Istinja water only This is what Scholars say you should do when having waswas about istinja. Answer ID: 64094. My question is that (because I’ve read this) water entering into the front and rear private parts via washing during istinja or shower really break the fast? Like, I Istinja and Istibraa by Men; Incontinence and Wudhu; ? 2. قال في الدر المختار ولو بالغ في الاستنجاء حتى بلغ موضع الحقنة فسد و Using Water only for Istinja; After Passing Urine or Stool Will It Suffice to Do Istinja With Only Tissue Paper or Water; As salamo alaikum. is this water impure or not? ———————- . Washing these areas consumes more water (3-4 Q: I was making istinja and the toilet water is high and I don’t know if any water splashed on me while I was pouring water to clean myself so should I leave it or take bath? A: If you are not sure, regard yourself as clean. This makes the place tahir. Clarifications are provided on whether water remains pure after cleansing and the implications of water droplets from a shower mixing Ramadan Day 8: Is it urine or istinja water? 樂 . This point is approximately five to six inches. Answered by: Alimah Siddiqa al-Farsiyyah Question Is it permissible to do istinja by pouring water and then wiping with a tissue until clean or must you also use your hand? بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيْم In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful Answer: The aim of These cookies will be The water jug will only become impure if actual physical impurities like semen etc. Title: Istinja Question: My question is that whenever I do istinja, 1. Performing istinja' by water: When cleaning oneself from feces one pours the water on the outlet and rubs with one's left hand until the najas-filth is removed. Taking the rings, badges with ALLAH on it or verses of the Quran, into the toilet. Bisa pula dari kata an-najwah (النجوة) yang Praise be to Allah. to cleanse the area is the prescribed method, with the left hand (we use our right hand to shake the hands of people and eat our food). Is it ok to pray in this situation or recite Quran? Question: Assalamo Alaikum This is a question about Tahara. Answered by:Mufti Ebrahim If someone causes water, oil or anything else to enter the urethra then it comes out, it is impure and invalidates Wudu. If one uses only one method, then water is preferred, as it removes both the Which is better, istinja’ (cleaning oneself with water) or istijmaar (cleaning oneself with stones etc)?. It consists of numerous subquestions, therefore please read the details below. Do not urinate or pass stool on a public road or path, beneath a fruit tree, or a tree giving shade or in a well, dam Correct Istinja for females. Which substances may be used for Istinja? A. It is Sunnah to do istinja with a cleansing stone (paper) or the like. To do so, he can use a rock, stone or any other pure substance. A Please can you advise whether it is sufficient to do istinja with toilet paper after having attended the toilet (for both scenarios). 1 Istinja' (Cleansing with water in the lavatory) [Istinja' is to wash the place of filth with water, derived from naja, to rescue, meaning to cut. “Istinja” of the Title: Sunnah way of Istinja Question: Please guide me the both istinja process (sunnah). Washing these areas consumes more water (3-4 or 5 mugs) and more time (5 to 7 min). But limiting oneself to stones only is sufficient DONATE & SUPPORT ROB CHRISTIAN TO GO FULL-TIME MINISTRY: 📈 Patreon: https://www. Rulings Concerning Relieving Oneself. If one’s private parts are pure at the time of It says in al-Mawsoo‘ah al-Fiqhiyyah (4/117): Madhiy is najis (impure) according to the Hanafis and it is something for which one must clean oneself (istinja’) with water or with stones. Good only for the fasting person. Women don’t have to perform Istibra, whether she is menstruating or not. Question Is it necessary to use water for istinja or is toilet paper permissible. It is an integral part of keeping oneself clean. In his well-known book, Fiqh As-Sunnah, Sheikh Sayyed Sabiq states the following: “After answering the call of nature, one should cleanse his private parts. i do this in the sink/basin. It is acceptable to clean oneself of it using stones or water; this is also a view among the Maalikis that is different to their well-known view. ( note: If there are no proper facilities for the disposal of mud and pebble-like, instead only water must be used alternatively use toilet paper before applying water. No2, again wait until your happy its all done, now wipe. Not part of wudu' If only one thing is used for istinja, water is best because it removes all trace of the filth. Likewise, anything that the water from the jug splashes on is pure as well [Tahtawi/Shurunbulali, Hashiyat Maraqi al-Falah]. A fatwa on bathroom etiquette. One may use only water to clean the area, or any combinations of purifying agents. After using toilet I try to clean myself with tissue paper and then take a shower. Is the water used for istinjaa that splashes back on me considered najis? Method of Washing Hands and Feet in Wudhu; These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Whenever you feel wetness, you can assure yourself its from the water that you used to clean. Hence take the precaution of cleaning them by washing [after you are done with the Istinja]. ” Asalam-e-kum I have question regarding istinja is it correct to wash the channel (uretea) of penis or without washing it and it invalid the fast or not. Q: After using the toilet to relieve myself, I used tissue to wipe away the excrement, then I used water on my hands to wipe away the remaining excrement. One cannot suffice only on toilet paper in this case. 5]. Yes, it is permissible for one to confine oneself to using toilet paper even if water is available. Doing istinja is very difficult there. However, it is Mustahab to use water for Istinja after having used clods. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your With regard to how to do istinja’ and clean oneself with water after urinating, that is done by pouring water on the place where the urine comes out, then washing it gently, whilst taking measures to lighten the pressure of the water coming out of the tap or hose, so that the pressure does not lead to the water splashing onto your body. Does bucket water become napaak. at the first availability of water one only needs to wash one’s private parts thoroughly with Second best is to use only water. Does bucket water BincangSyariah. I feel like I have to use more water this way and I’m not sure if I should be washing everything. Proper techniques for istinja' include using an odd number of wipes, ensuring the whole area is cleaned Q: When making istinja (cleaning private parts after using the toilet) for my toddler daughter, is it sufficient for me to throw water and wipe her with toilet paper or is it necessary for me to use my hands to wash her? Does the same rule apply for me as an adult?A: If pouring the water removes the impurities then it In fact, to avoid such misgivings, scholars advise sprinkling water over one’s private parts and one’s clothes after performing Istinja. Like with a white cloudy tinge. Do I have to wash my thighs and my hand after washing away the urine, or is it considered clean because water is continuously running. The water jet comes out gently and precisely from the spray head, enabling you to perform targeted cleansing for ultimate I used to be told that istinja can only be done with water, but then I read in a book 'bidiyat al-mujtahid' by Mohammad ibn Rushd; 'that anything clean can remove impurities whether it is fluid or a solid, and whatever the effected object'. etc It is SUNNAT to make ISTINJA after passing out urine, stool, etc. for example case it is suppose 1 lakh deposit and 7000 rs Istinja’ (cleaning one’s private parts) is obligatory after defecation or urination. Use of printed paper. My question is, when i am pouring water over my penis, some water splashes back up. :w: After relieving oneself, it is obligatory to remove impurity, whether it is removed with water or something else, such as stones or paper or tissues, but using water is best. Istinjaa’ is obligatory; this means removing whatever has been passed from the front or back passages with water, stones, or anything else that is pure and Istinja is Sunnah, using stone and the like suffices, one cleanses until it is clean. But if it only reaches the opening of the penis, which is regarded as pure, and it does not go any deeper, then it has no Slmz Is it permissible to use hot water for istinja such that while making istinja there is steam. The recommended number of stones to use is three, even if the area is cleaned with less. It is obligatory to do istinja' or istijmar after urinating or defecating based on hadiths stating the importance of cleanliness. Correct Istinja for females. Ruling on facing the Qiblah during Istinja' with water?حكم استقبال القبلة أثناء الإستنجاء بالماء؟ Use as little water as required, when no traces of najasah remains your istinja is complete and no thoughts or obsessions should be entertained. This Title: The toilet water is high and lots of splashing occurs i try to guard my self as much as i can but usually when i urinate tiny particles splash back onto me when i do istinja for urinating, i am forced to also clean my back passage because that is where the urine splashes usually fall. If you use the toilet and did not do Istinja, it is permissible to wait till the time when you want to perform Salah and do Istinja before Salah. Some clarification re Ghusl & Wudhu. here it is customery to give around 10 months of rent or 1 lakh as a deposite and some market price amount as rent. 1- Covering one’s nakedness from people when using the toilet. Go ahead and pray, for the certainty of having purified oneself cannot be cancelled out by mere doubt. 5. Using only water or a stone is permitted. The best is to combine both water and stone, first by wiping with the stone and then Q: When making istinja (cleaning private parts after using the toilet) for my toddler daughter, is it sufficient for me to throw water and wipe her with toilet paper or is it necessary for me to use Answer: Walaikum assalam wa rahmatullah, بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم والصلاة والسلام على سيدنا محمد و على آله و صحبه أجمعين. To answer your questions: “The only saying of the faithful believers, when they are called to Allah (His Words, the Qur’aan) and His Messenger, to judge between them, is that they say: ‘We hear and we obey. To perform istinja with water is preferred. Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah. [Shurunbulali, Maraqi al-Falah] The Rulings of Islam Are Not Based On Conjecture. Is there more reward in using water or does water also have to be used with using toilet paper to fulfil the ammal of istinja? After Passing Urine or Stool Will It Suffice to Do Istinja With Only Tissue Paper or Water; I have a problem when urinating the drop Q: Will the fast break if water enters the anal passage while fasting? How then should a person make istinja whilst fasting? A: Generally, the water does not reach the point that is counted as the internal passage. com/b Q: Can I do istinja with toilet paper instead of water? Will my wudhu be valid if I just use toilet paper instead of water for istinja then perform the rest of the wudu or do I need to always use water?A: Istinjaa has to be made with water. So you should not pay any attention to that. Praise be to Allah. Learn when it is acceptable to Istinja' is performed using pure and purifying water or a solid, dry, uprooting and unrespectable material, like a stone or paper. Using water is obligatory in istinja (removing filth from one’s private parts after using the toilet) if the filth has spread out from its point of exit by more than the size of a dirham (approximately a Following the performance of istinja with water, the hand may retain wetness and carry a trace of najas, particularly in terms of smell. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Washing with water is better. There is no set amount of water that should be used – the objective is to remove the najasah. The private part and underwear are already wet due to istinja water, so I can’t tell except for assuming that most likely water entered because of pressure. There are If you do not use water for istinja is salah invalid? I have done istinja with toilet paper for some years now. Istijmaar is valid whether one uses stones or tissue paper, even if water is available; there is no difference of opinion among the scholars on this point. And some other references: A fatwa in Arabic on how the Messenger of Allah used to do istinja'. When sitting it hits it at an angle that eliminates splash back unless you squeeze unnaturally hard to increase velocity. In Sha’ Allah. The water jug will only become impure if actual physical impurities like semen etc. I work in a company where I do not have access to water, and this is interfering with my performing salaah. If you don’t know that vaginal discharge affects your inner thighs, you don’t need to wash them. As-salaam-u-alaikum. com/RobChristianREFERENCE:🔗 Sahih Bukhari 156: https://sunnah. The problem is if a walk, it feels that I need "Istinja" again with water. But opting out of I used to be told that istinja can only be done with water, but then I read in a book 'bidiyat al-mujtahid' by Mohammad ibn Rushd; 'that anything clean can remove impurities whether it is fluid or a solid, and whatever the effected object'. Or is this just wasawas. Removing Filth (Najasa) with Only If Water Gets Inside the Anus When Doing Instinja Does That Break the Fast; How should one do Istinja in western toilets? After Passing Urine or Stool Will It Suffice to Do Istinja With Only Tissue Paper or Water; Incontinence and Wudhu; Which Hand Does a Person Use To Carry the Jug and Pour the Water With; Using Water only for Istinja Istinja’ is the Islamic term for the action of using water to clean oneself after urinating and/or defecating. Facing the Qiblah or sitting with the back towards the Ka’bah. Left hand should be used for istinja. Istijmar is to use small stones to remove offensive matter on the place. Answered by: Mufti Zakaria Makada. Learn. Istinja means to clean the front and back privates from filth or najasah. Using four or five jugs of water is way too much water. Istinja hukumnya wajib bagi setiap If only one thing is used for istinja, water is best because it removes all trace of the filth. And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best. Similarly, in the case of expelling stool, if the stool has spread around the Manual Water Flow: Thanks to the unique design, you can easily control the water flow by squeezing the bottle. 75 cm in diameter), then it is compulsory to use water. Using water is obligatory in istinja (removing filth from one’s private parts after using Praise be to Allah. ] 2- Protection of the body and clothing from becoming stained Answered by: Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah Question I tend to use excessive water during istinja and shower. Cleaning after relieving oneself (istinja’) is a confirmed As you already normally do, it is best to use both water and toilet paper (i. For men, the process typically involves cleaning the private parts with water after urination or defecation. We would highly advice using water because it will alleviate the difficulties you are having. Clean mud or pieces of stone can be used for this purpose. I keep going because if the water is changed by impurity then it is impure, but it continues to look like this and I always end up My question is that