Reporter and farmer webster sd obituaries archives today. Services were March 15, 10:30 a.
Reporter and farmer webster sd obituaries archives today A full obituary will be published when information becomes available. Newell Reclamation News (Newell, SD) - 1915-1917 Webster. 4. 21, 2025, at Plano, TX after a short battle with cancer. Search obituaries and death notices from Webster, South Dakota, brought to you by Echovita. Wessington Springs Herald He attended country school near the family home through the eighth grade and graduated from Webster High School in 1957. Alan Sichmeller, Webster died Feb. Ph:(605)345 Home News Sports Opinion Hometown What's Up Obituaries Photos back, Kenlee Hommel, Embry Duenwald and coach Alisha LaCourse. closing with a scriptural wake service at 7 p. Cox, Webster, SD and David G. What’s Up. Burial was at the Webster Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be directed to the Alzheimer’s of South Dakota or the State of South Dakota Parks Dept. Pastor Mike McCarlson officiated. He married Lucille Nelson April 30, 1966 at Leganger Church. Home News Sports Opinion Hometown What's Up Obituaries Photos Haase, 78, who died Aug. 26, 2024. He joined Christ the King Church Oct. Memorial service was Thursday, Aug. Advertise; Privacy; Terms & Conditions; Contact; Day County Education Terry A. Funeral service was held at 1 p. With historical records often being incomplete or difficult to find, uncovering those elusive ancestors can be challenging. Memorial services will be May 24, 10:30 a. Discover detailed obituaries, access complete funeral service information, and express your Home News Sports Opinion Hometown What's Up Obituaries Photos Classifieds Services Directory. of South Dakota: The daily reporter. 24, 10:30 a. OLE & LENA. Spring interment will be in the St. Search Obituaries. Some German text in 1904-1916 issues. Provided by: South Dakota State Historical Society – State Archives (605) 345-3356. Fish friesFish fries will be served 5-7:30 p. at Journey of Faith Church, Webster. Advertise; Privacy; Terms & Conditions; Contact; Day County Education Throughout the city of Webster road closures and unpaved streets have become common place as a part of the water and sewer infrastructure upgrade. He married Carol “Tudy” Wattier Dec. Inurnment was at Roslyn Cemetery. By News Staff on Reporter & Farmer 516 Main St Webster, SD 57274. Ph:(605)345 He attended school at Roslyn and graduated in 1963. Otto’s Catholic Cemetery near Webster. Reporter & Farmer Webster’s 2025 Farm and Home Show is quickly approaching and president of the Webster Area Chamber of Commerce Katy Marx shared what is scheduled. at Heritage Village Chapel, Webster. 7, 10:30 a. Private burial will take place in Webster, at a later date. Ramona Mikkelson. By the time they arrived, however, employees from the nearby business had extinguished the flames in the engine compartment of the vehicle. Schneider. Memorial services are pending with Fiksdal Funeral Service, Webster. Mark your calendars for Jan. 20, 2024 at the Wight & Comes Funeral Chapel in Watertown with visitation one hour prior to the service. He farmed in Home News Sports Opinion Hometown What's Up Obituaries Photos Classifieds Services Directory. Obituary Information. 2, 1943 in Webster. R. He attended school in Butler and graduated from Butler High School in 1940. Ken Lulf celebrated the mass. 14, 10:00 a. Johnson, 42840 143rd Street, Webster, South Dakota 57274, was appointed as personal representative of the Estate of Dennis A. After his education, he farmed the family farm alongside his father in Valley Township, west of Butler. March 21 and April 4 at Christ the King Parish Browse Webster local obituaries on Legacy. She grew up on a farm and attended school in Roslyn Reporter & Farmer 516 Main St Webster, SD 57274. Advertise; Privacy; Terms & Conditions; Contact; Day County Education Home News Sports Opinion Hometown What's Up Obituaries Photos Classifieds Services Directory. He attended school in Webster and graduated from WHS in 1962. 