Split data stata

Split data stata. These are the optimal ways to show these things and they facilitate easy transfer of information between questioners and responders. Data Visualization with Stata 15 Cheat Sheet For more info see Stata’s reference manual (stata. use main. Factor variables Jun 9, 2013 · Some observations in my data set need to be split into two or three differenet observations. This is similar to least-squares regression, which Apr 13, 2021 · Welcome to my classroom!This video is part of my Stata series. Look for the ‘Text to Columns’ option and click on it. g. answered Nov 30, 2015 at 20:43. College Station, TX: Stata Press. Two generate statements would also work fine. When I compute the median of those two observations in Excel, I get the same answer as Stata. I tried this by using. We will explore these in more detail in future blog posts. I have an array of 254 numbers ( from 0. For example, if a data. 5Accessing matrices created by Stata commands 14. Sometimes you need to split a variable into groups. Feb 7, 2023 · In Stata, the command for this is (assuming Dataset 3 and Dataset 2 are stored as dataset3. index,test_size=0. Quantiles do not involve averages at all. One can also defined Feb 12, 2021 · Click the "Data" tab at the top of the Excel Ribbon. reshape wide peak, i (animal) j (treatment) string. A series where I help you learn how to use Stata. Now generating tables of descriptive statistics for both categorical and continuous variables is easier than ever. Mar 11, 2024 · One-to-many merge is similar to many-to-one merge, except that now the common variable(s) identifies unique observations in the master dataset. The -spsurv- Stata module developed by Aug 25, 2015 · breaking a command line into multiple lines in a do-file. Apr 4, 2015 · The 9th decile is 29028. Nov 15, 2018 · Creating the binning variable can be done in a number of ways. 1 Video example PDF documentation in Stata 1. Louis Financial Stress Index can be read into Stata by typing. Add if group==1 to the end of whatever you want to do. mi ’s estimation step encompasses both estimation on individual datasets and pooling in one easy-to-use procedure. keep if OK. I categorized the states into 10 Regions with a new variable called Region (so for example, Alabama and Arkansas have Region 1). SPSS commands, listed Apr 13, 2015 · 13 Apr 2015, 20:12. dta respectively): use dataset3, clear. Sabath > Since you really are not using the state variable as a numeric, convert it > to a string. 403 but they have random increments). If desired, read in the main dataset once more. The median cannot possible by 95,388 as you assert Excel reported, since that is larger than the largest value in the data. the /// turns green and breaks the line and the command is run with no problem). This data set consists of 1721 students nested in 60 schools. If we assume that this the case for all addresses in the data, the remedy will be really simple. ") and you can bail out now, unless you are interested in how to solve the problem from first principles. [U] 1 Read this—it will help5 1. egen treatment = concat (level delay), p (_) . Stata中的split命令允许将一个字符串变量分离为多个字符串变量。Stata将用分隔符分隔变量。默认分隔符是一个空格字符,但是您可以指定所需的分隔符来充分分割变量。这个命令对于分离您想要保存在单独变量中的一些信息非常有用。 May 24, 2018 · The code here hinges on an assumption that once semi-colons are removed from Number the remaining elements all count as words in Stata's sense. You need to show attempts at code; if you aren't yet writing original code, you would be better off on Statalist. 7Matrix operators 14. The data need to be organised in the same way as for pgmhaz (see above) and one may also use time Mar 4, 2014 · This video introduces the reshape command in Stata. 11Reference 14. The ‘Text to Columns’ feature is the tool you’ll use to split your data. Like pgmhaz , spsurv is for discrete time (grouped duration) data. for 1997m7 Stata generates year=1961 and month=3. Code: tabulate agegr died ,row. For instance, for a value of 1001100, I need to extract the last three digits (100 Apr 12, 2015 · #1. Giving it a monthly date format is telling Stata these numbers are monthly dates! 1 January 1990 as a daily date is numerically 10958 (days from 1 January 1960) but as a monthly date it is 10958 months from January 1960 -- and that's a long way into the future. My dataset looks like this: ID Company 1 Aat 2 Adt 3 Bat 4 Bjt 5 Coffee . cox@durham. . Also see [R] tabulate oneway — One-way table of frequencies [R] tabulate twoway — Two-way table of frequencies [R] tabulate, summarize() — One- and two-way tables of summary statistics Apr 24, 2024 · Step 2: Go to the Data tab and click on ‘Text to Columns’. 