Digimon veemon and gatomon fanfiction. "Are you okay?" Veemon asked and she nodded.
Digimon veemon and gatomon fanfiction "Way to go Romeo! Veemon and Gatomon sitting in a tree K-I-S-S" Davis began teasingly causing both digimon to blush, he would have continued but Ken quickly silenced him with a kiss causing Veemon to chuckle. It's beautiful. Already Digidestineds were sending gifts. " Ash angrily added. Digi-birth by xxAngelxx03 reviews Emperor Digimon (Ken): He will appear too as a minor villain to antagonize the bearers of hope and light. " she thought. " said TK. His butterflies In the near future, society has become more connected than ever, thanks to Cyberspace EDEN. Veemon took Gatomon's hand as he pulled her over to the tree and sat down. "And Veemon," said Davis while grasping Veemon's shoulders. "Veemon!" cried Davis as he ran towards his partner and picked him up. " yolie said. Veemon, Armadillomon and Hawkmon all appeared, each with a sort of mysterious look on their faces. Take my jacket. He now realized that he lost Gatomon forever now, since she was pregnant with Patamon's baby. Mom was there to answer it at the time so she answered it. " He continued. "What kind of Digimon was he?" Davis, Veemon, Kari and Gatomon shifted uneasily. "They been gone for 15 min. "Ohhhveemon that was awesome. Patamon and Gatomon looked at one another than Gatomon gave a smile "Poromon is probably right its only been a half month he still has a lot he wants to know and try lets give him his space for now, when he is ready he will go back to being the same old goofy, clumsy, hungry Veemon. " Gatomon said with a smile as she turned to face him, remaining close to the Digimon of Courage and Friendship, before, much to the surprise of everyone present, especially Kari and Veemon, Gatomon leaned forward and gave the V marked Digimon a quick kiss on the cheek. Man gatomon would kill me if she found out that I probably took a picture her kissing veemon. Gatomon jumped at Veemon and wrapped her arms around his neck. " said the Dark Being while disappearing through a pool of black liquid at his feet. Focus: Anime/Manga Digimon, Since: 02-02-11. "You should know this: I'm your friend. "My phone. The two of them were holding hands as they walked around. Gatomon, Veemon, and patamon was coming down the hall holding Gatomon joked licking Veemon's cheek seductively causing him to blush as the others came through, Davis whistling. He jumped down from Davis's shuddering grasp, in front of her. At dinner everyone was eating their food and sharing stories, well every one but Veemon. There was party music that played in the background, Calumon was grabbing a handful of pretzels while him and Gabumon were playing on his Playstation. In midair he turned back to Veemon and landed on the ground with a grunt. And while she remained with a small smile on her face, Gatomon found it sweet to see Veemon getting along so well with the young Digimon. Veemon nods as the two digimon left with Davis landary. Veemon and Gatomon: It Started With a Dream. V-mon was little digimon as well 9/23/2011 #14: Lord Pata. "Gatomon, its veemon! Would you like him to come in?" she asked. "So it is the truth, gatomon does like veemon. I'll just call her name lightly. Another fan fic in my V + G series, but this time it is solely VeeGato. Tai, Kari and Davis found themselves a big party. They had both realized that the crystal on the Legacy Blade was the exact same color as Gatomon's eyes. Gatomon nodded and said, "We are two angels, meant to be together. A white armoured Digimon approached him from behind. She didn't see it until it was too late. In many fanfictions, the love between Veemon and Gatomon is a central theme. But being the selfless Digimon he was, Veemon removed his member from Biyomon, much to her disappointment, where she then heard Gatomon moan and looked to see Veemon had inserted it back into the feline's snatch. Cutting to an orange cream coloured Digimon, he was hearing the trainer on the small TV he faced, his window was open feeling the fresh breeze as Patamon, after doing pushups, got up to stretch on a cute little It wasn't until after a moment did Gatomon smile at Veemon and nod her head, getting into position but then dropped it when Veemon told her to wait, wanting to play a song before they started. She Join Y/N as she leads the new digi destined to save the digiworld from evil. " Gatomon begged, gently shaking the Digimon of Miracles, who groaned, slowly opened his eyes and smiled when he saw the feline Digimon. In a dark field full of Control Spires, the Digimon Emperor rode atop a controlled Devidramon, followed up by two Airdramon. Complete. "What! Oh uhhh, yes I'll have some dessert! Extra whipped topping, please!" Gatomon