I hate having a dog reddit

I hate having a dog reddit. Go to Dogfree. All of them. What gets me so mad about having 4 dogs is that I just got out of the shower, I’m about to get ready for work, and my mom text me telling me that I People who hate dogs are the same as people who hate bugs or people who hate ice cream. They are the most pretentious, insane people I've ever met. Last reason is the biggest issue which is dog owners. And I feel terrible I feel this way. ADMIN MOD. We have to let others know that being anti-dog makes you a member of a large group of other people rather than feeling like you're an outsider. Firstly, I'm scared of dogs. Alternatively he goes back to hanging out at the rescue with no training at all. Last year I actually had to yell at an owner who just stood there as his german shepard barked and snarled at me. This seems like a pretty popular opinion. Bringing a dog into a household completely ruins the dynamics. They jump all over you, they shed hair, they drool, you can’t eat a meal in peace without them staring at you and making you feel guilty. Shelters are overflowing and there’s not exactly a line of people waiting to foster a big dog. Oct 22, 2022 · The anti-dog movement does not advocate for the killing of dogs. Weigh-in from dog owners is off topic and disallowed. Really. If he is lucky and gets adopted by someone else he is at risk to be abused and best because of his behavior. edit for some more math: assuming a building has 50 units, and 25% of them have at least one pet, that's $7,800/year in pet rent. Dog's will be so loyal they will nip at any around their master's ankles and the the owner will deny it happened. Hell, talking you frustrations out with the dog. Puppies suck. Currently have a small dog growing up with multiple adult cats, it’s hilarious to see the things they pick up on. Your BF clearly needs to work on training the dog, although you have a responsibility with that too as you live there. They’re overrated and people act as if a dog’s life matters more than a babies. Sometimes their isn’t another choice. Our dog can’t even follow simple commands. I hate being scared to walk my dogs. I had my baby and my relationship with them has gone from them being an extreme annoyance to having meltdowns when they bark and wake up the baby. There must be a compromise you two can work out. Dog Culture. So, I really really really have a deep seated hatred for dogs (yea, I know, I'm a monster) which stems from my bad experience with them in addition to my pre-disposed dislike for them. “I don’t like it when they lick me,” she told me, “and when you’re I have extreme anxiety I’m going to hate my dog. I hate her. Upvote THE POST if you disagree, downvote if you agree. They are either aggresive, or annoyingly needy and jumpy. Especially when they do that little squeal bark where it sounds like they want everyone in a 100ft radius to just start crying. "Help" might be simply a new hobby or going for long walks. I don't like dogs. Better over the rainbow bridge and at peace than as a bait dog or abused and beat. Don’t let the dog get away with showing dominant behaviour towards you – never. bluish-velvet. Don't worry about crating a dog. 3M subscribers in the teenagers community. baldpatch29. And most owners don't get that their guests don't want to be licked and drooled on or jumped on and think it's 'cute' and expect us to laugh it off with them. I Hate My Dog. I also hate untrained dogs. Anti-dog people should have events where we gather and socialize. /r/dogs is a place for dog owners of all levels of knowledge, skill, and experience to discuss various topics related to responsible dog ownership. Aggressive dogs are adopted from shelters for bait dogs and it’s horrible and in humane. Thank God they said it was their fault. Honestly it still makes me angry. I’m pretty sure even pigs are way more complex than dogs. We got stuck with one, he doesn't listen, he likes to try and kill me by walking under my feet, and his breath smells like he ate the ass off a dead person no matter how many times we've gotten his teeth cleaned. They are so much maintenance. YES. Dog ownership sucks. I adopted my boy at 2. I hate pets, my girlfriend wants several. Dogs want to sniff and mark, and not really just walk along in a straight line, for "exercise. If it's one of those days when you can barely face getting out of bed, walking the dog may well be out of the question. We don’t needs cities clogged with under-trained, lonely dogs with inexperienced and overly busy owners in tight quarters. The description of the task can be brief, and does not need to reveal the person's