2009. Let's begin by opening the nhanes2l dataset and using tabstat to view the minimum, maximum . An Introduction to Stata Programming. dta. Nov 16, 2022 · Data on multiple responses in this structure can be used immediately for many analyses. > tostring geocode, generate (str_geocode) > Then use the string processing functions to get what you want. use "yourStataFile. income, age) Do both commands create exactly the same variable (quartile)? Oct 25, 2014 · I have about 4000 companies in my sample. This is a program for estimating ‘split population’ survival models, otherwise known in biostatistics as ‘cure’ models. csv, ) dialog box, then try the various options until you get what you need. drop level delay . "017;092" "Z12" "High". Jan 14, 2022 · The id columns must appear in each part. Consider couples in pairings or relationships of any kind, including Nov 12, 2014 · then, as suggested. Sep 30, 2016 · I want to create a categorical variable on 4 quartiles in a way that: 1 represent Corporate Governance value less than 25th quartile. preserve and restore allow a broadly similar method. Stata will give us the following results: Nov 16, 2022 · Author. Commands estat sbknown and estat sbsingle test for a structural break after estimation with regress or ivregress. For example, you might want to know how many respondents use Stata. Load Data. frame consisting of 3 id columns and 17 variable columns is to be split into 3 parts the resulting data. I tried using a forval loop in Stata and all I get is the counter 'i' is an invalid name. If you situation is still different and you need more help, please explain in more detail. The split command in Stata allows you to separate a string variable into multiple string variables. This model relaxes the assumption that all subjects will eventually experience the event of interest by supposing that a proportion of the population never fail. In this video, we look at how to append two Sep 4, 2023 · Split to train and testing data. Stata 13 has support for multi-character delimiters. 282 to 2. egen deciles_firm=xtile( cash ), by( id ) nq(10) egen deciles_year=xtile( cash ), by( year ) nq(10) tab deciles_firm. But this last step takes so long that for all intents and purposes Stata "crashes". It works in the case of command such as -twoway- (i. When the number of variables in a dataset to be analyzed with Stata is larger than 2,047 (likely with large surveys), the dataset is divided into several segments, each saved as a Stata dataset (. If you are not sure that import delimited will do what you are looking for, see[D] import and [U] 22 Entering and Jun 26, 2023 · Stata 18 offers another new command, dtable, that easily builds and exports a table of descriptive statistics, often called Table 1 in publications. These examples take long data files and reshape them into wide form. packages contain extra commands that. I was puzzled a little by the last table, but a closer look makes all clear and makes a small but important point about this kind of binning. gov) Nov 21, 2020 · But because it's a daily date, the only format that makes sense is a daily date format. 1 Overview Stata has two matrix programming languages, one that might be called Stata’s older matrix language and another that is The tabstat command below is used to verify that the data are grouped as we expected. A sample data set is also attached. There is also a command -egen, cut ()- that is sometimes used for this purpose. Working with the data will also be super slow. dta", clear. Jan 20, 2016 · Note that there are exactly two observations for sic2=10 and year=2009, and the largest of the two is 89,329. text data to import are comma-separated values (. Stata calls this covariance structure exchangeable. You use generate to create the Stata date variables. Categorical variables refer to the variables in your data that take on categorical values, variables such as sex, group, and region. input str7 Number str3 Cluster str6 Rating. Dec 13, 2018 · How to split numeric variables based on rule. We can see that when writecat is in the lowest category (30) that write ranges from 31 to 39, and so forth as we expect, e. This is illustrated below. The Split Command – Separating Your String Variables. For example the following observation: region income gdp other North 120 450 50 I need to split it into three observation with the same values for all variables except for the region like this: Stata tip 71: The problem of split identity, or how to group dyads. It’s designed to convert a single column of text into multiple 1. I will be st: RE: dividing a data set into estimation and validation sets. freduse STLFSI This is an example of easy-to-use weekly data referred to daily dates that are 7 days apart. The reshape command can be used to make data from a long format to a wide format. Splitting data into quintiles. If that's not the case, you should spell out what is problematic and alternative code can be suggested. In this case, mydata3 (see above) would be considered as master data and mydata1 (see above) as using data. I am trying to include a line break in a variable label, but cannot quite make it work as I want. The first statement uses the egen command. Oct 13, 2020 · Stata/Python integration part 7: Machine learning with support vector machines. Nov 16, 2022 · Classical techniques break down when applied to such data. The table below shows you five columns of information. We can use these commands to customize the borders, shading, fonts, colors, and other attributes of our tables. 