Qt change combobox example I am assuming you wrote a slot and connected it to QComboBox::editTextChanged() signal. Flags that alter behavior are: Qt. For example, to set a background-image that scrolls with the scroll bar: While QComboBox::changeEvent() is a powerful tool for customizing QComboBox behavior, there are alternative approaches that might be suitable for certain scenarios:. For example, the Material style has attached style properties that can be set: ComboBox { model: 10 popup. The first double spin box shows a basic double-precision spin Editable ComboBox. see QAbstractItemView::setIndexWidget() For example, the Material style has attached style properties that can be set: ComboBox { model: 10 popup. This allows you to Hi, every body I have subclasse QtableWidget to to accept Qcombobox in their cell, I have maked that combobox show a Qtableview when the list popup, but i ha I looked at the source code of QComboBox and it is drawn using the complex control mechanism defined by each style. If case is 0, we use an unsorted QFileSystemModel, providing us Note that we set up the mapping the combo box in the same way as for other widgets, but that we apply its own model to it so that it will display data from its own model, the typeModel, rather than from the model containing data about each person. The method comboOptionChanged handles this. 2024-12-13. For that model, you can set the Qt::UserCheckable flag, so a checkbox is displayed. When adding items to a QComboBox you can link custom user data to your item in the form of a QVariant (see QComboBox::addItem). I happened to be working with an older version of Qt (5. Next, we set up the widget mapper, relating each input widget to a column in the model specified by the call to setModel(): Here is a little example: when I am scrolling down in scrollarea and my mouse hits a combobox, while scrolling, the focus get on it and suddenly I am scrolling in the combobox. So I use QComboBox::drop-down to set the border to 0x and then use QComboBox::down-arrow to define a custom arrow. view()->setMinimumWidth(view()->sizeHintForColumn(0); Qt How to set the values of ComboBox based on the selected option in another ComboBox. Working example: How to change just one item of QCombobox to editable by user. 1. Is there a smarter way to do it other than combobox->itemData(combobox->currentIndex())?. YourCombobox->findChild<QLineEdit*>()->setStyleSheet("QLineEdit {background: green;}"); Previous line get the reference to the QLineEdit which is part of the QComboBox widget and Get the following example from Qt example folder: A Offline. The issue is caused because comboboxes have Qt::WheelFocus set (for QWidget's focusPolicy property). Again, we create a Window class with an almost identical user interface, providing a combo box to allow their addresses to be classified as "Home", "Work" or Before the QDoubleSpinBox widgets are constructed, we create a spin box to control how many decimal places they show. Scheduled Pinned Locked Moved Unsolved QML and Qt Quick combobox style color. Qt::ItemFlags LineModel::flags(const QModelIndex& index) const {return Qt::ItemIsEditable | QAbstractTableModel::flags(index);} I added this model to my QComboBox. Learn how to implement, customize, and manage drop-down selection lists effectively for a seamless user experience. A 1 Reply Last reply . The Overflow Blog Selecting A shows combobox y and selecting B shows combobox z. The placeholderText will be shown when an invalid index is set. . ) When the combobox is set to editable, it obeys styles correctly. In reformatCalendarPage(), we set the text format of the first Friday in the month and May 1 in the current year. Created a more elaborate answer with a working example here – Chris. 9. ComboBox can be made The following example demonstrates appending content to an editable combo box by reacting to the accepted signal. I need to map the items in the combo box to strings (which are I followed the Spin Box Delegate tutorial, which Qt provides, to try to implement my own QItemDelegate. foreground: "blue" } I set each property to a different colour As of Qt 6, this is now possible by setting the ComboBox's implicitContentWidthPolicy to either ComboBox. I know that I can use QLineEdit, but I would like to use setStyleSheet I thought the logical way would be to subclass QComboBox and set the contents in the constructor and promote the widget in Qt Designer to my subclass. by delegating to the current widget style just like QComboBox itself does. Hope this helps. @mrjj said in QT I want to increase the size of comboBox Down list not the drop- Down icon ?: Just make all items bigger and dropdown also be bigger. activated (index) ¶ Parameters. For editable comboboxes, the function clearEditText() is provided, to clear the displayed string without changing the combobox’s contents. Example: EDIT And I would like one more thing: When I choose "two" I would like that the choosen background item will be in the same color ( red ). The item is QComboBox Item Icons . By default, only two decimal places are shown in the following spin boxes, each of which is the equivalent of a spin box in the group created by the createSpinBoxes() function. I don't want to use the background color for selection. Eventually get the enum value selected by the user by using the value() method of QMap in combination with the currentText() method of PS: This is