Multiman PS3 code game. Scan this QR code to download the app now.

Multiman PS3 code game 00), plug in a FAT32 formatted USB flash drive into the right USB port, launch multiMAN under Games and go to mmOS > Press [O] on any file > Open in HEX viewer > Press [SELECT] > Press [START] > Export GameOS LV2: Select No > Export HV LV1: Select No > Export FLASH: Select Yes Click "Yes" after you are prompted as to whether you want to copy the game to the PS3's hard drive. Or check it out in the app stores     TOPICS When you load a game with Multiman it should bring you back to XMB and then you will see a folder called Playstation 3 which you click to launch the game, if Cobra mode is enabled it will appear as a disc instead of a folder. it’s not possible, the PS4 and PS3 have complete different CPU architecture, what could be is PS4 play PS3 games, if Sony wanted to make Man, I am really thankful to ya for the wonderful idea. 91. Cheat Codes Add and Request group The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom cheat codes Pokémon Neither I have my game folders containing the PS3_GAME and PS3_UPDATE folders . So dont clear syscalls and make sure only 1 usb is plugged up Sounds like you are confusing loaders. It will load games too, but I've never tried. Joined Jun 18 multiMAN is actually 2 programs: mmCM + multiMAN multiMAN only supports PS3 games in folder format, PS1 ISO and encrypted PS2 ISO. A subreddit dedicated to PS3 game preservation through backups. Step 1. Once the files are copied over,they can be accessed via multiMAN's user interface. At its core, it serves as a the most popular backup manager and file manager with a multitude of extra features. So the languages file is ENGLISH_NTSC_PS3. I do see multiman try to populate the PS1 games list before it inevitably crashes and Webman shows about 450 PS1 but never Hi! To be honest I don't exactly remember, but I think I either had my saves on a USB stick or already copied them to the SSD (to the filepath I mentioned in the description), then I downloaded Apollo Save Tool and I messed around with that a bit, to be honest I can't remember which steps I did exactly, but I remember the menu being quite self-explanatory. Multiman will support READING of NTFS drives, but it cannot write to it. para que multiman te reconosca los juegos los debes poner el la carpeta GAMES o GAMEZ y tambien debe ir dentro de PS3 o en la raiz del usb o disco externo=?. 00 which was re-signed for PS3HEN by @Joonie and published on Brewology. The disc game will be displayed in the main games list which can then be ripped to internal HDD or external NTFS USB as a Now I have a few games placed on the HDD of my PS3 that I downloaded, so whenever I want it to appear onto the XMB menu I have to enter MultiMan and mount it from there. Now, the release of ItemzFlow has arrived for the PlayStation 5 from developer @ligthingmodz. multiMAN (referred hereafter as "software"), its author, partners, and associates do not condone piracy. 🏴‍☠️ Hello i got i question i recently wanted to copy some savegames to my usb drive to edit on my pc and realized that i wasn't able to do it. It serves as a hub for game creators to discuss and share their insights, FOUND A FIX THAT WORKED FOR ME: drop the . It is possible because some guy that has a gaming store in my city can install games into the PS3 using this method. In the folder, you will find: BDrom-reset: Unmount the virtual Blu-ray drive from memory to restore real blu-ray disc playback on XMB(tm). May I install Unofficial multiMAN 4. Sort by: Cheat Codes Add and Request group The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom cheat codes Pokémon Legends: So I do the normal steps boot up my PS3> Go to multiman> select my game from my external hardrive (the extracted version of the game, and I've tried it on my internal drive)> and then when I got to select my game at the home screen it Yes u dont need anything on ps3 hen i suggested psn patch bcs it prevent u from entering multiman U only have one solution disable auto login and internet (signed off psn) go to multiman mount a game play online If u wanna change the game sign off The key is not to enter multiman while signed in or u ll get a ban So there are two types that I am aware of. Joined Jun 1, 2017 Messages 1,480 Trophies 2 Age 33 Location USA Website steamcommunity. 65 No CFW, but from screenshots I've seen, the debug options are the same as Multiman, but I know MM has a lot of additional options. Where can I download PS3 games for multiman? Question Looking for a trusted source. A subreddit dedicated to PS3 game preservation through These games can be loaded from XMB and they launch right away. 01 to mount PS1 games and then booting from XMB. Here you can see all of its features and how to use them. (PS3, PlayStation3, Sony PlayStation 3). These files correspond to the executables of Scan this QR code to download the app now. My console definitely has sound working for navigating the menu, and when playing PS2 games through Multiman. If you have PKG files which need to be installed on the PS3, place them into "dev_hdd0/packages". like God of War III/ BLUS283919/and then the files of the game. The ps3 has 2 usb ports for most people, even though theirs 2 the ps3 can only handle 1 at a time. 84 HEN on Rebug 4. See all the contents of this collection Multiman is the proverbial Swiss Army Knife of CFW tools. 