that you should pick out this tune at this time--what a coincidence--I just loaded this Stringfield hammered dulcimer duo of Springfield, Mo. * Deck the Halls, DAD w/ chords *Jingle Bells in 3 Parts by Ron Zuckerman from Dulcimer Tab * Jingle Bells DAA – Melody * Little Drummer Boy, DAD * Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, DAA * Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, DAA w/chords * Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, DAD w/chords * The Friendly Beasts, Appalachian Song, in three parts, arr. Download the sh Dulcimertab. Chords are also provided for each tune and tuning with diagrams to help you jam along with friends. Geoff Black hosts a library of free mountain dulcimer tablature on his website. : Gail Morrissey, Barry Smith & Victoria Johnson on DU Uncut. 20 songs in all, arranged by theme of the weekly jams from December 2021 - February 2022. The family began playing together in 1994. Most of these dulcimer tabs are provided in popular DAD tuning. Songs Shenandoah (Duet Version) Sonny's Mazurka Sonny's Mazurka (Harmony Version) Add to Cart . Directions can be found here. 2 1 21 œ ˙ œ œ œ Bm strang tri er al, while this travel form ing will 0 1 1 1 2 ˙. What about copyright? We’re working to contact each of the arrangers to get clear permission Professionally transcribed and edited guitar tab from Hal Leonard—the most trusted name in tab. . The dulcimer festival will be live again next year. org. Louis Blues; Star of the County Down; Previous New Dulcimer Tablature Added! Next New Club, Event & Tablature Added! ©2025 Dulcimertab. Dulcimer Jambalaya is a blog of my musings about the Mountain Dulcimer including dulcimer tablature, stories and activities of dulcimer enthusiasts in the Lagniappe Dulcimer Society in the Shenandoah Valley, is in a rural area of the state and 20 miles from the West Virginia state line. DAD – 6 basic chords + the middle chords DAD Chords (set as tablature) Jam Tunes. My Home's Across the Blue Ridge Mountains (DGD), Old Horse and Buggy (DAD Capo 4 and EAD), Shenandoah Falls (DAD), Texas (DAD Capo 4 and EAD) - crooked, Winderslide (DAD) - Official site of the Florida Gulf Coast Dulcimer Retreat! Sunday, October 24, 2021. com David Fox earned his Master of Music Education degree from Shenandoah Conservatory at Shenandoah University (5-String Banjo and Appalachian Dulcimer), and his Bachelor of Music Education degree from Nyack College (Low Brass). Children's Dulcimer Chord Book Lee "Drew" Andrews,2010-10-07 Finally! A chord book written for the young beginner (or even beginners of any age) showing a creative and simple way to learn and play dulcimer chords in DAD tuning. Here's a dulcimer tab for the Shenandoah Falls that is on the Florida Banjo Cd. Please do not sell or mass distribute these tabs either in print or over the Internet. Yankee Doodle (DAA), arranged by Shenandoah; Shine Calm and Bright, Ye Moonbeams Bright; Skye Aire; Slievenamon; Spanish Hymn; St. Let us know if we’re missing a Celtic dulcimer tab you’d like! Looking for more dulcimer Celtic tabs? Check out the 70-song Dulcimer Songbook or visit our page of over 1,000 dulcimer tabs. Baritone (Brass) Cornet; Euphonium; Horn; Mellophone; Trombone; Trumpet; Tuba; Shenandoah - Piano, Vocal & Guitar Chords Shenandoah - Piano, Vocal & Guitar Chords (Right-Hand Melody) Shenandoah - Piano, Vocal & Guitar Chords (Right-Hand Melody *Please note that this tablature page can display up to 1,500 items per page. Songs Old Growth Mountain Dulcimer Proposed List of Songs in the TAB collection – arrangers indicated where known. The PDF file is in ZIP format - you'll need to unzip the file after your download is complete. Includes access to online audio. Tull Glazener - Tab of the Music CDs Mountain Dulcimer Tab Instruction CDs. Janet--Here's the Shenandoah Falls recording you were mentioning. Clyde Curley and Susan Songer, in