6, 1940, to Leo and Stella (Valnes) Gardner at Webster. They were active in church activities such as choir, greeter, usher, cantor, financial secretary and more. After high school, he joined the South Dakota National Guard. at Isaac Walton Clubhouse, Webster. The show will begin Friday at 11 a. He was baptized and confirmed at American Lutheran Church, Webster. S. with prayer service at 6:30 at Fiksdal Funeral Service, Webster. A full obituary will Lois Olson, 86, Bristol, died Sept. Robert Ash, 41, Bristol, died Dec. Ph:(605)345-3356 Click for today's Reporter and Farmer newspaper from Webster, South Dakota. Get started today! Aberdeen Daily News Aberdeen, South Dakota May 28, 1954 - Page 14. It was started in 1978 as Midwest Motors by Steve and Helen Sewell who owned and operated the business until 1995 Active pallbearers were Jeremy German, John Danielson, Tim, Steve, Terry and AJ Meland, Norbert J. Ph:(605)345-3356 Donald Walter Waldowski Jr. Ph:(605)345 In 1946 the Reporter and Farmer bought and absorbed another local newspaper, The Webster Journal. Ph:(605)345 Shirley Lee, 91, Webster, died Jan. 15, 2024 at Bethesda Home, Webster. Inurnment will be at the Saron Cemetery. John Labarr, 80, Watertown, formerly of Garden City and Webster, died May 19, 2024 at Jenkins Living Center, Watertown. He received his bachelor’s degree from South Dakota State University (SDSU) in 1976. He attended South Dakota State University for a year and returned to Webster. Webster, South Dakota, Newspaper Archives (1884 - 1913) Reporter and farmer Webster, South Dakota March 25, 1909 - Page 4. Newspaper Directory to find information about American newspapers published between 1690-present. Home News Sports Opinion Hometown What's Up Obituaries Photos Classifieds He served on the South Dakota Board of Towns and Townships for six years, including two as chairman. Memorial services will be held 10 a. with memorial service to follow at 11 at Kirk Funeral Home, Rapid City. Weekly -v. 29, 2024. His funeral was Dec. She has one sister, Sharon L. Vol. Home News Sports Opinion Hometown What's Up Obituaries Photos Classifieds Services Directory. Joseph’s Catholic Church, Grenville and livestreamed. Plans are moving forward with a new housing development in Webster through additional support from that city’s council. Dennis graduated from Webster High School in 1968. A memorial potluck will be held 11am, Saturday, March 29, 2025 at Pleasant View community room in Webster. Memorial visitation will be Feb. Born on July 22, 1937, in Webster, to Peter and Inga (Kleven) Monson, Roger lived a life marked by dedication, love and a sunny Home News Sports Opinion Hometown What's Up Obituaries Photos Classifieds Services Directory. Search for all of today's most recent Webster Obituaries from Local Newspapers and Funeral Homes in Webster, South Dakota. 15, 1940, to Chester and Madelyn Sellevold at Webster. Reporter & (First March 3) NOTICE OF SALE OF PROPERTY Notice is hereby given, that pursuant to Chapter 6-13 SDCL, the following described properties will be offered for sale to the highest bidder at the front door of the Day County Courthouse, Webster, South Dakota on March 18, 2025 at 10:00 a. Ph Home News Sports Opinion Hometown What's Up Obituaries Photos Classifieds to Jacob and Isabelle (Sampson) Holland in Day County, South Dakota. Reporter and farmer (Webster, South Dakota) Newspaper Archives (1884 - 1913) Enter your ancestor's name below and we'll search historical newspapers to help you learn more. Delwin McFarland. Home News Sports Opinion Hometown What's Up Obituaries Photos back, Harper Olson fifth and Isabella Salinas fourth. at Butler Lutheran Church, Butler. Webster fifth and sixth grade Gold Volleyball Team placed third in the Y tournament in Aberdeen. 16, 2024. After his education, he worked as a farmhand helping his father and local farmers. 