giggled and shook her head. veemon said. " He shouted as a big yellow energy orb shot out of his body deleting Boltmon intact when the energy vanished Magnamon went down to the ground as he tuned back into Veemon and the Golden Digi-Egg went back into Davis' D-Terminal. "Veemon!" "How s-" Gatomon kissed him before he could finish his sentence and veemon, of course, was off guard but quickly sunk into the kiss. "What do you want? Can't you see I am enjoying myself here?!" Etemon snapped. Veemon went no longer blushing but sulking. " Gatomon said in a submissive tone, before she kissed Veemon on his left cheek. "You don't have to do that Veemon. After all, Davis still loved Kari, and Veemon still loved Gatomon. A screen before them flickered on and they saw Veamon, Gammamon, Gumdramon and Guilmon approaching the front door of the base. "Thunder Javelin!" "The Digimon Emperor uses these powerful Dark Rings to control the Digimon. "Nooo. However, one youth's life is changed forever when an old trading card mickey Mouse one shot, But Version digimon. Energy sprinkles downwards. "What about you two?" Gatomon asked. Founder: OneLonelyPickle - Stories: 0 - Followers: 1 - id: 89376 Just your run of the mill VeeGato board. "What do you want to ride now?" Veemon asked Gatomon. "Well I am Agumon and these are my teammates, Gabumon, Biyomon, Patamon, Gatomon, Veemon, Wormmon, Guilmon, Terriermon, Renamon, Impmon, Agunimon, Kazemon, Lobomon, Agumon, Gaomon, Rhythm, Shoutmon, Dorulumon and Gumdramon. She walked over to see gatomon had veemon pinned to the wall kissing him. "Here Gatomon. The Digidestined arrived at the central room. He wasnt so sure if he LIKED this new nickname she gave him. Seth (OC): A young man of 18 old years, light brown skin, yellow eyes, black hair. "Greetings Digimon and Kingdom Hearts crossover fanfiction archive with over 48 stories. "This it, veemon! Game over!" Not too far away, Davis and Veemon were following Kari and Gatomon. As Gatomon was about to attack Gabumon, Veemon jumped over and punched the cat in the jaw making her hiss as she then dnaced away from the dragon. So they where shocked when Gatomon almost knocked Veemon off his feet as she charged into his chest, hugging him tightly and crying "Oh, Gatomon. "Ahh!" Lady Devimon moaned, throwing her hands up to her face. " Pikachu said. "Pika. She tipped toed to gatomon and whispered"gatomon". BOTTLED UP FEELINGS. They walked over to a table not far from gatomon and patamon but out of site. 9 PM, Veemon had got hard again, and Gatomon took his second pump in her mouth. She moved her hand slightly,"You are going to pay for that!" She grabbed Gatomon and through her into the wall. They floated slowly on the floor and continued to kiss. "Geez, this is likewell trying to find a wondering cat Gatomon pounced at Veemon from the ground, only for Veemon to go on his back and use his feet to push Gatomon to the air, with no trouble at all. Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Humor - Tailmon/Gatomon, V-mon/Veemon - Chapters: 23 - Words: 31,864 - Reviews: Veemon walked for miles to try and find gatomon, he was litterly getting tired of looking. One time Veemon even asked Gatomon to teach him how to dance in her dance class when he had come to pick her up, the class was already over with and everyone was gone for the day, so they had the whole floor to themselves. Davis Phone went off Davis blinked as he read said text that was sent. She can control other digimon just by looking into their eyes. She jumped up and punched Lady Devimon in the face. "We'll just waste time talking about it. After helping Kari compose herself, the four headed outside, where they saw a small group of Digimon, including a trio of LadyDevimon and a Baalmon, smirking at them, before they parted, allowing their Mistress to walk in front of them, causing Davis, Kari, Veemon and Gatomon to sweat a little as they realized who this was. " Veemon unzipped his coat and placed it on Gatomon. They scanned the room and found a familiar blue Digimon facing away from them at the center. Their anger getting the better of them, Veemon and Gatomon struck ahead, only finding their attacks to be pointless as both Digimon passed through the shadow form, the sight of their failure made the vampiric The first was a blue dragon-like Digimon. "Did I make the most of loving Veemon and Gatomon, for the past few days, have been hanging out, doing whatever came to mind. "Im glad your here Veemon, i need to talk to you. The digimon couldn't take their eyes off of them, it looked really good. "Veemon, why aren't you eating? I made your favorite food tonight. But the ones who is wondering what does patamon wants to ask to gatomon will appear in this chapter. "I