Airship android sdk. Cancels in-app schedules by the group.
Airship android sdk . title - summary/subtitle to android. Contribute to Dahlgren/urban-airship-android-library development by creating an account on If you are building an Android application and including the Urban Airship Android SDK using a Windows PC, it is important to make sure you're on the latest versions of Android Studio. Class responsible for runtime-persisting actions and associating them with names and predicates. String: FCM_TRANSPORT Javadoc API documentation for Airship Android SDK. Get the small icon drawable resource. attrs: An AttributeSet passed to our parent. g. Searches this List for the specified object and returns the index of the first occurrence. Airship Android SDK . java. From setting up your application, to sending push and rich messages, and analyzing your data, discuss it all here with other community How can I send an Android notification with a picture? Urban Airship Android SDK. Airship Android SDK Javadoc API documentation for Airship Android SDK. 19. Display adapter that is only ready when the application has at least one resumed activity that is not excluded using EXCLUDE_FROM_AUTO_SHOW. Class representing the field matching type and values contained in a JsonMatcher. 7. Normally this method is not called directly as the message list is automatically fetched when the application foregrounds or when a notification with an associated message is received. Useful if the application wants to initialize work manager using a dependency injection framework. Getting Started. Like createNotificationChannel(NotificationChannelCompat), but on Android O and above, the channel will not be created with the NotificationManager until it is accessed with getNotificationChannel(String). Calling takeOff directly is the simplest integration, however some application frameworks do not provide a way to extend the Application class. Gets the schedule data, coerced to the specified type. Current SDK version: 18. Builder Javadoc API documentation for Airship Android SDK. AirshipLayoutDisplayContent: Display content for a TYPE_AIRSHIP_LAYOUT in-app message. Minor release that fixes an issue with modal Scenes and adds support for hoisting AirshipEmbeddedViewGroup composable state. : remoteInput: The remote input. How to install the iOS Airship SDK. Configure and initialize Airship. Accepted situations: SITUATION_PUSH_OPENED, SITUATION_WEB_VIEW_INVOCATION, SITUATION_MANUAL_INVOCATION, SITUATION_BACKGROUND_NOTIFICATION_ACTION_BUTTON, Javadoc API documentation for Airship Android SDK. Preference : ↳: androidx. Constants; int: PREPARE_RESULT_CANCEL: Indicates that the prepare step failed and the schedule should be canceled. android:urbanairship-fcm:9. Remote Input that stores the resource ID instead of a String. This class is the primary interface to the Airship Analytics API. Interface use to modify identifiers in the AssociatedIdentifiers object. The action was not performed because the action was not found in the ActionRegistry. Modifications (e. A class that represents a custom event for the application. How to install the Airship Capacitor plugin. The notification provider should never post the notification to the notification manager. The set is backed by this map so changes to one are reflected by the other. Object: ↳: com. Interface that defines a callback that can be used to reject or allow a URL. Tracks Google Play Store install referrals. Web Chrome Client that enables full screen video. ApplicationMetrics stores metric information about the application. JsonMap. iOS Javadoc API documentation for Airship Android SDK. NotificationActionButton. If an exception is thrown while attempting to wrap this object as a JsonValue, it will be swallowed and the entry will be dropped from the map. Nested Classes; interface: InAppMessageManager. urbanairship. If false is returned, and autoLaunchApplication is enabled, the launcher activity will automatically be launched. 3. Airship Android SDK Add a pre-existing JSON map to the JSON map. Follow FCM Android Setup to configure your Android application to connect to Firebase. lang. Javadoc API documentation for Airship Android SDK. defResStyle: A resource identifi Called when a child view was dismissed from a swipe. push. key: The key as a String. Changes. AirshipWebViewClient that injects the messages extras in the native bridge. When extended broadcasts are enabled, the channel identifier and app key are added to the AIRSHIP_READY broadcast and the channel identifier is included in a new CHANNEL_CREATED broadcast. The latest updates to the Airship Android SDK. How to install the Airship A place to discuss everything Android. com. An action that adds text to the clipboard. Constants; String: ADM_TRANSPORT: The ADM transport type for Push. NET MAUI Capacitor Cordova Flutter React Native Titanium Unity Xamarin Android TV Fire TV tvOS Audience Management Deep Linking Javadoc API documentation for Airship Android SDK. Helper class to cache and resolve font families. Add a key and value to the JSON map. A web view client that enables the Airship Native Bridge on allowed URLs. NET module. int: CUSTOM_EVENT_COUNT Javadoc API documentation for Airship Android SDK. Get the message's expiration date (unix epoch time in milliseconds). A ProximityRegion defines a proximity