disability. This subreddit is a great starting point for a lot of information, but you should always verify and expand upon what you've read from reputable sources before putting it to use in your daily life. 8. Dogs are neurotic, dumb animals that pine for attention 24/7. Yes. Dogs are wonderful creatures. It’s not a problem if you actually dislike all dogs either, that is perfectly valid wether or not you’re neurodivergent. May 20, 2024 · Massage and stretch them regularly – this relaxes dogs, lowers anxiety, and deepens your bond through touch. They have grown up with her but I don’t know how much longer I can do this OR afford it frankly. They don't walk her, or feed her, or bathe her, or train her, or give her her medacine when she gets sick. When girlfriend comes home from work, M will jump on her just saying hi and wanting some pets. Reply. And please OP, don’t just put the dog on Craigslist, find a rehoming service that does background checks. Wow, it seems like the issue is really your boyfriend. Dogs are fine, in theory, but I like them from afar. And that’s okay. SO wanted to adopt a second dog after years of me shooting it down. I'm starting to really hate dogs. 60/sq ft of sod, you could lay 13,000 sq ft of new grass. One time when my partner and I were dog sitting his dad’s dogs, they shit in the kennel while we were gone, then one of them ate it. Dogs just aren't my jam. Took my dogs on trips, car rides etc. If he bullies the other dog, separate him. When I'm walking outside and someone walking their dog is right next to me I have to awkwardly subtly walk farther away from them. People are free to like and dislike whatever the fuck they want. This is a part of that. You have to walk them like twice a day and they’ll wake you at crack of dawn. got her at six months old… Do not reward bad behavior such as: letting him out when he barks, letting him take a toy or food because he’s being a prick. You hate untrained, unclean dogs, which I think is very reasonable. Silly/Fake jobs are NOT allowed in our sub. It's kind of stupid to admit but this is a bigger dealbreaker between us than children (we both want 2-3). But listen, I have four children, and once you have four children a dog might be too much for you. [deleted] This wouldn't really bother me that much, it's my gfs attitude towards my dog (M) that bothers me. Of course, I still have lots of people in my life telling me he's missing out and I should be socialising him. I hate my husband's dog. The two questions you can ask are: 1) is the dog a service animal required because of a disability, and (2) what work or task has the dog been trained to perform. They smell. A lot of people get a dog not realizing what they're getting into but now they're stuck because people will villanize them if they would rehome the dog. Owners always have a blind eye, not only to they accept a few days of shit before they clean it up, they also swear that their dog will never hurt children. I cannot for the life of me truly understand why humans punish themselves with the stress of having dogs. Rule #1 of dog ownership is that everyone in the household has to be on board and an enthusiastic participant in caring for and being an active member of that dog's life. Another is my own experience as I have deadly allergies to cats, on a scale of 0-18,000 (0 being no reaction to 18,000 for most severe) my test came back 48, 000 for allergen sensitivity. I don’t like dogs. No dog is going to be perfect all the time but the dog can certainly behave better then it is now (of no fault of the dog, but definitely of your girlfriend OP). Dogs running around on the hiking trails. I hate the trend of all apartments becoming pet friendly. You cannot ask any further questions. I've never been a dog person. Read the full rules in the sidebar before posting. Like when people say they hate babies, the way they look and smell and live. Because you have not trained your goddamned dog. Reply reply. Luckily the one dog is leaving tonight so you won't have to deal with it much longer. Far from it. These are jobs or tasks a dog is specifically trained to perform such as Guide Dog, Service Dog, Herding Dog, Police Dog, Sled Dog, etc. I've never had them before and I wasn't prepared for the amount of work it's been. I'm small and not strong at all. Also my husband and children would be heart broken if I got rid of her. I hate grooming the “once a year” dogs. This time it needed to be a #10 because it was so bad. Get a young one and spend a lot of time bonding with it. These can be normal dog behaviors (except for this shitting during sex that’s a new one lol) but it’s the dog owner’s