just a sample design therefore I am using the Numbers, Alphabets as example. This property QComboBox::currentTextChanged So always if I'm going to change the path, for example by changing only one letter or select it by Drop & Down the "currentTextChanged" and a new function will be called. In Qt, I want to add for each item in QComBox a short item string. My biggest problem is that I When I change the font of my QComboBox comboBox->setFont(whateverQFont); it is applied on the dropdown menu as well (all the items), and it overrides the Qt::FontRole data I have set on my items with comboBox->setItemData(index, itemSpecificFont, Qt::FontRole);. However, we also provide a delegate-specific setPixelSize() function so that we can change the delegate's behavior via the signals and slots mechanism. Something seems to have gone wrong with the code tags, making it hard to read and potentially missing code. y contains 1,2,3,4 . Sets a placeholderText text shown when no valid index is set. Here my redefined QComboBox class: #this combo box scrolls only if opend before. icon: This is the QIcon object that represents the image you want to use as the item's icon. I tried changing the view to QTableView, but obviously I then get all the styling with it. setModelColumn (visibleColumn). you need set on all items. The background of any QAbstractScrollArea (Item views, QTextEdit and QTextBrowser) can be set using the background properties. Note that this property is set not per item but for the external container of items. WidestTextWhenCompleted, which will check just once, when the ComboBox is loaded. Key updates include: Python 3: super(). Item Delegate Create a custom item delegate and assign it to the QComboBox using setItemDelegate(). When I add next item to QComboBox, I would like to set its background color ( don't change that later ). Qt Quick QML Customize ComboBox Popup. The index starts from 0. I'm expecting if the user selects from the list, then an R, G, or a B should be displayed after. An editable combo box auto-completes its text based on what is available in the model. Here's what I have. The highlight color is set to transparent. Presenting these together helps developers choose suitable properties to use with line edits, and makes it easy to compare the effects of each validator on user input. Your slot should operate on the model, not the view qt combobox readable but editable. You can then access this user data by calling QComboBox::itemData. But you can solve this problem. ComboBox { editable: The value is a bit-wise combination of flags or Qt. 6, Ubuntu 10. 04) For newer versions of Qt try QComboBox::setPlaceholderText(). If you don't want to implement everything yourself you can use one of the models provided by Qt, for example QStandardItemModel in which you edit stuff by changing its QStandardItem's. accent: "green" Material. A switch statement is used to change the item model based on the index of modelCombo. But if user selects the text, deletes it, and selects other control element (combo box looses its focus), your text won't be there anymore. instead of a delegate, set an index widget. If you mean the signal of combo box, when it's value changed, you can use. this is the code i am using for QComboBox QComboBox *comboboxAlignment = new QComboBox; comboboxAlignment like we can set the index of combo box using a int value comboboxAlignment->setCurrentIndex(0) can i do it by passing the string value for example if is pass "Right" than the item in the combo box having "Right" as text In Qt, I can get the selected text of a QComboBox by using the combobox->currentText() method. How can I get the selected value?. QComboBox customize items. When this function is This class provides only basic features for a delegate so, unlike the Spin Box Delegate example, we subclass QAbstractItemDelegate instead of QItemDelegate. amarism. currentTextChanged or . This class provides only basic features for a delegate so, unlike the Spin Box Delegate example, we subclass QAbstractItemDelegate instead of QItemDelegate. To make the dropdown list resize to the width of the data I am calling. This enum specifies how the size hint of the QComboBox should adjust when new content is added or content changes. I am currently working on a macOS if that makes a difference. im suspecting the code will look something like this: if Qcombobox == "patrick"{ QlineEdit_phone = "911" } Editing Features#. QComboBox text @ailika said in How to use QTableWidget::setCellWidget() to set a widget such as a QComboBox and do the further handling?. This property In the Combo Widget Mapper Example, we showed how to use a named mapping between a widget mapper and a QComboBox widget with a special purpose model to relate values in the model to a list of choices. I tried to use a function and check a number of different comboboxes and try to In Qt, I want to add for each item in QComBox a short item string. I've already read half the documentation ,which seems there I cannot figure out how to change the text color of one particular item of a QComboBox. In your case you can set the user data of each ComboBox item to be a pointer to a QAction, which can then be accessed via QComboBox::itemData. Hot Network Questions Any three sets have empty intersection -- how many sets can there be? For displaying the combobox there are two options. Also if you want to disable/enable the combobox, you can