Ck2 duchies names reddit. It is generally held by a Duke tier character.

Ck2 duchies names reddit If you have a vassal limit of, say, 20, that is 20 vassals regardless of rank, so 20 counts, or 20 dukes. . Does anyone else let their duchies grow to preposterous size to avoid a partition? Crusader Kings is a historical grand strategy / RPG game series for PC, Mac, Linux, PlayStation 5 & Xbox Series X|S developed & published by Paradox Development Studio. Members Online Humble Bundle has Victoria 3 and other strategy games for $12! Crusader Kings is a historical grand strategy / RPG game series for PC, Mac, Linux, PlayStation 5 & Xbox Series X|S developed & published by Paradox Development Studio. For some reason, duchies and counties that should be a part of Ireland (like Leinster) are apparently a part of the kingdom of Wessex. Madurai, Khotan, and Ferghana are 7 barony counties, the largest in the game. The "name_lists = { name_list_norse }" specifies that it applies to cultures that use the Norse name list. In CK2, there are duchies that have only two provinces, most have three, a few have as many as six. Dec 19, 2020 · CK2 had seperate rules for cultural names and realms named after dynasties. You also need at least two duchies to create Brittany. All Civilizations were chosen by the audience of /r/civbattleroyale and part of the fun is helping narrate the story collectively along with original content and putting your support behind one of the competitors. Some franchises and games of note: Stellaris, Europa Universalis, Imperator: Rome, Crusader Kings, Hearts of Iron, Victoria and Cities: Skylines. And that owning a Duchy lets you press claims on a county you don't own that is a part of that Duchy. Crusader Kings is a historical grand strategy / RPG game series for PC, Mac… I have a vassal duke who has two duchies. Ideally, you want your capital duchy to be "wide": the best duchies have 6 counties. Out of all the duchies in the Southern Baltic Empire de jure in 867, your best bet is Bohemia (which is great for playing tall; Bohemia is a kingdom with a single powerful duchy). As compared to Flanders (3 coastal counties with just as many holdings plus two bonus inland ones), Sicily (which is like twice as many coastal holding slots as Thrace), Latium (not quite as many coastal holdings, but already highly developed and with two very good inland counties), Normany (more coastal holdings and a few non-coastal ones, with the downside of being a lot more spread out Crusader Kings is a historical grand strategy / RPG game series for PC, Mac, Linux, PlayStation 5 & Xbox Series X|S developed & published by Paradox Development Studio. One consists of a single county that is, de jure, part of Scotland. I don't want this. You can just grant him all the counties directly. Click on a county. The Friday Mosque is a really good building, and it's built by default. Controlling rightful liege, especially since you can only hold 2 duchies before penalty (unlike kingdoms) Crusader Kings is a historical grand strategy / RPG game series for PC, Mac, Linux, PlayStation 5 & Xbox Series X|S developed & published by Paradox Development Studio. How do I change it so these duchies are part of the correct kingdom? Crusader Kings is a historical grand strategy / RPG game series for PC, Mac, Linux, PlayStation 5 & Xbox Series X|S developed & published by Paradox Development Studio. Like, just rename the branch as York. This can be confusing. Let's say you are a kingdom. Fully built out, you can run a decently sized kingdom from those counties. Go to the ck2 Wiki, look for Duchies, sort by maximal Holdings, search for Persia and either pick the one with the most Holdings or the one with the most coastal Holdings if the Number of maximal Holdings isn't much lower than the first one. Isfahan and Fars. You can hold two duchies and have dukes hold the other 3 duchies, or you can max out your domain limit instead and leave the other 3 duchies unformed, and have them be counts under your direct rule. Playing as Eddard Stark in the later start date think its 284, and i cant create the duchy title for moat cailan or any other duchies in the north for that matter, also had an issue during a liberty war vs Robert where i decided to declare independence and won my war only for every single vassal of the north to become independent afterward lol i was the king of winter with no vassals. Certain religions also get access to a more powerful "conquest" CB, which can also target duchies and kingdoms. Not every kingdom or empire has a 6 county duchy though. If you are a king, you can only drift duchies over time and will eventually eliminate kingdom’s de jure land and make them titular. I am a duke of a huge duchy (15 counties) and could create two more duchies. The portrait of dukes (or equivalent) has a thin silver border adorned by gems. Crusader Kings is a historical grand strategy / RPG game series for PC, Mac, Linux, PlayStation 5 & Xbox Series X|S developed & published by Paradox Development Studio. so had Crusader Kings is a historical grand strategy / RPG game series for PC, Mac, Linux, PlayStation 5 & Xbox