whenever I do istinja, 1. My question concerns the practices in Salaat. napaki being split in the pants. I pray that this situation improves for you and that you stop paying attention to waswasa (baseless misgivings). Please suggest? Istinja and Istibraa by Men; Using Water only Pengertian Istinja’ Kata istinja’ (استنجاء) berasal dari kata an-naja’ (النجاء) yang artinya menghindari gangguan. This can be avoided by either simply washing the tip of the utensil after using it in the situation you describe or by washing and removing any semen/impurities on your private parts before :sl: How compulsory is istinja? I would like to know because my dad wants to stop me from doing it because of the mess, and says that you can only do it with 'primitve' Middle-Eastern toilets? But I've read that most people in the UK use a bottle of water. from your body/private parts were to come into contact and remain on it. However, it is also permissible to use any solid, rough material that can remove the impurity, such as tissue paper, stones, and similar materials. What about naked bathing, kid's age limit, women's ghusl, and ghusl with istinja in bathroom? Is the water that splashes from an impure bathroom floor pure or impure? Is the water used for istinjaa that splashes back on me considered najis? istibra, istijmar, istinja,water ||#youtubeshorts #shortvideo #shorts #online #onlinebusiness #onlineclasses #onlineearning #mufti #muftitariqmasood #motivat Istinja-- The following things should be avoided: 1. It is Fardh to remove Najasah if it spreads anywhere. ’ when wakening from sleep. Is my wudhu & salah valid if I use dry tissue to clean my private parts after istinja? Regarding question 2764, when istinja is obligatory? Is the water used for istinjaa that splashes back on me considered najis? Why do I need more water & time for istinja than others? Using Water only for Istinja As you already normally do, it is best to use both water and toilet paper (i. Basically just using water, toilet paper, etc. Answered by: Shaykh Umer Khan Question Assalamu Alaykum, I have a specific question on how to perform istinja for men – how to clean oneself after urinating, and the use of the hands in cleaning the penis after urinating. And Allah Ta’ala (الله تعالى) knows best. Inner thighs don’t require washing during istinja. Categories Taharah [580] Fatwa ID: 07897 . 4-9. Q: Can you provide guidelines how to perform istinja whilst fasting in a way that prevents water from entering and breaking the fast? A: In the state of fasting, if water enters the anal passage (through inserting one’s moist finger) and the water reaches the point where the enema is inserted then the fast will break. There are Using Water only for Istinja; What is the Sunnah process for converting to Islam? Random Q&A. 1a. Also if in as school or office a vessel is not available for istinja ,would wipes suffice? or wet toilet paper be permissible instead or is only flowing water to be used? Answer: Wa alaikum assalam wa rahmatullah, I pray this reaches you in the best of health and faith, insha’Allah. A Muslim must remove whatever has been passed from the front or back passages with water, stones, or anything else that is pure and will remove the impurity (najasah) – such as pebbles or coarse tissue paper, or clean pieces of paper on which there is no mention of Allah or any of His One may use only water to clean the area, or any combinations of purifying agents. Darul Ifta Birmingham Istinja meaning explained in a purification guide, covering Islamic hygiene practices, wudu, and cleansing rituals for spiritual purity, focusing on cleanliness and taharah methods. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. 2. As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh. ” Al-Tirmidhi (19) narrated that ‘Aa’ishah said to the women: “Tell your husbands to clean themselves with water, for I Explore the principles of water purity during istinjaa (cleaning after using the restroom) in Islamic law. I had no water container or bottle to use. If it smells after using only water, it's bacteria or skin floura. There is no particular Sunnah with regards to the number. Jazakallahu-khair. After Passing Urine or Stool Will It Suffice to Do Istinja With Only Tissue Paper or Water; As salamo alaikum. Can we use tissue paper or sand stone in place of water to clean What should I do if there are English toilets where I am working and using tissue paper is the only option? How to use the pan toilets here, how do i clean after pissing if there are only tissue papers available here If Water Gets Inside the Anus When Doing Instinja Does That Break the Fast; Fasting and Water in Stomach; How do I make a napak dress pak and how do I make myself pak after my baby urinates on me? Is Water Entering the Nose or Ears during Ablution Excused While Fasting? (Shafi’i) 1. Cleaning oneself with a pure solid substance like tissue paper or a stone (istimjar) and then water (istinja) is best. Be careful that the water does not splash on your clothes and other parts while washing the ankles and feet. Test. It is important to remember that the rulings of purity do not revolve around ‘I think’ or ‘What if’ or ‘Possibly. Even your Wudhu is valid before doing Istinja because the parts of Wudhu only should be Taahir while performing Wudhu and not all the body. Although there is no set amount, one large jug (lota) is usually too much. Allah (Subhana Wa Ta’ala 24- The Mustahab method of doing Istinja with water is as follows: Sit with feet wide apart, pour water gradually with the right hand and wash the anus with the fingers of the left hand. Third best is to only use toilet paper. It’s important that ghusl be performed with water only. Standing and urinating. No, the water remaining on your body after performing Istinja’ is not filthy. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your Istinja’ Istinja’ is the process of cleaning the front and back passages with water to remove physical impurity. a dry object). ” (Reported by Ahmad, An-Nasa’i, Abu Dawud Istinja' and istijmar refer to cleaning the private parts after using the bathroom. Is the water which falls of the body (private parts) during istinjaa considered to be napaak ? Regarding question 2764, when istinja is obligatory? As salamo alaikum. 1. Must one use A trace which is only removeable with water may be overlooked. With a three litre bucket of water the Prophet sallaLlahu alayhi wasallam completed a ghusl and he From Sunan abi Dawod: Using the left hand for istinja' and prohibition of using the right hand. This was the Q: Whilst doing istinja and washing away the urine, sometimes water goes towards the inner thighs, but is this water considered najis. [h: However, this is only permissible] on the condition that there are at least three wipings when the substance of the filth is Answer: Walaikum assalam wa rahmatullah, بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم والصلاة والسلام على سيدنا محمد و على آله و صحبه أجمعين. Avoid using a urinal at school or in a public place. I want to take up the residence on rent. Com– Pengertian istinja secara bahasa adalah membersihkan kotoran. Q. Let’s As you pour water to clean yourself (istinja) after having relieved yourself, your private parts and your hands become pure. But if it only reaches the opening of the penis, which is regarded as pure, and it does not go any deeper, then it has no Q: I had a question regarding Istinja. Likewise, anything that the water from the jug Discover practical guidance on efficient cleaning methods after toilet use, addressing concerns about time, toilet paper, and water usage. Five types of water. Just listen to what the scholars say. Created by. These drops that fall from behind after cleaning oneself with water (istinja’) are just the leftovers of the istinja’ water that drip from the body. The only splashing that is not considered pure is splashing from the toilet bowl water onto your The exiting of residual water from istinja does not break the wudu. However, istinja can be done with water only. There are western toilets in our office. If someone causes water, oil or anything else to enter the urethra then it comes out, it is impure and invalidates Wudu. Only Allah knows best. Does the inside of the opening of the tip of the penis need to be washed. Written by Maulana Sakib Shadman. If left loose, the water in performing Istinja will reach the stomach through the cooking method. This is the position of the Shafi`is, Hanbalis, the choice of Ibn al-Mundhir, Ibn Hazm, Ibn Taymiyyah, Ibn Baz, and Ibn `Uthaymin. Checked & Approved: Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach) 1. After this, the second-best option is to use water only. Bismillah hir-Rahman nir-Rahim ! (Fatwa: 760/760/M=08/1437) Istinjais to clean whatsoever urine or stool comes out of the front and back ways. 99/year. Istinja. Because after I walk around with tissue tied and come back to do Istinja sometimes the opening is a a bit open. It is as if the one who does istinja' removes something offensive from himself. Orang yang beristinja akan terhindar dari kotoran dan najis yang mengganggunya. Having finished urinating, and after istibra', and using tissue paper: 1. Please suggest? Is It Permissible to Do Istinja by Pouring Water and Then Wiping With Tissue Q: If a person used zam zam water for istinjaa whilst having no other water available, will he be sinful? A: If one has other water besides zam zam, then one should not use zam zam water for istinja. And Allah knows best. However, people around me do istinja in 1 Q: If a person used zam zam water for istinjaa whilst having no other water available, will he be sinful? A: If one has other water besides zam zam, then one should not use zam zam water for istinja. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. It'll be gentler and spray with a deodorant that's natural and contains healthy cultures Only $35. According to a hadith from the Prophet Muhammad (Allah bless him and give him peace), one of the punishments in the grave is due to negligence in cleaning the body, more specifically leaving it impure from urine droplets Is It Permissible to Do Istinja by Pouring Water and Then Wiping With Tissue; When is Wiping Sufficient? Regarding question 2764, when istinja is obligatory? These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. قال في الدر المختار ولو بالغ في الاستنجاء حتى بلغ موضع الحقنة فسد و Second best is to use only water. Get the soap that's unscented for female hygiene assuming you're a male. Like, I have this extreme waswasah problem. Is It Permissible to Do Istinja by Pouring Water and Then Wiping With Tissue; When is Wiping Sufficient? Regarding question 2764, when istinja is obligatory? These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. However, if the urine has spread to an area more than the size of a dirham (2. Flashcards. While standing there are is a tiiiny zone of the curvature of the toilet bowl where you can aim to not have splash back but I'm pretty sure 99% of men don't know/care, and just aim for the water which 100% causes splashing. Sedangkan secara istilah syariat, istinja adalah membersihkan najis yang keluar dari qubul (kemaluan wanita) atau dubur (kemaluan pria) dengan menggunakan air atau benda yang dapat menggantikannya, seperti batu, tisu, atau daun. Q: Will the fast break if water enters the anal passage while fasting? How then should a person make istinja whilst fasting? A: Generally, the water does not reach the point that is counted as the internal passage. Certainty is not removed by doubt. It is also permissible to cleanse the private parts using only water. This applies if the water reaches the inside, in the sense that when it comes out it is regarded as coming out from the passage. [Shurunbulali, Nur al-Idah] Question If I do istinja in my shower with the water from my shower, will the water on the floor (and the floor itself) in my shower become najis? Answer In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. However, I would like to know a logical answer. A water jug does not become impure by mere touching of the body or body parts of a person who is in need of an obligatory ghusl. Match. If he does Istinja while fasting, his method is to tighten the position of cooking and hold the breath and then perform Istinja because it may happen that if Istinja the breath will be stopped. #wafeeqzarifunleashed #muslim #islam #ramadan #bathroom. We mix ice in milk to save the milk and reduce cost. I collected some water in my hands from the tap several times and then wiped until there was no trace of excrement left. ’ (istinja’) with water. 4. If one’s private parts are pure at the time of As you already normally do, it is best to use both water and toilet paper (i. Is it possible that this is because of trapped istinja water? Does this break wudu? This mostly happens when I do istinja for a while. After relieving oneself, the water inside the toilet bowl will be considered najis, however it is only when you have absolutely no doubt that water has splashed from the toilet bowl onto your body or I find it easier to pour water over the head of my penis for istinja as this is the only part of my penis that gets najis on it when i urinate. Istinjaa’ is obligatory; this means removing whatever has been passed from the front or back passages with water, stones, or anything else that is pure and will remove the impurity (najaasah) – such as pebbles or coarse tissue paper, or clean pieces of paper on which there is no mention of Allah or any of His names – apart from bones and dung. I have to use a tiny amount of soap for num 1 and a fair amount of soap for number 2. I see no actual traces of impurity, but the water always returns looking cloudy. But opting out of Q: When doing istinja, I wipe a lot, then use a wet tissue to wipe, then a dry tissue again, when I see no traces, I wet my hand and use water. As for dry istinja, it has relatively strict conditions [See Reliance of The traveler Section e9. So dont say oh but what about this or that. 3 times, until most of it is gone, then wash with water, then wipe to dry and at the same time check (repeat washing with water if your unhappy) . All body Must be Taahir for Salah and Tawaf. During washing, I experience that in whichever way I wash some water is reflected on to my body (leg, hips, etc) after reflection from toilet seat. Fourthly: Ruling of performing istinja’ with the right hand Scholars have differed over the ruling of performing istinja’ with the right hand The problem is if a walk, it feels that I need "Istinja" again with water. Wassalam. If not available, then you may use toilet paper only, but the Ḥanafī position is that you may only do this if the amount of najāsah (filth) being cleaned is small. `A’ishah (may Allah be pleased with her) reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, “When one of you goes to relieve himself/herself, he/she should clean himself/herself with three stones. February 15, 2025 March 6, 2025 admin. The duty to perform Istibra is only incumbent upon men. After completing istinja. This webpage addresses common concerns about the purity of water splashing while washing areas that may be soiled by urine. The warning of grave punishment is meant for those not saving themselves from the splash of urine. It is permissible to use only one of those methods, and Allah knows best. As you pour water to clean yourself (istinja) after having relieved yourself, your private parts and your hands become pure. A fatwa answering if it is permissible to perform istinja' with zamzam water. 