2,train_size=0. j. For example, you want to make a new variable and know you can use the compute command to create a new variable in SPSS, but what is the equivalent (or similar) command in Stata? (By the way, there are actually three similar Stata commands, generate, replace and egen ). Jul 17, 2017 · So if you are in situation 3, Stata will load the data quite quickly into the physical memory, observe that it's full and start filling the page file. Nov 16, 2022 · Now save the data in memory. I need to split this into quintiles, that is split at approximately 20% cutoffs. dis Salesat1/r(sum) but if not, provide an example of your data using -dataex-, and explain on it what the desired outcome is . Stata has other commands for importing data. Code: generate newvar = alive/total. Cox Department of Geography Durham University Durham City, UK n. The unofficial -swor- (-search swor-) will do it. sysuse auto . 4. 26372 Iteration 6: log likelihood = -111. We can specify "[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]$" which would instruct Stata to find a five-digit number at the end of the string. Can anyone show me the code to plot this? Dear Stata List. egen stands for extensions to generate and is used mainly for more advanced operations than can be handled with the gen command. Date. dta file). spsurv. Oct 19, 2022 · split命令-分离字符串变量 . Since you really are not using the state variable as a numeric, convert it to a string. Code: summ sales if location == 1. id_cols <- c("id1", "id2", "id3") Nov 16, 2022 · Box plots are a popular tool used to visualize the distribution of a continuous variable for each group of a categorical variable. 6destring— Convert string variables to numeric variables and vice versa We want to remove all of these characters and create new variables for date, price, and percent Stata handles categorical variables as factor variables; see [U] 11. Best wishes Roger Roger B Newson BSc MSc DPhil Lecturer in Medical Statistics Respiratory Epidemiology and Public Health Group National Heart and Lung Institute Imperial College London Royal Brompton Campus Room 33, Emmanuel Kaye Building 1B Manresa Road London SW3 6LR UNITED KINGDOM Tel: +44 (0)20 7352 14. How do I create a new table with the following structure based on the above. Nov 16, 2022 · Title. Carlo has 20 years Aug 14, 2017 · Please before posting again make sure you read FAQ #12 and in the future follow those instructions for posting example data (the -dataex- command) and code or Stata output (code delimiters). Kolver Hernandez, Boston College. Code: gen year=year(date) gen month=month(date) The problem is that the generated numbers are not correct. I had a question about xtile in Stata. The command is useful when needing to change a dataset from wide format to long format. Nov 2, 2019 · Course: STATA for Complete Beginners 100% Free. Does anyone know the difference between the following two commands? Code: egen variable_name = cut(X), group(4) xtile variable_name = X, nq(4) * Continuous variable X (e. In Stata, this is made very easy through use of the by () option. We can also test the parallel trend assumption using the following command: estat ptrends. You read the date information into string variables and then these functions convert the string into something Stata can use, namely, a numeric Stata date variable. I have the following structure in my table: **particid period1 period2 v0pd20 v1pd20 v2pd20 v3pd20 v4pd20 v5pd20 v6pd20 v7pd20**. describe. merge m:1 person using dataset2. You can use these selected variables to. Features are Mar 21, 2018 · I think the simplest approach is to use Stata's File menu to access the interactive File > Import > Text data (delimited, *. In the Convert Text to Columns Wizard, select "Delimited" and then click "Next. Import Data. Right now my code looks like. The Stata command for one-to-many merge is merge 1:m Structural break tests help us to determine when and whether there is a significant change in our data. Please ask a new question in a new thread. The loop I use is as Sep 27, 2013 · I am very new to Stata and I am struggling how to split a row into multiple rows. Once you import the data, Stata's Results window will show the command that was used, and you can copy it and paste it into your do-file so Repeated measures anova assumes that the within-subject covariance structure has compound symmetry. Nov 16, 2022 · Stata fits quantile (including median) regression models, also known as least-absolute value (LAV) models, minimum absolute deviation (MAD) models, and L1-norm models. 8) where: x - contains the first DataFrame Nov 16, 2022 · If you have Stata 8 or later, the answer is to type . The default separator is a space character, however you can specify whichever separator you need to adequately split your variables. Reference Baum, C. This replaces your multi-character delimiter with a comma delimiter. , the values when writecat is in category 30 correspond to write having values of 30 up to (but not including) 40. 