simplify it with connects. QComboBox QAbstractItemView { outline: none; } QListView also can be used in this selector. ComboBox can be made An editable combo box auto-completes its text based on what is available in the model. : So below is my code. This is the simplest example I can come up with to demonstrate the problem. Declare and fill a QMap<QString, QSomeObject::SomeEnum> with the enum values you want in your combo box, then fill your QComboBox with a QStringList of the QMap's keys. Or I'd personally prefer it if it was just a different color item that I could set it back to: Qt, How do I change the text One way you can do something similar is to set a placeholder: comboBox->setPlaceholderText(QStringLiteral (5. QComboBox. property PᅟySide6. The value is a bit-wise combination of flags or Qt. This property holds Sets a placeholderText text shown when no valid index is set. Unfortunately, uic calls the constructor just fine but then shortly afterwards calls retranslateUi(), which replaces the contents with the design time entries. The following example demonstrates appending content to an In this example, the MyComboBox class overrides the changeEvent() function to handle changes in the enabled state. 3) on a Raspberry Pi and needed different solution. Use setEditText( const QString& ) slot for setting your text. ImhNone if no hints are set. There you just click on the plus or minus sign to easily add items to the list of objects. ImhHiddenText - Characters should be hidden, In my example below, this line is critical: item->setData(Qt::Unchecked, Qt::CheckStateRole); If it is omitted the check boxes won't render as there isn't a valid check-state to render. If user selects an item in comboBox, item's text will be set. We chose to set the date formats when the You can get the current index like this: int index = ui->combo->currentIndex(); Or if you want the text: QString text = ui->combo->currentText(); In the code you've posted you never set any data with the Qt::UserRole to your combobox, that is why itemData returns 0. While QComboBox::setView() is a direct and effective way to customize the view used by a QComboBox, there are alternative approaches that can be considered depending on your specific requirements:. Unfortunately (as of Qt 5. Editable ComboBox. Material. If you want to capture Carriage Return, there are a number of ways you can follow. So it's hard to acomplish this. Secondly: If you select the very same entry in the combobox, the line edit is filled with the text of that entry. When this function is called before items are added the placeholder text will be shown, otherwise you have to call setCurrentIndex(-1) programmatically if you want to show In a user setting page, in that window i want a combobox that once you have selected something it will change the text of a line edit. Based on the Qt documentations the QOverload<T>::of() helper function can be used to specify which overloaded signal you're using, connect(comboBox, QOverload<int>::of(&QComboBox::currentIndexChanged), [=](int index){ /* */ }); Using this ComboBox can be made editable. A QIcon can be created from a file path or from a QPixmap object. You might have to add the ::item to customize the items of the list. index – int. bq. I want to use bottom border. You can subclass QComboBox, and use your own model for the options list. I have researched about this, Qt QCombobox currentIndexChanged signal; but have not found a way to solve it, Most likely the slot isn't connected automatically because you wrote comboBox in one place and Combobox in the other, so try: void on_Combobox_currentIndexChanged(const QString &arg1); //you'll need to run qmake before build I have finally just discovered that changing the Qt combo's view width (QComboBox::view()::setMinimumWidth(), combined with measuring items' maximum width using QComboBox::fontMetrics()) is exactly how to widen the dropdown beyond the combo's width, and does work under Windows, as well as Linux/GNOME. When the user enters a new string in an editable combobox, the widget may or may not insert it, and it can insert it in several locations. Customizing the Default QListView. Z contains a,b,c,d. Subclass QComboBox. foreground: "blue" } I set each property to a different colour The changeModel() function changes the item model used based on the model selected by the user. Customizing QAbstractScrollArea. Constant Value Description QComboBox::AdjustToContents 0 The combobox will always adjust to the contents QComboBox::AdjustToContentsOnFirstShow 1 The combobox will adjust to its contents the first time it is shown. QtWidgets import QApplication, QWidget, QRadioButton, QLabel, QVBoxLayout, QComboBox from PyQt6. When I selected an index on a QComboBox, I want to get QString from the selected index, after I clicked the desired index on a QcomboBox. When setting the border to 0px it seems that the whole style of the combo box arrow gets replaced. It would be used to specify a QComboBox to represent data in a QTableView cell but it is not working. Access functions: modelColumn (). This property holds whether the combo box contains acceptable text in the editable text field. I could only find combobox->currentIndex(). 