notes to The Portland Collection (1997), traces the tune. The videos links may or may not match your music or tab, but are meant for inspiration. œœ A 2 ˙. I am making them available for individuals and for dulcimer clubs that wish to use them in their meetings. With your purchase, we'll email you a link so that you may download the PDF. There I'll is drop no the 4. Two pages. txt) or read online for free. Dulcimer Tablature. Kahn Here we have 2 Mountain Dulcimer TAB sheets arranged by Anne Lough and published with her permission. +Oh Shen-an-doah, I love your daugh-ter, A--way you roll-ing riv-er, Oh Shen-an-doah, I come to By Steve Smith of the Western North Carolina Dulcimer Collective, on the EverythingDulcimer. The download includes tabs AND audio demo tracks. With tablature, lyrics, and standard notation for 35 tunes, this book stands alone as a songbook, and also works perfectly with the "Beyond The Basics" mountain dulcimer method book. Be All Smiles Tonight Jolly Old Saint Nicholas Midnight on the Water Red is the Rose September On The Mississippi Shenandoah Skye Boat Song Southwind The Ash Grove The Riddle Song The Water is Wide Up on the . This website contains infomation about my music, recordings, books, some of my other interests, as In 1996 I set about recording the classic folk tune ‘Shenandoah’ in a special, new, expressive way with something of a sense of the epic in its flow. Tablature. All voicings are for a dulcimer tuned DAD. Here is a view of the Shenandoah Valley and mountains of Virginia. 52 pages. Our collection includes Celtic music, Christmas carols, hymns, patriotic songs, and much more. co. Continue reading. 5 fret. Pass It On; Peace In Our Time, O Lord; Stay safe and keep on playin’! Kevin Teague. We have one of the largest sources of free dulcimer tabs on the Dulcimertab. Download these FREE TABS for the dulcimer and enjoy using them! Print a copy and bring to our gatherings if you American Folk Song Shenandoah Dulcimer TAB. Vermont fiddler Pete Sutherland learned it from West Coast musician Carol Robinson, originally from Sebastapol, Calif. Shooting Creek [D] (2024) Simple Gifts (2024) Softly and Tenderly Melody Soft and Tenderly Harmony. centralfloridadulcimerfestival. Kahn Page 1 /1 Tablature and Arrangement by Burt I. Tablature: More from Burt Kahn! Finlandia (Be Still My Soul) Tumbalalaika; Valse Frontenac; Vive Guitar (all) Beginner Guitar Easy Guitar Guitar TAB Guitar (without TAB) Best Sellers New additions. 1263794). Shenandoah TablEdited by Burt I. Shenandoah Falls (CH) tab. ˙. It is possible for even the most seasoned player to pick up a new thing or two. We love to receive Shenandoah Conservatory at Shenandoah University (5-String Banjo and Appalachian Dulcimer), and his Bachelor of Music Education degree from Nyack College (Low Brass). A side T A B ## 4 4 j œ 1. However, while researching the origins of the tune, it appears Title: Hector The Hero Author: Steve Smith Created Date: 10/21/2003 2:07:28 PM Saturday, November 9, 2024 at 1:00 PM Grand Opening of the Appalachian Dulcimer Museum at Apple Attacha Cidery, 3 Josh Ben Lane, Sperryville VA (540) 423-8717 Tour one of the largest historic collections in the world. www. Dulcimer Tabs Rock Songs. Tablature, standard musical notation, lyrics and guitar accompaniment chords are included. Mark Gilston plays two versions of a well known American folk song on mountain dulcimer. Shenandoah Falls - 2 parts. One of my life goals is to play this on the Shenandoah River someday. I made a copy of the song and added dulcimer tab notes to the Wayfaring Stranger Arranged by Ron Zuckerman Feel free to add fill-in strums D A D capo 1 0 0 0 Em 5 3 4 4 Am T A B 6 0 4 0 0 4 3 0 4 4 5 5 5 B 0 0 0 Em 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 0 5 0 0 Songbook contains words, dulcimer tab, chords, music, histories, and a couple of jokes for 24 kid’s songs. Purchase and print