know. "What do you need that for?" Veemon asked looking sceptical. After that he sheathed his sword and turned to face Gatomon. Gatomon said laughing. "Good. If it was him Gatomon and some friends then he wouldn't be as nervous, but if it was just him and Gatomon. "There, there, its okay, that's all in the past now He beagn enumerating the Dark Being's powers according to Veemon. "Oh-" Nekomon put her paw on blackgatomon's mouth to muffle her. "Not bad for a gecko. Veemon and gatomon went immediately to the digital world, realizing that mom may not take care of their baby. By: Cuteveemon. "Thank goodness. "What was that?" veemon wondered. " Gatomon said Gatomon smiled and agreed with agumon, he was sorta right. Disclaimer: I do not own Digimon Adventure 02 or Digimon frontier any images, if I did th "Gatomon the truth is that I-"but he never finished. "Got them" Veemon said throwing the keys in the air and catching them. And it was shocking, Love between gatomon and veemon finally connected and Holding a pair of gleaming green eyes, accompanied by dark smiles on their faces, the wicked Digimon stared down the Veemon and the others with further malice. " Veemon growled as he prepared himself to fight, the emotions shared by Hawkmon and Armadillomon, who moved to guard the Digidestined behind them. Inspired by Sonimon's "For The Love of a Gatomon". " he replied. " gatomon said, smiling. " Davis said. Seething with hatred, not even bothering with a parting shot at the others, Ken jumped on the Airdramon's head as it flew back out of the factory. Glad to see him, Davis was about to approach Veemon, but stopped when he noticed his partner wasn't alone, leaving the leader of the younger Digidestined at a loss for words when he saw Gatomon walk to Veemon on all fours and began to rub her head against Veemon's chest, making the Digimon of Miracles smile as he stroked her back, causing the To the voice, Davis, Veemon, Kari and Gatomon looked upward and saw what appeared to be a Meramon solely made of blue flames looking down from the edge of the crater with a sly smirk upon his face. "You never know. "Gotcha!" Veemon stopped and jumped backwards over gatomon and ran into a alley! Gatomon stopped and thought:"What the? How he?" Gatomon sprinted to where veemon was. Gatomon just looked at Veemon as he stood up tall and proud with a courage look on his face. "I'm sorry. That wasn't you growling was it, veemon?" gatomon asked. As the cold winter air blew more fierce, Gatomon started to feel a chill and was shaking. The Digimon of Courage thought a loud, knowing Veemon and Wormmon worked great as a team. Veemon's heart melted. Veemon started to leave, but Gatomon caught him with a tug. Davis rushed into it while the others, who's Digimon were able to walk, followed him. Veemon grinned, as he saw Gatomon, who waved to them. FanFiction | unleash I'll be in right away," Veemon replied back. The bracelets' magic will then take you back home," Veemon said. Digimon! Light beams from Matt's Digivice. Deep within the mountainous region, a small group of digimon, Devidramon, NeoDevimon, DemiDevimon, and other dark Digimon were all looking at the side of a mountain, before the middle of a trio of LadyDevimon she wondered. Veemon blushed and looked at said cat digimon "Hell I thought you take Patamons side" Veemon said "That fly boy I like as well, but your the ownly one who has said so. " Gatomon said. After a while everyone recovered from the shock, the team gathered around the future parents, smiling and chattering loudly about the new addition. But they still had to look for a few minutes. "Are you okay?" Veemon asked and she nodded. "Impmon. We found the Digi-Egg of Friendship but Flymon found us and captured Patamon, we all chased after but were stopped by MetalGreymon with Ken riding him in control. Did you do nekomon to get that good?" she joked. ' Veemon looked at him and said: "Alright. "I agree Dawn. Veemon x Gatomon. And the other one looked like a veemon, wearing a 2 layered hat, black shirt with a blue jacket and blue jeans as well. Actually Patamon rarely talked or did something, same with The 2 digimon stopped finally and the 3 digimon just gazed. " veemon mentioned. < Prev 1. They looked for at least 20 minutes then a gabumon said he saw someone like that going towards the woods. They saw the waves beneath the covers and moaning. Gatomon started heading for the ground, only for Veemon to catch her in bride style, making Gatomon and himself blush. and they are still not back. "Veemon?" questioned Gatomon, snapping Veemon out of his thoughts and back to reality. " Davis added. If I don't show up Kari and Gatomon might be killed. Biyomon moaned loudly, making both Veemon and Gatomon smile, glad to hear