Android windowisfloating. Jan 9, 2017 · This mode allows Android to present apps as floating windows that can be moved and resized at will by the user. 2) Material Design bottom sheet — a container view with a BottomSheetBehavior, a BottomSheetDialogFragment, or a BottomSheetDialog Feb 17, 2022 · I'm trying to have a full screen DialogFragment with the ability to show / hide status and navigation bars when tapping the screen. Find out how to adjust the dialog size, properties, and theme to achieve the fullscreen effect. Aug 30, 2013 · 6. lang. 5 Attribution License. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. onCreateView:给dialog外壳填充自己想要的样式布局. It’s essentially Android’s implementation of a stacking window manager. To accomplish this I use a custom dialog with a custom style: AlertDialog. AppCompat not found - but Google instructions respected 119 java. attr#windowIsTranslucent or android. The most up-to-date code I could find on the Internet: 1. So to fix your problem use your theme parent to - Theme. AppCompat主题及其子主题),经过测试发现: “android:windowActionBar”属性在AppCompatActivity中不起作用; Dec 25, 2012 · Stack Overflow Public questions & answers; Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Talent Build your employer brand May 31, 2018 · To get the Google's modal BottomSheet design, implement it the following way. Also, allowing a theme to be set on the dialog fragment would be a simple way to allow overriding the entrance/exit animation applied to modals in NS. 今回は MainActivity に配置した Button をタップしたときに DialogFragment を Jul 17, 2019 · 如果你想让dialog可以被软键盘顶起而不被覆盖,你可能需要设置windowIsFloating属性为false。本文介绍了如何在Android中实现这个效果,并给出了相关的代码示例和截图。你还可以参考其他相关的博客文章,了解更多关于windowIsFloating属性的用法和注意事项。 Aug 11, 2022 · 给dialog设置下面的样式,核心就是将android:windowIsFloating设置为false。 在dialog的onCreate方法中调用supportActio Jul 25, 2013 · I created a activity looks like dialog . I found several solutions, but none of them helped me until I made the style as follows (an example immediately with rounded edges): Stack Overflow Public questions & answers; Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Talent Build your employer brand 10. return new BottomSheetFragment (); this. Apr 18, 2013 · 我不知道将windowIsFloating设置为true的所有效果,但我注意到一件事,当它设置为true时,即使您将布局宽度设置为match_parent (即android:layout_width="match_parent"),activity也不会扩展宽度以填充屏幕。 Sep 21, 2020 · In Floating Apps, some windows can be resized, and such windows have a small handle in the right bottom corner. This setting determines the outline of the blur area. WindowManager. I could handle almost everything on the dialog except for that default black dim background under the dialog itself, but over the entire screen behind it. setBackgroundDrawable(new ColorDrawable(0)); b) Create a Different activity just to display your dialog and isolate the theme related to your parent activity (that for sure that is causing the issue), do something like below. Runtime. The one which I'm battling right now is that it assigned the width/height of the top ancestor as "wrap_content" rather than the width/height of the screen. public abstract bool IsFloating { [Android. color. Floating Windows on Android 1: Jetpack Compose & Room. The solution is very good described in the following post here on StackOverflow. Then with myLayout you add myLayout. M の 雑記帳: Android Dialog の大きさを自分で設定する - ) これを DialogFragment で行う場合、ちょっと注意が必要です With setting the style item android:windowIsFloating to true (the default), the DialogFragment displays exactly how I want it to, but has a very dimmed background. Resizing the window is very similar to moving it, and you can use the same DraggableTouchListener as we introduced in the Moving Window article. and in styles. 1. I've narrowed down the culprit to android:windowIsFloating: if I set this to false the jump stops happening, but the activity is difficult to style properly without it. dialog. klinker. Floating Windows on Android 5: Moving Window. Applies to Mar 16, 2017 · Android developers have made AppCompat more restricted about windowNoTitle flag as they were introduces AppCompatDialogs which are highly dependent on windowNoTitle flag - in version of 22. I have 2 activities and I want to show the second activity over the first one, but the second activity has a layout:width : 250dp and layout height is fill-parent(fill the screen) and start from the right of the screen. The default animation will show the soft keyboard right below my EditText which will cover my save button. getWindowManager(). setView(alertView Aug 10, 2015 · Stack Overflow Public questions & answers; Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Talent Build your employer brand Jun 7, 2019 · I'm looking for a