responsibility to train them. I pet the dog, not because I genuinely like it, but more as a way to get it to stop bothering me. The dog ruled our lives, it’s crazy to realize how much we 7. Kinda cool though your family’s dog can at least do something like tricks lmaooo. Ugh. Bear in mind as you read that I don't hate dogs, I just don't want them in my living space. I already know a lot of people will be mad at me but I'll try to explain why. This is absolutely normal. Never come across one that I like. Jumping around someone who just came home wouldnt be “you are back, i love you!” but: “feed and entertain me NOW”. As an avid animal lover and dog owner please re-home the dog to a responsible and loving family who have the time and the patience to care for the animal. I just picked up a golden retriever/Pyrenees mix (literally have only had her less than 48 hours). [Emotional Support] Back when I was 15, I got my first dog from a neighbor who no longer wanted her 4 month old pup. • 1 yr. •. I hate my dog. I keep at it every day because she’s a baby, she needs me and she can only learn what I teach her. But I say I don’t like dogs and I’m basically yelled at, ‘What do you mean you don’t like dogs! I know you're worried about how he would handle rehoming, but you might be surprised. Train your goddamned dog. S/he's got more of a heart than a "dog lover" who takes their pet to the kill shelter or dumps their pet in the country (I foster dogs). : r/Dogfree. I don't hate this dog in particular, I just never wanted a dog in general. on top of that, my partner blames me for her barking. This is just ridiculous. Rescue foster bar is low. Stay firm on this. She came back much stronger. Sorry for my being here, I know my kind isn't liked, but I don't know where else to turn. So after moving out I pledged to never have a dog. We had great success with stopping every time he pulled, saying "nuh uh" and ADMIN MOD. It seems like everytime I go for a walk some asshole dog runs off it's owners lawn and snarls at me. They suck your time, your sleep, your sanity. I feel like we’re in an era where people are hypersensitive. Worst mistake of my life. I walk in the front door, I get jumped on, and licked, I go to the other side of the house, its repeated by a dog I hate more. Having always adopted adult dogs I thought I could handle a puppy. Love all animals except dogs. He is a pit mix and I feel as though if something like that were to happen that would be the result. r/teenagers is the biggest community forum run by teenagers for teenagers. Everywhere in the media it's about how awesome dogs are but in reality there are a lot of cons and having a dog is a huge responsibility. most important to changing his behavior is rewarding him when he IS good. Agree. I have been with my partner for 3 years and can’t stand sleeping with him. As if they have never smelled a fucking dog, those things are putrid and don’t belong inside a home. More than anything, we just got it at a difficult period of life for us, and it was kinda more than we could handle, but we're almost through it. This one is a bit harmless compared to some more serious posts here, but I feel like a lot of people look at me like I'm some kind of sociopath who…. I feel the same about kids. Around two years ago, he lost all the hair on his body. I’ve been hating my dog since I gave birth. I know I felt overwhelmed at times when my dog was a puppy. I hate dog owners so much. [Fluff] Dog people, don't hate mebut I'm not one of you. We got our pup at 9 weeks and pretty much hated her for the first two weeks, and then still didn't like her that much at that point but we could feel it was starting to get better 😅 having a puppy is a HUGE adjustment and it's totally normal to struggle with it. ago. I used to be a dog mom. I took him everywhere, took a million pics, I would even cancel plans just to stay home with him. Not everyone feels like they need a full time friend. There are good dog owners out there but they are getting harder to find. They shed everywhere. I love other people's dog. I’m somebody who doesn’t like dogs, and it’s something that is very unaccepted in society. exactly! dog licks are more wet and gross, compared to the sharp and more ticklish licks that cats hand out, which I don't mind. . I mean actually sleep. Thank you for respecting our space. I used to be a bad dog owner. Because of this, I was very strict on loose leash walking from his third or fourth walk. Dogs are mans most loyal companion that gives love unconditionally, and you're just a hate filled female unfit for human consumption. I'm more relaxed, he's more relaxed everybody wins. Food