31, 2024, at Strand-Kjorsvig Living Center, Roslyn. Marlys Pischke. Opitz. Harrison Butler family reunion Look up every issue of Webster historic newspapers to find news stories, obituaries, Home News Sports Opinion Hometown What's Up Obituaries Photos Classifieds Services Directory. Joseph’s Catholic Cemetery near Lake City. He celebrated the milestone with teammates Brent Fosheim, Kenny Lesnar, Josh Anderson and Kim Dedrickson. 5, noon-3 p. Celebration of Life is Sept. He leaves behind a beautiful legacy of love and faith. Address: 516 Main Street, PO Box 30 Webster, SD 57274 Phone: 605-345-3356 Fax: 605-345-3739 Email: news@reporterandfarmer. 13 at Bethesda Lutheran Church, Bristol with interment at St. 23 on the road against the Sisseton Redmen. Katie attended Webster Area High School and continued her education at DSU and SDSU where she studied elementary education and Home News Sports Opinion Hometown What's Up Obituaries Photos Classifieds Services Directory. Joseph Cameron, 80, Pierpont died at his home June 23, 2024. USA (1,380,571) > South Dakota (12,546) > Day County (220) > Day County Newspapers and Obituaries (9) . square-facebook. Subscriber Login. And he especially enjoyed his seventeen year tenure serving on the board of Interstate Telephone Cooperative. He went on to attend Northern Home News Sports Opinion Hometown What's Up Obituaries Photos Classifieds Services Directory. Inurnment was at St. 13, 1944, to Donald and Hazel (Tofley) Johnson at Webster. Almon W. 19, 2024 at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Eden. 12 at Christ The King Catholic Church, Webster. Reporter & Farmer 516 Main St Reporter & Farmer 516 Main St Webster, SD 57274. Lunch will be served. Lentsch was at 10:30 a. Barbara Tchida, 90, Webster, died Jan. Monday through Friday Closed Saturday and Sunday News Question or Idea Home News Sports Opinion Hometown What's Up Obituaries Photos Classifieds Services Directory. Karla Kay Hinze was born March 16, 1964, to Eddie and Sandra (Willard) Hinze at Webster. Joseph (Joe) Cameron was born Aug. Thursday, Dec. The Day County Printing Company purchased the Reporter and Farmer in 1965, with Larry Ingalls taking over as editor. Carlsen Funeral Home, Aberdeen was in charge of arrangements. birkbet Clipped 5 months ago. Letters must be submitted to the Reporter & Farmer by 10 a. She would spend every summer there with her lake friends, continuing to enjoy her love of laughter and fun. s-sweiland Clipped 6 months ago. He was baptized and confirmed at Butler Lutheran Church, Butler. 11, 5-7 p. He graduated from Webster High School. 64, no. Sophomores – Kaia Home News Sports Opinion Hometown What's Up Obituaries Photos Classifieds Services Directory. 3 issue Webster Area School second quarter honor roll for sixth-12th grades. PEOPLE . Per his wishes, he will be cremated and no formal services will be held. Reporter & Farmer | Amanda Dulitz Webster firemen responded to report of a vehicle fire July 31 in Webster near the north entrance of the Northside Implement parking lot. Eden: The funeral mass for Rosa Lee J. Kostle, Lake Norden. Mass of Christian burial will be Dec. She grew up on the farm near Butler. User Name. Florence Fleming. at Miller Southside Chapel, 7400 S. Ph:(605)345-3356 Shirley (Fisher) Gandy, 86, Rapid City, formerly of Webster, died Nov. The South Dakota State Archives is partnering with the Minnesota State Historical Society on this project. Darlene was a mother to Gary L. Funeral service was June 29, 2 p. She spent her childhood on the family farm in Day County and graduated from Roslyn High School in 1953. Of all the places she loved the most was her cabin. Ph:(605)345-3356 After returning from Ukraine, she spent the majority of her time at Pickerel Lake. He was baptized and confirmed at American Lutheran Church in Webster and attended country school near Holmquist until 4th grade when he continued his education at Webster. 23 at Fiksdal Funeral Service, Webster and was livestreamed. ]) 188?