0. To download exercises and course files access:https://bit. Use filefilter before using insheet. By including this option, the overall test of the model is appropriate and Stata does not try to include its own constant. These show common examples of reshaping data but do not exhaustively demonstrate the different kinds of data reshaping that you could encounter. In some circumstances, -recode- can be useful here as well Jun 2, 2021 · June 2, 2021 by Jonathan Bartlett. 10 Oct 2016, 14:11. 12 Apr 2015, 16:39. To save part of a dataset, the preserve and restore approach is wrapped up in the community-contributed savesome program on SSC. Now, I need to create terciles within each region. gen rep78_str = string(rep78) converts the numeric and missing values of rep78 to strings. Below is a minimal example where I try to include a linebreak and it works for the axis label but not for the marker label: Code: sysuse auto. Both are robust to unknown forms of heteroskedasticity, something that cannot be said of traditional Chow tests. tab deciles_year. Stata will split the variable by a separator. 60074 Iteration 1: log likelihood = -111. Code: xtile quintileVPeps=VPeps, n(5) Apr 19, 2021 · 19 April 2021 [Monday] Facebook: https://www. Stata's hausman is used to conduct far more than just the classic Hausman specification test. spsurv dead drug age logt, id(id) seq(t) Iteration 0: log likelihood = -111. " " VS. E. Suppose we decide on a validation sample of 500: then we should be In this data set, the zip code appears at the end of the address string. Daniel R. There are several ways to achieve this in Stata, in this post we’ll use the egen command. split case, p(" V " " VS " " V. All the best, Joao Oct 10, 2016 · Splitting data into terciles. Feb 21, 2015 · Convert continuous variable into categorical groups. 8Matrix functions 14. txt files. tostring geocode, generate (str_geocode) Then use the string processing functions to get what you want. 26779 <snip> Iteration 5: log likelihood = -111. Check out the np. and repeat for a different part of the data. In Stata, type -help xtile- to find out more. e. By typing label list, we see that race = 1 denotes whites, race = 2 denotes blacks, and race = 3 denotes other races. save part. 1. gov) • Tim Essam (tessam@usaid. 12aug2006 14:23, and 12 aug06 2:23 pm, to Stata dates. string() string(n) is a synonym for strofreal(n) and converts numeric or missing values to strings. Statistical software for data science | Stata Split and join time-span records 501 [ST] stset Set variables for survival data Stata is continually being updated, and Stata users are always writing new 15 May 2001 UK Stata User Group Meeting 8 Illustration (iii): spsurv. I do not have a classifying group like the Stata FAQ suggests, so using: keep if group == `i' would not work for me, I think. * Run the regresion, compare to try 2. This can be achieved using base R by. I am using /// to break long lines of Stata commands into multiple lines to improve readability of my do-files. or if q1 is a numeric variable in which Stata is represented by 5, type. In this case gen state = substr (str_geocode,-2,2) /* -2 is 2 from the right side > for 2 characters */ > gen county = substr Sep 22, 2020 · I think you want. In this blog, we’ll show you how to take this approach, saving you plenty of time in manual recoding. Now I would like to get the year and the month in seperate columns. There is no value in the last row because you only need 9 values to split the data in 10 parts (like you just need the median to split the sample in two). σ 2. Example #1: Reshaping data long to wide. will do the trick. Try the following code to load your data: sysuse auto. model_selection import train_test_split x, x_test, y, y_test = train_test_split(df,df. EDIT: More general code: clear. Run help filefilter. 4 represents Corporate Governance value between 75th and 100th quartile. 2 represents Corporate Governance value between 25th and 50th quartile. Author. See the manual here. Apr 28, 2019 · Grouping observations in Stata. Splitting variables of string type in Stata can be a shortcut to performing statistical analyses that rely on numeric rather than string variables. Read this as generate the new variable OK that is 1 (true) if id is equal to any of the values specified and 0 I think what you need is the -xtile- command. lab def origin 0 `" "Domestic" "car" "' 1 `" "Foreign" "car" "', modify. st: RE: how to split numeric variable. 