sheet music now! In a first-of-its-kind episode, Bing arranges the tune “Shenandoah” from scratch, deploying bits of music theory and shedding light on the process over the c In 1996 I set about recording the classic folk tune ‘Shenandoah’ in a special, new, expressive way with something of a sense of the epic in its flow. So watch, listen and strum Shenandoah Sea shanty www. In 0J œ œ œœ œ œœ œ œ œ œ D Shen Shen all Shen an an these an doah, doah, doah, years, I I when she's long love e'er bound to your Merv Rowley/Ruth Randle 2013 s ^ I@ FD C @ F I I@ F I I I I C I$ C@ I I@ I I@ I I C C C I I I I$ C@ I I@ I@ F@ FD C @ F I I I I@ F I I$ C@ I@ I I@ F C C C C I I I { @ A@ A@ A { D C D@ I` I D I F C@ AD C F@ A F@ A D Bm G F#m C#dim >Dulcimer DF#A 1. The songs listed below meet those criteria. Facebook 0 Twitter Reddit. She is known as the "Mother of Modern Day Dulcimer" and shaped her career around playing dulcimer and accompanied by her lovely clear voice. carolynbrodginski. Easy Tunes Old Joe Clark – (tuning DAD) You are my Sunshine – (tuning DAD) Scarborough Fair – (tuning DAC) SHENANDOAH FALLS. If you are looking for “regular Shenandoah: Merv Rowley/Ruth Randle: DF#A: PDF | TEF | Listen! Shine On Shenandoah(Dulcimer) - Free download as PDF File (. This volume of great tunes is full of older songs, artfully arranged for mountain dulcimer duet. It expresses longing to hear Shenandoah, love for Shenandoah's daughter, keeping their love secret for years, and being bound to cross Shenandoah's roaming water. Tablature: Shared by David Hooten. " The name was also used as the name of a series Chord charts are provided as well, so remember — if you are unfamiliar with the tune, all you need to do is to play the chords or just strum along. Anne’s Waltz; St. 3 pm - 4 pm - Mountain Dulcimer - Fingerpickin' Good chords, and more!We’ll be playing some fun tunes by the end of the workshop! Strum I started playing the hammered dulcimer on December 15th 2018. Harper's Ferry. 99. +Oh Shen-an-doah, I long to hear you, A--way, you roll-ing riv-er. com. traditionalmusic. The chord charts are linked to pdf files, which you may want to download and print. American, Reel (cut time). Please check us out at www. Below are chord voicings for the following chords: D major, E minor, F sharp minor, G major, A major, B minor, and C sharp diminished. It’s recorded with claw hammer banjo on her latest CD “the Adventures of Dulcim The links below contain rich resources for finding free dulcimer tablature: DulcimerTab. Not too hard, but certainly not "elementary" - Maureen strikes a happy middle ground in difficulty. All the tunes in D and related keys appear in the first half and assume D-A-D tuning; tunes in G and Visit the post for more. With your purchase, you'll get TWO books (one for each player). m. The hammered dulcimer music (HD) contains music and guitar chords and the autoharp music shows the chords needed to play melody on the autoharp . A side trip just a few miles off Interstate 81. Dulcimermusic. Learn interactive chords with Tempo tunings for piano, bass, guitar, uke, bass, mandolin & banjo. Oh 3. All Silent Night dulcimer tab: Version 1, Version 2, Version 3, Version 4, Version 5, Version 6, Version 7, Version 8, Version 9, Version 10, Version 11, Version 12, Version 13, Version 14 Silver Bells dulcimer tab: Version 1, Version 2, Version 3, Version 4. For tabs, CDs, books, and Skype lessons, visit https://www. This is my first dulcimer build. Print instantly, or sync to our free PC, web and mobile apps. 219. His presentations involve background music on hammered dulcimer by Timothy Seaman, slides, and personal narration. Title: Microsoft Word - oh_shenandoah. . American Folk Song Shenandoah Dulcimer TAB. Mahogany Merlin GDG mountain dulcimer. She is an Endorsing Artist North Alabama Heritage Dulcimer Association Shenandoah (early 1800s) Shoe The Donkey (?) Simple Gifts (1848) Sloop John B (1916) Slumber My Darling (1862) (updated March 2022) Soldiers Joy (1760s) Southwind (1792/1809) need tab; Step Around Johnny (Trad) Sugar Hill; This Old Man(Trad) Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star (1806) Waterbound (Trad) "D-for-dulcimer" tablature and lead sheets are available online. In standard notation and TAB, with guitar chords. Dora Florida. 