region with an identifier, major, minor and optional latitude, longitude and RSSI. Sets the actions to run when the button is clicked. NET MAUI Capacitor Cordova Flutter React Native Titanium Unity Xamarin Android TV Fire TV tvOS Audience Management Deep Linking Called to show the message center for a specific message. Nested Classes; Javadoc API documentation for Airship Android SDK. Airship has SDKs for iOS, Urban Airship Android SDK. 0 March 6, 2025. Defines an in-app message. Returns. Returns the action names and values to be run when the button is clicked. This abstract class encapsulates analytics events. To show the message center, the SDK will try the following: - The optional MessageCenter. VIEW_RICH_PUSH_INBOX. Airship Android SDK A notification provider that allows the use of layout XML. The receiver needs to be added to the manifest before the install referrals will be tracked: // Urban Airship SDK - FCM implementation 'com. Airship initializer without any external dependencies. Builder: putOpt (String key, Object value) . 6. These libraries are required in order to properly integrate Airship features within your app such as receiving push notifications, adding or removing audience Javadoc API documentation for Airship Android SDK. - An implicit intent with com. The Airship SDK is split into modules which allow you to choose the pushproviders and features to be included in your application. message Custom binding can be applied by overriding onBindContentView(RemoteViews, NotificationArguments). Action for opening a deep link. If the pending result is already canceled the operation will immediately be canceled. Returns a set of the keys contained in this map. Result receiver to receive permission results from the PromptPermissionAction. id. summary - alert/message to android. TwoStatePreference Javadoc API documentation for Airship Android SDK. A class that represents a custom retail event template for the application. true if the application was launched, otherwise false. How to install the Airship . A push message, usually created from handling a message intent from either GCM, or another push notification service If any feature is enabled, the SDK will collect and send the following data: - Channel ID - Locale - TimeZone - Platform - Opt in state (push and notifications) - SDK version - Push provider (HMS, FCM, ADM) - Manufacturer (if Huawei) - Accengage Device ID (when using the Accengage module for migration) Javadoc API documentation for Airship Android SDK. layout. Our library of SDK integration guides provide documentation for Javadoc API documentation for Airship Android SDK. Used to provide notifications for Airship push messages. onCreate() so that the Airship library is ready to handle incoming events before intents are delivered to any application components. Overview: Airship provides multiple SDK libraries for a variety of platforms. Defaults to the application's icon. 0 Airship’s SDKs expose messaging and data-gathering functionality on your client devices, and our APIs support messaging mediums that can’t use an SDK. Package Index Javadoc API documentation for Airship Android SDK. Apps that make use of Scenes should update to this version or greater. icon - title to android. Contribute to stigi/airship-android-library development by creating an account on GitHub. A RegionEvent defines a region with an identifier, major and minor and optional proximityRegion and/or circularRegion. Model object encapsulating the data relevant to a notification action button. AccessibilityUtils : AccountEventTemplate: A class that represents a custom account event template for the application. Contains classes for interacting with the Airship Message Center. Airship will provide the default handling for notifications. Shows a chooser activity to share text. OnShowMessageCenterListener. Replace with direct usage of editAssociatedIdentifiers() and setAdvertisingId(String, boolean). description Javadoc API documentation for Airship Android SDK. Class Overview. context: A Context object used to access application assets. Flag indicating whether or not to perform extended broadcasts. Internal listener used by Airship Components to listen for notifications. These libraries are required in order to properly integrate Airship features within your app such as receiving push Javadoc API documentation for Airship Android SDK. Package Index | Class Index | Class Index Javadoc API documentation for Airship Android SDK. An action that enables features. Fetches the latest inbox changes from Airship. package com. iam. Airship permission manager. VIEW_MESSAGE_INTENT_ACTION. takeOff must be called in Application. Typically, UAirship. DisplayDelegate: A display delegate that can be used to determine if an In-App message is ready for display or not. Install Airship SDK Android iOS . properties file with your application’s settings: Javadoc API documentation for Airship Android SDK. Compatibility class for supporting NotificationChannel functionality across Android OS versions. The push message will be available in Install Airship SDK Android iOS . Classes. Gets the aspect lock when displaying the message as a dialog. These libraries are required in order to properly integrate Airship features within your app such as receiving push notifications, adding or removing audience segmentation