13 Dec 2018, 13:19. uk. In this case gen state = substr (str_geocode,-2,2) /* -2 is 2 from the right Mar 29, 2015 · I have dates like this 1997m7 (formatted as %tm). I want to split this file into smaller files, one file for one company. But best of all is to think from first principles. ac. I need to split it into 20 groups of 30,000 each. count if q1 == "Stata". A dummy variable is a variable that takes on the values 1 and 0; 1 means something is true (such as age < 25, sex is male, or in the category “very much”). I asked this question yesterday and had a follow-up question on it. I currently have a data set with school districts and # of students enrolled per district from all 50 states. For example: filefilter "source-file" "destination-file", from("\Q,\Q") to(",") replace. sca Salesat1 = r(sum) summ sales. Nov 30, 2015 · split is for splitting strings and for splitting them into parts according to their contents. It seems that when I divide by entire sample (which consists of NYSE, AMEX and NASDAQ firms from 1963-2013) on each December 31st into quintiles using the code in #14, I get equal sized quintiles! However, my issue is that when I try to track those firms Nov 16, 2022 · The Quick start is also useful if you just want a fast reference for what options you need to combine to, for example, conduct different tests. Use Stata/MP or Stata/SE . The conversion functions are typically used after importing or reading data. Dear all, I am trying to estimate a Split Population Survival Model (also called Cure Model) with discrete time duration data in Stata 9. com/econometricsMelody In this video, we will learn about three stata commands: "split" "separate" and Jan 23, 2019 · bysort id: g year=_n. You appear to want something like separate X, by(_n <= 1500) followed by renaming if you wish. Nov 16, 2022 · Order. I would like to split the "Arab Spring" label in two lines. Apr 17, 2021 · Please see my current graph. Should we later desire the original data structure, we can type. ssc install mdesc expand Stata’s toolkit. Hi. " Delimited works great in our example, as the names are separated by commas. find the package mdesc to install. sysuse auto, clear for many examples, we load system data (Auto data) use the auto dataset. It runs with Stata version 6 or later. Lasso and elastic net can select variables from a lot of variables. the data set consist a corporate governance index with minimuim value of 0 to maximium value of 10. You can see a screenshot of it here. Median regression estimates the median of the dependent variable, conditional on the values of the independent variable. If q1 is a string variable, type. Solution 2. mi provides both the imputation and the estimation steps. University, UK, and coeditor of the Stata Journal. Example 2: Three data sets for 3-level modeling. Such data may be declared time-series data by specifying delta(7) with tsset or xtset. 26371 Split population survival model Number of obs = 744 LR chi2(4 read into Stata as string variables because they contain spaces, dollar signs, commas, and percent signs. i want to split the data based on based on the corporated index into two sub-samples of low level corporate governance medium level corporate index and high level of corporate index. 9Subscripting 14. As we will see shortly, in most cases, if you use factor-variable Oct 22, 2018 · I have a large dataset with ~ 600,000 observations. 2. If you have four variables, agegr, died, alive and total, you might be happy with. frames would consist of 3 id columns and 5 to 6 variable columns each. dta and dataset2. You can test whether a random-effects specification of your model is appropriate, conduct a test for Likely you will not only need to split into train and test, but also cross validation to make sure your model generalizes. It is worth mentioning that the twin commands etable and dtable are both built on Now we are ready to run our combined regression. If the names were separated only by a space, you could select "Fixed width Jan 15, 2018 · Hi there, I have a panel data set comprising of 118 companies (range 10 years). Introduction. sex or treatment group). Best. 6Creating matrices by accumulating data 14. If you do not have Stata/MP or Stata/SE, please continue with this FAQ. Hi Stata folks, I am working on a dataset where each ID is associated with a numeric value comprised of 0 and 1s. The command is import delimited. If Dataset 3 and Dataset 2 switched places, then you would perform a one-to-many (1:m) merge. 91, so 10% of the observations are above it. The lasso is designed to sift through this kind of data and extract features that have the ability to predict outcomes. William Gould, StataCorp. sample— Draw random sample 3 Example 2 Among the variables in our data is race. Wed, 24 Sep 2003 16:30:27 -0700. We actually have combined three separate data sets together to come up with a single Stata data set called eg3all. install the package mdesc; needs to be done once. split: If indices_or_sections is a 1-D array of sorted integers, the entries indicate where along axis the array is split. Because with time, there will be more observations added and I cannot do this task manually for >10k cases. Here I am assuming 70% training data, 20% validation and 10% holdout/test data. When using multiple imputation to impute missing values there are often situations where one wants to perform the imputation process completely separately in groups of subjects defined by some fully observed variable (e. Note that real()/string() are functions and must be used in conjunction with a Stata command. But, for a command like -display- it doe 3 Converting year–week data to Stata daily dates Data for the St. One can also defined other characters for string parsing. The data set used in this example is an HLM example (Chapter 8) data set. Dummy variables are also called indicator variables. Once you’ve selected your cells, navigate to the Data tab on the Excel ribbon. 