16 œœœœœœœ A E 1. We PLAY together, sometimes in I recently visited my mother, who lives in the Shenandoah Valley in Virginia, and was fortunate to sit in on a Galax-style dulcimer and old-time string band jam. 2: Occasional Collection of Old-timey Fiddle Tunes for Hammer dulcimer, Fiddle, etc. The purposes of our club include PROMOTING mountain dulcimer activities locally and state-wide, and PLAYING at Festivals, Retirement Centers, Farmers’ Markets, on the Blue Ridge Parkway, and other venues. What makes a good song for group play? Sounds awesome, easy counting, easy to fret. Shenandoah [D] River Life is old there, [G] older than the trees [A] Younger than the mountains Mountain Dulcimer Instructor and Performer. So I chose to devise a pattern in which each verse would be in a different key and each new key would be either a major or minor third away from the previous one --- a somewhat startling and unconven A Southern Gospel classic from 1979, this song is arranged for mountain dulcimer in 1-5-8 or DAD tuning. Subscribe to Post Comments Dulcimer 1-3-5 Team. Hello, all! Here is the schedule for 1:45 pm - 2:45 pm - Shenandoah Variations - Richard (MD) Area 2. Standard tuning (fiddle). SHENANDOAH ROOM at the Bridgewater Retirement Community, 210 Virginia Avenue, Bridgewater, VA. doc Author: Dad Created Date: 1/9/2022 4:04:50 AM DULCIMER DOINGS - New or ReviewDulcimer Dinah will be offering free sessions to both whet our appetites for playing together in warmer weather as well as giving tips and suggestions for new players. The title of. Cox/A Secret Life of Banjo | 1:21 PM. Each piece is presented in standard notation with dulcimer tablature and optional chords. The Music Mountain Dulcimer Tablature & More. A Major. maryzcox - Posted - 03/10/2020: 12:29:20. (The PDF files are shown at the end of the blog post. TABLATURE; TABLATURE (1-3-5) EVENTS; CLUBS; BUILDERS; TEACHERS; SUBMIT TAB; Tablature (1-3-5) Tablature (1-3-5) The tablature on this page is dedicated to the 1-3-5 tunings such as DF#A and FAC. Down To The River To Pray – PDF | Listen; Thank you, Burt Kahn! Diamonds”, a harp/dulcimer duet, which was in the August 2022 edition. Songs included: All The Good Times Are Past Wow! Stephen Seifert has done it again. Jeff uses humor and adventure in a story telling format. 2 1 1 2 œ ˙ œ œ œ F#7 sick cross Tutorial by Gloria Hays for the hornpipe, sometimes known as Shannandoah or Shannandah FallsA nice, easy tune in the key of A, often played for Contra Dances Wayfaring Stranger Banjo gDGBD, Dulcimer DAD (Capo 1) Arr. Includes information on reading music and TAB, notes on transposing, and a useful index of songs by tuning. $3. The collection includes 5 Mike Anderson originals including the 2003 Children’s Web Song of the Year winner I Dropped It. Our Gathering will be hosted by JOYFUL NOISE Bridgewater Group, who will provide us an opportunity for DAA and DAD tuned players to Appflutes Curly Maple - Maple138E Shenandoah Dulcimer club: Dulcimers and Stuff, located in Milwaukee, WI. Mountain Dulcimer Tablature & More. w A Shenandoah Falls Free Dulcimer Tabs (updated 4th June 2020) These free arrangements of tunes or songs for mountain dulcimer all use tablature AND musical notation. Some capo use is also required. Patriotic Song for Common Chords for Dulcimer. New Dulcimer Tablature Added! Kevin Teague March 27, 2022 March 27, 2022. Phillips (Traditional American Fiddle Tunes), vol. Songs included: All Through The Night - Traditional Welsh Lullaby - Playing the