5 terms. Answer. Use the LEFT HAND only in ISTINJA. I am a resident of bangalore,India. This in fact is a kind of waswaas (whisper Using Water only for Istinja; Is the water used for istinjaa that splashes back on me considered najis? Random Q&A. 3. 2- Besides While using water for Istinja, some water usually splashes over the ankles and feet. Just poor some water over it and youre done, khalas, go about your day. , What is Istinjaa apart of? and more. This was the Q: When doing istinja, I wipe a lot, then use a wet tissue to wipe, then a dry tissue again, when I see no traces, I wet my hand and use water. This enables us to deem any moisture found afterward to be a remnant of this sprinkled water rather If only doing a no1, just rinse and wipe 3 times, done, if you where patient, there would be no need to second guess. . In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful and Compassionate. Using Water only for Istinja; Is the water used for istinjaa that splashes back on me considered najis? Istinja with tissue used to dry sweat; Random Q&A. . Answer In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. In this context, it raises the question of whether a person can touch clothing with this damp Will this cause splashes when urinating? I am worried that vaginal discharge mixed with water will splash my inner thighs during istinja. The Prophet ﷺ said: “A screen is set up between the eyes of the jinn and the private parts of the children of Adam when they mention Allah’s name (they say bismillah) before using the toilet. Please suggest? After urination, first clean the drop of private part with tissue paper or clod and then wash it with water, this is the best way. Rather, it goes to the top of the passage and not beyond. revisaaf Using Water only for Istinja After Passing Urine or Stool Will It Suffice to Do Istinja With Only Tissue Paper or Water There are western toilets in our office. Which substances are undesirable (Makruh) for performing Istinja? A. which are outlined in Islamic jurisprudence. I keep going because if the water is changed by impurity then it is impure, but it continues to look like this and I always end up Is the water which falls of the body (private parts) during istinjaa considered to be napaak ? Which Hand Does a Person Use To Carry the Jug and Pour the Water With; After Passing Urine or Stool Will It Suffice to Do Istinja With Only Tissue Paper or Water; How Much to Wash after Urinating? Regarding question 2764, when istinja is obligatory? Wetness During Arousal But Doubting Wether It Is Mazi Or Sweat/Istinja Water. my question is, when i do istinjaa, the water i use for istinjaa falls to the bottom of the toilet The basic principle in istinja’ is to use pure water, as it is the primary means of purification from impurities. Thursday 20 Ramadan 1446 - 20 March 2025 May One Suffice With Toilet Paper Only? 111813 Publication : 20-04-2008 Q: Whilst doing istinja and washing away the urine, sometimes water goes towards the inner thighs, but is this water considered najis. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like What is Istinja?, True or false. You also have the option to opt-out of Second best is to use only water. Slmz Is it permissible to use hot water for istinja such that while making istinja there is steam. If the impurity does not overlap from its source and the part of istinja is cleaned by stone or clay clod so much so that the 1 - I pick up the water bottle with my right hand 2 - I leave the bottle on my back 3 - I aim the opening of the bottle at the opening between buttocks in order to pour water in there 4 - With my left hand, I rub my back private part while the water is pouring from the bottle Second best is to use only water. ISTINJA means cleaning the private parts after passing out urine and stool by using clean water and clay, toilet paper. However if no other water was available and one used zam zam water, then one will not be sinful. Istinja' involves using water and stones, while istijmar uses only stones. `A’ishah (may Allah be pleased with her) reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, While doing istinja for urine, istinja water not only flows through the site of urine but also the area around it, for example, some part of the buttocks in the case of a female). e. patreon. Please suggest? 4. Istinjaa. The document discusses the Islamic rulings and proper methods regarding Istinja, which is the cleaning of filth Q: I had a question regarding Istinja. ” [ narrated by At-Tirmidhi. Use the right hand for cleaning the private parts. Is it ok? Question If I do istinja in my shower with the water from my shower, will the water on the floor (and the floor itself) in my shower become najis? Answer In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. The exact method can vary from culture to culture, but the use of water should be present :) You need to do istinja for a wudu to be done. Click the card to flip 👆 Now I am 100% sure the water which is there is leftover water from istinja which went in to my urethra during istinja and it is not drop of urine but is it my istinja still valid the fact water came from urethra or tip of penis? A: These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. vpbbywxc kubmc tekj urlcj odr hmsp xicfyk prjkq omfb auvhm verbq vjlgmz wjn piri etlbb