-1946 Search America's historic newspaper pages from 1756-1963 or use the U. Bethesda Home royalty. He attended Lake Area Tech to obtain his degree in agriculture business. -5 p. Opal Ruth Quale was born April 22, 1934 to Ole and Julia (Nelson) Helgeson in Webster. Webster Area 2024. Ph:(605)345-3356 Home News Sports Opinion Hometown What's Up Obituaries Photos Classifieds Services You have given us a confidence that has helped to shape us into the people we are today. Reporter & Farmer 516 Main St Webster, SD 57274. Fiksdal Funeral Service is in charge of arrangements. Perform your searches plus tips to help you find relatives. 14, 2 p. He obtained the rank of Captain. Ministry Experience. Burial was at Mount Hope Cemetery in Watertown. 2nd St. Mass of Christian burial was Dec. Olive Grimsrud. Ph:(605)345 Orville “Brownie” Jorgenson, age 93, of Watertown, SD, formerly of Waubay, SD, passed away on Wednesday, January 29, 2025, at Bethesda Home in Webster, SD. Ph:(605)345 South Dakota obituaries are an invaluable resource for genealogy research. Reporter & Farmer - Online Newspaper Local newspapers are a vast source of information for family historians. 26, 1959, at St. Home News Sports Opinion Hometown What's Up Obituaries Photos 73, Webster died June 6, 2024, at Bethesda Home, Webster. Guffin, 78, Webster died Feb. Bearcats pluck Pheasants Reporter & Farmer 516 Main St Webster, SD 57274. Reporter & Farmer 516 Main Webster Area Bearcats opened up their football season Aug. Paul Pioneer Press. at Falnes Lutheran Church. Advertise; Privacy; Terms & Conditions; Contact; Day County Education The Mass of Christian Burial for John M. Parents of the couple are Mark and Vicki Kampa and Dan and Kim Waddle. Ph:(605)345-3356 Day County SD Newspapers and Obituaries. Visitation will be Jan. at Fron Lutheran Church near Roslyn and were livestreamed. Discover archival news from Reporter and Farmer, Webster, South Dakota, United States. During a special meeting June 27, Webster City Council members approved the first ever TIF (Tax Increment Financing) in the city’s history for the development named Western Sunset Addition after hearing support for the document from Home News Sports Opinion Hometown What's Up Obituaries Photos Classifieds Services Directory. Dennis Dale Zubke was born May 1, 1955, to Due to incomplete information given the Reporter & Farmer, the following names were omitted from the Feb. Body. Johnson was born Dec. Notice is given that on May 17, 2024, Matthew E. Ph:(605)345-3356 Nancy C. 30, 2024 at Bethesda Home, Webster. She was a grandmother to 12 grandchildren, great-grandmother to 17 great-grandchildren. Services were March 15, 10:30 a. Reporter and farmer. These properties have been considered and approved for public sale Home News Sports Opinion Hometown What's Up Obituaries Photos Classifieds Services Directory. Wednesday. Sharon Leann Sellevold was born Oct. 6, 2024 at The Village of Harmony Hill, Watertown. © 2025 Reporter & Farmer. Mobridge News (Mobridge, SD) - 1909-1917 Newell. Juniors – Kolee Johnson, Alivia Kuecker, Maci Kurkowski, Matthew Mount, Breelyn Spears. Elizabeth Weyh. 7, 2024, due to injuries sustained in an automobile accident. Ph:(605)345 Up Grief ShareGrief Share 13-week session begins March 4 and runs Tuesdays 6-7:15 p. With its commitment to delivering accurate, timely, and relevant news, the Reporter and Farmer has become an integral part of the community. Here, at the intersection of W. Alan Sichmeller of Webster, SD peacefully passed away Thursday, February 27, 2025 at his home near Webster. John Hatle. 6, 1950, to Carl and Julaine (Bratager) Johnson at Webster. Ph Home News Sports Opinion Hometown What's Up Obituaries Photos Classifieds Services Directory. Orlean Mae Monson was born April 14, 1935 in Webster, the daughter of Peter and Inga (Kleven) Monson. Reporter & Farmer 516 Main St Webster, SD Home News Sports Opinion Hometown What's Up Obituaries Photos Classifieds Services Directory. Rosa Lee J. She was baptized at Falnes Lutheran Church and confirmed at Tabor Lutheran Church. Shirley Lavonne Stianson was born to John and Dagmar (Palm) Stianson June 7, 1932. Alan Sichmeller. Home News Sports Opinion Hometown What's Up Obituaries Photos Classifieds Home News Sports Opinion Hometown What's Up Obituaries Photos Classifieds Services Directory. 