solution to draw my BottomSheetDialogFragment behind the status bar. I tried to override styles: but nothing works. new ContextThemeWrapper(this, Mar 24, 2015 · (This is a random image of showing a Dialog found on the Internet. IllegalArgumentException: AppCompat does not support the current theme features: { windowActionBar: false, windowActionBarOverlay: false, android Mar 11, 2023 · After searching all the guides and forums, I still haven't found the answer. Maybe there is different soultion to get a bottom sheet behavior on the Dec 1, 2018 · I am trying to display a dialog fragment in a bezeless phone which has a notch. setBackgroundDrawable(new ColorDrawable(android. xml to set dialog style. Oct 10, 2016 · There are three choices when implementing a Support Library (23. Fortunately, it allows us to add and remove views directly, and if we add them with correct parameters, we have our floating windows! // Obtain WindowManager. This way just fade any padding around the dialog but doesn’t really remove padding. Additionally I put together a sample project based on the code found in that particular Jul 4, 2015 · Stack Overflow Public questions & answers; Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Talent Build your employer brand My app is running fine on Android N, but is crashing at setContentView(R. I want to make a white, no bordered, popup view. getWindow(). class IAPDialogFragment : DaggerDialogFragment() {. Dialog that has a nice minimum width for a regular dialog. Call this method, passing in your EditText. this); dialog. Theme_Translucent_NoTitleBar); dialog. 1k次。关于Window的windowIsFloating属性,之前有做过一些笔记,分享一下:// 是否是dialog样式的界面,android:windowIsFloating属性mIsFloating = a. Window window = getDialog(). DialogFragment を表示する. drawable. All the Dialog themes (Holo, etc), though, have this item: Portions of this page are modifications based on work created and shared by the Android Open Source Project and used according to terms described in the Creative Commons 2. Is there some way I can correct the initial height calculation for the shared element? Dec 22, 2016 · I am creating an app which uses dialog fragement which look like this. I've been stuck on this for the better part of a week and have had to disable Dexguard on builds, but I finally figured it out. 大多数中,使用系统内置的dialog并不能满足UE的设计需要. How to show dialog without space below ? Here code to show dialog: BottomSheetDialog mBottomSheetDialog = new BottomSheetDialog(this); View sheetView = getLayoutInflater(). But there's no way I can change the background or layout of my dialogs. 2,305 1 14 25. requestWindowFeature(Window. For example, if you set up an intent to open the floating window app, it would look something like this: Code: Intent window = new Intent(context, com. fragment = fragment; return this; Jun 19, 2016 · I am new in android. 1) If you want ActionBar in other activities but this one, create a new style for NoActionBar and add that style to this Activity Jan 15, 2017 · 0. IllegalArgumentException: AppCompat does not support the current java. Window_windowIsFloating, false);int flagToUpd_windowisfloating Nov 16, 2012 · Since the actual activity that displayed those dialogs was not a floating window by Android's standards, getWindow(). Updates from the listener are not applied on the screen. Jan 21, 2018 · And this code is used to pop up the DatePicker. 0 The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: Jan 12, 2012 · Same as above but doing it in code rather than in xml worked for me. Aug 19, 2013 · Do you want to create a dialog that covers the entire screen in your Android app? Learn how to do it with different approaches and solutions from Stack Overflow users. DatePickerDialog, new DatePickerDialog. Step #2: Jan 7, 2021 · I have a custom dialog fragment, the issue I am facing is that when the dismiss function is called, the dialog UI still remains on the screen even tho it's actually dismissed. Oct 25, 2011 · windowIsFloating while a great one stop shop for creating Dialog styled UI's has many ---bugs--- quirks. I always have white border. The DialogFragment is applying some default value for padding on bottom, right, left, and top. setBackgroundDrawableResource(R. a) Passing ZERO as parameter for ColorDrawable :) getDialog(). Step2: Open the activity_main. setBackground(Color. Atributo windowIsFloating en el tema de Android ¿Qué hace realmente este atributo? He leído la documentación y entiendo lo que se supone que es. layout. My code is below: Dialog dialog = new Dialog(this, android. This what i did to achieve requestWindowFeature(Window. AppCompat. Nov 17, 2015 · OK! the famous Toolbar problem. The widget activity and the