Series X|S developed & published by Paradox Development Studio. However, the duchy title itself is from the Kingdom of Jerusalem, which I won in a crusade, and then gave all the counties of to the pope, right after creating all the retinue I could, and making that duchy title. Technically, you don't HAVE to have 5 counts under a duke. Fars has, three special buildings that you can use. For example, if the Kingdom of Aquitaine controls the Duchy of Aragon for 100 years, it becomes a de jure part of the kingdom; the duchy has drifted into the kingdom's de jure borders. one of the things i like the most is that the kingdoms of wessex, mercia, east anglia, and northumbria are De Jur Kingdoms. But when I created the Kingdom of England, I don't think the requirement was duchies, just enough De Jure counties. Jul 24, 2013 · Crusader Kings II Wiki Active Wikis Age of Wonders 4 Empire of Sin Cities: Skylines 2 Crusader Kings 3 Europa Universalis 4 Hearts of Iron 4 Hunter: The Reckoning Imperator: Rome Millennia Prison Architect Stellaris Surviving Mars Surviving the Aftermath Werewolf: the Apocalypse Vampire: The Masquerade Victoria 3 Crusader Kings is a historical grand strategy / RPG game series for PC, Mac, Linux, PlayStation 5 & Xbox Series X|S developed & published by Paradox Development Studio. Engage in courtly intrigue, dynastic struggles, and holy warfare in mediæval Europe, Africa, the Middle East, India, the steppes and Tibet. 5 control per month, the holder gets +5% renown, a small disease resistance boost to health, and +10 opinion of female rulers), and the third is Lake Mahraloo Crusader Kings is a historical grand strategy / RPG game series for PC, Mac, Linux, PlayStation 5 & Xbox Series X|S developed & published by Paradox Development Studio. My main problem is that I don't know what to do with the de jure kingdoms. In practical terms I think you are usually better off holding 3 or 4 duchies Yeah, like my usual structure is handing out duchies on the periphery of my kingdom, having 1-2 where I still hold the duchy, but hand out the counties, and 1-2 where I also hold the counties. One is a Great Fire Temple in the county of Irahistan, one is the Tomb of Batsheba (+1 tax, +0. And since the rank goes back to certain "Lords of the Marches" appointed by Carolingian kings, the option of creating a marquisate should belong to a King/Emperor alone. 213 votes, 21 comments. So, you need at least two duchies to create a kingdom like England, which has maybe 7 or 8 de jure duchies. I know there are objective benefits to some duchies, but if you are willing to play with CK2+ then I'd recommend using the 1000 start and giving a Normandy run a go. and I think CK3 with its new aspect of creating the danelaw, could be very interesting if the English Crusader Kings is a historical grand strategy / RPG game series for PC, Mac, Linux, PlayStation 5 & Xbox Series X|S developed & published by Paradox Development Studio. It's sometimes comes up with a cool hyphenated cross, but often times you get some weird long dynasty name that would be better as just the new word, like this one from my current game, "Normandie-York". Jan 6, 2024 · A Duchy in Crusader Kings II, is the level of authority ("title tier") below kingdom and above county. Nearly all the time I hold no more than two duchy titles to avoid the 'too much duchies' malus, and make sure I personally own all of their de jure counties. Now next to the box there should be a few smaller c You have a direct vassal limit (60 for emperors, i think 40 for kings, with a dynasty legacy perk that can boost it). It is generally held by a Duke tier character. Claims can still be useful as there are some requirements for the conquest CB (to conquer duchies, your level of fame must be 'illustrious', for example) but claims have no such requirements. Then, in the top right of the title screen, check the 'de jure' box. Kingdoms and empires are the ones whose borders change, which means duchies and kingdoms are the ones who drift. I'm early in the game--still 11th century. De jure duchies may be created or usurped by a ruler who controls at least 51% of their de jure territory. Then hold a single county in two more duchies, and hold the duchy title for those two. Click on it to go to the titles screen. It does state that they are dejure in the correct kingdom (ie Leinster should be a part of Ireland). Not bad, but not good either. Beside a lot of farmlands and baronies slots, I like too special buildings, like Golden Gate in Kiev, Latium, the one you called "Rome" is a duchy. In partition succession, your realm will be split into the dejure of your highest titles, so if you hold 3 duchies and have 3 sons, each will get a duchy, but if you hold 3 duchies and the kingdom containing them, two sons will inherit two duchies, but your main heir will gain your primary duchie and the kingdom too. The Great Mosque of Qurtuba doesn't exist in CK2, and aside from coastal counties having access to cities with trade ports and merchant republic trade posts boosting revenue terrain doesn't have any economical benefits, so all you have is a landlocked 4-county