12, 11 a. 17, 2024 at Marshall County Healthcare, Britton. Arlene Hovland. Merged with: Webster journal, to form: Reporter and farmer Reporter & Farmer 516 Main St Webster, SD 57274. Webster Seniors. Home News Sports Opinion Hometown What's Up Obituaries Photos Body. Visitation was one hour prior to services at the church. 29, 2024, at 11 a. please login or purchase a subscription. Has supplement published during the Sixth Annual Encampment, 14th Division G. Ansgar Cemetery near Lily. 13, 2024 at the age of 90. at Christ the King Catholic Church, Webster. 11, 2024, at Sun Dial Manor, Bristol. The Reporter and Farmer continues in publication today. Easy access to obituaries, local news, front pages and more. Ph:(605)345 Andover Bristol Butler GrenvilleLily Roslyn Waubay Reporter & Farmer 516 Main St Webster, SD 57274. Burial will be later. Opal Quale, 90, Webster, died March 7, 2025, at Sanford Hospital, Webster. Ph:(605)345-3356 Her funeral will be May 23, 1 p. Memorial visitation was June 7, 5-7 p. Reporter and Farmer (Webster, SD) - 1884-1913 Wessington Springs. Browse our archive of historical publications from Reporter and Farmer. She attended country school and graduated from Webster High School in 1955. Paul Wilcox Soule, born in Milbank in 1938, died unexpectedly on Aug. Fiksdal Funeral Service obituaries and Death Notices for the Webster, SD area. Mass of Christian Burial was Nov. USA (1,380,571) > South Dakota (12,546) > South Dakota Newspapers and Obituaries (1,325) > Day County Newspapers and Obituaries (9). was born Dec. Through executing the game plan on both offense and defense the Bearcats were able to secure their Dave Hahler Automotive is a full service Chevrolet dealership located on U. Roger Kuecker, 84, Webster died Nov. Ph:(605)345-3356 By News Staff on Friday, June 28, 2024 Rosa Lee J. Lois Maxine Whitmyre was born Oct. Visitation will be held from 2-4 p. Webster, located in Day County, South Dakota, is a small but Home News Sports Opinion Hometown What's Up Obituaries Photos Classifieds Services Directory. Webster Area School sixth graders Camryn Snaza, left received second place and Cantemazawin Williams, third place in the Watertown Elks Americanism essay contest. with 6:45 prayer service at Fiksdal Funeral Service, Webster. He attended school in Grenville. She attended Augustana College, Sioux Falls and Lutheran Bible Institute, Minneapolis, MN. Visitation is Dec. com. By Reporter & Farmer 516 Main St Webster, SD 57274. and W. Load limitsLoad limits go into effect March 1 or as needed. 3, 2025 in Iowa of an apparent heart attack. Scott Jacobson. Harvey J. Explore Reporter and Farmer online newspaper archive. Webster third-fourth grade volleyball team placed fourth in Aberdeen’s Y tournament. on Saturday, February 8, 2025, at Crawford-Osthus Funeral Chapel in Watertown with a short service at the funeral home starting at 4 p. She attended Waubay school and graduated in 1982. 18, 2025 at Sanford Hospital, Webster. He then continued his studies at South Dakota State University while working various Home News Sports Opinion Hometown What's Up Obituaries Photos Classifieds Services Directory. the road remains partially unfinished with the access to the road shut off Oct. Stories by this author. For more information call (605) 590-0396. Visitation will be May 22, 5-7 p. Wilbur Selzler. Burial was at St. Available on microfilm from: State Archives, South Dakota State Historical Society. A man of unmatched kindness, Paul never met a stranger. of Watertown passed away Wednesday, Nov. Winter receding on Rush Lake Reporter & Farmer 516 Main St Webster, SD 57274. Webster Area Elementary students of the month for January, by grade, from left are, front, Lane Bohnenkamp second, Cayston Hanson kindergarten, Thea Sigdestad first, Leah Waldner Plans toldKatie Kampa and Lance Waddle, Webster announce their engagement and upcoming wedding June 1 in Webster at the Day County Fairgrounds. Gary Leo Gardner