Tune on the Dulcimer – Barre Chords “Flop Eared Mule” is fun but challenging to play on the dulcimer because it changes keys on “Part B. sod. Played from tab on the Dulcimer Golden Oldies we All are playable on any three- or four-stringed dulcimer. , who herself learned it as an I am an instrumentalist on the mountain dulcimer who has been learning, playing, composing and teaching since 1983. If you have "Join The Jam" (Volume I), then you definitely need to add this book to your collection of du By becoming a member, you'll instantly unlock access to 2,335 exclusive posts. For sale, two dulcimers, both made by Tom Scanlon, for $625: included in the price is the carry-bag shown below, a tuner, one dulcimer Finished this last night and did a little fine-tuning a few minutes ago. Benefit from Shelley's vast expertise as a teacher, instructor, and performer while exploring the unique sounds of both ADA and AEA baritone tunings. $5. "Shenandoah" -- dulcimer tab (in D) and a couple Lutheran Public Radio network podcast on Johann Wa "Midnight on the Water" -- a standard fiddle tune Links to Singing Christmas carols as we walked down the streets of our small rural town in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia on very cold and snowy nights in December brings back many memories as a young person. Learn to play "Shenandoah Falls" on the hammered dulcimer. David Hooten has shared more of his arrangements! Each Step I Take; Love Lifted Me; My 150th video! A special tune to me since I grew up in the Shenandoah Valley (Staunton, VA), but the origin of the tune doesn't have anything to do with the Dulcimer on the Backroads is a great way to share the joy of the old time and Celtic fiddle tunes and ballads that you love on your mountain dulcimer! Great care was taken to ensure that the selections in this book sound great and are easy to play. I just had t Jeff Alt, a talented speaker and award-winning author of A Walk for Sunshine, enjoys sharing his 2,160-mile Appalachian Trail adventures with Shenandoah National Park visitors. Enhance your skills and repertoire with this amazing resource. Jeff Buckley – Hallelujah Drive My Car – The Beatles Don’t Stop Believin – Journey Tom Petty – Free Fallin. This songbook includes 26 duets Perfect for beginner, intermediate or expert players, enjoy these free Dulcimer Tabs. Learn about the history of a truly authentic American instrument. Shenandoah: A North American song with a much-disputed Mary Z. Choose from Folk sheet music for such popular songs as Keep on the Sunny Side, Don't Think Twice, It's All Right, and All the Pretty Little Horses. New Dulcimer Tab Added! Kevin Teague March 11, 2025 March 11, 2025. Angeline the Baker [Verse 1] C F C Oh, Shenandoah, I long to hear you, F C Away, you rolling river Am F Oh, Shenandoah, I long to hear you C Em Am F G C Away, I'm bound away, cross the wide Missouri. Get 50% discount with PASS subscription. This item is a recurring or Duets for standard (DAD) and baritone (AEA) dulcimers? Sure - with this book, you'll be all set! The standard dulcimer uses DAD and DGD tunings, and often uses the 1. These could emphasize the rocking nature of the song. JULY DULCIMER GATHERING, Saturday, July 20, 20241:30 - 3:30 p. New Dulcimer Tablature Added! Kevin Teague February 7, Maureen Sellers is one of those dulcimer professionals (educator, performer, author) that seems to have immeasurable skills. This Arrangement is by Brett Ridgeway from his YouTube Videos. DGDG 2 0 00 2 454 3 20 5 4 2 0 20 D Bm D A7 Bm 4 0 0 2 22 4 0 4 4 3 20 2 DDD A7D 4 2 4 2 0 0 2 4 2 2 0 Oh, She−nan−doah, I long to hear you A−way you roll−ing Guitar, Mandolin Sheet-music Tabs, traditional music, Folk Music, Morris dance, country dance The tab departs from the original written or recorded source and is not a direct copy of that source. ). AVI: D, A, G, Bm, Am; Capo 0 fret. Insufficient Pro Credits Add 3 credits for only $12. 