6. For the “Ps3 Game” folder that goes into your ps3 “GAMES” folder. Whenever i try to launch a game or multiman my ps3 goes into a black screen and freezes completely, after that i have to unplug it since pressing the turn off button doesnt work anymore any ideas why and or what to do to fix/avoid this? Alien Resurrection found to have cheat code that allows playing burned backup games Scan this QR code to download the app now. When I load it up through multiman (tried managunz as well) the disc image with a question mark appears and says “ps2 games are not compatible with my ps3”. So I’ve just installed multiman and I have some games that are in a folder, and not as ISO. Or check it out in the app stores     TOPICS Webman to dump and manage games via ftp:// Multiman to dump and install games via Blu-ray A subreddit dedicated to PS3 game preservation through backups. Try doing it manually, i had the same issue, What i did is i used filezilla (you can use the ps3 file manager) just insert the disc and then connect to the ps3 using filezilla, and then you will see on the root of the ps3 there is something called dvd or cd or disc , inside it i think (it could be the whole folder) is the game, copy it to your GAMES folder For extracted game files, put em into "dev_hdd0/GAMEZ". 01_BASE and an USB in FAT32 So i downloaded "Call. After a quick google search it said to be able to copy ma savegames i need to logged on to psn so i tried to do that but i couldn't because it needed a software update wich i cannot do or else Multiman wont work anymore so i thought i could The GameCube (Japanese: ゲームキューブ Hepburn: Gēmukyūbu?, officially called the Nintendo GameCube, abbreviated NGC in Japan and GCN in Europe and North America) is a home video game console released by Nintendo in Japan on September 14, 2001; in North America on November 18, 2001; in Europe on May 3, 2002; and in Australia on May 17, 2002. I managed to somehow fix it so the game pops up and it plays but instead of showing me the game title and a disc icon it shows me a folder titled "Playstation 3" and when I hover over that it shows the game. CallmeBerto The Lone Wanderer. ) Scan this QR code to download the app now. PS1 game launcher in CD-rom Cheat Codes Add and Request group The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom cheat codes Pokémon Legends: So I do the normal steps boot up my PS3> Go to multiman> select my game from my external hardrive (the extracted version of the game, and I've tried it on my internal drive) use ntfs (don't have experience with this) or use an ethernet or crossover cable to ftp the game to the internal hdd. As I currently have a huge library of ISO format games I'm serving to my PS3, is there a way to run Multiman and not scan for games every time it starts up? In other words, can I have it do an initial scan and that's it, similar to xbox 360's Aurora behavior, or as I have Webman-Mod set to do When using a PS3 slim, ps3 super slim or non-BC PS3 Phat, you won't have any way to run ps2 games natively, so the 'PS2 classics' software will be used instead. 85. Ever since I added the PS1 files to the PS3 hdd multiman crashes, it will work once to mount and then I can play the game but when I go back into multiman to change the game it will load up to the multiman menu then crash after a few I recently installed hen to my ps3 via the ps3exploit online installer and multiman finally launched I wanted to try an ps2 game on my ps3 super slim on firmware 4. Scan this QR code to download the app now. These two different formats go into different folders on your ps3 HDD. Extract the downloaded archives to your computer. Which ps3 game But i wanted to make a backup of nfs hot pursuit (2010) - it's the only original ps3 game i have on disc atm. Once you’ve done this once you only need to set Webman to run at boot and the games will be there. do not use multiman. Developer @Joonie discovered an issue with backup manager's and PS3HEN user's mounting games from an NTFS external drive and having the symptom of a sudden console shutdown upon mounting a game. Use your right analog stick to move The majority of the time you get that error because there is a problem with the EBOOT. The extracted archive. ; multiMAN[Last Game]: This homebrew is a shortcut to reload the last played game without launching multiMAN. 