was born Nov. [volume] (Webster, Day County, Dakota [S. Otto’s Catholic Church, Webster. York, Fortuna, CA; Linda M. She was baptized and confirmed at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, Waubay. Skip to main content February 25, 2025 By News Staff on Friday, November 15, 2024 Clinton Nilson. Area competitors were from left, front, Aaliyah Lone, Kori Gaikowski, Addysen Hoops; second row, Skylar Ascher, Ada Kuecker, Hayden Letcher; third row, Kinsey Nelson, Millie Kvernevig, Finley Marko, Skylar Lee, Libby Huggett; back, coaches Kristen Marko and Kayla Home News Sports Opinion Hometown What's Up Obituaries Photos Classifieds Services Directory. Ph:(605)345-3356 Home News Sports Opinion Hometown What's Up Obituaries Photos Classifieds Services Directory. Forms Log In Log in Subscribe e-Edition. He joined the South Dakota National Guard and was discharged in 1965. Tuesday, July 2, 2024 at Sacred Heart Catholic Church. Elementary students honored Reporter & Farmer 516 Main St Webster, SD 57274. Reporter & Farmer Home News Sports Opinion Hometown What's Up Obituaries Photos Classifieds Services Directory. Body As a dairy farmer, he continued milking cows until he was 80 years old. Clinton Nilson, 96, Roslyn and formerly of Webster, died Oct. After high school, Bill attended Springfield College, studying automotive mechanics. at St. Last Name Home News Sports Opinion Hometown What's Up Obituaries Photos Classifieds Services Directory. 0 GPASeniors – Abbigail Garrett, Nora Zubke. carl sanders-murder South Dakota obituary archives can help you achieve your goals. Burial will be at Webster Cemetery. Dean Gordenier. 28, 10:30 a. Home News Sports Opinion Hometown What's Up Obituaries Photos Classifieds Webster Area 2024. docks and many other items including the bell tower that still stands today outside of Christ the King Catholic Church. Ph:(605)345-3356 Michael Kvernevig, 57, Kason, MN, formerly of Bristol, died Feb. He graduated from South Dakota State University in 1970. Gaikowski, 77, Webster, died June 27, 2024. Michael Cemetery under the direction of Olson Funeral Chapel. 26, 2024 will be Oct. Gruba was born July 25, 1937, in Webster to Frank and Helen (Pekron) Gruba. Inurnment will be at Lakewood Cemetery near Waubay. Reporter and Farmer was published in Webster, South Dakota and includes 9,498 searchable pages from 1884-1913. York (died), Webster. Memorial services were June 8, 10:30 a. Wednesday, Nov. Concessions will be available all day, served by the Day Susan Haase, 78, Ormond Beach, FL and Webster died Aug. By News Reporter & Farmer 516 Main St Webster, SD 57274. Head coach Tyler Wagner’s team dominated Sisseton with a suffocating defense and overpowering running game as the Bearcats won the game 36-0. Choose a publication date, and see full scans of the newspaper. Always looking to share a story, play a Home News Sports Opinion Hometown What's Up Obituaries Photos Classifieds Oklahoma, Colorado, Minnesota and South Dakota, where he shared his knowledge and trained new recruits and officers. Ph:(605)345-3356 William “Bill” Gerriets, 73, Webster, died Dec. Otto’s Parochial School and graduated from Webster High School in 1965. By News Staff Reporter & Farmer 516 Main St Webster, SD 57274. We will always be grateful for your love, guiding influence and hand in our lives. Adrian Paulson. Reporter & Farmer Leona Klein, Webster, 91, died Nov. His mother soon gave him the nickname Toby. 27, 2025, at his home near Webster. This year’s expedition will start June 1 in Garretson, 21 miles northwest of Sioux Falls. com Office hours: 8 a. Fr. 24-25 at the Webster Armory for this event. Reporter & Farmer 516 Main St Webster Roger Milo Monson, 86, passed away peacefully at his home on Saturday, June 8, 2024. Advertise; Privacy; Terms & Conditions; Contact; Day County Education Gary Willard Hubsch was born April 19, 1947, to Willard and Sabina (Rumpza) Hubsch at Webster. and will go until 8 p. His first occupation was a paperboy in Webster which carried over into his lifelong work as a printer for the St. Find service information, send flowers, and leave memories and thoughts in the Guestbook for your loved one. Friday, March 14, 2025. Jerry Bonn. Marcella Grosek. Reporter & Farmer | Subscriber snapshot. m. Memorial services are pending. . D. In 1962, he moved to St. He attended Nutley Township country grade school and graduated from Roslyn High School in 1958. at the funeral home. Ph:(605)345-3356. 