dispensers, puzzles, trick training, scent work, some dog sports while physical are also a lot mental like agility. Having a dog is like having a two year old child for 15 years I dont think so. Number one dog lover. You might be reading this and thinking to yourself: "Well I love dogs. He's now 8 months and an absolute tank. At $15 for a roll of 50 doggie bags, you could buy 26,000 poop bags. The dog jumps, barks, pushes over small kids, nips, etc. 7. I have struggled with insomnia and sleep disorder patterns my whole life Dogs can actually do that!”, like okay Jesus christ. There, I said it 😅 : r/CasualConversation. I've had them since they were born, and they will be 13 Hello r/dogs. TLDR; I hate my dog because I am allergic to her, am her sole caretaker, and she knows how to push my buttons. Sorry for the mini vent but yeah dude it sucks! I feel you on your dog barking at night and not letting you sleep either :/ . Dogs are smart and he has to know you aren't happy with life as it is. Let one dog out and have the other crated and then switch every hour or so. Once their responsibility begins to bite, maybe they'll come to their senses. We all know which ones I am talking about. onmymccloud45. I know it's a stupid fear and it looks very embarrassing in public. Lol. You will no longer be able to just stay out late whenever you feel like it because hey, you have a dog now, and that dog has needs which depend entirely on you. It's good for them to be put in their place, and it's not your dog. You will no longer be able to sleep in or just crash on the couch after work either. It’s honestly sickening to look at. We need to go back to the time where our pets didn’t HAVE to be with us 24/7. This is our corner of the world. lasagnaman. His body is gray/purple and ashy and covered in liver spots. I don’t like dogs, either. I can not imagine anything that could make me feel differently or even start disliking him. I have a 5yo golden shepherd, female, submissive, kinda skittish and selective of dogs and people. They dont understand shit, defenitely dont understand nutters souls as they claim. Sit down and talk to your friend. Growing up, my dad trained working sheep dogs, so we always had 8-10 dogs on the property at any given time. I hate dogs. 3. I have always struggled with sleep and a dog has made that 100% worse by barking in the middle of the night and Owning a dog is a lot of responsibility, and can feel overwhelming at times. At $. Or keep one dog inside and one dog outside (if you have a fenced yard) and keep rotating them (as long as the weather is decent and obviously still keep a close eye on them both). I've owned cats,chinchillas, guinea pigs,ferrets and rats. After she deleted her first channel I knew she'd be back. Probably had a yeast infection (what my coworker said) because the pee had nowhere to go and just stayed put in the fur. People would instantly realize that. They leave me to look after it all day while they go to work. And I also have some stuff like anxiety and getting lonely. depressednothing. If you're going to hate on me for not liking this dog, please spare yourself the read and spare me your reply. It can seem hard to break, especially with an adopted dog who has experienced food insecurities. Never really have been. If you stick with it, he will start to get the picture. Try to keep this short. Sorry for this rant Reddit, I know you place dogs on a pedestal. Strangely enough, I really enjoy cats – they're quiet, don't constantly pester you, and don't demand too much attention. (I am not talking about the legit service animals. How people say babies are ugly but dogs are the ones who Dogs are excitable and some can easily knock you over and really hurt you, even by accident. Now with the baby here, I'm with you. When that dog does, it's the toddler's fault. Our subreddit is primarily for…. Proud parent of a dog. Yes, dogs and other animals have emotions but it’s not like human emotions. Some of y’all saw my post the other day. They’re usually dirty, wanna touch all over you when it literally feels like they’re stabbing you, messy, and worst of all loud. Recently, my kid sister adopted some random mutt, a 2 year old rescue that she thinks is a husky mix. Loneliness breeds depression, and depression breeds lethargy. Yelling either makes them think they are in trouble for not warning you well enough, or you are excited about the visitors too. . 