🏴‍☠️ Actually, if you add games in Multiman you can then quit to the CFW XMB and run Webman which will find the games and put them in a folder called “Webman games” in the main games list. com XP Scan this QR code to download the app now. hello everybody, i'm new in playstation univers, i have installed multiman on my ps3 and download games, extract and copy to my usb the game show up but PS3 Multiman problem Sony PlayStation 3 Tears of the Kingdom cheat codes Pokémon Legends: Arceus cheat codes Xenoblade Chronicles 3 cheat codes Fire Emblem Engage cheat codes Now that everything works you can backup your first game. Duty. Level 14. As developer Joonie has provided updates for multiMAN Scan this QR code to download the app now. Former Staff I loaded a couple ps2 iso files onto the HDD of my ps3. Over at brewology. Yea I unplugged all isbs except the one I was using to install the package files. Now, if I have a web hosting server, is there any way that my PS3 can actually look into that hosting like google drive or a remote FTP server from where it Install latest version of multiMAN (4. iso in folder format (PS3_GAME and PS3_DISC. i’m updated to the latest version and have the correct game settings If you wanna play games right from your external drive then they need to be in the same file structure as hdd0 on your ps3. 🏴‍☠️ Members Online. true. 86 with multiMAN_04. . GTA San Andreas hello everybody, i'm new in playstation univers, i have installed multiman on my ps3 and download games, extract and copy to my usb the game show up but PS3 Multiman problem Sony PlayStation 3 Tears of the Kingdom cheat codes Pokémon Legends: Arceus cheat codes Xenoblade Chronicles 3 cheat codes Fire Emblem Engage cheat codes Request a Scan this QR code to download the app now. Irisman has the best file manager in my opinion. He sold the company to Sierra Entertainment in 1995. Advanced. I find it to be less annoying to have I have a ps3 slim -HEN 4. Although multiMAN is now almost 10 years old, there is a huge number of consoles connecting to the website to download covers, game updates, multiMAN themes and applications from the WEB column. Impressions Games was a game developer founded by David Lester in the UK. Hope that helps! As you can see the problem of that path dev_hdd0/GAMEZ/covers is that is not flexible enought, because the folder "GAMEZ/GAMES" is intended to store PS3 games in JB format By having a folder named "covers" under I have a ps3 slim -HEN 4. That folder has a folder called PS3_GAME and a file called PS3_DISC. Other thing that I saw was that other covers that worked (probably downloaded by multiman itself) were with size of between 15 and 30kb, but the ones that I downloaded and copied in Just a list showing which games work and which games don't on the 3. Webman mod works from the XMB. Method 2: Copying your digital PS3 games bought from PS Store 1. I tried ftp to transfer games, but I prefer using my flash drive. This release was made patching the ELF contained in the SELF files data0 and data1 found in sys folder. 14. This version is compatible with CFW and PS3HEN and it does not show annoying nag screens. They should appear on multiman games section in the menu. 01 or above, you can play the game off of the external drive. multiman carpeta GAMES o GAMEZ. Sáb, 2011-10-15 00:49 — pablo_86. PS3: How to transfer games to your PS3 via FTP (using multiMAN) Posted by twig at 5:39 PM Monday, April 1, 2013 This is pretty simple now, but there are some quirks you have to be aware of. in both cases, they go in the PS3ISO folder if it's a ps3 game, enable cobra if it's not already enabled, then boot the game with irisman, managunz, or what I personally use, webman mod. 55 ps3,like- Games manager Game's updates checker and download feature Web browser, used to download game demos Homebrew launcher Retro Console's ROM lister and emulator's launcher with selected ROM passed as argument. For example on the root of your USB drive make folders called Multiman is a multifunctional application that includes 8 different display modes (for easily accessing games, video, and audio content), a file manager, and an FTP server that runs in the background. If you have an NTFS external drive, you need to select use the util that refreshes NTFS drives (left-most column of options in Multiman). Take a fat32 USB and make a games folder then go to the internet to install games like on 1fichier because it's the fastest in my experience when it comes to downloading games and 90% of the time you also get that games dlc Once you've downloaded just extract the game file and put it in your USB then plug it in ps3 open multiman and you can I've been looking for the Multiman Cover Packs for my PS3. SFB) directly from your USB into /dev_hdd/GAMES/PS3ISO using multiman this was a completely random try Hi guys, basically when I turn on my ps3 and I go on game I have a tons of them installed, but when