46 pages, each book (92 pages total). Banjo tablature, often shortened to “banjo tab” or “banjo tabs,” offers a clear way to learn banjo songs without needing to know traditional musical notation. Springing from the Middle Ages and steeped in mystery, Preserving the art of dulcimer music Sandy River Belle tab [D]; Shall We Gather at the River (2024) Shenandoah Falls. Songs included: Jenny Fair Gentle Rosemarie - DAC Tuning Barb'ry Allen - DAA Tuning The Lady From York - Dulcimer Jambalaya is a blog of my musings about the Mountain Dulcimer including dulcimer tablature, stories and activities of dulcimer enthusiasts in the Lagniappe Dulcimer Society June 1, 2017 Maylee at Beyond Gumbo Mountain Dulcimer Tablature 5 comments. Dulcimer sheet music book by : Hal Leonard - Digital at Sheet Music Plus. for Become a master of the mountain dulcimer with Shelley Stevens' "Baritone And Soprano Duets For Mountain Dulcimer". 0 Comments: Post a Comment. The Blacksmith, arranged by Brian Evans. 50 Add To Cart. Brass . Shepherd Wife’s Waltz (D) (2024) Shortnin’ Bread. œ œ œ F#7 Bm low. 126 likes. E-Tabs Download L-Z Shenandoah Falls - 2 parts. œ œ œ Bm I am a 11 2 ˙. Musicnotes Shenandoah (This score available as ABC, SongWright, PostScript, PNG, or PMW, or a MIDI file) Pennywhistle notation and Dulcimer tab for this song is also available Shenandoah Oh, Shenandoah, I long to hear you, Way hey, you rolling river. 99 Taxes/VAT calculated at checkout. If you haven’t seen dulcimer TAB before, it is laid out in three lines which represent the three dulcimer strings seen from above. The document is a song about Shenandoah with lyrics over 6 verses. 232 pages. œ œ œ F#7 poor free way from far ev ing 'ry. Blue Ridge Mountain Dulcimer Players Club Appalachian Dulcimer Players in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia Shop and Buy American Folk Medley (Shenandoah/The Water Is Wide) SA with Hammer Dulcimer sheet music. TABLATURE; TABLATURE (1-3-5) EVENTS; CLUBS; BUILDERS; TEACHERS; SUBMIT TAB; tablature. In the early years, Dulcimer Jambalaya is a blog of my musings about the Mountain Dulcimer including dulcimer tablature, stories and activities of dulcimer enthusiasts in the Lagniappe Dulcimer Society June 1, 2017 Maylee at Beyond Gumbo Mountain Dulcimer Tablature 5 comments. SKU: MN0278532 Oh Shen-an-doah, I long to hear you, A-way, I'm bound a-way, 'cross the wide Mis-sou-ri. org is collection of free tab and sheet music for mountain dulcimer. Cart purchase includes: Vocal & Guitar Chords "Shenandoah Falls" is a peppy little reel which I first heard played on the hammered dulcimer. For this recording I used a low A tuning on a gut strung banjo. Oh Shen-an-doah, I long to hear Galax Dulcimer/Melton Family Tradition – “Galax Style” is the term given to cover a type of dulcimer and a style of playing from the southwestern area of the state of Virginia, in particular the playing of one family in and around the area of Galax – the Meltons. The melody makes you "perk up" and tap your foot along with the musicians who are playing the tune. Some use a 6 1/2 fret. The melody makes you “perk up” and tap your Here’s music for an old-time fiddle tune which I stumbled upon while cleaning up stacks of dulcimer tablature scattered around my house. If there is a copyright issue with any of the pieces, please contact us and the piece will be removed. Songer established the town of "Shenandoah Falls at Mr. The tab is intended for private, not commercial use. Details. Shenandoah (Baritone dulcimer is tuned AEA) Sweet And Low (Baritone dulcimer is tuned AEA) Customer Free Tablature Downloads from Joe Collins. com was mentioned in the latest edition of Dulcimer Players News magazine! Marc Mathieu wrote an article about the 1-3-5 tuning and he pointed folks here to find arrangements! I highly recommend you check out the magazine and Marc’s article! Welcome to all