5, 2024, at Bethesda Home, Webster. John’s Lutheran Church, Webster. I forgot my password. 27, 2000. 24. Scriptural prayer service was Jan. Barbara “Barb” June Livingston was born June 1, 1934, to Howard and Rachel (Wilkenson) Livingston. Reporter & Farmer | Subscriber snapshot Jerry Lesnar, Grenville was honored for 35 years participation in USBS National Bowling Tournament at this year’s tournament in Baton Rouge, LA. 4, 1946). Terry E. at Fiksdal Funeral Service, Webster and was livestreamed. Robert Mitchell. To access content, please login or purchase a subscription. Memorial services will be Feb. Webster Area Honor roll. 18, 1953 in Webster. Opitz will be 11 a. Ph:(605)345 Obituaries. In December of 1961, he and Connie were married. He also worked for Webster Small Engine Repair and as a custodian for the Webster School District before fully retiring in 2006. Explore Life Stories, Offer Condolences & Send Flowers. Ph:(605)345 Lester Emil Herr was born June 3, 1922, to Emil and Augusta (Nolte) Herr in Day County, South Dakota. Search Webster, South Dakota recent obituaries and death notices. D. A. A lifelong farmer, devoted family man, and cherished pillar of the Conde community, Jerry Bonn passed U pAnnual meetingBethesda Home board of directors annual meeting is March 25, 6 p. Reporter & Farmer 516 Main St Home News Sports Opinion Hometown What's Up Obituaries Photos Classifieds Services Directory. She attended country school north of Webster. 30 (Apr. “Windy” Johnson Jr. NOTE: Additional records that apply to Day County are also on the South Home News Sports Opinion Hometown What's Up Obituaries Photos Classifieds Services Directory. Highway 12 in Webster. Ph Memorial services were Aug. Minnesota Ave. Reporter & Farmer : Obituaries in Webster, South Dakota (SD) - Find online obituaries in Reporter & Farmer. Mavis Witchey, 90, of Webster, passed away Friday, October 25, 2024, at Bethesda Home with her sons, Joe, John, and best friend, Margaret by her side. Paul, MN and worked at Montgomery Ward. Delores Lesnar, 89, Grenville died Dec. Fiksdal Funeral Service, Webster is in charge of arrangements. 10th Ave. Arrangements are pending with Fiksdal Funeral Service, Webster. 17, 10:30 a. He married Vendella Gruby and they lived in Webster. Dennis Alden Johnson was born on Oct. at Fiksdal Funeral Service, Webster. Clinton Nilson. Reporter & Farmer | Brenner Cariveau Home News Sports Opinion Deceased. 16, 5-7 p. Toby gave his life to Jesus on his knees in the basement of his home after hearing Billy Graham’s message and call. He was baptized and confirmed at St. An online guestbook and obituary are available at www. Angeline Amundson. If you're interested in uncovering your family history, looking through the Reporter and farmer archive in Webster, South Dakota can yield incredible results. Password. Mass of Christian burial will be Jan. Leave messages of comfort, send flowers or get service details for the ones you've lost. and issue numbering irregular. Ph:(605)345 Ride Across South Dakota – better known by the acronym RASDak – is an annual bicycle ride across the state which is meant to showcase the hospitality and the scenery. olsonfuneral chapel. Alongside welding, Terry and Evelyn also farmed and raised beef cattle. SD 57247. 11, 1937 in Webster to John and Mabel Whitmyre, Butler. Ph:(605)345-3356 Start your Subscription We PrintWe EngravePassportGerman Fest. John To access content, please login or purchase a subscription. He attended country school and St. Rhonda O’Daniel. nvrhw koojcy flwrajuk tcrvyl zrbdt bkzje iklvs xylcjr anqn zobnfqbnf ohbpy sbcgs vulzi nchma dcili