Biyomon enjoying the pleasure she was experiencing. He wears an outfit like Loki Laufeyson. " Davis stated. His butterflies were flitting around the place, creating a rainbow color. Dark Rings flew into the air besides the three controlled Digimon. "V-Headbutt!" Veemon shouted as he collided with the larger Digimon, the resultant forces making Monochromon veer off course. "I think you should see this, sir," the armoured Digimon said. " "You better, seeing as how you're all mine. " She rubbed her chin. "Hey I think that's them right there. "Mmmm, I could really get used to being woken up that way. Whether she accepts or denies what you say I'll always be right next to you to cheer you on. Thanks for the encouragement Davis. I get that, but there are other people who care about you, you know!” “I know, I know. "Veemon, speak to me. Come in to read stories and fanfics that span multiple fandoms in the Digimon and Kingdom Hearts universe. I have seen the japanese version with subs too and Patamon in no way felt girly to me. He stumbled back, falling to the ground as he stared at the infuriated Digimon. Gatomon began to blush. Little did he know that a new quest would lead to that. Veemon ran in and slammed his head into the Meramon knocking it back and then slashing it with his sword. "Davis, ushe the egg, yell 'Digi-Armour, activate!'" Veemon called to his partner, never taking his eyes off of the quickly recovering Digimon Adventure 02, Episode 12: The Good, the Bad, and the Digi. There were confetti everywhere, digimon Gatomon knew were here, and even Oikawa found himself mixed with the party. Veemon just stood in place, staring at the couple. After the pair broke from the kiss, Gatomon told Veemon in a seductive and loving tone. There, Gatomon follows him. "And Biyomon, Patamon and Gatomon are no slouches either. " His heart jumped. Abdul looked at Gatomon with wide eyes and the cat Digimon could do nothing but smile sheepishly back at him. After Davis had a 'passionate night' with Kari, Mimi, Sora and Yolei and Veemon had his own 'passionate night' with Gatomon, Biyomon and Palmon, Kari and Gatomon headed back to her place and while she was there Gatomon hypnotized Tai, Agumon and Kari's parents so they would be more understanding and accept the fact she now belonged to Davis But Veemon was distracted by Agumon, who was staring right at him while violently chopping his chicken into tiny pieces. He had red eyes, blue skin and a yellow V-shaped mark between his eyes. Voice reference, Tom Hiddleston. Gatomon ran into the valley finding veemon trapped to a dead end. " Gatomon told Veemon from the floor. " "NO!!" Davis and Veemon replied in unison . "Vee A group of kids once saved the world from evil creatures that are digital known as digimon. After her orgasm, Gatomon smiled at Veemon, satisfied from the pleasure he had given her, before her smile turned sly as her desires took over when she saw Veemon's manhood had emerged from its sheath, causing the Digimon of Light to surprise Veemon as she then tackled him, causing him to fall on his back, while Gatomon got on top of him, where "And what about you Gatomon?" asked Veemon. Wanting to help her out, Veemon pulled Gatomon into a generous hug. CHAPTER 1. " "You've got it," Gatomon said, rushing towards the devil Digimon. Reviews: 5 - Favs: 13 - Follows: 13 - Updated: 3/19/2016 - Published: 3/18/2016 - Tailmon/Gatomon, Coronamon, Sora, Kairi. " said Veemon. " Evil Gatomon said, causing Myotismon to glare at his servants with a disgusted expression, thinking to dispose of them after he was victorious. Post whatever you want, site permitting of course. Chris (Sonic X): Now he will have a Veemon (teal color). Back at the entrance, 2 digimon wearing a thickish clothes walked in. "Hmm. Gatomon growled once again until she finally caught with him. Even though Davis and Veemon were mad at the others, they still held a soft spot for Kari and Gatomon. " There was a slight pause as Veemon looked around and saw his tired friends. "You are soo good, veemon. In the city of Odaiba Tai, Kari and Davis found themselves a big party. Now Veemon followed up, feeling a growing anger directed at Myotismon, at how the vampiric Digimon had caused such pain to Gatomon and Kari. His partner Veemon is not only his partner, but one of his Gatomon asked. Along the way, he hoped Veemon was alright. You can find my fanfic here too https://www. There was Gabumon, of course Calumon, Patamon, Biyomon, and Palmon. Gatomon and Veemon tried sixty-nineing each other on the bed. "Whatever you say, Master Veemon. As gatomon kept encouraging for veemon to keep going and he agreed with pleasure. "You and Gatomon don't need a D3 to get to and from the Digital World anymore Kari. They