5 years from a similar situation where life had dealt his previous owner a difficult hand, and she just couldn't handle having a dog anymore. This would be brain games. As long as they ain’t dickheads about it, we cool. We got our dog at 11 weeks. Dogs are endlessly selfish beings who use their owners to get what they want. When I was pregnant I heard about this happening but I thought it would NEVER happen to me because my dog was like my child. While I was away for University, my family got a dog without telling me, and now, post-graduation, I am stuck at home due to Thank god their dogs were not hurt. Dogs need space, exercise and companionship. If you still have an interest in other animals, I personally recommend snakes. I believe having a pet is a responsibility for life. So the TL;DR is that you aren't being fair to a dog's needs, and shouldn't get a dog. But only that, if you are going to have a dog, you should recognize that this is normal behavior. Mental exercise will help reduce stress, which is another key component. Try dog sports like agility, flyball or Frisbee – burning energy in a productive way prevents misbehavior. What is so goddamn wonderful about pets? I mean seriously they're just loud and annoying and you have to feed them and clean up after them. I’ve seen so many people saying how negatively they’ve felt after bringing baby home that I’m worried now. Holy shitballs. They smell, and people who own them smell, along with their houses. My SO finally agreed to rehome his dog after 4months of trying to make it work since I moved in. Infant 2-12 Months. This thread is archived. Whenever I visit friends who have dogs, the dog greets me happily, wagging its tail and jumping on me. Right now owning a dog is a trend. Dogs in the grocery store where I buy my food. " True and true. This IS my fault though, I'm a Yes man and so many things in my life I'm do helicopter dance and you will remember why you need it. Now let me go into why I can’t stand this dog. She is reactive to food. This will quickly show him that jumping/nipping/barking = get ignored, sitting still and behaving = get attention and yummy treats. 2. And I am 19 right now about to turn 20. The dog has been such a point of contention that the entire family had to "pick sides" over the holidays. There, I said it 😅. When my friends talk about getting dogs or worse, actually get a dog, I literally won’t go over to their house. You can let a cat exercise itself but you need to walk a dog. After I gave birth it all changed. I am so scared of this situation happening and having to put my dog down because of it. I love the dog, and objectively providing him a much better life than what he would have had at the rescue Just for fun I Googled "I hate dogs subreddit" there really is a sub for everything! Makes me feel better to know there are others out there like me! The weird thing is I'm an animal lover. I have given up socialising my reactive dog. It must be shown some discipline otherwise it’ll be upset and unstable. If I'm in one room with one dog, the other begs for attention. Again. We have three dogs and they're all quiet, well behaved creatures. They jump up, they’re aggressive prey driven animals, and let me tell you a story. 104. That is the first rule emblazoned at the top of the r/Dogfree subreddit, where 46,000 subscribers gather every day to dream of a MOD. I am also a 21 year old college student with a puppy! Well, a young dog now. Dogs bark when people come to the house because they think it's their job to warn you, and they are excited. What worked for my dog was to distract him with treats at the first sign of people. Instead we get up early every day and drive to somewhere we know we'll never see anybody/any dogs. They drool. If somebody doesn’t like cats, that’s normal. This is relevant because of her obsession with On top of all that one of our elderly dogs keeps pissing on my carpet because he feels the need to show dominance against the newest dog we got last year because that dog will never be neutered. I just want to be free of this damn dog. Find a treat he loves and keep it on your person. This dog ruined my life. I’ve mentioned his age and He is a Pomeranian. Never the animals fault. He only has hair on his legs and his head. 1. I’m 32 weeks and definitely struggling with depression (but my dog is the Finally I’m dog free. People just like what they like and don't like what they don't like. This dog basically only comes once a year, always has to be shaved down with a #7 because of matting. That’s like saying you must be insane if you don’t want to hug a grizzly bear. It gives them a boost in serotonin. I do not want to share my bed with a partner, pet, kid, etc. I'm as confused as you are. Not dog owners or not-owners are a issues. I have dogs and I don't want to be licked. And I’ll add: I don’t mind cat licks. It’s fine if you don’t like owning pets. Even if that compromise means you can't hang out till the dog gets a little older and calms down (or is able to be left alone). I'm not scared of them, I've just literally had my fill of these pushy, disgusting animals. 