4 Posts 3 Posters 1. foreground: "red" Material. CaseInsensitive) comboBox. But I don't want it. I searched for help but I couldn't find a method currentData() which I expected to find. With Qt Designer, you can only connect pre-existing signals to pre-existing slots (as opposed to your own handlers). We only need to reimplement paint() and sizeHint() in this class. The example consists of a single Window class, containing a selection of line edits with different input constraints and display properties that can be changed by selecting items from comboboxes. addItem (icon, text [, userData=None]) ¶ Parameters. If you want to use itemData you have to set the role to Qt::DisplayRole:. In fact you have to customize QComboBox QAbstractItemView that corresponds to the list. icon – PySide6. QCombobox:!editable { color:white; } but it doesn't fix the problem. currentIndexChanged Everytime a combobox is changed by user, these signals will be triggered. Hot Network Questions placeholderText: QString. This works for the combobox, but when you are selecting items in the combobox "transparent" does not give me the results I'm hoping for. When the first combobox is changing to a specific value a second combobox has to be adjusted. Signals and Slots: Example; Direct Connection Connect the currentIndexChanged() signal of the QComboBox to a slot in your application. There is no way to set place holder text for QComboBox. setCompleter(completer). Commented Oct This property holds whether the combo box contains acceptable text in the editable text field. Update: This is no longer Using Qt 5. " like in the picture). QCalendarWidget lets us set the text format of individual dates with the setDateTextFormat(). Then, Example: QComboBox QAbstractItemView { background-color: rgb(41,41,41); color: white; selection-background-color: rgb(88, 88, 88); selection Qt how to change the highlight color of a specific QComboBox item. g. When QComboBox is set editable. 9 on Linux, I have a QComboBox with several labels. Edit 2: It looks like this only occurs when the combobox is set to not be editable (which is the correct behaviour for my program, so doesn't really help me. WidestText, which will update whenever the model changes, or ComboBox. A Offline. 0. QtWidgets. Hot Network Questions If I have two hashes and know the relationship between the inputs, can I derive the original input? Do scaled-down integer lattice points serve as unbiased sample points in the probability simplex? bq. This signal is emitted whenever Attach a slot to the void QComboBox::currentTextChanged(const QString &text) signal. Please don't suggest UI changes to accommodate the requirement as that will be out of scope of what I am doing. Edit: Using Marek's example, thought this might help. The text formats that are actually used depend on which check boxes are checked and what the weekday/weekend formats are. 8k Views. In the slot find which row is selected in the model and setData() the class column to the value from the combobox. andre. As of Qt 6, this is now possible by setting the ComboBox's implicitContentWidthPolicy to either ComboBox. Override keyPressEvent(): first call A first option is to set a new popup, for example a QListView and change the size using Qt Style Sheet: #include <QApplication> #include <QComboBox> #include <QListView> int main qt; qt5; qcombobox; or ask your own question. In this example the choosen item text is "one" ( I think about that "one" above beacuse there The customization of the llist is the second part of the example (even if it is really short). 3). It is possible to remove the dotter border using only CSS by setting undocumented property outline:. userData – object. This allows you to directly handle changes without As I found this question, when I tried to figure out the solution to (basically) the same issue: In my case I wanted to have a QComboBox in a QScrollArea in pyside (python QT lib). That signal is emitted before the others, apparently. So, in practice, almost all signals will need to connected after the gui has been set up (unless the application is very simple). The example shows check boxes in a combobox, When your in Qt Designer you could just double click on the QComboBox and an EditComboBox screen will appear. I have researched about this, Qt QCombobox currentIndexChanged signal; but have not found a way to solve it, The following example uses the QCombobox class to create a combobox: import sys from PyQt6. Here is a working pyqt5 example using a proxy model to This section provides examples to customize specific widgets using Style Sheets. Qt has QCompleter class for such tasks, here is an example of how you can use it. Edit: There are multiple drop-downs that need to be populated based on the previous inputs; not just two. 12) the alignment of the text label is hard-coded to left-alignment as seen in Edit: Added screenshots for clarity. text – str. @Katya. ComboBox can be made editable. __init__() PyQt5: most classes are in QtWidgets; QtGui is not needed for this example; Model. For example: If anyone is interested, below is the same example modified for PyQt5 and Python 3. Adds an item to the combobox with the given icon and text, and containing the specified userData (stored in the UserRole). This signal is fired when the text changes and Enter does not change the text, it accepts it. The following example demonstrates appending content to an editable combo box by reacting to the accepted signal. I was able to change the Background color of an item: comboBox->setItemData(i, Qt::green, Qt::BackgroundRole); (Qt::ForegroundRole had no effect at all, Qt 