I launch multiman all of those games are not listed in this application, on multiman I have a couple of games showed (the once I have installe via multiman obviously). Then in Internet connection, activate the internet connection. you can also use IRIS man. com aldostools has pushed the latest updated cover packs with the release of v3. Inside the folder are sub-folders for PS3, PS2, PS1 and PSP. Just installed multiMAN Some tutorials I watched before doing this show both ways to save my game, copy or ISO I recommend ISO for ps3 games, gta iv didn't load when I backed up my disc in folder format but it works fine in ISO Following the release of etaHEN (AIO Homebrew Enabler for the PS5) last month from @lightingModz. What does the multiman do on PS3? PlayStation 3 Jailbreak was the first USB (Universal Serial Bus) chipset that allowed unauthorized execution of code, similar to homebrew, on the PlayStation 3. GAMES (caps, with S) is where you keep PS3 disc rips in JB format; that is, non in ISO (those go to PS3ISO), but in folder format. 00. PS3-iMARS", extract it completly and i find 3 files: "PS3_GAME" PS3_UPDATE PS3_DISC. USA-EUR:includes 1384 covers for games PS3. The code used by multiMAN to mount PS3 games is very similar to this: Scan this QR code to download the app now. So for non-PS3 games, it normally stores the artwork with the game ISOs (or CUE/BINs). 30. com. In the archive, there is 21 votes, 22 comments. 1 then run toolbox enable cobra and webman and forget about multiman. I’m trying to load a game from multi man and every time i go back to the xmb, the disc icon for the game doesn’t show up. From hardcore gamers, to, Nintendo fans, Use multiman, press triangle on the game, go down to create iso, press x, Try doing a couple of refreshes/restarts, make sure your ISOs are in the PS3 iso folder in hh0. Go to SETTINGS and then NETWORK SETTINGS. 1 HFW Can’t transfer games on FAT32 USB Sony PlayStation 3 Home. So i made a backup using multiman. (Especially the ones for the PS2 and PS1. 🏴‍☠️ For ripping with IRISMAN (makeps3iso tool) there’s one other step to add here: in order for the app to access the BD drive, press START > TOOLS and change the option Cobra/disc-less payload to BDVD Controller then PRESS B to restart your PS3. You could get the game from somewhere Cheat Codes Add and Request group The Legend of Zelda: I heard that you need it to run PS3 games with multiman (though I haven't tried it yet) Reply. of. Cheat Codes Add and Request group The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom cheat codes Pokémon Legends: So i got a HEN ps3. I have no idea why game after mount is not showing for you in XMB if emulator is enabled. Member. And i have multiman. and answers regarding PS3 homebrew! I’m using a hen system and want to access my games easily how do I add the multiman games to the homes screen Share Add a Comment. SFB So i I originally had Ninja Gaiden on my flash drive and ran it through Multiman but the game had no sound. 00, is the end of using the LV2 patch to run multiMAN. It also uses PS3 multiMAN MOD 4. 5. Go all the way to the left corner of multiman XMB and select filemanager 2. SFB So i Multiman is a multifunctional application that includes 8 different display modes (for easily accessing games, video, and audio content), a file manager, and an FTP server that runs in the background. Share Add a Comment. Or check it out in the app stores     TOPICS Copying or backing up games I use HEN and Multiman to dump games to my system. The PS2 compatibility is generally lower than even the ''hardware+software' model ps3 fats, but they still run quite a few well known games. So what I would like is It looks like according to this site new multiMAN versions are out. 🏴‍☠️ I recently installed HEN 3. Sort Scan this QR code to download the app now. PS3 Slim, Multiman 4. Cheat Codes Add and Request group The Legend of Zelda: I remember there being a wiki style page with a really nice organized table listing all the options for all the PS3 games on multiman. You can either use your PS3's internal hard drive or an external usb hard drive formatted as FAT32. This is a subreddit dedicated to their games! Impressions specialized in historical strategy games, and is most well known for its City Building Series, which include Caesar, Pharaoh, Emperor and Master of Olympus - Zeus. BIN for the game, you could try downloading a different EBOOT and replacing it and Step 1. Joined Jun 18, 2020 Deanrr has updated MultiMAN, a backup manager for the PS3, to version 1. Apparently you need to Jailbreak with Cobra or Rebug to get PS2 games working on a non-backward compatible console. Cheats. The generated traffic is enourmous and if the goal is not reached until the end of the year all web services will be discontinued. The only time you need to worry about updates is if the update wants a firmware higher than you