2 Example datasets Various examples in this manual use what is referred to as the automobile dataset, auto. The most direct is just with a series of -generate- and -replace- commands conditioned on the binning variable falling in between two cutpoints. com) Laura Hughes (lhughes@usaid. Nicholas J. 21 Feb 2015, 03:10. Machine learning, deep learning, and artificial intelligence are a collection of algorithms used to identify patterns in data. g cash=runiform()*100000. There is a single variance (σ 2) for all 3 of the time points and there is a single covariance (σ 1 ) for each of the pairs of trials. Theoretically I would just use a simple replace statement, but I am looking for a code/loop, which would recognize the double digit values and split them automatically and save them in the second variable. Factor variables refer to Stata’s treatment of categorical variables. 10Using matrices in scalar expressions 14. Click the "Text to Columns" button in the Data Tools section. F. dta just for the purpose of demonstration here. Many researchers in various disciplines deal with dyadic data, including several who would not use that term. count if q1 == 5. These algorithms have exotic-sounding names like “random forests”, “neural networks”, and “spectral clustering”. What I need to do now is to extract part of the numeric values based on a rule. We’ll look more at the egen command in We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. You can use Stata's graph box command to create simple box plots, or you can add options to make more sophisticated charts. 3 represents Corporate Governance value between 50th and 75th quartile. facebook. Besides applying the commands below to data, you also may want to apply the same commands to STATA macros (locals and globals). The factors level and delay take integer values, so there is no difficulty in concatenating them into a string variable. Mar 17, 2021 · A more commonly used feature in Stata is the split command, that by default splits the variables based on spaces. Aug 25, 2022 · Dear all, I'm trying to plot the following temp_28395_1661436235440_683. Creating dummy variables. ly/statacoursefilesDisclaimer: I used to work with S Overview of Stata 16’s lasso features. Use the lasso itself to select the Nov 16, 2022 · There is another way to approach selection whenever equality with any of several integer values is the criterion. Apr 17, 2015 · 1. Stata’s mi command provides a full suite of multiple-imputation methods for the analysis of incomplete data, data for which some values are missing. We use the hascons option because our model has an implied constant, int1 plus int2 which adds up to 1. So the time series data is stacked one below the other for each company, one company after the other in a single file. This is escpecially good for machine learning when you need to split DataFrame into 2 parts for testing and training: from sklearn. predict an outcome using lasso toolbox (today’s talk) estimate the effect of other variables of interest on the outcome using the selected variables as controls (next webinar) Jul 16, 2020 · The first column shows the code you would use, the second column shows how your data might look like before applying the code, and the third column shows how your data would look like after applying the code. Jun 7, 2021 · There are many collect style commands, including collect style cell, collect style row, collect style column, and collect style header. stata. Originally posted by sam james View Post. real() Nov 16, 2022 · Answer. egen OK = anymatch(id), values(12 23 34 45 and so on) . I don't think you need any section of the manual as support here, but FWIW Stata's -sample- doesn't do this. My current code is as follows (I colored the line of the code in question in red to make it easier to find): graph twoway (scatter vae year if countryname1==196, connect (direct) color (yellow)) (scatter vae year if countryname1==110, connect (direct) color Mar 29, 2024 · Stata will give us the following graph: Given that we used hypothetical data for this example, the graph does not show a clear parallel trend in outcome for treatment and control groups before the policy intervention. Stata gives you the tools to use lasso for predicton and for characterizing the groups and patterns in your data (model selection). If you have Stata 7, a previous version of split is available from SSC, and you can bail out now, unless you too want to keep reading. csv) text files and tab-separated text files, often. 3 Factor variables. Similarly, export delimited writes Stata’s data to a text file. kb xo xh kl dr ow sv sk rb mr