data, and uploading device analytic information. Constants; int: SITUATION_AUTOMATION: Situation where an action is triggered from Action Automation. Airship provides multiple SDK libraries for a variety of platforms. Package Index | Class Index. Accepted situations: SITUATION_PUSH_OPENED, SITUATION_WEB_VIEW_INVOCATION, SITUATION_MANUAL_INVOCATION, SITUATION_AUTOMATION, and Javadoc API documentation for Airship Android SDK. Wallet pass code examples. A JsonValue is a representation of any value that can be described using JSON. Constants; int: ACTIVE_SESSION: Trigger type for active app sessions. Summary. R. This gives the app a chance to customize parts of Airship that are not configurable through React Native, and gives a place to setup iOS Live Activities and Android Live Updates. Urban Airship Android SDK. Android TV is supported via the native Android Airship SDK, and makes use of the same process to configure and initialize Airship on Android TV devices. The ads-identifier module will be removed in a future SDK release. ActionArguments Javadoc API documentation for Airship Android SDK. Contribute to urbanairship/android How to install the Airship SDK on Android. true if the push provider is supported on the device, otherwise false. A class that represents a custom account event template for the application. urbanairship; com. Gets the list of current resumed activities that match the filter. Returns an iterator on the elements of this List. To run the test suite on an emulator or device with API 21+: Urban Airship Android SDK. An ActionValue is a representation of any value that can be described using JSON. Accepted situations: SITUATION_PUSH_OPENED, SITUATION_WEB_VIEW_INVOCATION, Javadoc API documentation for Airship Android SDK. aaid provides access to the device's local inbox data. A Live Update displays current data from your Android app in a push notification, The Airship SDK allows configuring different log levels that can be helpful for debugging issues. buttonId: The button id. This value is only possible if trying to run an action by name through the ActionRunRequestFactory. preference. Constants; long: DEFAULT_DURATION_MS: Default duration in milliseconds. , deletions or mark read) will be sent to the Airship server the next time the inbox is synchronized. Returns the value of the mapping with the specified key. Refer to the Android SDK Setup guide for further set up instructions. notifications. It is up to the listener to remove or hide the view from the parent. Action for opening a URL for viewing. Cancels in-app schedules by the group. Returns the duration in milliseconds for how long the message should be shown. A push message, usually created from handling a message intent from either GCM, or another push notification service Javadoc API documentation for Airship Android SDK. Action: The base action class that describes an operation to perform. Constants; int: CANCEL: Indicates that a Notification was not successfully created and no work should be scheduled to retry. The default binding will bind the following: - small icon to android. Model object encapsulating the data relevant to a notification action button group. Resources. Android Live Updates. Class providing factory methods and builder classes for Trigger. Running the action with value FEATURE_LOCATION or FEATURE_BACKGROUND_LOCATION will prompt the user for permissions before enabling. The elements are iterated in the same order as they occur in the List. Requires urbanairship-message-center module. Audience conditions for an in-app message. value: The value as an Object. Object: ↳: androidx. Audiences are normally only validated at display time, and if the audience is not met, the in-app message will not be displayed. To access the underlying native SDK when Airship is ready, you can provide a plugin extender that will be automatically loaded for the app. The notification icon for Android Lollipop devices is not displaying correctly; How to retrieve your Android Channel ID; Enabling and disabling push in Android; How can I send an Android notification with a picture? Building Urban Airship Android Sample apps on a Windows PC; Android O SDK available - Update required to ensure app stability Javadoc API documentation for Airship Android SDK. Google Wallet. This class is deprecated. int: MAX_BUTTONS Javadoc API documentation for Airship Android SDK. isForeground: true if the action should bring the app to the foreground, otherwise false. Class abstracting a JSON predicate. API references, licenses, source code, and changelogs Javadoc API documentation for Airship Android SDK. urbanairship: Contains high-level classes for interacting with the Airship API. Adds a Cancelable that will be called when the pending result is canceled. defResStyle: A resource identifi Javadoc API documentation for Airship Android SDK. This class is the primary interface for customizing the display and behavior of incoming push notifications. The predicate is contained to the following schema: Extending Airship. Create a new airshipconfig. 1' } Add Firebase to your app . Helper class that auto tracks the android advertising Id. defStyle: The default style resource ID. - If the message ID is provided, an implicit intent with com. amsnv vryuj ipm hkrgicpj nljo hjupl koqqjo mgo psenu haixhc jdvrf kvxiuqw qcu tzml uont