duchy without sea access and tax money from both city Towns and Tradeports. You can also find someone with a claim on a title -- any title -- bring them to your court, and then press their claim. Seville is the best in Hispania for year 867 at 5. May 16, 2020 · If you are a suuni emir but your top liege is an italian catholic, you will be called a duke. You start as basically the only major power in the northern French kingdom and have a lot of opportunities for early expansion and influencing within the kingdom itself. The concept of the show is simple! On a massive world map, 61 AI Civilizations see which one can be the last one standing. Of course, you then have no control over whether they'll hand them out to someone, but my impression is (at least in CK2) that they often like to hold a critical mass of their duchies themselves. Duchies/kingdoms can consolidate direct vassals Duchy buildings require the capitol county owner to hold the duchy. Assuming four counties per duchy and a demesne limit of 10 (reasonable for a king) this can let you effectively hold 6 duchies without invoking the opinion malus. But with partition succession law they will be spread among my sons. You'll automatically get the first duchy, do what you can to inherit the second as well, but then let partition divide up the remaining duchies and just go conquer At a larger level, duchies are a tool for vassal management when you start expanding beyond your vassal limit. So I am a large fan of the HIP mod for ck2, and one of the things that it does and does really well is its portrayal of creating england, and the situation on the isle. So what is the benefit of creating a Duchy? Another strategy for holding more than 2 duchies and not being a king would be to make sure the first 2 duchies enhance your military and any remaining duchies enhance your economy. Counties don’t de jure drift, but through a process called de jure drift, any territory held for a certain period of time (in CK2 I believe it was 100 years for a duchy drifting into a kingdom) will become de jure part of the higher tier title’s territory. The common tip is to create vassal republics occupying as little space as possible. Creating duchies is thus a way to enable further expansion. I don't have access to such duchies but I don't mind giving away 3 counties. I am centuries from having primogeniture as an option. Can you achieve fame and fortune for your noble family, or will your names be forgotten to history? What are the best 2 "nearby" duchies to hold? And why is it Hwicce/Kent? Feel free to suggest others, my entire experience in this game has been around France, British Isles, Bohemia, Hungary, and Poland. In the top-right of the county popup is a coat of arms. And it doesn’t matter if these duchies are de jure to that kingdom - you just need to hold two duchy titles, plus a certain number of the de jure counties (over 50% I think). A Marquisate should be made up of two, and only two, provinces. It actually is based on the ruling liege's culture - Muslims name their primary titles of duchy+ after their dynasty (the reason why the Empire of Arabia is called the Abbasid Empire in 867 and why the Empire of Persia is called the Seljuk Empire in 1066). 442K subscribers in the CrusaderKings community. The only way to add counties as de jure territories in a duchy is to wait. Personally, I tend to pick capital duchies based on the presence of special buildings (be it universities, holy sites for my faith, or more generic special buildings). Are you talking about how the duchy of toledo is called 'Dhunnids' in 1066? I noticed in my Jimena play through that the Muslim rulers use different names for their holdings. 1066 I think Barcelona has 6 counties, and is no longer a part of Francia/Aquitane. is there a way to turn it off Jan 6, 2024 · A Duchy in Crusader Kings II, is the level of authority ("title tier") below kingdom and above county. And if you rule a kingdom, you can eventually press claims on entire duchies that are part of your de jure realm. Just to clarify that I have nearly 600 hours on CK2 so I'm rather familiar with the game's foibles, but one thing I nearly always keep the same is the way I manage my demesne. I think the name list is based on the title holder's culture, not the liege, which would explain the weird mixture of titles you're getting, if you have a lot of vassals that are still Greek. As an emperor, you lose the ability to de jure drift dutchies but gain the ability to do it to kingdoms if the entire kingdom is held. This usually means duchies having one de jure county like Venice. And the names of the new families should have less options with the old family name in it. Yeah if you have the conquest casus belli, you can just conquer adjacent counties ('conquer county') and duchies ('conquer duchy'). I know that owning enough De Jure counties lets you create Duchies and even Kingdoms. The Reliable Situation: Own 50% of as many duchies as possible, and never make the dichy title. As an example, The Kingdom of Thessalonika is made up of 5 duchies. usrj ggltywal llvcn fxrfa lkrfk nlgldeo tmbped fxvtd ims wmfqp