have. multiMAN is This is a MOD of multiMAN 4. PKG files over 4gig have to go on NTFS format and Irisman reads it well. Most games you download will either be in a iso format or a “PS3 Game” folder format with a bunch of game files. And there is a way to pur multiman games in the XMB menu(the main menu of the PS3). multiMAN is a multi-functional homebrew app that allows you to do tons of things on your 3. As I currently have a huge library of ISO format games I'm serving to my PS3, is there a way to run Multiman and not scan for games every time it starts up? In other words, can I have it do an initial scan and that's it, similar to xbox 360's Aurora behavior, or as I have Webman-Mod set to do Scan this QR code to download the app now. DCT to the DATA_PS3 folder in root\games\BLUS30480\PS3_GAME\USRDIR\DATA_PS3 and the game loads the contents of the . Or check it out in the app stores     TOPICS Multiman is bottom tier and causes ps3's to crash often. I also cleared my syscalls before trying to install it. Go With all the recent updates to multiMAN and webMAN, this may be a good time to also update your Cover Packs as well. 76. These games can be loaded from XMB and they launch right away. Well I Backed up the game onto my PS3 so i don't have a disc in the drive. Everything went just fine until now: when I try to dump Skate (the first one, I could dump 2 and 3 just fine) MultiMan, free download for Windows. I have read that I can connect a FAT32 hard drive with my game back ups and run multiMan and it will show up all games under the games tab A subreddit dedicated to PS3 game preservation through backups. ----- MERGED ----- Scan this QR code to download the app now. If you are using Multiman version 2. The "game" folder is for games which are already installed. The subreddit covers various game development aspects, including programming, design, writing, art, game jams, postmortems, and marketing. 🏴‍☠️ Hi! To be honest I don't exactly remember, but I think I either had my saves on a USB stick or already copied them to the SSD (to the filepath I mentioned in the description), then I downloaded Apollo Save Tool and I messed around with that a bit, to be honest I can't remember which steps I did exactly, but I remember the menu being quite self-explanatory. multiMAN combines Open Manager, mmOS File Manager and AVCHD for an all in one solution. , The issue was located and has now been fixed in the 3 popular backup manager's choices. Dean has now implemented a stable Pack 2 (EUR):includes 2134 covers for PS3 games. Have in mind that no Aside from the Debug options, there are two extra folders in the "Game" column, called: app_home/PS3_GAME/ And Install Package Files The software is 4. It uses old payloads that create a map path in memory using pokes on LV2. ZIP files without the actual ZIP from When i go to check GTA it only has PS3_UPDATE & PS3_DISC. it is extremely Scan this QR code to download the app now. Warfare. multiMAN (aka mmCM) is an AIO Homebrew for the PS3 that contains many functions and features for CFW You can format an external or flash drive to NTFS (which doesn't have the 4 gb limit) and use IRISMAN to transfer it to internal, or you can split it by using PS3 ISO Tools to multiMAN only supports PS3 games in folder format, PS1 ISO and encrypted PS2 ISO. To backup the game you need to start multiMAN (under game,) put your game into the PS3, select the game in multiMAN and press triangle and select Backup/Copy. News, updates, apps, and answers regarding PS3 homebrew! start multiman and it should list games for you, Scan this QR code to download the app now. OP. Update Packs v3. Irisman is my go to for transferring PKG games. These games, when loaded, prompt the PS3 to act as if a game disc was inserted, and you have to launch them from the disc icon. It shouldn't be hard to find a football game or LAIR or another old and not-so-good game for less than $5 (LAIR costs £3 pre-owned in GAME stores - a testament to how bad reviews can devaluate a game). It got saved on hdd in a folder called PS3ISO. Drag and drop the files to transfer. 84. It is recommended to use Webman alongside Multiman to mount and launch games more quickly. Install Multiman (link above) if you don’t have it installed or update from your PS3 in Multiman => Update. Nothing bad will happen, the game just won't work until multiman patches the update (assuming the game doesn't actually need the update). Cyan GBATemp's lurking knight. Simplest way for me is while having the game in folder format, make a folder called GAMES in a FAT32 usb flash drive, drop the game folder in it, and then when you go to multiman's file manager, copy and paste the folder of the game you want to have on the internal HDD inside a folder called GAMES in devhdd0. Also keep in mind, if you're using pirated PSN stuff with a "crack" rather than a reactpsn style activation, updating will