4. I've tried adding. That means when I choose an item in QComBox, I want to show the corresponding short item string instead of the selected Add QComboBox widgets to your PyQt/PySide projects. Therefore in your given example you only change data in QCombobox's internal buffer (the model should not get changed). Did you find this The whole point of model/view pattern is that views (QComboBox) only DISPLAY data. QComboBox::setItemIcon(int index, const QIcon &icon): index: This is the index of the item within the QComboBox that you want to set the icon for. "aaa" and "bbb" will be assigned to Qt::UserRole. I used a QStackedLayout in place of the second combobox, loaded it with two comboboxes (y and z) and showed one of them at a time depending on which option is selected in combobox x. Whenever the text of an editable combobox is changed the editTextChanged() signal is emitted. I am somewhat surprised nobody An other way, using a QMap:. I am trying to set the minimum height of the rows in the QComboBox dropdown menu without changing their width or the size of the QComboBox itself. QAbstractItemView is used in this example, since it is a base class of QListView. The second issue is that if a lower option is selected the whole dropdown shifts: I have looked through the QComboBox stylesheet guide provided by Qt but have found nothing that has helped. The text is not accessible in the dropdown list. QIcon. setData: input argument order changed to: index, value, role, and True returned instead of None; Combo box choices and table contents now specified inside Main; I want to get QString text from selected QComboBox. This way you don't have to do it with code though. populate combobox items from c++ file in Qt quick. QComboBox. Off should be red. #if the mouse is over the combobox and the mousewheel is turned, # the mousewheel event of the Sample just sets item 0,0. I want to get QString text from selected QComboBox. QtCore import Qt class MainWindow Connect to the activated signal to trigger an action when the selected item of a combobox changes. The combo box contains QString values. QtGui. You are on the right track. If anyone can demonstrate how to set the index automatically from model data? I'm using Qt Designer (well, Qt Creator actually, but specifically the part derived from Qt Designer), and I've added a few QComboBox items to a dialog with a constant list of items. completer = QCompleter(wordList, self) completer. placeholderText: str #. Thanks for answer! I'm just trying to change combobox drop-down item selection. On should be green, and No change should be the default color. 11. wrote on last edited by #3. PySide6. 6. Personally, I only use Qt Designer for laying out the gui, and only very rarely use it for connecting signals. Here there is an example, not elegant but can help you: connect(ui->mcomboBox, In Qt C++, you can handle item selection changes for a QComboBox by connecting its currentIndexChanged(int) signal to a slot in your application. You can add more logic to handle other types of You've to connect the changed text and create a slot that gets a QString. Flags that alter QML and Qt Quick; QML Quick Controls 2 QML Quick Controls 2 Combobox change color of each item on the dropdown list. setCaseSensitivity(Qt. ui->combo->itemData(index, qobject_cast<QStandardItemModel*>(comboBox->model())->item(0)->setEnabled(true); This code disables/enables the first combobox item. 1 Reply Last reply this is a pretty late answer but I think that I found the solution somewhere in the Qt-forums. when using a delegate, overwrite the paint() method to draw the combobox, e. If a validator has been set, the value is true only if the current text is acceptable to the validator as a final string (not as an intermediate string). When the user double clicks the comboBox item, the comboBox appears and when the user select a value (QString) from the dropDown list, the functions createEditor, setEditorData, setModelData, are called properly and do the This shoud work. I'd like to set a font on the QComboBox label only and leave the dropdown displayed as it was. For example, when you select the value from the 1st combobox (signal activated) then emit your signal to disable the second @jaivardhanf said in How to change QTableView data based on selection in QComboBox. For example the function: nextstep() So what I want to achieve is that if I'm going to select a path the function should be called normally. replied to mrjj on last edited by amarism #5. By default the width and height of the row items are calculated by its data. Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company Hello, I would like to change text color in QComboBox like this: ( I only want red text "Text abcd. A combobox may be editable, allowing the user to modify each item in the list. An editable combo box auto-completes its text based on what is available in the model. Here is the sample code:-ListModel { id: colorModel ListElement I have a tableView that has in its first column a comboBox that works as item delegete. I have pieced this together from other examples but still cannot understand how the interaction works to set the selected index of the QComboBox. As you can see, the drop-down width does not match the original Combobox width. for example someone chose patrick and than the text change to his address and phone number. cyqscc drng gpdvot ystqn mitd fxax iomxgxs atpam vyj kalrkt