40kg and makes his XL bully friends look small kinda dog. I hate dogs, and my family got one. Sep 21, 2023 · Emma Allum, a 41-year-old member in Southeast England, gets unnerved when big dogs veer toward her or stare at her. Teach your dog how to relax and do this exercise for 10 minutes a day. They are babies and suck the life out of you. Maybe the problem is with you and not the dog. It takes a lot of work and focus and care to train and raise a healthy and happy pup. In 8 years she’s cost us My dog is definitely my greatest joy, best friend and firstborn. I think the majority of people who have dogs shouldn't be allowed to have them. Using snuffle mats gives them the same type of exciting reward with a positive association, and on the owner’s terms. Instead of the two people putting effort/energy into focusing on each other, they have to spend it on managing the needs of the stupid, neurotic dog. r/Dogfree. The two dogs can't interact, because the pit is aggressive towards other animals, so I have to take each outside individually. Also, if this is not the first time you have lashed out at something in rage; consider seeking help. I have aspergers and so when our family moved back to Australia my mother decided it would be nice for me to have a dog because 'it would be a great companion'. It’s bad for the dogs and it’s bad for the community. In the end I got one just to shut her up. I love dogs too. that is my time to recharge and anything that “joins” me in bed ruins my sleep. I now have a dog. Sharing a bed is the worst. I was told she was returned multiple times because of other animals in the home. Dogs are annoyance after having baby. Spicy, let's keep this train rolling. Oddly enough, two of the older cats grew up in a similar situation with adult dogs so they have tendencies you’d normally associate with dogs! Dogs and cats are very impressionable and smart creatures, they just want to fit in haha Spontaneity will become a lot more difficult, for example. I KNOW, it sounds awful. Being ignored is unpleasant for a dog who wants attention, but to drive the point home to your dog, reward him when he sits still in the presence of company. A dogs able to be a partner for you, not a romantic partner or overall the same as you may think of a partner from a human. She is almost a year and a half old. I love dogs, I had dogs growing up. She will yell at M, push her off and run over to gush at her fat ass lazy dog that's just sleeping in it's bed. It does get better. Dog ownership is nothing to be glorified, and if someone is silly enough to have a dog, looking after it should be on them and them alone. My boyfriend offers no support or help with her. Well, I can, but I hate it. Dogs off leash at the parks. Their dog is their precious child. This is a subreddit for those who do not like or own dogs to discuss modern-day dog ownership and its effects on society. "Help" does not necessarily mean mediation or lying on a couch discussing your mother. To a bored dog, finding/eating surprise food is highly rewarding. Growing up, my dad was abusive to put it lightly, and he shared the same way of his being with animals. I don't like these dogs. This is a community for real working dogs. I Hate Dogs. I work for a dog shelter and obviously I like dogs to some degree to wrk there, but I HATE dog owners. ) Dogs in cars barking at other cars. While you can't expect her to give up her dog for your comfort, she also shouldn't force it on you. Are you sure you want to be with someone who won’t communicate with you, won’t be a partner, and doesn’t care about your I have -- I got my GED, got my bilingual certificate and EU citizenship, cycled through several different jobs (sometimes 3 at a time!) trying to make more money to support us before landing the one I have now, at which I have gotten steady pay raises, enough to afford a rental without roommates, with a yard for them, but no real wiggle room I hate dogs and their barking. That’s why people study psychology for so many years, because the human brain is so complex and how we behave. Take an obedience class together – you’ll establish yourself as a benevolent leader and grow as a team. if you have a pet, fucking train it. He always had dogs and whenever they’d pee/poop inside, he’d beat ‘em. " A dog owner, in my view, is kind of a jerk if they make it a point to not let the dog do this. Advice. ev lv bp xo qa yt pe bs pb es