the new visitors! More tablature from Burt Kahn! Da Slokit Light; Dawning New Dulcimer Tablature Added! Kevin Teague October 31, 2021 November 8, 2021 David Hooten and Ben D’Ooge continue their kindness of sharing dulcimer arrangements with all of us. (A0. Two Dulcimers, bag, wooden dulcimer stand, tuner and dulcimer tab books -asking price $625. T – Christmas Dulcimer Songs / I am having a lot of fun with this little dulcimer. Buy for $2. It is intended for the intermediate level player with a solid knowledge of three finger chords and chord-melody style of playing. Here’s a breakdown to get you Visit the post for more. A side She's Got You - Solo dulcimer; Shenandoah - Quartet for two standards, baritone and bass; Sherry - Solo chromatic dulcimer; Silent Night - Solo dulcimer (Quartet for two standards, baritone and bass) Silver Bells - Solo dulcimer (Bass part to Silver Bells) Simple Gifts - Quartet for two standards, baritone and bass; Sing - Solo dulcimer Dulcimer Jambalaya is a blog of my musings about the Mountain Dulcimer including dulcimer tablature, stories and activities of dulcimer enthusiasts in the Lagniappe Dulcimer Society. 430. Dulcimer Club: Boone’s Creek Dulcimer Clan, located in Johnson City, TN; Find this club and many more on How To Read Banjo Tabs. Enjoy playing your dulcimer with "Favorite Old-Time American Songs For The Dulcimer". SKU: MN0278532. Com. Many Kitchen Musician No. com • Dulcimer Tablature - free downloadsKudzu Patch - Ben Seymour's TablatureColorado Dulcimer DADBellingham Dulcimer ClubStephen Seifert LessonTab Archives-Tull GlazenerTindle Music Company TabJessica Comeau - Lessons and TabDon Pedi Free TabDoofus Music Tablature This collection features songs Carolyn has led in the Send In The Music Virtual Jam. It includes Carolyn's arrangements of traditional favorites, and 2 of her own songs that she has shared on the jam. I've never played dulcimer before, but I'm picking Home / American Folksong / Shenandoah / Dulcimer 1360157 Shenandoah by American Folksong Dulcimer - Digital Sheet Music. Tablature: He Leadeth Me O Blessed Thought – David Hooten Rose of Mooncoin; Rose of Tralee; Scotland The Brave; Sedauny; Semper Paratus; Shady Grove; Shenandoah; Shine Calm and Download sheet music for Folk. We are saddened to hear of Madeline MacNeil's passing. com was mentioned in the latest edition of Dulcimer Players News magazine! Marc Mathieu wrote an article about the 1-3-5 tuning and he pointed folks here to find arrangements! I highly recommend you check out the magazine and Marc’s article! Welcome to all the new visitors! More tablature from Burt Kahn! Da Slokit Light; Dawning Dulcimer Jambalaya is a blog of my musings about the Mountain Dulcimer including dulcimer tablature, stories and activities of dulcimer enthusiasts in the Lagniappe Dulcimer Society. Mark Tindle has made an assortment of mountain dulcimer arrangements of public domain and original music on his website available free of charge. œ œ œ Em thru rest this be world neath be the. The mountain dulcimer arrangements (MD) contain traditional music plus tablature. 99 Add to Cart Cancel. I, 1994; pg. œ A ˙ ˙ Bm œ œœœœœ & ### 12 œ œ ˙ A œ œœœœœ ˙ ˙ Bm œœœœœœœ & ### . “Shenandoah Falls” is a peppy little reel which I first heard played on the hammered dulcimer. This book is more than a collection of songs - it provides detailed written and audio instruction on how to play advanced arpeggios on the mountain dulcimer. œ A 2. Cox plays Shenandoah Falls on her Blue Lion Mountain Dulcimer in EAA. Although it is over several mountain ranges from the I recently visited my mother, who lives in the Shenandoah Valley in Virginia, and was fortunate to sit in on a Galax-style dulcimer and old-time string band jam. Shenandoah, I long to hear you Ha ha, we're bound away 'cross the wide Missouri. tablature. 2. posted by Mary Z. AABB (Johnson): AA'BB (Phillips). Revels Music.