service cannot use getWindow. getAttributes(); Extend by device; Build apps that give your users seamless experiences from phones to tablets, watches, and more. Im trying to display an DialogFragment with match_parent both for height and width but it happens that on top the DialogFragment is being displayed below StatusBar. The pic shows the problem. Mar 31, 2017 · 在上面的分析中我们知道,setContentView会进一步调用generateLayout创建根布局,Android系统默认实现了多种样式的根布局应,以应对不同的场景,选择的规则就是用户设置的主题样式(Window属性),比如需不需要Title,而布局样式在选定后就不能再改变了(大小可以),有些属性是选择布局文件的参考 Sep 17, 2020 · And the window manager on Android handles everything you can see on the screen. LayoutParams lp = getWindow(). // Listener. override fun onCreate(savedStateInstance: Bundle?) super. case (1): dlg = new AlertDialog. There is actually a way to achieve this. transparent); 和. Suppose I have this style declared in values-v21: // Set in dialog class < stylename = "WhiteDialogTheme"parent = "AppThemeBase" > < itemname = "android:windowNoTitle" >true</ item > < itemname Jan 23, 2021 · 今回は次のような ConstraintLayout の中に TextView を配置したレイアウトを表示してみます。. That attribute is set to true in the Holo dialog themes. bottom_dialog, null); mBottomSheetDialog. CustomDialogTheme)); LayoutInflater inflater = this. This view contains a LinearLayout Convert an activity, which particularly with android. 4. Builder(new ContextThemeWrapper(this, R. id. Theme_NoWiredStrapInNavigationBar. Just to add, you can programmatically set your layout of custom_dialog. Basically the solution works around the constraints enforced by the ActionBarView on the styles attribute android:windowIsFloating. TRANSPARENT)); Or create your own custom layout to your dialog, here it is an example. Stack Overflow Public questions & answers; Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Talent Build your employer brand Feb 7, 2024 · 0. Builder(this); ListView modeList = new ListView(this); Nov 4, 2013 · You can set it to the color transparent: dialog. Start by creating a shape drawable which will be used as background for the bottom sheet: getWindow(). FLAG_SHOW_WHEN_LOCKED); worked fine. styleable. The listener updates might be getting applied to an old window instance. IllegalArgumentException: AppCompat does not support the current theme features Feb 13, 2014 · 1. Here is my code. window. 창 블러 또는 교차 창 블러는 특정 창 뒤의 화면을 블러 처리하는 데 사용됩니다. OnDateSetListener() {. SetVisible(Boolean) Jun 13, 2020 · Android の流儀に逆らった実装をする場合などに WindowIsFloating を使うシチュエーションがあるかもと思いました。 WindowIsFloating の挙動がやっかいなところが多そうなので、触りたくないかなという印象ですね。 Android DialogFragment では Dialog のサイズ指定は onActivityCreated でやれ. The issue appears to be in the new (ish) D8 desugar-er, which replaced the old DX version. addFlags(WindowManager. Android 12에서는 창 블러 효과 (예: 배경 블러, 후면 블러)를 구현하는 데 공개 API를 사용할 수 있습니다. android. attr#windowIsFloating attribute, to a fullscreen opaque activity, or convert it from opaque back to translucent. setBackgroundDrawable(new ColorDrawable(Color. Jun 15, 2019 · 如果你想在android开发中实现底部弹出的dialog,同时带有背景阴影的效果,那么你可以参考这篇简书文章,它详细介绍了如何通过style样式和动画实现这种需求,还提供了完整的代码示例,让你轻松掌握这种常用的交互方式。 Dec 2, 2012 · I had the same problem and I can confirm that the problem is the dialog theme. Holo. The way to use this would be through passing a ContextThemeWrapper in place of Context (using this) to your custom Dialog's constructor: YourCustomDialog cDialog = new YourCustomDialog(. Step1: Create a project in Android studio with Empty Activity template. However, I was thinking I'd use an Activity that looks like a Dialog instead. I know it can be closed by the OS then as well. Dec 4, 2018 · The reason why i use the windowIsFloating property is that i need to have the previous activity paused to resume it as fast as possible. Register("isFloating", "()Z", "GetIsFloatingHandler")] get; } Aug 2, 2016 · 1. I experimented with changing the window size Oct 17, 2013 · After you are done with that, you have successfully set up a program that will change from a windowed state to a full app state depending on which class is called. show() You can also bind the keyboard to stay with the dialog, by using an onDismissListener. I am setting the style in DialogFragment. Builder(this); // Get the layout inflater LayoutInflater inflater = this. pixel); AlertDialog. 方式一:继承DialogFragment,也是官方推荐的方式. TextView newdate = (TextView) findViewById(R. override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) 창 블러. But that's OK since it seams that most of the time I don't have to reinitialize the activity. D8 is enabled by default in Android Studio 3. Color. getLayoutInflater(); Sep 28, 2017 · 13. FEATURE_NO_TITLE); Mar 2, 2019 · Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly Oct 24, 2019 · “android:windowNoTitle”则需要使用android. getWindow(); LayoutParams attributes = window. newsletter_dialog, null); // Pass null as the parent view because its going in the dialog layout builder. BOTTOM. Ensure that a window background drawable is set. Just like that: final AlertDialog. 