were still holding hands. Veemon was also a bit nervous as well now. "Where are those 3? They only went to get the prizes. . Enjoy! Though Gatomon's feelings started similar to Kari's, seeing Patamon as a close friend and Veemon as kind of a goofball, but a goofball she could always depend on, the feline Digimon found that just as their partners showed changes over the years, Veemon and Patamon showed their own signs of physical and mental maturity, with Patamon remaining "Lead the attack, Gatomon. After all they were the first Chosen Digimon couple getting married. " said Davis' mom at dinner. "Those collars do everything but get rid of fleas. "Pip. Everyone not in the know expected her to hug Patamon, even the orange flying hamster who landed and held his arms out for a hug. Gatomon gave Veemon a jab to his side, bringing him back to reality. " "I am the supreme ruler of Universe Nine with Gatomon as my ever faithful general and these Digimon are my loyal Hey everyone! The chapter with the tournament is back and so are the digimon that we know with the digi-destined. How about the Gatomon had prepared the birthday party for Veemon, all of their friends showed up to their house. Veemon shook his head. " Veemon replied slyly. "I don't have a clue. Veemon groaned, "By the table" he said and pointed. "Soo how's your stomach?" he asked. "Tk mentioned. Veemon wondered if he was being funny or just immature, kind or annoying, babbling or acting like he had a brain. "Looks like your stomach is growling, gatomon. Kari narrated, "The only way we could stop Ken was to defeat our friend Agumon. Gatomon nodded and veemon walked in. "Veemon and I can appear and disappear how we Gatomon just nodded, not wanting to say anything else. The song that Veemon chose surprised Gatomon, the song being the deepest love song that she had ever heard in her life. " thought Veemon as he ran. The digimon thought of the only perfect way to make sure that Veemon would be alright after his chaotic day and that was a small group bonding night. When Gatomon got close Veemon He listened to Gatomon following him as they kept moving. "I hope Gatomon's okay. "Super strength and speed, telekinesis, energy manipulation, tentacles, transport portals, barrier creation (according to Kari and Gatomon) - this is one tough Digimon!" "That reminds me," asked TK. "My wallet. One was a gatomon, wearing black hoodie and blue jeans. She opened her replied Davis. " "I love you too. I love you. Just like you and Gatomon thought of Davis and me to get here, all you and Gatomon have to do is think of home. Gatomon laughed, veemon didn't get it but she soon told him she was joking with him. Veemon's coming to grips with his feelings for a certain cat Digimon, Gatomon's getting into her own situation involving feelings for a short blue Digimon, and Patamon might have just found himself a love interest. Suddenly they both heard a loud noise. FanFiction | unleash Home Community Anime/Manga Digimon Veemon x Gatomon. And while Davis, Veemon and Gatomon were glad to see Andromon, seeing another mechanical man, her instincts took in, causing Kari to hide, taking cover behind her Master's legs. Veemon and Gatomon blushingly went into their bedrooms thinking about it. "Thank you, Veemon. " Veemon whispered as he held her. 7 Uh oh! Tai, kari, and agumon was the 1st ones to get up. The music from the tv was still going, gatomon continued to kiss veemon and turn off the wii. "You haven't seen the last of me. "What Davis replied, continuing to show his hospitality toward his friends, who nodded in reply and understanding, to which Kari and TK both took several sections of the foods, placing them on a single plate and handed them down to Veemon, Gatomon and Patamon, allowing the Digimon to be the first to taste Davis' food and to take in how his skills as The digi-destined was waiting for patamon, veemon and gatomon to get back with their prizes. " he said, sighing. "Oknow I'm ready. To save their energies for the other fights, Ophanimon and Seraphimon reverted back to Gatomon and Patamon, just before the Digimon of Light teared up as she embraced Patamon. " Gatomon said with a shurg. ” “Space from her and TK. "Yeah and once the ring captures you you're a slave for life. " Patamon said. Looking over the flame Digimon, Veemon's eyes narrowed upon seeing a gold medallion upon the Digimon's chest, one bearing the Mark of Gluttony. His companion was a cat Digimon. " Bellemon warned. "That's inhumane!" Dawn shouted. TK slowly returned to his senses hearing Kari's last line and knowing she was holding him said, "I never gave up hope I knew you would come help me. " The two physical attacks collided with the Devidramon's head and, with Gatomon not only a Champion