usually break that. And then lastly (this I just figured out yesterday) if your cover art is not showing up properly you load the game and then do the XMB/game list refresh and it updates. That worked like a charm. I want to know whether it's possible to mount all the multiMAN supports managing AVCHD and BDMV structures, but it doesn't actually PLAY them. What could you do wrong is putting a folder inside the folder and them in the GAMES folder. DCT , I copy this ENGLISH_NTSC_PS3. PKG for OS 3. For Multiman, you need to refresh your games list. 6: ASIA:includes835 covers for games PS3. Log in Cheat Codes Add and Request group The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom cheat codes Neither I have my game folders containing the PS3_GAME and PS3_UPDATE folders . Originally this Homebrew & Game Manager was released on the PS4, but the developer has made a special Christmas Release now bringing the homebrew app for the PS5 PS3 Slim, Multiman 4. Newcomer. Backup manager for PlayStation 3 allows users to copy and manage games, install custom firmware and more. Don't know if the site is no longer in existence, or if there's a viable alternative. Or check it out in the app stores     TOPICS if you use multiman as backup manager to launch games, simply use webman mod as it's more stable and more fast in launching games. 82 and it showed up in Multi man but when I pressed ok to play the game Multi man chrashed and I was back at the ps3 home screen I re opend multiman and tried an original ps3 game but again when I pressed ok the If your PS3 is only using HEN and Multiman it can’t run PS2 games if it’s not backwards compatible. Getting a cheap game like that would solve any problems with disc-less game compatability (at least, the ones that don't require 3. PSX-PS2:includes 451 covers for PS2 Hello, I'm dumping BD collection to the internal hard disk of the PS3, and copying games to my PC as well, for good measure. Here is a multifunctional tool, which includes 8 different display modes (for games, AVCHD and Blu-ray) and File Manager + background running FTP server. 1. 2 CEX or I might have Lots of other settings options in multiman also. 55 (Geohot) Sony PlayStation 3 Home. Rebuild the games list using the Webman mod menu on the XMB, and restart your PS3. Level 1. Or check it out in the app stores I've added over 1,400 games that is the whole PS1 library into an internal 1Tb hard drive and my PS3 won't display all my games in Multiman. If the game takes up more than 4 gigabytes of hard drive space, Multiman will break it into 4 gigabyte portions and put them on the external drive. In the archive, there is I copied them in the cover's folder in multiman through the file manager on the PS3 and named them the just like the game is named (for example BLUS/BLES 02841 or whatever) and they don't work. It mounts them to their proper locations so your PS3 can find/recognize the structures and play them via XMB [Video] tab menu. You can create proper AVCHD structures with various tools and equipment like multiAVCHD, AVCHD Coder, tsMuxeR, AVCHD camcoders. r/ps3piracy. Pack 3 (ASIA):includes 2289 covers for games PS3 Japan, Asia / China, Korea, Hong Kong. For example, PSX games placed in your PSXISO folder will also have their covers saved there, unless it simply cannot (because it doesn't write to NTFS partitions). 1 HFW Can’t transfer games on FAT32 USB Sony PlayStation 3 Cheats. Fig1. I thought it could’ve been something wrong with game files, but the same happened for Uncharted which was in my internal HDD. eminem29 Member. SFB and the folder PS3_GAME keeps putting itself in dev_hdd0 by itself :/ Last edited: Jul 23, 2016 Reply Now my PS3 slim stays constantly at 30% when playing less demanding games and only ramps up its fan when I play AAA games like Uncharted or The Last of Us, to keep the temperature under 70°C. Or check it out in the app stores     TOPICS. This update contains alot of covers in various regions (ASIA-USA-EUR) for PlayStation 3/2/1 Games. 1 on my PS3 to play back up games, I am using multiman 4. Today, marked by the release of 1. Maybe try some cobra CFW like rebug 4. Deanrr has brought us a very important new feature to his popular multiMAN application. It also uses patched system files installed locally with multiMAN. The iso files they go into your “PS3ISO” Scan this QR code to download the app now. 55 signed MultiMAN PKG file for Geohots CFW, PS3 game compatibility for MultiMAN . Reply. Pack 4 (PSX-PS2):includes 1385 covers for PS1 e 2032 covers to PS2. 6X to run). Or check it out in the app stores     TOPICS In the left most tab in Mulitman you’ll find switch to multiman mode which turned PlayStation 2 disc into the game title and allowed me to make an ISO A subreddit dedicated to PS3 game preservation through backups. Gaming. sasw axcvww zoix xecan fxrj hsvtu zsokx mcorhk tida mwqz qkxz atqroy tyl noil pflzc