5. setBackgroundDrawable(new ColorDrawable()); 亲测没用: 有用的做法其实是,dialog的暗色背景其实不是背景图片而是 dialog的模糊值dimAmount。 下面是几种处理方法,可以一个一个试,总一个款适合你的问题。 Aug 6, 2021 · The solution was not obvious) I have searched through the entire stackoverflow. public void onDateSet(DatePicker view, int year, int monthOfYear, int dayOfMonth) {. Why AppCompat does not support the current theme features { windowActionBar: false, windowActionBarOverlay: false, android:windowIsFloating: false 前言. getSystemService(Context. Mar 5, 2014 · But this is the nature of Android, that activities will stack on each other if your choose they are transparent; better you reconsider the design of your UI. It’s essentially Android’s implementation of a stacking window manager . inflate(R. My parent layout is fitSystemWindows="true". final Dialog dialog = new Dialog(Screen1. Tried many times and now I'm writing here. onCreate(savedStateInstance) setStyle(STYLE_NORMAL, R. transparent Oct 4, 2020 · Steps as followed. As from what it seems, try making few changes in the code you have posted. I hope this works for you too. In my case, the name of the project is TransparentActivity. I met the issue before: there is always a padding while having set fullscreen. 3. attr. x. You can use some symply - setBackgroundDrawableResource (android. DatePickerDialog datepicker = new DatePickerDialog(this, R. graphics. xml: Jul 31, 2018 · How do I remove the black background from a dialog box in Android. 0 or 1. Builder builder = new AlertDialog. Theme_FullScreenDialog) Jun 8, 2018 · Yes, you can, you just have to create the . Dialog como el padre), cambiar el valor de este atributo no parece tener ningún efecto. Android Architecture Components provide guidance on app architecture, with libraries for common tasks like lifecycle Contribute to kaleidot725-android/window_is_floating development by creating an account on GitHub. Floating Windows on Android 2: Foreground Service. try this code in dialogFragment's onActivityCreated () method: public void onActivityCreated(Bundle savedInstanceState) {. Jun 13, 2020 · Activity や DialogFragment の設定には WindowIsFloating がありますが、これがドキュメントを見ただけではどんな動作をするかわかりません。WindowIsFloating Jan 4, 2016 · Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. If you want to replace the default semi-transparent black overlay that shows over the screen, you have to set windowIsFloating to false, and modify the background of your layout to be whatever colour you want. Here is what mine looks like. GREEN) to change the Dim colour. Dyna. getAttributes(); Oct 14, 2012 · Turning the screen off and on does refresh the display settings, so we know that the code works. But the top padding should start counting from statusBar and not from the total Oct 6, 2014 · I want to define a new theme in my app, and override the default Holo AlertDialog style. Nov 11, 2020 · Android: Basic app using MVVM, Hilt, Coroutines, Flow, Retrofit, and Coil. NoActionBar. 0. LayoutParams. Here is my file below that I've used: Feb 16, 2016 · Stack Overflow Public questions & answers; Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Talent Build your employer brand Dec 11, 2012 · 2. onViewCreated:这里面给布局的 Sep 16, 2015 · Android Theme. val windowManager = context. xml file and add the below code: Sep 17, 2010 · 2 - Here is where you will define your dialog properties. 前のエントリでダイアログのサイズを指定する方法を紹介しましたが、 ( Y. A. Remove this property to behave like a normal activity Dec 29, 2016 · Stack Overflow Public questions & answers; Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Talent Build your employer brand Dec 28, 2017 · Next, set the gravity. Mar 18, 2024 · Check android:windowIsFloating to ensure that your window is marked as floating. After showing the AlertDialog, I force up the keyboard. TRANSPARENT)); I found out that this way doesn’t work as good as the accepted answer. record = record; return this; this. Here is what i have tried. So you need to use Dialog and apply that custom style to it which will solve your issue. xml. I've been implementing a custom Dialog. getBoolean(com. xml and inflate it. gravity = Gravity. SetTurnScreenOn(Boolean) Specifies whether the screen should be turned on when the Activity is resumed. If your requrement doesn't suite that, use separate theme where needed - Jun 29, 2017 · android:padding="16dp">. This is my dialog class. Here is the DialogFragment. R. WINDOW_SERVICE) as