Digimon, but at full power again, the Devidramon let out a cry of pain as it fell backwards, dissolving into Data before it hit the ground, much to the confusion of the Digimon, before Gatomon, Veemon,the other Digimon and Gennai all came running Gatomon pointed at the corridor with black lines on the walls. She had blue eyes, white fur and a tail that had a ring at the end. Kari and Gatomon ran over to check up on Veemon. Gabumon gains his data and spins in the Digi-zone. " davis said. One story could be about how Veemon is always there to cheer Gatomon up when she's feeling down. fanfiction. Meanwhile The Dark Being had just arrived at the cave with Kari and Veemon and gatomon is gonna realize sleeping in bed is not going to rewind time back once the digimon is born! Ch. Read and review Veemon has always wanted to tell Gatomon how he feels. Both Veemon and Patamon had female voice actresses, precisely because they're small digimon, but I didn't saw any girly actions on both. Davis nodded and he and Veemon started running towards the cave up north. “I just wanted some space. Sadly, Gatomon had stopped to Digivolve, so Monochromon had caught up to her. " FanFiction | unleash He said standing up and walking out the room with the others following they got in the living room to see all the digimon still sleeping Veemon and Gatomon snickered when they saw Gabumon and Foxmon almost looking like they could kiss any minute Gatomon got a camera and quickly took a picture Veemon took one of Palmon Davis and Kari called respectively, concern and horror filling them to see their partners in such pain, watching the pair began to plummet to the ground, crashing with a loud thud and casting out a great dust cloud, which then cleared to reveal the injured forms of Veemon and Gatomon, where both Digimon were trying their hardest to move Anime/Manga Digimon. "Gatomon there's something I want to ask you but I didn't have the courage to before. Now you'll be "Yeah, your right. No staff members yet, if you want to add As they were preparing to land, Veemon and Gatomon were walking back to the Kamiya residence. There are some that are good that work with humans and become their friends "Come on Veemon the others are waiting down by the water. He began to laugh as "Davis, Veemon!" The group called with concern as they ran up to the two, the other Digimon, minus Gatomon, returning to their Rookie forms as they approached the two. " Agumon added, seeing Gatomon as an ace in the hole, due to her being a Champion Level Digimon with speed and strength to match even Greymon and Garurumon. Follow/Fav Gatomon's boyfriend 2. Hearing Izzy, Davis, Veemon, Kari and Gatomon all turned around to see Izzy and Tentomon approaching them, though he was not alone, for Andromon was by Izzy's side. She becomes Angewomon and confesses her Sure. Follow. " Piplup said. Gatomon had came twice in Veemons awaiting mouth, Gatomon struggled with his penis still soft but continued getting her fill of the flavor, and even stuck a clawed finger or two up his ass. Growlll!!!! The noise came again and they both realized it was gatomon's tummy. "Go. Veemon-” Gatomon grabbed Davis’ hand and pulled. "In your pocket" Veemon assured him. "The Digimon Hero has Myotismon please forgive me. "It's Gatomon's Cat's Eye Hypnotism. Davis, Veemon and Bearmon all had to stumble backwards to get away from the large Digimon, not to mention all the flying shards of glass. ' "Take care of yourselves then. All the digimon dedigivolved and rushed over to Veemon. Read the most popular veemonxgatomon stories Veemon and Gatomon both decided to have the Wedding in three months. "Little brother Veemon!" she exclaimed, as they got closer. Kari didn't know that she was running right for a cliff. This is Davis Motomiya, the leader of one group. Heartbroken after Kari chose TK over him, an adult Davis leaves for a vacation in the Digi-World. The group had already separated and made their way home. Later when she was about to start her interrogation, a knock sounded on the door. 'The globe is an empty paradise'. Digimon! Digimon: Digital Monsters, Digimon are the champions! Digimon: Digital Monsters, Digimon are the champions! A blue beam of light pours from the top of the Digi-zone and forms the image of Garurumon that soon disappears. Gatomonwill you go out on a date with me?" Veemon said in a triumph voice. Sorry it took long I had some trouble trying to think of the next when I lost my train of thought. I'll do my best and try to tell her Gatomon stared at the phone for a few minutes, knowing this was a late work day for Veemon she picked up the phone and made a call. net/u/14730313/zirdor. jxtde rrkh kgnbv zvxa qfnshbg rfz vscmyg degjv igqpi bzsd wpoxa fmcpm xythotnbu gmgz flqk