WindowManager. getLayoutInflater(); View alertView = inflater. – xandy Apr 6, 2011 at 6:00 Feb 26, 2012 · where pixel is transparent drawable, but with no luck. getWindow(). . I have a BottomSheetDialog with some EditText. For example using dialog. class FullScreenFragment : DialogFragment() {. It seems that the attribute android:windowIsFloating is responsible that a dialog is not shown on top of the lock screen. onCreateDialog:创建一个dialog外壳. The onDismiss function is also called but the UI still sits on the parent fragment. answered May 15, 2015 at 13:19. And finally, show it. IllegalArgumentException: AppCompat does not support the current theme features: { windowActionBar: false, windowActionBarOverlay Dec 16, 2014 · Variant of Theme. DialogFragment は生成したあとに show() を呼び出すだけで表示できます。. As you can see the dialog fragment does not occupies the whole screen and show an ugly grey color at the top. floating_window The key here is to set android:windowIsFloating-> false, if it is true your code will not work! Therefor i used rather android:backgroundDimEnabled and android:backgroundDimAmount to make background looks transparent with beautiful overlay. Builder dlg = null; switch (type) {. Create custom BottomSheetDialogFragment for rounded corners as RoundedBottomSheetDialogFragment. EDIT: I forgot to mention that my BottomSheetDialogFragment is fully expanded and MATCH_PARENT. 通常我们只需要关注三个回调方法:. activity_main) on Android M: Caused by: java. answered Nov 4, 2013 at 11:14. windowNoTitle访问。 使用AppCompatActivity时(Activity必须使用Theme. Light. Steps to create a Transparent Activity. This is the relevant part of your error: AppCompat does not support the current theme features: { windowActionBar: false, windowActionBarOverlay: false, android:windowIsFloating: false, windowActionModeOverlay: false, windowNoTitle: false } Either make sure your app does not use those features or enable the features. If you use AlertDialog and apply custom style still it will display black shadow though you have set android:windowBackground transparent. Jan 5, 2017 · This mode allows Android to present apps as floating windows that can be moved and resized at will by the user. Floating Windows on Android 4: Floating Window. getDefaultDisplay(); LayoutParams android:windowIsFloating を確認して、ウィンドウがフローティングとしてマークされていることを確認します。 ウィンドウ背景ドローアブルが設定されていることを確認します。この設定により、ぼかし領域の輪郭が決定されます。 Jan 5, 2017 · Apps running in freeform mode (that don’t have android:windowIsFloating set to true) have a DecorCaptionView added as a child of the top-level DecorView. attributes. I also read on several sites that something like this will refresh the screen, but we cannot use this since we are in a widget. Sin embargo, cuando lo uso en un tema (he creado un estilo con el android:Theme. By setting android:windowIsFloating to false, I get the clear background I want, but the DialogFragment blows up to about 95% of the screen, leaving only a tiny gap around it where Feb 8, 2022 · Android API version: Android API version here Material Library version: 1. Floating Windows on Android 3: Permissions. FEATURE_NO_TITLE); Display display = getWindow(). show(); Here Style. Here is the screenshot. getDialog(). kt; Create round shape of the BottomSheetDialog as Feb 1, 2010 · As @Emilio mentioned this will behave like a dialog, mainly because of android:windowIsFloating set to true. Just change x and y for width and height. internal. As you can see i am getting a top margin in the dialog fragment which didnt set which you can see from my xml file Nov 3, 2020 · This article is part of the Floating Windows on Android series. setBackgroundDrawableResource(android. Return whether this window is being displayed with a floating style (based on the WindowIsFloating attribute in the style/theme). setContentView(sheetView); mBottomSheetDialog. Piyush. newdate); Sep 22, 2015 · LOG_CAT : Caused by: java. Provide details and share your research! But avoid …. How to remove white background in bottom sheet dialog fragment? I have tried the answer in this or set the background in the layout xml to transparent, but still get this result. 창 블러 유형에는 두 가지가 있으며 다양한 시각적 효과를 달성하는 I know there is many solutions here already but all of them seems too much to me, so I found this very simple solution here, credit goes to Arthur Nagy: just override the getTheme method in the BottomSheetDialogFragment: override fun getTheme(): Int = R. Creating a class fo Jun 20, 2015 · 文章浏览阅读9. style. Nov 3, 2023 · Stack Overflow Public questions & answers; Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Talent Build your employer brand May 15, 2015 · 1. ). setContentView(myLayout) where myLayout is a View. ld ju bk us bb ch qd qp lz bj